1 --i - "- V .1 ' f iv'., ( . ! ,' K - - f ( - i . : --. r '-. : 'l . DAN TOMPKINSJIpitor J E. B. BROWN, Mgr. Publisned weekly by JACKSOCOUNIT - " '; -----v - -r:v : ;: -yj t vtred as second cimaU matter ar All Checks. Money Orders etc must be made pa vable' to the-Jackson County Journal Comoany. 1 . v c : - ; " Correspondents shoald get all copy in by Monday's mail to insure insertion pwmptly. A6ertising; rates furnished on appli cation. - ' " ' ' ' - '' : . '' Subscripti' - nT, i.oo per year, in Advance. ' If Jackson county pays $8400 tax for the mud we use for roads, and it does, then it is about time we do something. V North Carnlinians are not a gen eration of cowards. They are neith er afraid or ashamed of honest manuel labor. They are going to prove it on the 5th and 6th of Nov ember. ' :- " We can all knock off. for two days and help build some roads. It won't hurt anybody to get out and sweat a little and it will do a lot of good for the county. Good morning, boys! Altogether now! Let's pull Jackson county out of the mud. The .girls and women will be there with the dinner. Missouri hutttoyer a million-dollars worth of good roads in two days. They may be from Missouri, but North Carolina will show them, that we can J go them one better when it comes to building roads. ; Judge Garland S. Ferguson inhis charge to the Grand Jury endorsed the Governors good roads procla mation and urged the people of Jackson county to comply with the request of Governor Craig. . Judge Ferguson used these words from the bench at Webster Monday: "You may talk about - your good citizens, but a crowd of men who. allow whiskey to be sold in a com munity and see their neighbors boys going to the devil are mighty weak brothers. MWe have got to put a"stop to it." ' ' ' - r Rome was not built in a day, but Jackson County can build a lot of good roads in two days The special train from Bry son to ; Asheville, leaving Bryson City ; at 7: a. m. and arriving at Asheville at J 020, which the Southern has been running during the Western 'l Carolina Fair, has been well 'patron- j ized' by the people and ,'. should prove to the Railroad Company the -fact that it wouldj prove profitable both to the Southern and the; peo-. , pie if trains 21 and 22 were chang ed so as;to go to Bryson city in- ' st6ad of Waynesville, giving the people of Jackson and, Swain coun ties an opportunity to go to Ashe ville, spend the day there and re turn home at night " Good roads days November 5th and 6th. What are we going to do 'x- with,them? Are we going to shpul - der our. pick and shovel and make vgcbd iise of these :two days Hvllu 'theG0Vem0f:haS 'tflsirlo: fnr imDrOVement Of nnr ways?: On another Dae 'p-: f?rW T an earnest appeal frpm ou all ;able !',-- '- - - ' " n FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1913 ' "T-i . lxdiecl tbeseladays I on the improve ment of ouriigjrwaysjt wln: Have biadedrbgress for niany "years 6ive old North' Carolina fcood i roads y0u will see' one , the i most inVv be loyal to bur Governor's proclamation arid spend ; these 'two days working on the roads; : at b viva get yp fertilizer 20oBb: !bag for $1.65 f . - - - n & er We pay 75c for potatoes. T-E NORTH CAROLINA COLLLG OF AGB1CULTDRE AND MECHANIC ARTS THE STATE'lNDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Equips men for successful lives in Agriculture, Horticulture, Stock Raising, .Dairying, Poultry Work, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil, Elec trical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cotton Manufacturing. Four year courses. Two and One year courses. 53 teachers; 669 students; 23 buildings Modern Equipments. County Sup erintendents hold entrance exami nations at all County sts July 10. ! Write for a co.:iple;2 C.j-i- E.B. Owen, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College f Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina Five reg ular Coueses leading to degrees. Free tuition to those who agree to become teichersjin the State. Fall Session begins September 17th, 1913. For catalogue and other information address. Julius I. Fouste, Pres. Greensboro, N. C Are You a Woman ? lite The Woman's Tonic FOB SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS P4 smft RewiirH. Sinn The readers