. SI' V vHH J li ) ;;;;:V By CYRUS TO WNSEND BRADY Copyright. ?tV by PROLOGUE. Here's a tale of .the . sea amf! rze treasure isle, of long 'hid gems and bad men's . gnfle, '. perils on land and niare well, friet, 'spite storm and mzafiny's awful threat. , t : : The way of a man with r maid is told as they yoyage the' seas I in quest of gotajner mxi so brave and the maid o fair. YIFor her sake naught &e will not dare. From English fields Ho f vosrth tea shore their' path ihey follow while billows raar but ; it leads them safe to their goal at last;, with their love and their treas ure tightly clasped. : CH AFTER 1; Bart the . Duke v OeaL . Wherein I Over 4be CANNOT r say "that rwas greatly surprtsed;rSe3tiut the bodyf rStr Geoffrey rte;-tbe' 1 , ;--ti .sw T,':'''"' i. " . pent meant to convey the impressip that 1 was not shcx'eil 1 toiid expect ed that Sir Geoffrey : wou Id come i& tome sucb sad end; therefore I say tbat I was not surfMised. But as 1 stood over him in the gray dawn, looking iown upon him lying so quietly on bis back with the handsome.-stlver;.mountr ed, ivory handled dueling: pistol -which 'had done the damage still clasped tn his right hand I was fascinated with horror. v " ' . U . Sir Geoffrey, bad . carefully .pot his 'ballet through bis heart. ' It was less jflisfiguring and bruta I. less hard on 'those left behind.' ' less, trouble ore gentlemanly. His .sword lay un derneath him. the diamond hilt pro truding. -' -: - I guessed that be-was" glad enongh, after all. that the -end had come, .rf or (here was not that ;Iook of palp or liorror or fear which 1 hare sox often aeen on the faces of the dead, but his features were calm and composed.' He bad ;cot been dead..: long. ' As 1 bent orer him 1 noticed that be had some thing in his left band- .-. A nearer look ho wed it to : be an , envelope. 1 drew It away and saw, that it .was addressed to Mistress Lucy. Thrusting It in the pocket of my coat, I rose to my feet: T At that instant I heard steps and oices. Now I had nothing on earth to fear tfxom anybody. The death of Sir Geoffrey .was, too -obviously a sni dde for any one i to accuse me even tf there had -been . any reason on earth tor bringing .me nnder?suspicion. ; The letter which I carried in my pocket addressed to fiistress Lucy would nn aoubtedly explain everything there was to explain. Something, ! however, mov d me to seek concealment. I am a ilor, as yoo will find out and , can tct quickly in anmergency' by a' sort Of instinct - -'; '':; y.-s-;: :;; Sir Geoffrey lay Wthe'iid: ofithe path through, the' spinney, and beyond him the coppice thickened. The' path twisted and turned. Prom the sound of the footsteps I' judged that men Were coming along it i instantly step-' Ped across the body and concealed my-' elf behind a tree trunk in, the leafy foliage of the undergrowth. ; I could iee without being, seen and hear as' well. :. ; 1 d not expect- that any of the mests of the castle would make their PPearance at that hour. The foot-? teps stopped. Two nieni one of whom Jad been pointed' out to me as. Baron Luftdon, in the lead; followed by an-, other who was ' strange to me; sudden ly appeared; , A- voice which I reco'g- fuzea as Luf tdon's at once exclaimed peing; aiTrue Accoorii of . Certain 1 q Strange arid Wonderful Advent tures of; Master- John Hampdon, n, and Mistress Lucy Wilberforce, . Gentlewoman, tn the Xireat South Seas. ; y- Cyrus" Townjend Brady ln awrtJtmck tones: - MBy pad. he's done It! Here's a ptvt- ty affair r : ; ; v "Oh. lidon't know," said the- second; "it miffiitbe worse r. 1 "Wyrse for him TV . Great heavens, man,, betfdeadH Wone.for us. " What dye-mean? I . don't aoder HJ; mtaht have shot himself befcr we plncked'him." . "Oh. i seer . ; . 