V7 liAiMiiiiiB ; . . -, - -iii , - . , i i -ii i "... mmmmmmmrrt c ei Sep 191 Gor floi President the Poard 1 sctors; ()f tle Stite Saiiibr : the Treatment of, Tubercosis, ar Montrose, today introduced a bill in the House to 1 ent of ttatv: jimUcmt in the ; liands of the State Board of Health. This action has' been taken be cause it has found that the JSanat brium couli best J be : operated as a part of a compreheniiye State pot icy in the prevention of tubercu losis, it islanned to. devote a bu reau mihe State Bo offices to the subject of the preven-1 gtion of tubercuibsis:-.i.'.TOs.-; bureau will take the form - of - a training school, or rather a correspondence j school, in which the State Board of Health will endeavor to enroll every tubercular person in the State.. Jh? Sanatonumwill be analogous to" a central university, around which will be built up a great: cor respondence school. ... - Nvj-,- Another provision of the bill v in troduced by Dr. Gordon is that ev ery case; of tuberculosis, in the State shall be: reported to ' this bu reau tat once, s in order that; the Health Department can immediate ly begin , a course - of instruction. It is estimated that there aie appro jdmately 15,000 tubercular pef sons in the State. While it can hot : be expected to have all the tubercu- lar-people in the State entered in this School, yet the good that will result in teaching , only a , part of these people how to cure their dis ease and how to prevent' its spread to other people will do - much to ward reducing our high tuberculosis death rate, and with a little more education along this line the cor respondence school and ;the Sana torium, will be able to . reduce itiur Jiigh dealh rate from this disease. ; : "Not the piling up.ol matter con stitutes' progress,- but theJ velop fnent ;':bfduriiig apprbximatibn of the J human ; with thejdiheand w''epie6ej'bf the bromerhbbd of ftaBi?' :. -J f ?lReal vprogress : is -i manifested ;in eyefeffort;-,ta eyeryeffort to have God will done bh'eartlLr v These efforts will aid in establishing the kdom of heaven on earth, aldngdom of much more impbrtace:C steel andconcfetey ; ijet : mortals realize that' "the earth is the Lord's and thevMlne& them)hrpuh-:tlie spirit -of ; Christ V- 5 u SAVES LEG OF BOY. , "It seemed that my 14-year "old toy would have to lose his leg, on account of an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise" wrote D. F. Howard, Aquone, N. C. MA11 remedies and doctors medicine failed till we tried Bucklen's Arnica Salye. and cured him with one box." Cures burns, boils, skin eruptions, piles. 25c at 'Sylva Hharmacy. r i sons of God to live ., and enjoy ilfel Let all strive to do unto -others ; as they would be done by. This is real progress, none other has right to the namei- - r ; By this it is not meant to decry or belittle the wonderful " invention, advancQment : a n d improvement manifest everywhere - in material affairs, but to point out the danger of confusing these with true spirit ual progress, without which ; the former will come to naught, as did the glory of Rome." With profound respect and apolo gies to the upkhown author. . . " Respectfully submitted, E. A. Wolff. J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all used the boys cold was gone. vIs that not better .than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill. For sale by all dealers. ' 1 . SAVED BY HIS WIFK . - . . , . She's a wise woman who knows just what to do when her husband's life is in daiiger, but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Braintree, Vt, is of that kind. "She insisted on miy. using Dr,,kiigfl New" Discovery writes M F." "for a dreadful cough, when I was so weak my friends all thought I had only a short time to live, and it completely cured me." A quick cure for coughs and colds, it's the most safe and re'iable medicine for many throat and lung troubles grip, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilitis, hemor rhages. A trial will convince you 50 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed by Sylva Pharmacy. I II r TUT 3 iiiiciiil , Oil VEtAT. il-403 - r r't J ' : . gis com Jt eaehers of - ( The Old Freebooter Wrote : 'Toe Jind ye mouth of ye tresor cave, take a bearing alonge ye touthe of ye th reo Goddes on ye Altar of Skulles on ye middel htlle of ye ilande. Where ye line strykes ye knicke in ye walie with ye bigge pamme tree bee three boats. - Climbe ye atones, enter ye center one.- Yt is there. Lette him that Wille seek and flnde." Mutineers, Savages and a Man and Maid Sought ItieTreasore of' the Old Spanish Galleon If WHO FOUND IT ? '" DAVID H. BROWN. Oullowhee State aito L . School. ; 29 Miss Bessie yarner Wihnot Prot L. B. Abemethyv v. Creek ; arKerf ProtFR Browh - J:';' V'5'i-r?.