W - V S j oyi Institute va oiiesiate CHRISTI AN EDUCATION Not long ago an investigation was made as to the rec ord of Christian Colleges. Read the record and then ask yourself the question: Does Christian education pay? Eight of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States Iwere college men; seven of the eight were from Christian colleges.' Eighteen of the twenty-six presidents of v the United States were college men; sixteen of the eighteen were from Chrfstiancolleges. T Eighteen of the twentysix Masters in American letters were college men: seventeen of the eighteen were from Christian colleges. Of the members of Congress in 1905 receiving college education and who were prominent enough to be mentioned in "Who's W: o " two-thirds were graduates of Christian colleges.' A TEACHER. Of course you want to be a great one. You want to climb high up towards the top in your profession. You want to be one of the very best. You want the tr ining that will best fit you for your life's work. Let me ask you to carefully examine the catalogues of every great school in Western North Carolina and see for .yourself if a great majority of the teachers in those schools did not receive all or a part of their education in Christian schools. If you find this to be true is it not a powerful ar gument in favor of the Christian school as a training place for the teacher. BIBLE STUDY. We give special attention to the study of the Bible. The class for this year is studying McLean's t)ld Testament History and along with that the Old Testament itself. We haw : had no trouble in getting a large number of students to take this course. Many of them seem anxious to do so. We have two courses of study Classical and Historical. Bi ble study is not compulsory. Any student who prefers to do so may take the Classical course and leave off the Bible. SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER-TRAINING The school also offers a Sunday School Teacher-Training course. Sever?.! hrve Already taken this rourrA d )iir class this year will be large. The Suuday School board at Nashville offers a diploma for the completion of this work and students seem anxious to win it. BIBLE BANDS. Rev. J. C. Owen recently visited our school and gave' a great address on Bible study. Several young men and young ladies have organized themselves into a Bible Stud Band. They study the.ffcble fifteen minutes every morn ing and meet on Monday afternoons to discuss the chapter studied during the week. ' ENROLLMENT. We do not have as many students as we want. Others me wanted. But we do have a steady growth. The enroll ment for the year 1912-13 lacked only two students of be ing double the enrollment of the year 1911-12. We have Iiad a large increase in the number of students this year and we think our enrollment at Christmas will almost be equal to last years total enrollment. We want to send you a catalogue. . J, C. INGRAM. Principal, Sylva, N. C. lood' V atae- o WhatlOttwant We will give you good values in all kinds 0oods. While you are attending the fair don't fail to drop down to see us and let us show you what we we have in Dry-Goods, Hats, Shoes, Groceries and in fact anything you need. t We have a full line of Vulcan Plows which we will sell you at a Bargain. ! Jackson Cniiity Journal DAN.TOMPKTNS, Editor E. E. BROWN, Mgr. ; it is due to some outside influence. If parents keep their children at I home where they ought to be and ' awa from the contaminating influen- Puhlined weekly bv 1 ces of the streets and back alIeVS' 1ACKS0N COUNTY JOURNAL COMPANY the chiIdrea wiI1 be aIri-ht if the . influence, of the home is what it -ed v. ?ec"ri I clav mail mUter Fosto&se at Svlva NT. C - ought to be. Give the boys and girls half show and they will make good. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED IN TRUST. .Ml Checks. Money Orders etc. tnut ts&de pavable to the Jacksou Coifoty Wcriial Comc-my. Monday's mail to insure insertion j North Carolina, Jackson County. .OTrptiy. a I By virtue of the power vested in Axtisin? rates furnished oil appli-1 J m n2llon. Subscript! t.oo per year, in dvance. FHXDAY. SEPTEMBER 19 1913 The Teport of the youngest crimi ual in the annals of criminology of "Wisconsin Is in the daily Press and tells of the incarciration of a six year old boy to the reform, school until he reaches his majority, for having committed a number of crimes Tanging from petty larceny ffough;burgnlary highway robbery Xo assault with intent to kill with deadly weepon. irae ana tne authority conierrea upon me, the - undersigned, W. R. Sherrill, trustee, in a certain deed-in-trust, executed by Curtis E ;tes and his wife, Laurazonia Estes, bearing date of January 7, 1911. and said deed-in-trust being record ed in book 5 of deeds of trust at page 595 on the 19th day of Janua ry, 1911, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Jackson County, North Carolina, reference to which New Goods at New Prices 'The Store Of Quality" We have a nice lot of Boys Norfok School Suits from $1.25 to S6.5D this is a bargain for these suits. Just Received a Complete Hne of fall and winter Under ware for Men, Women and Children, also a. full line of Trunks and Bags. We Handle The Famous Geo. D. Witt SHOES Every Pair Guaranteed To Satisfy. DON to cfive us a ' T FAIL eall and look our line over Cannon Br So DILLS BORO, N. C. Saturday, the 18th day of October, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. m., in front of the Court House door, in the town more or less. SECOND TRACT. Beginning on a double mnnlp i tit -i it -i rr e 1 I a oi vveoster, in. oner ior saie. ana corner No. 490 and runs with En sell at public auction for cash to siey's ine a southeast course 110 the highest bidder the following de- poleg t0 a . chestnut; thence N 53 scribed real estate to-wit: j degrees East 'to a stake on top of1 FIRST TRACT. the dividing ridge; thence down e Beginning on a double maple, the top of said ridge to a stake wheic northeast .corner of No. 490 and it bluffs off to the creek, thence a runs N. 55 degrees W 100 poles to straight line 40 poles to the mouth a stake, John E. Ensley's corner; of a small brdnch near J. R. Buch- Wood's Kish-Grade Seeds. c rimson Clover thence N 55 degrees E to a stake anan's spring house; thence a is hereby made; default having: on top of the first big ridge, near a straight line 30 poles to a hickory been made in the payment of the j tree which was struck by lightning; corner -of first tract; thence 40 poles debt secured by said deed of trust, thence down the top of said ridge t0 the beginning containing 27 1-2 the same being now past due and ! 16 poles to a black oak; thence S , ore orT11?s?; irmd having been made by the ; 74 degrees E 20 poles to a hickory . O J I O f--"" - J i Whotwill say, that this snr; h::Mor of said notet secUred by said1 on top of a ridge below a .road;! W. R. SHERRNJr Commissioner of the Court i.ks ill TIP i IHN 111 I IS Tf rv . . . 1 1 ..vwwi awm?1'""" .T -u-"uC rje?n made on the undersigned to noles t mm . T U1UI, III igned to poles to a cucumber 3 or 4 poles .Ln !mber"lam?s Liniment for lame e-ecute the powers contained in from the beginning corner: thence ,sore.nes3 of the muscles. com-I sniH HAoH.in.tmct ; o nn T.r o i A , sprains, and rheumatirT -n &me if natiire T f . " .r De" would never wish to be wkhom i? : Wi ,- .verteai l, W. R. Sherrill, Trustee, will on ginning, containing 38 1-2 acres . For sale, by ALL DEALERS jMsrconditioni ii is not liiiman nature to The King of Soil Improvers, also makus splendid f&'l? winter and &pir.g grazing, the oar'.'sst'sr-oen fssd or a good hay crcp. CRIMSON C-OVrF! will increase the productiveness oi Uz la-d more vthan twenty times as much as the s&rr.e amount spent in commercial fertilize: s. Can be sown by itself or at the last working of com, cotton or otaer cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all . Tann Seeds, ' Write for prices ar d Dcscripli Kail Catn'oa, p-Ivingiaforma&oo about all seeds for fil sowing. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.