'The. two stepped a little nearer Tbe rst Speaker s Lord Luftdon, one of ithe young 'bloods who bad been hav-ingshigb-carouse with Sir Geoffrey for the past weefc tat the castle, bent over ihimr " ;- ..- .x HWeli," -continued tbe drawler non chalnntly as uforVpie; I bated them both, but the tatter speaker the more, df .possible, forWeasons which you will ipresently , , imdertand "this relieves Ime giatiy- ' " "W-bat do .you. -mean? After such a night as we hatotoTn'ertnls is noug3a .to ; unsettled any man.' . rPoob.: iKMh.:,man ;. you're nervdusr' . 1 "W.eU. I - don't , know how itrelieves vyou. And after .oils said and done, Wiiberforce was :a gentleman,' a good player. and a gallant loser Exactly and be 4ost bis all like a i?entlemai.V "And you got It at least most of it" " Patienoe,r- my friend; you "had your bare." k . .;.:- . ' .i "I donVt: know bat U would give it back to -have poor. old Geoff with us oee again." said i Luftdon, with some beat . : - "That 4s perfectly foolish state ment, : mj brack " returned tbe other. Somebody was bound to get it' Wil berforce has -been going the pace for years. " We happened to be in at the death, that's aM." "Well, bow Ioes lit 1 relieve yon, then? ' Do yoo think Wilberforce ould have attempted to 4?et yon to 1 - s aupport aim?" ' The drawler laughed. .- "Of course not This-the pointed to the dead body "is proof onough of tbe spirit .that. was - in him. ;But of ourse, I cannot marry thedrl now.M . "You can'tr . - "' ' ." "Certainly not' Her father r-a bank rupt, a suicide" . : . ' ( "But tha castle and this park?" ; "Mortgaged up to the hilt Speak ing of hilts-he stooped down .and, daintily i avoiding . Contact with the corpse, drewvfrom the scabbard tte diamond nilted sword "this belongs o .me. It's worth taking. Ton remem ber be staked It last night on the last deal." . : . - . " - "Good ; God, man," protested the first speaker, "don't take : the man's sword away 1 Let him lie with his weapons like a gentleman.' TuttutI? lou' grow. scrnpulons, it seems.' We will provldej: a cheaper badge'of bis2 knighthood;' If , necessary.! l"And about the girl?V f Tis all off' . . : v V; -T'Ybu will have;some trouble break ing your engagement : with ber, I am thinking : '"V,, '. ' NotL To do her. Justice, the girl has the, spiritlpf ber fathers. A whis per that! I am disinclined to the match :wlll besufflcient.' ySy'y :.- - Z Aye; but who will give ber that whisper r. ' :". ;. ' '.- ' z "We will arrange that some way. Truth , to. tell, I am- rather tired of the ; minx.' . She bores me with .: her; high airs, ! S he does ". not know ; that she ;is penniless and disgraced. v "And as for ber good looks, 'tis 'a". country, beauty, after alt1?-,' . " - "Poor girl r - began, Luftdon, whose face, though bjoated and flushed, still. - At that pcirt I taU i'veued: I ttrahl bear no cxire ' W1? they, spe o U?bti&istj of ay mistress It va cadre tbab i ys!i ststtd. J bcrst trat of the brus& -and stood befr,tbemrinad -eh:, raged all t&r?gt l .wtl admit that I Jacloed tSe coxaposure ' a-nd " toreedins . these , parous ..two-, They started bAck at my.'saddwi ajpearaDfrpm wfckJ!be st " ttee kirw ' speecti "speedily ,recvefed.; -Q:''' -.ii-jj-rr"" eT'S ' 1' .few: wtwt - tnaiPVfo )e,- a od rvrhat ' ctay.; yti : wiuT'te ''STSy ; Who J iTO - nifJnotfeto?:! ' ITtwt wttat T irtintteiii.real X!d wjhrft !t that yon want ilatrmaTNAiMy'. ..V- '.X-'yZ-'? Htu the thvt fptace thatortLT . t Geoffrey' hnidbine. Weapon up light ly by the btede' ' r :''v'(t; y That.