- V A nice line of absolutely rain-proof hats. Fresh liae; of E.pdi d 3r-y . M iterials. Our November MoCall patterns are in 1 ais loFieese iyery- The Hprna ! of Stylish Millinery Mrs. Annie Tompkins Miss Sadie Luck TBE. SEASQTI OF C0LD3. '.' . v BALSA:.! GlijVE Chicago Jonrnal: . ; v ; - : . ; - The season oi cougns ana coias ol pneumonia ' and ;$ronclutis.is ajK proacWngnay is almost here. And why? : ;. ; v : : Becauses there is . some : pnculiar unhealthf ulness in "fall aW No. fall air isVth time" of year. Because i of the, drop in temperature ? That should mate for healtKrrather than diseases Be cause of some mysterious: force which science has been unable "to mcover ?:Not at all.' There is ah increase in pulmonary troubles at this season simply be cause there is an increase? .Ih ' the use of bad air. As soon as the mer- tury quits trying to, outclimb the price of beef people begin to shut 4' . Qtiiet'a-humbefebplei.bt thl3 place are : planning to : attend . tho singing convention rat Cuilovhcc, , next-Sunday.; : i , : Mr. '. Weston -parkefcameadycr ; ' f Mr. Thad Brown and vMis3 iBettie Loyedahl wereinltoied'r at iJohh's I Creek, 'i last Sunday evening. ? They from Willets, Sianeu lO, urecuviiic, ouuui VAXiuxiiia , iua mow suuiuu a.c uiaooiurm ww day afternoon af about three o'clocl- - Monday'mornlng' where they will stay this winter. ; a ' i V Rev; Crawford; preached at this place Sunday. Mti Crawford will not preach any more at Brasstown on; themurth JSun&ay -as he will preach , at v Cullowhee, at that time.--.-v.; -;h-; Jt-'-ii ,v:; -v.: . Mrf Thomas to elzer, S. C. last weekMr. Parker .will -6. nextweek; ; Joe Davis of Waynes ville, passed. through town Sunday i'4Ur . Mr., and ; Mrsi .Will; ;: Snyder of Ir. Parker is well known in western . North Carolina, also in the state of : V a ; Wasldngton, he staid, ten y ears ; in the west and v five years in Inodo China, Mr.f Parker, ; came, back; . to North Carolina about two years agov The writer AvishesT for i Parkef: much success m the work which) ho is makein ' ah effort to do,'' V;-; Mountain TbiesT and relatives on upper CaneV Fork doors and pull down windows. TOeyj the past week. wall out iresn air, Decause it is cool air. In houses, street cars and offices they 1 breathe the same at mosphere over and over again. N iturallyl any lisease germs that happen to be' around get well . dis tributed by this process. Naturally, also such germs find easy lodgment on tissue devitalized by being de prived of oxygen. The annual crop of throat and lung trouble is the result. $100 Reward; $109 The readers of this paper viWl h ionspfi to learn that there :s at least or. . dreaded disease - that - sc'.ence has . betv eble to care m an its stages, ana Catarrh. Hull's Catcrr.i ll;o U;-:s or. positive cure now-' knoT?n to Alls rned;. fraternity. Catarrh bcl--; a ccnotitutjcna disease, requires a co.i3titui2nal tre:n ner.t Hall's Catr.rrh Cure p ta!:c:i ir. teraally. acting olrectly- rpen a;:a and mucous surfaces cf tho .crs.cni. tr.-i-ty destroying the'lour.v.r.un ,c!-tov: case, and giving the prllcr.r -rcrv-l.'-baildinz tin th3conci:u:tfor. ar.rl aic:- .r: nature in dcinff its vror:;. -1r.- i;r;:"r.-:.; bave so much fnith jn i'5? .ctrra. p-v-r3 that they ofZcrvC llunurcu.-.Ucil.-for any coso thr.t'.H -Hs to- eur f-r.v- for i-t cf testirooi'i. Sold bv r.li Bru-r-ic, . " -Take Hall's IanilT TilH for Gons-iioa-.V- i Are Yso i fora i A LOG ON THE TRACK -of the fast express means serious trouble ahead if it is not removed so does loss of appetite! It means lack of vitality, loss of strength and nerve weakness: If appetite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning up the stomach and curing the indi gestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Elec- I trie Bitters put him right on his m : ieei again, iney nave neipea tnou- juuul.'