of -this oaDer "will be pleased to learn that there is at least one' dreaded - disease that science i has : been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is 1 he only positive cure , now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beins: a constitutional disease, - requires a constitutional treat-, ment. Hall's Catarrh 'Cure Is - taken In ternally, acUngf- directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting 'nature in doing Its work. The-proprietors h,ave so much faith in Its. curative tow f i. that they offer One ' Hundred Dollars for . any case that it. fails to . cure. Send rzt of testimonials. ! ,Tak? family Pills for constipation. Li 1 v.'- Stop Bryso Hoop Inn VSAVETJBYrflS i She's a Avise woman ;who knows just what" to dowhen her husband's life is in dangeV;;but MrsJ. Hint, Braintree, V t J is of that kmd 7r She insisted; on?-my jising DrjKilg New Discovery: writes Mr. " "fbr a dreadful, cough, when; I was ,so weak my ' friends all thought " Ihad only a . short time to" live, and it completely cured me. A qmck cure for coughs and colas, its me most sate ana reaDie meoicme ior many throat and lung troubles- grip, bronchitis, -croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilitis hemor rhages. A trial will convince you 50 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed by Sylv a Pharmacy. ' HUNTING time is near. If your gun is out of repair, bring or send it to KESTERSON & CO 25 West College St. Asheville, N. C. Gun repairing carefully and promptly done at very moderate prices. Bicycles, Trunks, Umbrellas, and Locks repaired. All kinds of keys fitted. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED IN TRUST. North Carolina, Jackson County. By virtue of the power vested in me and the authority conferred upon me, the undersigned, W. R. Sherrill, trustee, in a certain deed: in-trust, executed by Curtis E;tes and his wife, Laurazonia Estes hporind. 'date or Jiminry 7; 1911 and said deed-in-trust being record ed in book 5 of deeds of trust at page 595 on the 19th day of Janua ry, 1911, in the office of the Regis terof Deeds; for Jackson County North Carolina, reference to which is hereby madef : default having debt secured by hiAd deed of trust, the same being now past due and demand having been made by the holder of said note; secured by said deed-in-trust and 'demand having been made on the undersigned to execute the powers contained in said deed-in trust I, W. R. Sherrill, Trustee, will on Saturday, the 18thday of October, 1913. at 1 o'clock p. m., in front of the Court House door, in the town of Webster, N. C, offer for sale, and sell at public auction . for cash to the highest bidder the following de scribed real estate to-wit: FIRST TRACT. Beginning on a double maple, the northeast corner of No. 490 and runs N. 55 degrees W 100 poles to a stake, John E. Ensley's corner; thence N 55 degrees E to a stake on top of the first big ridge, near a tree which was struck by lightning; thence down the top of said ridge 16 poles to a black oak; thence S 74 degrees E 20 poles to a hickory on top of a ride below a road; thence on a degree east of south 55 poles to a cucumber 3 or 4 poles from the' beginning corner; thence ! S 55 degrees W 3 poles to the be ginning, containing 38 1-2 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT. Beginning on a double maple corner No. 490 and runs with Eh sley 's line a southeast course 110 poles to a chestnut; thence N 55 degrees East to a stake on top of the dividing' ridge;' thence down the top of said ridge to a stake where it bluffs off to the creek, thence a straight line 40 poles to the mouth of a small branch near J. R. Buch anan's .spring house; thence '..a straight line 30 poles to a hickory corner of first tfact; thence 40 poles to the beginning ' containing 27 1-2 j acres more orjss;' v , ; ; rW.It SHERmLL, -h. ft : Trustee.: ;,. ,; -:-.4 y ; V-- .. .1, .;; "''; f "-v. ; . - Fertilizer : for Here is 3tf woman who; speaks from personal knowledge : and long of Wilson, Pa, who -says'; : "l kno w front experience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is; far superior to r- w-w.