-, Katd t.; . ? '' ' t am arcastomed to move qnlokly a well as to think ; : quickly . a nd be ,fore Irnew It 1 hMd-ltbythe -hilt, "axid but that toe released the blade in stantly 1 ; would have viit hw hand :hi 1 i withdrew it. .He .,-wii.np round and dapled bin- ha ud on -hiH owuj-h word." a fierce oath trakinjr 'f ron ;bki :'lipts. bis face bJactk nn thuuder. ', ' ,"fn'f draw that little piC ; said. j'r- J will be under the necessity 6f treakin your back.M . ; . 1 tiwered above both of tbem. and lc,batfe -no doubt that ! could -have iruifte uok! my iboaL' Tie man had tln courage -of biM race and station, lie fatfd oe undaunted, his band on - . ttii wrd 'Wit. .:' -U'ukl you ' rob me of mne. own T be ak-ed calmly. . rmbt do. ijo. and -with jnyttice. 1 J replied. "Yen had no heKitation In rob bing the MTing or the dead. - "Zoiodr' cried the first man. it ".D TaiT we sea eacn wnai 1 1 JB I . . I J . - a. i we'uad. arfd t!vir Geoffrey lost." MV 1 1 12 I nT- 1 ja 1 wet. 1 repiitftt. QHTing paiu with ewything le te bad to throw .away bis Ufe: 4 beard .what, you said. You wonder bow Mistress Wilberforce is to. learn tbe itoaion. v-Tou wonder who is to tell ber. I will. ; ;?Tbat w good; well thought of said the drawler with atnazlng assurance, .rr.eould not , have wished it better, tou are doubtless some servant of the botwe" v V . , 4I am no man's servant" I interrupt ed In some neat ;? wSomebody boro. 00 tbe. place who probably cherishes a 'Voxel's bumble admiration for tbe lady 'of the manor (1 flushed like a girl, at this. 1 never was good at tbe. dissimulation that goes on in polite society. Tell- her ray- matf; telT ber, " he cried, "tell ber that she Is a beggar and her father a suicide -- and that 1 have all ber property without ber. She can go to your arms. She is not meet for the Duke of Arcester' ? 1 So this was Arcester! .1 had heard of him. as I had of Luftdon. 'two of the most debauched.-- unprincipled rakes, idlers, fortune hunters, gam biers, men about town., in all England 1 stepped closer to him and struck him .with the palm of my band; Bis sword was out 00 tbe, moment, but before be cftiild make a pass 1 wrenrh ed it from him. broke the blade over my knee and hurled the two pieces Into the coppice. "lan match you with swords' .said 1. "I have fought with men, not popinjays in my; day all over the world, and I know the. use of the weapon, out 1 would 'not demean my self, being an honest man though no gentleman, by crossing blades with sucb a ruffian." "By God." cried the man. "I will have, you flung into the mill pond. I will clap you Id Jail. I will" "You will do nothing of the sort said 1. "There is no man on the es tate who" would not bake my part against. yoursV especially when I re peat what you, have said about Mis tress Lucy." . "And who would believe yon?" que ried the duke whose anger was at a frightful height in being thus braved , . ' ' 1 , ; .. . ' ;. ' . .... - , ' -v ."v . .'' warn ortw mat iuxi9 spix-". tM tcanlted. ; 1 n his agitation be tcro t ' Hia oecis . ctotb. ; ; ."Twottld : be anr rord against mtne,;, and p ,.f . t'or the - ma tter of tfi la V.. my word ;,wtU not be ;un corroborated,'- I . Inter- ; rupted swiftly. ;'-y,-f ft iWtoat doyoo -meant?. .? -:ry ibid'." id-JLord Xtiftdon, von yTe riftt to" appeal ' tor me and yuu z wens' rbrtif id strike rVester; -l I'm isorrr ToTh( 0ri ;ahd for Ir Ueof: TTrey Cl Wvhamed ;4for fny; friend-' ; -Wwid H :yu v tarn-' agauist V me In ;tr;rthe.ake. V oertainlj r would r;r!