4 ' ' SJ. ' - ". ..., ; "v.. - - , ; - - . , -. - . -. " , t - - I . if: f . - i --- 1 i - . 1 t r-. T. L. - JarnisonWas in tqwn ilat .week from Glenville. : ; - ; Born to MrVandfMrs; Grover TC. Cooper, of Dillsboro, a.son r ; ; Wiley: Long left Frida ; for; -Say-annaH Gsl, : where will spehdthe v'- " v.-. .,'.t v..: j. - . i winter. - - y ;::; -;y Clyde Jarret went to Asheville Friday .. . . . Vv y ' Miss "Inez - Weaver spent - last week with her parents in Weaver- ville, . .: ' v ' "' : ' Mrs. John A. Parris went to Ashe ville Friday. 5.' ' V Among those who visited Bar num and Bailey's Circus , at Ashe ville were," Roy Dills, Cole Reed, Bunyan Ashe and Hillard Gidney. Theo. Buchanan, J. FSert- .Long and Ben Cathey Jr. went to Ashe ville Saturday, to the Circus. - Secretary J. D. Boone of the Hay wood County Fair wasT here last week. J. H. Wood District Passenger Agent of the Southern Railway was in the city last week. Col. Sanford H. Cohen, Manager of the Greater Western North Caro lina Association attended the Jack son County Fair. - Miss Lena Ashe spent' the week end in Asheville. . - Miss Helen Cathey was a week end visitor in West Asheville, the guest of Miss Edna White. Eleven-year-old Ruth held up her hand. "That we should always he on the lookout for a bridegroom.' Biblical Recorder. Gordon Garlington, Editor of the Western Carolina Democrat, of flen- dersonville was a visitor to the Jackson County Fair. Editor T. R. Barrows of the Hen- dersoaville Times was in Sylva last week attending the Jackson County Fair. Mr. Barrows compli mented the management of the Fair, and the people of the county upon the excellent exhibits. Horace Sentelle Editor of the Can ton Observer was here last week at the Fair. Something doing every minute at the W. N. C. Fair, Asheville, Oct ober 7-10. Wholeso'me fun, enter tainment and instruction for every body. . Attractive midway and plenty o t amusement with fine display of ex hibits at the W. Ni C. Fair, Ashe ville, October 7-10. Gorgeous dis play of fire works every night Everybody, everywhere, especia lly lovers of Western Carolina will attend the W. N. C. Fair, Asheville, Oct 7-10. ; Greatest event in hist ory of Western Carolina! Elabor ate display of fine exhibits and four days and nights of enjoyment "he Sunday-school teacher had r ,ad the day's Scripture lesson to the class and she began asking questions to see; how- attentively the young girls had followed her. "And what", she asked, "is the parable of the virgins?" : , M. Buchanan Jr. went to Waynes ville Wednesday to attend the Hay wood County Fair. Mr. and- Mrs. Geo. Candler of Murphy were the guests , last .week of Dr. ( & Candler ' ' , - ? Geol; Brinsoii K arrived 0 Tuesday rom Asheville, s and ; has gone to "Cullowhee, . where he will enter ; the r Cullowhee : Normal;, and Industrial SchooL " over coats iorjmerii :- Svlva Cash Store I r- . r t 17 chapters will be published in this paper. 'The first chapter appears on another page in this issue. L. D. Nonis a progressive: mer chant of Bessie was in the city Wednesday on business. - ' 'f - . . '';, , Miss Bonnie Sherrill left Wednes day for Lumber, S. C. where she will visit her sister, Mrs. Snyder. , Rev. W. 0. Davis is conducting;-a revival meeting at the Methodist church. He is being assisted by Rev. J. J. Barker of Andrews. 500 bushels potatoes wanted at 1 0 cents Bryson & Hooper. The largest yield of wheat was produced by the use of Beta Fer tilizer. Get it from tiryson 8c Hooper. Cash or time. Mrs. Mell Street has returned to her home in Newbern. Jas. Bryson was in town Wednes day from Cullowhee. Chas. J. Harris returned to h!s home at Dillsboro after having spent some time abroad. Rev. and Mrs. Chas. H. Neal were in the city several days last week visiting their friends and seeing the Fair. Hon. W. D. Wike is in Raleigh at tending the extraordinary session of the General Assembly. Ben Fisher has returned from the University of North Carolina on account of the illness of Mrs. Fisher. Holmes Bryson will have a nice display of millinery, ladies suits, rtetticbats, waists, neck wear, etc at the home of Mrs. Eva Bryson at Cullowhee, Tuesdav and Wednesday October 7th and 8th. JACKSON CODNTY FAIR - - ' -- - - ' - i i ii i ;i r i 111!'. - .f- . ' " . - " - naraiacv n ' f " , , Holmes Bryson has a few wheat drills and harrows left., rle is sell- ng the best wheat fertilizer at 1.65 for 200 pound bag. Among the Paynes ville people who attended the Jackson County Fair last week were. Way Kinsland, Ed S. Battle, Geo. D. Sherrill, Clem Smashers. Dr. j. R. McCracken, Roy Plott, Jim Stringneld, W. L. Hardin, tir -l Z-!! 