-y,., ; ing that excels it For sale- by all dealers.' r '--v'r;v NOTICE. S V By Virtue of a deed of trust exe- cuted on August 15, 1908. by W. K Smith and wife, Docia, Smith,; to M. Buchanan, trustee, on the properties . . . . v . . hereinafter described, .to secure the payment of certain sums of 'money to John , B. Ehsley, and after de mand and default there now being due and payable under and by virtue thereof to the said Ensley the sum of Five Hundred and Forty five Dollars, the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock M. on the 3rd day of November, 1913, expose for sale and sell at the Court House door in Webster, to satisfy said debt, prin cipal, interest and cost, the follow ing described lands and properties: FIRST TRACT: Being the same described in a deed from R. A. Painter to Jbhn Ensley, dated the 15t'i day of June, 1889, arid regis tered in the Register's office for Jackson county in Book "0 " of the record of deeds, on page 531 et seq., on April 8. 1891. ' !XGND TRACT: BeinjI the same described in a deed from Samuel B. Ensley and wife, Elizabeth, to John Ensley, dated June" 7, 1890, and registered in said office in said county in Dook "0," page 532, on .pril 6. 1891. Xnd also "bih: the sane-lands described in Item; Two of the Last Wife of John Ensley, de ceased, recorded in Will Book A, for said county, on .page 157. This the 24th day of September 1913. M. BUCHANAN, Trustee. . repcauns snoigun, juopci s, is a i1 13 MHffe,e 1Whlid tel Breech (inside as well as mrt) Solid Top-Stf. jctionMtte4 Burel (which costs $4.00 extra on other guns) Pre tution Cartri.a K tV7( removeJ,ad cartridges quickly from magadne without working through action) UoubU Eittraetors-Take-pown Feature TnVw and Hmmr Safety. Handles rapidlyj guaranteed in shooting ability; price Undard Grade "A" sun, $22.60. 8 staPs Psta?f for big catalog describing No. T7 777-f: F$-m f 18 A, B, C, P. T and Trap Special and all other J&jlCBZmf'Irearm3U.i (sZarun. repeating rifles and shotguns. Do it cowl 42 WKloW Street, Nw 11 area, ColO. if VMl ftlinot a re P'etol or shotgun, you fbould have a copy-t)f the Ideal Hsnd jruu ouuui , Book ICO pares. of useful information for shooters. It tells all a'. out jwwders, bullets, primers and reloading tools for all standard rifle, pistol ar.d shotgun inimumtion: how-to measure powders accurately; fhows you how to cut your ammur.i::- IX Dense in calf and do mar flvr1 Hte tVu:n Tt:- j, l. r t i od three ttano oostaare. to The Martin ' 1 va turn b er ManifactUrmg Co., Wholes ale Lumber Ceiling Flooring, Siding, Moulding, Window V Door Fmes, Balusters, Porch Columns; Stiir vand PorcK Rails, . . , . - , "..'., . Stair Woods BracKets and StOre FrOnt Sash, ;'tSK?i.es;anit'athW Estimates Oivnljp "1. " i' '.''v'- ' : ' ; . ' ," - - ' ------- ' - ,..--. a : .-.w- ' , --"r.: -'TV -r- " ' " 'V1 - -'. .. - - . . . -- v-. ,!' -. ; t. t ';. .. ; - Vtieat and If you have vmmd have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomrch are their most com. rnon;ailment To correct this von wUlv:nnd - ChambEriain Qf ind Liver-Tablets excellent Thev are easv ana measant t-oi- , miia ana genue m effect For sale by all dealers. ENTRY NO. 6047 State of North Carolina, County of Jackson. I. J. O. Piersnn nf tho m,.. Macon Nort ao nerepy enter and claim 40 acres of land m Cashiers Valley Town- ship, Jackson County and State of North Carolina, on the waters of Norton's Mill Creek, adjoining the TqqTo iou-o, u6.i,ortj aim oo ana run- ning so as to include all the vacant lands in that vicinity. Entered September 27th. 1913. J. Q. Pierson, (Seal) Approved: John R. Jones, , Ex-Officio Entry Taker ENTRY NO. 6046. State of North Carolina, County of Jackson. We, Mat Watson and Will Wat. son, of the aforesaid County and State, do hereby enter and claim 120 acres of land more or less lying and being in the county of Jackson, State of North Carolina, and lying on the waters of Mill Creek, on the north side of Bhck Mountain ad joining the lands of Henry Miller, J6hn Jennings and others: Beginning on Charley Moss' cor ner and runs various courses for complements so as to include all the vacant land in that vicinity, .Entered Septernkberr5th 1913, Mat Watson Will Watson Approved: John R. Jones, Ex-Officio Entry Taker for Jackson County N. C. 12-Gauga Hammerless D 99 1 uuip Guns nnc-apjcaring, beautifully- Preartrm Co.. 4? WVr c' " w.1'-"- "