--;j-""T W ' rs5eii''wbipivd ;. bis gra .bftly. Tom blinjf at the em ptysbeath.' wish liatl wy swortir ' '-jx'.' 'dV:'" .."Tbere t Sir Geoffrey's sword." said Lord - ijmTtdool' wbb; did - not i lack cour: Jage, ; Hmrhlngf his ownVlade V H.;..ne pokVa-nd, om king an if to dra w ltl; V "No.-.-siiid I; master pf the situation . a ; A tneaot ato be berewill ; be. ' no more tigbtirig over the dead body; Of -Sir Jeiffrey. " Toii and Lord . Luft(f m 'can Nettie yonr differenc'es elsewhere:" . On ;jecind thought, there' will be no furtbeT ettiement." 'said J,nftdnn.re gainmg his"5 cool nesa' " and - tlinisting back into Its scabbard bis ba If. drawn blade. . "His irrace and? I .are in , too many things to. make a permanent dir f erence between s possible.". ! thought so." 1 replied. , . '.: "! "By gad laughed Lnftdon; "i: like ; your tjpirit. lad! ' VVbo , are you -and what are you?" . " "The late gardener's son." ; "Do they breed sucbas yon doxrn here in these gardens?'. ; "Ah to that i know noL my . lord. I am u sailor.- I have comma ndeu iuy own bip and made my own r fortune..' ! I come back here between cruises oe -f cause J am devoted to" -rhe woman " sneered th, diikt And I marveled at the temerity of the man. eeins that I could have "choked him to death with one band. "Mention her name again." I , cried. "and you will lie beside your victint yonder!" " - ' -Hightr said lnftdon approvingly. - ! roe ba-k here because 1 am fond of tbe old place:' it is' my home. -.My people have served the Wllberforces 1 for generations. Their forbears Vand mine lie together in the churchyard around the hill yonder. You can't nn. -derstand devotion like that" . said 1. turning to the duke, "and it is not nec essary that you should." ' .. . "And todVed wha is necessary .for. me, pray?" he sneered. " . . . "That you leave the place at once' . "Without srwb with my lady r' .;. "Without speech with any one. There is a good inn at the village. I will' take; It.-upon myself to, see that "your servants pack your mails and follow you there at once." .' . ' x- "I will oot be ordered about like this r protested-the duke. ' ' V . "Oh. yes. you will." said Lnftdon "The advice he gives Is good. We have nothing more to do here.' Don't be a fooU Arcester. You have got everything you wanted in this game, and it is only Just that you should pay a little for It What's your name, my jnan?" ' . ' - "Never mind what it is." " "Are you ashamed of It? "Hampdon!" "Harapdbn, you may not be a gentle man." said Luftdon. "bnt by gad you are a man. and here Is my band on itr He bad played a man's part so 1 clasped it. ". . . And so they went down the path, leaving me not greatly relishing my, triumph, for I had .to, tell Mistress Lucy all that bad happened. ; ,V ; : T"he scarlet of my lady's riding oat, as she galloped up the tree covered road attracted my attention. "I quick ened my pace, and we arrived at the steps of the ball at the same instant She was alone, for she had evidently chosen to ride unaccompanied. I stood silent before ber; with that curious dumbness I generally experi ence when first entering, her presence, jtvhile she drew rein sharply. She was a little thing compared to me indeed, small compared ,even to the average woman! but in one sense she . was the biggest thing 1 bad ever confronted. . I was almost afraid of her I I who"f ear ed nothing else. .Wbat she thought -of me was of little moment to ber,. . . .. It was Mistress Lucy's regular habit to take a morning gallop every day. It was that usual custom that caused her to look so fresh and young and beau tiful, that put the color In ber, cheek and the sparkle in ber eye.t" ' V; She nodded .carelessly, yet kindly, to me. It "was her, ha bit .that, careless, kindness, ' When she ' was a little . girl and I had' been a great boy we had" played together. familiarly, but 'that was long since oyer. Then she looked, about for a groom. The steps that led to the terrace were deserted.