1 T O U .1- vy. v,. vxme aim uut: ocucuun. Lagt Sunday afternoon at the Mrs. Theo. Mitchell and , Mrs. . J. home of Mr. John Turpin, Miss Ma- BY R. F. JARRETT. . The folks of Jackson county held a fair one day, ; Which some good folks attended while others stayed away. Some men took their children, while others took the wife To help make this .occasion the ' the grandest one of life. The soldier led 'the grand parade, though tottering now is he, The children marched a thousand strong, but where was Cullowhee? The Normal and Industrial School was nowhere to be seen Except one splendil speaker, this was Prefessbr Dean. The people of old Jackson lay down one night to dream, They saw within the vision the women past them stream. The handiwork they carried, was wrought with skill and care Which demonstrated to us, they love old Jackson's Fair. ' The corn and fruit and cereals were ! were fine as fine could be And this delighted one and all, save those who would not set-. AUVs VUbVXV TltAts Uib 11 U IO I, CUiU many, many more Paraded round the old fair ground than ev r came before. The music and the ball games, the races rich and rare Excelled those shown before this, at Jackson County Fair. It made me feel so little, when I looked round to see So many country products, but none placed there by me. And then I - woke a moment, but laid me down to rest To dream of days departed, and those who'd wrought the best. And lo! the little children by all the world are bless'd, . And in their toil and labor, by far lead all the rest Is tafcnig care of the llIS of the peoplfe with the biggest and most up-to-date line of Druggists-Sundries,. Patent MedicinesToilet Articles, Rub ber Goods;-Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Razors and Sup plies for Shavers, Flash Lights and Batteri"es,Eastman Kodaks and Films, School Books and Stationery of all kinds. Always ready to wait on you fos- your wants, Tonr friend, n TIIEOiBU JRflNflN, Prop. o BROWN-FARMER. D. Boone of Waynesville attended the Fair here' last week. v - v ' . - ' - - Misses Hilda Way and Maud Mc Cullock were over from Waynes ville last week attending the Jack son County' Fair. , A LOG ON . THE TRACK of the fast express means : serious trouble ahead Jf i is not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness. -If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause; by toning i up the stomach : and curing the 1 indi gestion; Michael -Hessheimer; of ber Brown and Mr. Hal Farmer were quietly married. Only a few friends of the contracting parties were present The ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace James W. Bynum. Mrs. Farmer is of a weU known Jacksoi county family, Mr. Farm er is the well known assistant of Mr. Will , P. Farmer, the popular machinist and blacksmith of this cit. Western Carolina Enterprise. Prof. Frank ; H. Brown of Cuilo- :;;wArbfo hnsiness visitor in f Us. .".r . FORTUNES IN FACES. There's -often much truth in the saying "her - face is her fortune," but its never said where -pirnnles, skin Lincoln, Neb.;,had - been , sick, over j eruptions, ilotches or -;6ther : blem tiiitc years; tut six bottles of : Elec- i ishes disfiurd it." Impure blood is put him right on bis back of them all, and shows - the icbt again. They have helped thou- need of Dr. King's k New. Life Pills. sauds. They v? pure blood; strong Thev promote . health and beauty. Oi IO We have the best line of fall cloth ing we have ever shown, Sylva Cash Store K A h A It iOways Helps says MrsSylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky,v in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's . tonic Shei says further: "Before I began to use Cardui, back and head would hurt so bad, I thought thfc pain would kill me. I was hardlyjable to do any-of my-housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui began to feel like a new woman. I; soon "gained 2& pounds, and now, I do all my housewprk, as well a& run a big water mill. , I wiahj every suffering woman would giv.e; V I : II 1. I M. a trial 1 still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." . Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc. are sure signs of woman- LoJ lroule. . Signs that you need Cardui, the, woman's luuiu iuu cannoi maKe a misraKe . in uymg uaruui for your trouble. It has been helping weaft ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today ! TV" ,0- mm 1 lei mm A o;J, DILLS EG1NT Syl va, N. . . C. : Somethin, new fine,