--;:'7 ' t mt. jonn iv. Amnions, Dillsbora 23 Mi. F EL Paiker, Sylva 34 M JVLatson,Addie 35 Mrs. Addle Leatherwood, Addie 36 Mrs. Sara Bryson, Balsam 37 Mrs. CumUe Runion, Balsam 38 Miss Tallie Painter Balsam 39 Mr. Geo. W. Jones, Green's Creek 40 Miss Pearl , Wiggins, Green's Creek. 41 Miss Bertha Rhinehardt, GreenV Creek ' - 42 Mr. C. S. Tilley, Deets 43 Mr. A. D. Parker, Deets 44 Miss Bird. D. Shelton, Deets 45 Miss Carrie Gribble, Gay 46 Miss Ella Pressley, Speedwell 47 Mr. W. T. Rogers, Cullowhee 48 Mr.T. F. Middleton, Speedwell 49 Mr. J. I. Rogers, Willets 50 Mr. Aaron Hooper. Tuckaseigee 51 Mr. Lyman Hooper, Tuckaseigee 52 Mr. J. B. Arrington, Tuckaseigee 53 Mr. John D. Norton, East Laport 54 Mr. L V. Tilley, Cowarts 55 Miss Fay Zachary, Cowarts 56 Mr. M. D. Hardin, Cowarts 57 Mr. A.,F. Arrington, Rich Mt. 58 Miss Annie Coward, Cowarts : 59 Miss Jessie Hooper, Argura 60 Mr. L. D. Alley, Wolf Mountain 61 Mr. J. C. Middleton Tuckaseigee 62 Mn W. T. AshWolf Mountain 63 Mr. W. W. Bryson, Argura 64 Mr. Wolf Allen, Kilgore 65 Miss Myrtle Keller, Cashiers 66 Mrs. Mabel E. Hayes, Cashiers 67 Mr, John Arnold, Grimshawes 68 Mr. Walter D. Frizzell, Bessie 69 Miss Olive Norton, Norton 70 Miss Emeline Bishop, Glenvill 71 Miss Emma Lannlng, Glenville 72 Miss Virginia Greene, Glenville 73 Mr. B. F. Buchanan, Glenville 74 Miss Maud Jamison, Erastus Pinnacle Flour at 65c. Coffee 15 t& Read "The Island Of 18cts at Sylva Cash Store. the Stairs," 07H. jfEW SEH.IAL Ever Since Rods put on twenty-cs years ago are asrgboc! as new &Ax?i aridl hive never needed repairs. What ir the result 'i Why t practically every other shme manufacturer is trying to irmfate it, so be hot deceived r-36ok for the words -Cortryit Reg, U. S. Pat OS" ensbossed pn the. ccnugbon It is put there for your protecdon. Accept no substitute. For Sale by I 1 v 7;i7;i : ' . '(V GRAIN Besides onr RtnnA-A 'enrwV- M'' ar.d 5, vibiclrwc Weill n wr- 'rv,m cent, x 7? m0ney circulation at lm- -r.:z u i ; today. 1t'fn nt .WOn.t order for.you. Ordci AbKEVILLE PACKING T IT TWILL PAY vnnfVllle' N C- ' - " T?J?siST on having br.vcr USE OF CALOMEL PRACTICALLY STOPPED FOB BILIOUS ATTACKS,' CONSTIPATION, AND ALL' LlVB TROUBLK. DAN:. GER0DS'.rCAL0UEL; GIVES WAI DODSON'S LIVER TONE' Every druggist in the state hats noticed a great1 : falling off'in the sale of calomeL - They all give the same reason. ' Dodson's liver Tone is taking ks place: V" 1 ' r ' '. "Calomel is bften dangerous and people know it, while Dpdsbn's Liv ervT6ne is perfectly safe and gives better results' says the -Sylva Phar- macy. - " ' Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by the Sylva Pharmacy who sell It4 A-large bottle costs 50 cents, and if it fails to give easy re lief in every case of sluggishness you have only to ask f or ypur monr ey back., Jt ; will be promptly re turned.-. ; r Dpdson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy hannless to v both - childreir and adults A bottle in' the house may save you a day s work, or keep your children from missing school; TCeep Liver working, and your liver will not keep you from working. -v; Prof. J. N;Vilspn ProM Jones Mrs; M. C. Brinsori ; . i Miss Charlotte - Young ; f ; - 'i- - ; Webster High School . 1 Prof! Chas. UU 2 Mr. J. C. Moore ; 7 , ' 3 Miss Lillian StUlwell . : " 4 : Miss Nannie Frizzell . : ,-Sylva'High-'&hooL;.5v: 5 Prof. W. T. Brothers, Principal y: 6 Mr. G. T. Hampton -J ' " 7 Miss Bertha M. Hehsbn,' 8 Miss Gertrude Wilson 7. 9 Miss Inez Weaver 10 Miss Inez Cathey Qualla Graded School. (P. O. Whittier R. F. 1) - 11 Prof. R. K Owen, Principal ; 12 Mr. C. H. Jarrett 13 Miss Jessie Stillwell 14 Miss Lilla Matney Dillsboro Graded School 15 Prof.-W.-L. Henson.Principal 16 Mrs. M. B. Leatherwobd 17 Miss; Eileen Proffitt- 18 Miss Margaret Moore Beta Graded School 19 Prof. 0. S. Dillard, Principal 20 Miss Essie Norton 21 Miss Verta Dills Willets Graded School 22 Prof. L. J. Phillips, Principal. 23 Miss Ethel Snider 24 Miss Bettie Lee Snider - Cullowhee Graded School 25 Prof. K H. Stillwell, Principal 26 Miss Ida J. Smith Other Pubuc and Graded School Teachers 27 Miss Davie Coward, Whittier 28 Mr. M. L. Hunter, Wilmot . ' Reversible Disc Plows, Roderick Eeani Steel Frame Disc Hiarrow. Empire Junior Grain Fertilizer Drill. and Sbldti easy terms Wrie for circular -prices T. S. D D MORRISON & COMPANY ASHEVILLE ff fimesi-lfii Withers .1 - i . "V . . . V . ..T .1 ' 7 - rs . . . . : :. 1

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