- Six Geof frey of late had rrown slack ; in -tbei administration of affairs on account of. his troubles, and no one was present Mistress Lucy stared at me, frowning- i C :- '' - - ' V v .(Continued next week) - W 08RHEUUATISU KIDNEYS AttO OLAOOE0 The readers . of this paper; i Mrnlr-, bt r. pleaded to learn that ther 3 i xl leas: ony - . j. ; dreaded disease -that -scetlco -; T.ian beeir abla to cure la alt lts'stagca, and that Catarrh. Hall's Ciiarrd i.cc i 1.-9 onlv positive cure now. X:noTm tx the- 2ned..ai - J fraternity; Catcrrh bein5 a coactituticiial- . disease. requirc3 a ccnctliuiaxi'l troct- . ment. Hall's Catarrh -Cure, b.r'n H-r 1 ternally, acUng Crcct'7 v;iT t.3L- and mucous rarfaces c f tba .clcm. thcf e- v-1 . ' by destroying the fouacIMlcn cf-tlio dia . v case, end, giving tle psticst ctrcrjth by" -r-buildln up tlie coniUtutlon and-assist rf T : 4 v -nature in doing its wcrfc. . Tha pprietor -have so much faith ia iH aratlvf? pw-- ers that they offer Oao Kuadred JclUr3T - ror any case that it iiiia to cure pfccr.a -r for !st of , testimonials. ' v " ' ' v Address F. J. ClUniUV A CX TolbdOj-CMcO1 - Sold by dl DrnnUcts, 7Zc ; - . ... ? Take ZXall'a Family PiUs for consUiiaiioa. t "T h . " i ". Aro YouavlVoman? Mi??rn nnrr?-. I mm V - s ionic FDR SALE AT ALL CEU3SSTS For? Fr west Changes t Cars, Best Schedul es "and the Very Lowest Kates roAll P '.mis in the North , South ; East r and West; Travel via , V Pretnier; Carrier of the' For Further Information' And; Particulars Call On or WriW J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., 1 sheville N. C.' , Notice: - .Owing to death of the manager or v this firm; it is necessary that all v business handled by him be closed v up immediately and we ; will ask ' parties indebted to this company to: arrange, their accounts attmce. We will greatly appreciate the prompt -attention our customers - will give v this request. : SYLVA SUPPLY CO. SOD. BY; SCHEDULE - Bast Bo and Train. v . ' .. " Xo. 20 Lv. Mnrphy'erSOa. m. Ar. Syli va 10:43 a. m. Ar. Asheville 1:55 p. m. So. 18 Lv. Murphy 11:30. a. m. - Arrive' Svlva 3.47 P. M. Ar, Asheville 6:55 p. m. ' West Bound Train . -s ' So 17 Lv. AshevUler8;80 a. m; Ar. 8yl- a 1113 a, m. Ar. Mnrphy 10?55 p. m.- So 19 Lv. AshvUle 3:20 p. m. Ar,, Syl- a 6;11 p. m.Ar.-'Murphy 10:55 p. nv W. V. Dokse Local Passengef Agent Wood's Hih-Grade Seeds, nmson over " ' The King of Soli Improversp - , also makes splendid " fall, 1 tlntor . a ncf sprl n j .rnxlnff r , tho earliest green feed, or , ;a good hay crop. 1 ; :: -CRIMSON CLVEn V,!l jncrcawT .the productivencM-of lLe land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can W.tovrn ty itself or at- the -last working of corn, cotton or other cultiu '' ted crops. '"""-'." , ' c "-' ' ": ' are heaxlquarters for Crimson, Glover, Alfalfa, ; Winter Vetch, and all; ""l; y:y ' ;4im eeds,i Write for prices andD CSCrlpUvc Fall Catalog giving information about all seeds for fall sowing. ; -! T. W. WOOD r SONS. Y Seedsmen'- - Kchmond i Vju 4 rl i nn r nman1 J iiiq VtfUlIIdJl G jiuui t - 1 "V St r -J i ' 1 ' l K' - s ; . ' - - vv . ... 1 ; ' ,. i , - . ;, .. . " .-; . ' ; 4:X' . i. " .rvv; ; , -;, -"-'.i,; '.' - .. ' - r' 1 i At 1' .0 f rOH DACKACMB KIOMET3 AUO CtAOOSO - ' f "if - 1 V t '