ill MALS iMtId: vCowan. visited; at ,Webster Wednesday.; ;';V;-,; Quite a number of our people at- tenaea;tne w. ri. u r air ai Asne- IT! MR TJIIK WrirK. - - ; - XIX MUM . MMUi A tllllll v - w-. . ' '. . ' . ' m - - AillATirKao nroia ?t f---tirr QahiwiQir' ited relatives and friend in' this county last week.- , "V: jir. rranK nooper ana aaugnier. Miss Ora - of Tuckasefeee. were here 'last 'week. ; -f ' c V ' ; y. - 1 v v . - ; t' . ' . " - -""-. . s. v " , - ing at Beta, was in town Saturday. Miss Lucy GrmdstaffV returned Saturday from the eastern part of the State, where she has been visit ing severaL weeks. : ; ' Hon. A. M. Fry of ' Bryson City, has been attending court at Web ster this week. , Hon. J.. W. Ferguson of Waynes ville, went to Waynesville Tuesday evening.:, .-. V Misses Cynthia Ensley and Marie Queen returned last -week from Andrews ' where they have been visiting friends. ..' v Miss Inez Cathey,, who has been suffering from a severe attack of tonsilitis, is improving. ( Mr. Oscar. Usher, moved his fam ly here from Beta last week. .Boone Brown, the photographer, returned from a trip up the river vthe latter part of last week. Miss Leila Rogers of Webster was "an the city this week. ; 3klr. and Mrs. A. B; Dills were .among the many who attended the W. N. C Fair Wednesdays Mrs. Curtis who has been visiting her son, H O. Curtis of this place, returned to her home Tuesday. - Allen Fisher of - Andrews has heen visiting his grandmother, Mrs. MeLain, of this place for the past two week. 1 , i Chioce Seed Wrjeat for sale bv T. C. Bryson at $1.25 per bushel. 'SefiJ finst mft- last vpar 51 R.1? rfr hushel. Sown oh seed plot by itself. . - , See the ad of Cnnon Bros, on another page in this issue. L. J. Henson of Beta was in the city this week. ; Miss Edith Moore of Webster was in town the latter part of last week. Are you in arrears with your subscription to the Journal? If so, please call in and settle. , Samuel Jones, of Barkers Creek, ... i j Lv:' 4- was iu luwii auu pam me journal a very pleasant call Widnesday. . Several of our townsmen have Deen attending court tnis weeK. Sam Henson was in town a few - ' v i v tumt wk " Abe Moore who is in charge of a . tne citv tnis week. When in Dillsbbro don't fail to stop at Holmes Bry son's and see '." his fine line of goods. ", John Pnce was in the citv . this Miss Burdene Stillwell of Web ster visited friends in town for sey eral days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clingman Ensley of Balsam .were the 'guests, Sunday, of - Mrs. Ensley's father, Cling Cope. Inez Weaver spent the j end in;Bryson ; City, the guest , of Miss Bertha Marr. Mr. and M. Buchanan went ! to WaynesyiHe Thursday to ; attend the Hay wood. County Fair. -r. .k been visiting in Sylva for several dayKy : Mont; Hyatt ''spent Sunday in Waynesvilla - W. H.. Smith of Wolf Mountain . time Vk..A!rAa r?ifc in '. '-. rmW i Saturday. ; ; ; ; V S ' W. B. Dunn of Cashiers was in the city the first of the week.- . ; ; G. Taylor Hrmpton went to Cul lowhee Sunday. :' ii r ; t i . ' Mrs." John A. .Parris and Miss Arbutus Tallent attended the Hay wood County Fair at Waynesville Wednesday. ; r . .: H. M.. Hooper visited - his father, Mr. L. C. Hooper this week. ' ; ' Joe Self of Webster was in town LWednesday. - V - .Milas Parker of Cowarts was in the city Wednes lay on business. Hon. C. J. Harris was in the city on business Wednesday. - Joe. 1 Davis of Webster, was in uie city uus weeK. ' W. L. Gidney has opened up a blacksmith shop just across, the street from the Journal office , A road sentence for every pisto toter would soon breakup the habit. Cherokee Scout -, Marriage license was issued re cently for the marriage of Blythe Owen of Jackson county and Al toona McCaliof Gloucester. Syl van Valley News. QUALLA. Mr. Loyo Keener and Miss Lillie Reed of Beta were married last week. Mr. Tom Varner and Miss Fay Rogers were happily married last week. They left for Knoxville, but will make their home in Whittier. We'wish the i newly married people a long and happy, life. Most all of the farmers are busy sowing wheat this week. 'James Gibson haajgom to Knox ville for a few days. J. C. Rhodes and W. L. Enloe have gone to Georgia, where they will be in business for two months. E. W. Bird, who is attending the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. . John Johnson and Miss Laura Howell made a visit to the Chero kee Indian school Sunday. ' They report a nice time. Miss Nora Hall and Miss Hilda Hipps of 'Canton are visiting friends and relatives here this week. John Battle, whose arm was broken a few days ago, is getting better. The writer has been past writing to-the Journal" for some- time" on account of a broken shoulder, but is improving fast - Best wishes to the Journal and its readers. Willie-Willie. HONOR ROUT Qualla Graded School for the month of September: , First Grade Hattie Howell, Bus ter BarnesTheodore Kinslaud, Vin- nie Martin and. Fay Robinson.