. iivjr tjiv yviiu muuu, oiilMJ; nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cts. f at Splva JPharmaey. Mrs. Kit Zachory :. Mra. Nv Aaron Hooper, , and Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, visited Mr. ""and Mrs. Huey Hoopsr, in Brasstown last Suadav V Elias Watsons little! girl is verry sick, it is supposed that she ; hay milksick. . , ' : ' ;; ' ; Prof; Ai F. Arrington, made a buisness trip to'. Waynesviile, last week. . r' ! I am sorry to' state that the - -v - " Balsam Grove singing choir.will not Insist on fresh air, even at the be at" the singing Convention at cost of a little discomfort, and you Cullowhee. v wUl govfar toward safe Jguardingj Mr. andMrs. Wiley Henson' were yourself from the coughs and colds over from Cnaton, visiting at Walter Hoopers Sunday. ' Messers Sam Joues, John Houff man and their families went- to Greenville, South Carolina lastiweek Jack Parris, will' move to Brevard next week. j Born to Mr. and Mrs Wilbern Parker, a girl. , of autumn. Sick headache is- caused by a disordered stomacL Take Cham berlain's Tablets and correct that and the headache will disappear, for sale by all dealers. A CLARION CALli In a letter ; that came to phe ofthe . mission boards recently Rev, Xi .D. -t Patterson, .writing from Sangkiang, China sounds a clarion call to thd , people of his hotheJahdLHe says: We are in the" midstofo heathen ism. It rolls like an ocean all around us. We'cah riot step" oiit to our front without seeing a half score of people , , who know absolutely nothing of out God and His Christrlf we walk a few blocks we see hundreds; - There are' 75.000 people in Sungkiaug arid only : ; 250 Christians. JThere are more than i a hundred - heathen temples ; and ff only-three Christian- churches! For , 75,000 people there are only! three -; ordained preachers. ! ; ; 0, that the church at home could but see the fields as we. see them., The harvest truely is plentiful, but" the laborers are few.n . ; " ' . - - . QR RHEUMATISM KtONCYSMiO BLAOOK0 - Wmt 1EK at Vio v-:-.-..--e-. ra h U n 'is - Ml si . p !i M i2! : ' hi ilia WnmQn'oSn?9'-:H r' Pfr Sf!C 4T III MKCfSTC ' W...L. The ti and re! fable- BLfl'; KSMSTIi : I wish to announce to ray . old patrons and frinde that I ; huve opened up a first class . Bleciwmith Shop ju3t accross the street from the Journal office and am'. prv paired to do . all lanes of Repair Work and . Horse Shoeing. - W. L. GIDNEY 01 H we are going to make a special run on Furniture. Quilts ' BfettEets;1 tresses, -Sprtati'--- We have a house fu'lt of both the golden oak and spotted -oak veneered in dressers, wash stands, beds and suits. . If you do not have all the money we will help you by giving you time. 1 r Men and Boys we want.-y oil to see piir lme of iew suits pants and single coats. Remember we giyeybfi a safety; razor with every man's suit we sell you, This is theL chance to geta-safty-taiOT-fofhothin intiiti T" Octofoier "iicu yuuuavc a uau yum v"") . QYUTJf !M C Want l.f cmohlpt . O I 1- y Kl9 Fl so as to cure it with as little dela , as possible. Here, is. ar druggist's opinion: "I have sold Chamberlain s -A ,-FORTUNEr IN FACES. we will 'sell for that week the following articles at? these reduced prices. Splendid work shirts sold regular at 50c now ' " AH $1.00 Fasinatdrs and Shawls V ".: 35c. Ali $ P00 Underwear both Ladies and Men's ( 79c. 79c 39c All 75c Men's Gloves 49c v -.' i- Thpri'ft Yiftpn miirh- truth '. in tho Cough Remedy : for ;( fifteen years" k.ing .', her face is her fortune " hut says Eno-, Lollar of SaratojgaInd. ;itsnevWsid; where-Dim Dies skin an1 consider it tlie; best on the ; nptJOPs;1)tches, or pother blem market." For sale h all 'ealer Jmpure blood; is "ibkek of-; them; vall, 'and Jsbows; the Here is a woman :; who from personal knowledge and experience, viz.,.Mrs." P.: H of Wilson. Pa who says. "I krjow;. from pnpHpnrihahhvimherlnin'sV Misses Ina' and-.- Gerturde Brown any other. All $1.00 Men's Gloves y , 79c. . !S These are some values you do hot; want to miss; We have one lot of shoes, men's womens both fine und heavy; ye are gpihg ito giye yonbUEhoice ,!-i;aiiiii hc.'d of r, Kin s New Life Pills r.nere wui, De aDoui uu pairs m inis 101 ana you can examine tnem any time before the sale they are on diSDlay. :speaks J Vhey ; prom ue : health - nnd beauty :. ' '. -.--puringitniS :vvteR:' tWWllLsell-fllie. CfratlUlated SUGfar' - r ":V ; long: Try. them; 25 ceats at Svlva Phar- s: ': ;K- C-'.'"' J""' ':'- X : V not more than 50 pounds to a customer Oilxl Remedy is ,far -supenor l f' u, , rc . 'aSl vvceK h . Kg A4- ' 0,,0 ; U ' . U Vn. v '-j r . For srouD there is not n-1 ateaains toe aaywoatt wuatyra r. E fl 1 a .-tl 1 1 it fr? r : : 15 IV H . ts' I. E :- fl M I I H . VI ' -- n . --. ...... 7. - - . .t ing th; balers. V