- - - i.v ' .-;--i.-'.-'i'.(f.w.i' V v if: "S. jickon Cfiinly Joarnal ADANSdfiPKlNS Ed itW; x .- v. Publisned weeklyJby . ' JACKSON coum " "" " ' - , , ,. - selves and i the generations of : our at the clan call of our chief, anil not with regalia of warfare but with im: plements of peace and strike a migh; ty blow for.:"'pro$l&3; prosperity to sound f the; melF of bad iroads in North Garblina, : to i build for our- Vrl asec Vtrl jctass mail matters S posterity It will be : time of achieveipent; a day -that yill adorn one of the i ' brightest :pages: in the brUliant'y history j of the - greatest Commonwealth on the l American continent : i'V"V ai 1 P. hecks. Monev Orders etc be made pavable to the -Jackson County Journal Qcntoariy.-''1V': - :c '.''. " Correspondents shonld get all copy in hv Moti.lavV -mail . to insure insertion r . . - J :- , tnptly. ffeerti xcmi ... Sertismg rates furnished on apph- SnbscripticiJ:?? t.oo per year, in dvance. '.' .v .; vr. . ;- " '--.f " - --' " . Xi- vc . FRIDAY. OCTOBJER 3, ' 1913 THE CALL TO ARMS. . Elsewhere in this issue is the re markable proclamation of the "gov ernor setting apart the fifth - arid 6th of November as Good Roads days and calling-nipori every - loyal Carolinian to show his fidelity to the State by shouldering the : pick and shovel and marching forth to help shake off the shackles of 4 the mud tax that 'are hampering the material, intellectual and moral progress of North Carolina. When the chains of British tyran ny were fastening themselves upon the thirteenAmerican-colonies North Cor.was the first to s x nd the danger signal and it was her sons who up the battlefield at King's Mountain turned the tide of the war - of the American Revolution and kindled anev the hope of freedom. It was North Carolina 7. troops who first met the enemy at Bethel, . who forged farthest to the front at Chick amauga, who carried tjie banner of the Southern Confederacy through that " hell of. . blood and carnage through the hail of lead and steel and placed it on the crest of Ceme tery Ridge at Gettysburg, who were last to lay down their arms at Appomattox. A North Carolinian was first to sacrifice his blood upon the alter of his country in the Span ish American war. W1 en it was seen that the curse of ignorance was blighting the hopes of the boys and girls of North Carolina, you rallied to the call of Aycock, Si lver and Joyner and there is not a child in all the state who has net an opportunity to obtain an educa tion. The people of the state, shoul-. der to shoulder, marchedVas one man to the polls with the little white slips forever drove the whis key curse from the borders of the Old North State. In every crisis that has arisen in her history North Carolinians have met the issue as a united band. . Never have they fail ed or faltered in' her hour of need. ' Glorious as is her history, mi hty as are the achievem ents of her children, North Carolina, could not Accomplish it all at once. It was uecessary that we build step, by step and our forefathers . have left us a heritage of bad roads that .are costing us twelve millions of collars every ye?ir Jackson county's loss is eighty-four thousand This con dition is intolerable to a, progressive people, a people with a glorious past and a name that must forever be maintained at the standard fix by their progenitors. - " Once, again ; North Carolina has reached a crisis. r The mud tax- is hindering , heir further progress It must be removed. "No man or ' nati6a-;:cani;staml;tili;".- we .must eithey go forward Vorv go backward; it is eternlavwe 1 cannot change r The exhibit; of the Southern Rail way at . the Jackson -County Fair was well conducted instructive and j largely patronized. It is exactly tfieSYlva Pharmacy. kind of. demohstration that is need- ed and we sincerely hope and are confident that we shall have Col. tIT n . wooa ana nis assistants witn us in the same capacity next year. ' Wise in its- day and generation was that committee of the Legisla ture that voted down that Bible-in- the-public-schools proposition. Tr'E NORTH CAROLINA COLLtGI OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS THE STATE'lNDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Equips men for successful lives in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Raising, Dairying, Poultry Work, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Mflnufa'turin:. Four r?i Two and One year courses. teachers; 669 students; 23 buildings Modern Equipments. County Sup erintendents hold entrance