- Second Grade Florence Tufpin, Wayne Battle and Wade. Beck. v : - Third Grade Horace Uo yr el 1, Ruth Howell, BeauTord Robinson; Dallas Howell; Jack Barnes, Grdver Wigns, Olive Hall and ; Jessie Nc land. . . - ' - :-. Fourth' Graie - Herman Cooper, Lola Battle, ; Kellev ; Bridges, Essie Anthony,-Buren Terrell, Goldman Kinsland and Charlie Raby. ; Sixth Grade ThadT Wiggings and Aiaiiiie Turpinr " r ; . Seventh Grade urace Davis and Dn-me Terrell. V- , Eighth Grade Maggie - Worley, Hazel Rogers, Edmond Beck. Her- ;hel Keener, Carl5 ierreil. Winf red Robinson. Thad Varner and Henrv Mrs. Hannah Hall of Webster has bird.. RoBf. EL Owen, Prin. iDlLLSDOnfl. Mrs? B. Gray ; has returned to Zwalla, LsL, to spend the- winter, where she can ' be with !'her husband wha is bpe'iating a aarge lumber . - " J"' -' '.' ' " ' plant. 11 Mrs. Jerry ;Hensley 1 is ; very sick and hardly expected to recover; for age is claiming her as -his own. - It '.brings "sadness to. report the death of Mny.Geo W. Shuler, f who was stricken, with - paralysis last j week. V Mr. Shuler was . abo 73 years t)f age, and leaves a wife, one son and three daughters to mourn their loss. " r Holmes Bryson went, to Asheville Saturday; returning Sunday. 'Mrs.'.R: Fl Jarrett went to Ashe ville last week an(J will 4 remain to take in the Western North Carolina Fair. ' Work is being pushed ery rapid ly on the dam, and though it will take some time to finish it, the steam drill and the hammer are constantly making music Many of our townsmen are at tending court at Webster this week. I Mr. C. A. Bird and many others from Qualla went to Webster this week. In the mayor's court this week, Severe McDowell was fined $20.00 and cost for striking a woman. Ihese are the fines that tell and help to suppress violations of the law. And now if a few other may ors will have the courage to say more than one dollar and cost, it will show that we want to stop, crime in Jackson county. Mrs. James Conner has moved if.. . . .. co umon county, ueorgia. . WIUU1UUO ASkkkO XO kIVXkkXXUf tx nice cottage ononis farm just be low town. i. C B. Allison is building a side room to his store house. . Mrs. W. A. "bil(s. Miss, ieulah Dills and Mrs. B. E. Gray went to Waynesville to the Fair, so did H. R. Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leather wood. Mr. A. S. Davis after spending several months in our midst, left for Asheville, where he will spend a few days-and tnen proceed to his home in Port Deposit Md. The Skyland Magazine, published at Charlotte, but edited by Miss Mae Smith of Hendersonville, is one of the most attractive maga zine that I. have ever seen come from any Southern press. Ralph Jarrett has returned from Mars Hill for a while, having be come sick out there, but will return as soon as he recovers sufficiently. The Critic. A LOG ON THE TRACK of the fast express means serious-i trouble ahead if it is not removed, so does loss of appetite. It means lack of yitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness. If appetite fails, take Electric? Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning up the stomach and curing the indi gestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Elec tric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped. thou sands.; They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cts. at Splva Pharmacy. FORTUNES IN - FACES. ' " There's often much truth in the saying ;her face is her-fortune," bwX its never said where pimples, .skin eruptions, blotchesT or, other- blem-! IS-S rt bl d AS cents:ad6z..and back of -them all; and shows the! - . - need of Dr' King's ' New Life Pills v They promote health and beauty j j iucui. cenis ai oyiva rnar- macy; , , V'nV on: o Is taking of thk people !itjtHe;.biggest and most up-to-date line of 1 0 Dr uggis ts Sundries iPat ent Medicines Toilet Articles; Rub ber Goods, W at ehes, jewelry, Silverware, Razors; and Sup plies for Shavers, Flash Lights and Batteries,Eastman Kodaks and Films, School Books and m Stationery Always ready to wait on you for your wants. fe t Yonr ?S TRBO. BUCHflNflN, Prop. QI I COUIB. And For Three Summers Mrs. Vin cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework. Pleasant Hill, N. C "I suffered for three summers," writes Mrs. : ".Walter Vincent, of this town, "and the third and last time, was my worst. I had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any of my housework. "V -A also had dreadful pains in my back and sides and' when one of those weak, sinking, spells would come on me,- I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of health, when I finally "decided to try Cardui, the woman's tonic, and ' I firmly Sylva. Get jiood clot h AGENT P.0 S T R)URNAIi IT- lOET" fx- care of tlie Q S-9 A of all kinds. friend, I IO believe I would have died if I hadn't taken it. After I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely. I ; fattened up, andVgrew so much stronger in three months, I felt like an other person altogether." Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle- actins. . Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the "appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years. It will surely do for y6u, what it has done for them. Try Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ladles' Ad visory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tenn., for Sptcipl In structures ?n your case and 64-paee book, "Horoj Treatment for Wuaien," sent in plain wrapper. J-6S ABOUT INSURAHCE N. C. Post ers frorir lis at pbst1your land be- : -.r -. . , -, , LAND season comes m. jm TWEPT.