exami nations at ail County seats July 10. W rite for a complete Catalogue to E. B. Owen, Registrar, - v West Raleigh, N. C. SAVED BS HIS:VIFE.v h P ;: She s a wise woman t who knows just what to do when her husband's life; js in danger, but Mrs. Rr J. Flint;, ntree t, is' ofrthat fkind.:She insisted on mousing Dr. - Kii igs New --biscovervra a Tdreadfut Jcoughwhen iVassol weakly: fa had pnly ishort liye and-; it completely Jxiureti me " V A: biick cure for coughs and colds, it s th6; most safe and re'iable medicine for many "throat and Jung r tJoubles-ir grip, bronchitis croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilitis,; hemor rhages. A trial will convince you 50 cts. and $l.t)0. Guaranteed . tjy HUNTING time is near. If your gun is out of repair, bring or send it to " KESTERSON SCO 28 West College St. Asfcsyille, N. C. Gun repairing carefully and promptly done at very moderate prices. Bicycles, Trunks, Umbrellas, and Locks repaired. All kinds of keys fitted. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED IN TRUST. x North Carolina, Jackson County. By virtue of the power vested in me and the authority conferred upon me, the undersigned, W. R. Sherrill, trustee, in a certain deed-in- trust, executed by Curtis E ;tes and his wife, -Laurazonia Estes. brrip? frte of Janunrv 7,. i911 go j aiid sd ueed:ii-tra-j; b'nig recc-id- ea m dook o 01 aeeas 01 trust at page 595 on the 19th dav of Janua ry, 1911, in the office of the Reis terof Deeds tor Jackson Countv i'lfere isaiwo'ma'n '-v wht speaks -tlf : VQU , have !vmmd.ni,:i j' v iroEn personal Knowledge: anu long 1 Kflw iwn V vTT- vou G6uh:Remedv. isr far -.smrion to t m:v - oiomach anyotheFwcroupthereiapth-h,-- They ing that ekcels if: For kale-by aU miIdTdXn,VX: uiiTZ T ZT ror sale- dealers.: V NOTICE, by all dealers. ' .ENTRY NO. 6047 State of North Carolina, Smith and wife, Docia Smith, to . . . m . Buchanan, trustee, on the properties J By virtue of a deed oC triist exe j CoUIlty of JacksoiL fPQSt , lbyW; : ;iJ. Q. Hersonof the county of niowu duu oiaie 01 wortn Carolina do hereby enter, and claim 40 arrPQ hereinafter described, to-secure -the r'" " v"lcra vmiey town- payment of certain sumsiof money Nnrth rM u I -Ti , ' ; .lina, on the waters of to John B. Ens!eyH and after deNortonVMiU? Creek, adjoining the mandand default there, now being lands embraced in State Grants Nos due and payable under and by j 13323, 321,3723 and 789 and run- jUingp as to include all the vacant the sum of Five Hundred and ,F6ny v lands in that vicinity, five Dollars, the undersigned will,! Entered September 27th. 1913 at it. u ciouii jyi. on me ora aay or j. n. Pierson. -m , v Approved John R. Jones, . Ex-Officio Entry Taker ENTRY NO. 6046. State of North Carolina, County of Jackson. We, Mat Watson and Will. Wat soof the aforesaid County and State, do hereby enter and elaim 120 acres of land more or less lying j and being in the cousty of Jackson, Mate of North Carolina, and lying November, 1913, expose for sale and sell at the Court House door in Webster, to satisfy said debt, prin cipal, interest and cost, the follow ing described lands and properties: FIRST TRACT: Being the same described in a deed from TL A Painter to John Ensley, dated the 15t'i day of June, 1889, and regis tered in the Register's office for Jackson county in Book "O," of the record of deeds, on page 531 et seq., on April 8, 189L on the waters of Mill Creek, on the SECOND TRACT: Being the same north side of Black Mountain ad o jcribed in a deed from Samuel B. joining the lands of Henry Miller, !;;;sley and wife, Elizabeth, to John John Jennings and others: Easley, dated June 7, 180, Tid reic.fcred in said office in said no9 also bein the pri! 6, ld91. And ume lnrds described in Item Two f the Last Will of John Ensley, de- ?ased, recorded in Wjil Book A, North Carolina, reference to which i r saicuaiity, on page 157. is herebv made: default havins? i 'Vhis the 24::.i day of epiiber - . , r uvwu aaauuv til iiiv t(Jl J AAVUV 7l lllO I debt secured by jjid deed of trust, THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and v . Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five reg ular Coueses leading to degrees. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachersin the. State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and ovher information address. Julius I. Fpuste, Pres. . Greensboro, N. C Are Yen a Ionian ? on Id sS i' t.1 r; r4 The Woman's Tonic FOB SALE ATALL' CnUSGISTS . 1 Thp draper signal ha hf-rv mucous surfasca cf th eystem, th-re- Reward, S100 The readers cf this papei' he pleased-to learn. that there is at least or? dreaded, djsase that scietice has - bcn able tQ cure 'in-all its stages." and that is .Catarrh." Hall's Car-rrh Cure 1j he onlv positive cure now lrnorzi to the medirj' fraternity. Catarrh hclr.j a constitutional disease, requires" a conctitu.ioncl ' treat-, rn3nt., Eall'd Catarrh Curo iir tl;cn in- -uy, acting -crcc: -.y lioon Miz . blood Our Governor has sounde 1 "' to arms, and-we will obey 1 i-.2. Bi vlnf the tt: .Sainsr up the cpat:tu-Jo iature-in cclnsr tvrr'r :t ctren-rth bv uion and csistin OUT Sires Tallied at the si'r that they ofcr-O: Ilundr-d Dollars . r irey vrusa m . r-V-1 .... T Rol ? K-r Kit T . t ' lr I the same being now past due and demand having been made by the holder of said note, secured by said deed-in-trust and demand having been made on the undersigned to execute the powers contained in said deed-in trust. I, W. R. Sherrill, Trustee, will on Saturday, the 18th day of October, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. m., in front of the Court House door, in the town of Webster, N. C:, offer for sale, and sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following de scribed real estate to-wit: FIRST TRACT. Beginning on a double maple, the northeast corner of No. 490 and runs N. 55 degrees W 100 poles to a stake, John E. Ensley 's corner; thence N 55 degrees E to a stake on topof the first hig ridge, near a tree which was struck by. lightning; thence down the top of said ridge 16 poles toa black oak; thence S 74 degrees E 20 poles to a hickory on top of a ridge below, a road; thence on a degree east of south 55 poles to a cucumber 3 or 4 poles from the beginning corner; - thence S 55 degrees W 3 poles to the be ginning, containing 38 1-2 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning on a double maple corner No. 490 and runs with En sley's line a southeast course 110 poles to a chestnut; thence N 55 degrees East to a stake on top of the dividing ridge; thence down the top of said ridge to a stake-where it bluffs off to the creek, thence a straight line 40 poes to the mouth rof a small branch near J. R. Buch anan's . spring house;, thence' a straight line 30 poles to a hickory corner of first tract;:thence 40 poles to the beginning containing 27 1-2 acres. more-or .iess. , r - - ' : . W. R. SHERRIL1,, xMrustee.-:'L" : Beginning on Charley Moss' cor ner and runs various courses for QiiZ2-f.V,2ti on; complement.:; s-.- as to include all ; trie vacant land in that vicinity. Entered September 15th 1913. Mat Watson 4 Will Watson Approved:' j John F. Jones, I Ex-Ohicio Entry Taker for Jackson Coiuily N. C. M. BUCHANAN, Trustee, j Woolen Underwear, all kinds at SYLVA CASH STORE. assist 12-Gauga Kammerless Pump " Guns i i I ib in ill,, I i ' i 'i ' repeating saoigun. oaei is a tc-appcaring, beautifully- ""22 Srllzh to'iSFf huasp. or-buraps; no hots on top fbTSTbW out A i . ' " - - . Vi.U Cl'.tl U' ' -"j ii mo tmesi oreeciMoaajn; ibotgun etcr bu! ... tS,1S JPt?1? .y"1Pi 5teel Breech tmside as veil as out) Solid Tcm-SMe ,ecUon-MUed Barrel (wh,ch costs $4.00 extra on other UAs)-Pr. Luuon cZrL A KJease (to remove loaded cartridges quickly from m?garine without working through act:..:;) U3aoIoxtractors--Take-nown Feature Trlerer a-d Hammer Safety. XiancLcs rapidiyi guaranteed m shooting abihty; pne standard Grade "A" gus, $22.60. Send 3 stamps postage for big catalog describing No. T7. Try f r " IS A, B, C, D, T and Trap reC:l and all other JJie jCZZZm A:r&CUmS CX, Sar&B repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it r.o .vl 42 Willow Sfa-cg Iww li&ven, Ca. ti vmi 5rrf a rife, p;tol or shotgun, yt u fhouIJ have a copv of t!:e Mal H-d t ;uu o.iyoi Book 7 CO pagrs of ufefui information for shot:;s. It tells ail a!.-.-: jowders, bullets, pnn-.ers and reloading tods for all sUr.dcrd Tiile. pifto! ard th. ' ii t:iraunltion; how t. measure powders 2ccnr?tely; yov.-s you how io cut ymir amr-vj-.:.: n artense in half and do more a-1 better thir;r. Th- bock is f-f tr -v hr- w): - ' eaa Uiree tamo oostsae to The VTsrlln Virrmc r.. a 'vni, it-,.,... .. s .1 4 M l i JTianiJiiacTiiriria vo WKolesale Lumber Of Ceiling, Flooring Siding Moulding Window ' and Door Frames; Balusters, Porch Columns, Stair and PorcK Rail's, Stair Wobds Bra diets and StOrerFrOnt Sash, - Swrfies and Laths. Estimates liasv 0poi Application vAa, . . a a.-jaAua . luui lor COIiitipaHOlX, . . I. -,---;.. - - - - r . . i - , . - - - . .- w . . , ' : : .