As-.. T, 1 - i Jl.' - iff) -. - v. 1 ' ,- - O i VOL I N(VTiffl IU wuwv--7....rMtv?onuuiu Riniir nniinniA jr'ni : v-x v Iliivl llititllMIIl 1:-:- It wiU cost Haywood county the: 6Um of 53.000 toayeriicriii se of Nancy Kuxke;towoaiaii! 0f 60 years ofr-tUtjiished. jast February . lef Jittlei Robert Putnam, her granddaught in :a ve on Utah motaino.:starveU freeze, according, to aA Waynes-l- ; visitor to AsheiUe yesterday- ct a tpH that over ibrtv "witnesses the case and the financial cbndltioi the defendant . is. iich .that ihe: iU be unable fo Jiear the expense; of employing an attorney; vas Called for trial in Hay wood coih; ty in July, but it was impossible to Sfet&jury out of a. yenireof seventy-' five men, aiici .wmuiuugcitau- jdto Swain county, li was mtenaea to hear it at the recent term of Xhe Superior court for'Xnal'-isnml .pal cases at Bry son City, but a on-' tinuance was granted on account nf tle iiiaess of Solicitor feljx R Alley. It prooably wiil be.several weeksi before the wonoanisJironght to triali jn spite of the laet.ttiat ine child's y Corpse was fonnd yiffal : monlto ago, it is said that keen interest M 0 being shown in thel iisposiliftni of the casa 1 ne .witnesseg nave 'oasnj fjmmoned to .appear the ; nfixti "jerm of court at Bryson.Cuy Ci tizea - 7 i JOHN fl. PflRRiS jl Dedteflttf r : All kinds of repair workdbne" cai to notice. ;. . , , ' - ENGRAVING vSEOALty Sylva,!N.. V " V C. G. LGGAPii UDdertaker and JEmbalraer . ; 16 years experience. Full Line of vCskets .aodJlolKS.' . License No, t6 : Bone Na 17 WaynesviUs, MN. CL COLEMAN C. COWilWf lttornevand Couesdlor 24JLaw; WEBSTER, C. DR.S McGU)RE DENTISTS- Office : Pharmacy ' Bn ilfl r g, y .- Attorney at Law, ; Office In Court House. WEBSTER, N. C. C.C-Bnchanan 7Uey Sr ffiuchanjak, Httorneeatuv Sylva, N. O. - e Mr. Alley has ' moved to JVT Octroi l 1., ne conunue vo active part in the practice of at ylva and in Jacksoif Ccv v De Ccnnection betwen SylVa nnd War V ntsville d'ffices ' ; Qt0. SUTTON fttorne ano CouneeUor at Xaw Sylva Pharmacy uilding. ' ': Sylva, N. a .:. - I" . ''iW " .'.V " .:- J ' ' . ' -" t "' .- . -v"'1 ''; - ; . nU1rfinn work- ihp rW. rin -Ja' :nV-Thuday I'i'rv:: - - : t.t - , - : r.lrrN ;t?porxs isam vwjeDster.aJuuowneeL'i &brtthatvwill;be ed undent ' that Xheoer townships fj Ltue county .will ; take cn equally? active pact -in "olusv.nibvemerit ,for ;the rgenexal -injproyenient" of the; f ine Dennieaii see .that . SHd fuQ siliat Jackson jcountyiloses ; every ; Kyear on anmunuor nadroaas and jase going lo strike a :rnjghtyc blow to remove jdiashackleapf the mud The (nnty .hoard jot educatioh has ordered the public-schools to? take a holiday,. the millsoffices and all business Jiouses will' jclose and! all business will be, suspended .while the peoj)le.:withjbhe.aim, ac-: .tnated by a vcornmon piirpose jnake Laxoncerted attaakagainst the ene-i jqy of the pgr jof.uahll, mud. J :. K early eVery man in Sylva town ship who has a team that can be aised has promised .to JiaYe4t thefa lEverybody As .ejttermg.into. the Lspirit of the .odcasion and -great .thj rwill- be acfiDjnjjli 4 - - , The first recital lof . ihe year was iven;on last Tueajyveveniiig by Xhe jjupiis of the music t department of tneXuHdwhee JQrmalandJndus trial JSchooL A large .and .apprecia tive audience attendeqYen though the weaxner was unfa.vorable. Ihe pupils showed the xaieful work.jol tneir teacher, 31rs. Mary Cartejjjxinson. Ihe .solos by jkliss Kathleen Conroy deserye special mention. f The fallowing pro,gram was . ren dered: ; Military Marchflakier- Kath leen Conroy, Annie Penland. - Czarda&rglemann--Marv .W. Reynolds. buono Jotte Nevin Mary .K LHoweh. Thine Eyes So Blue and Tender I Lassen rMr. O. Y. Kirkpatrick. - riumoreske Dvoran Winnie 'D. fiihDs ' Spring Song Mendelssohn-Mciry Eeyndias, Sallie -Reynolds. Rustle, of bpring binding An nie Amelia HoKe. The Lost Chord Sullivan Mr. 0. Y. Airkpatrick ' , ) jachtstuck iihumann Annie Lee Penland. -V To A Primrose 5abathil Chris tme Nichols; ; '. fciegie in C Sharp .Minor Nollet -"-Kainleen Conroy. ' Goodnigbt, Beloved Pinsuti Mrs. Brinson,; Miss Penland, iir. HardmArinson. J.J.BtASLlf, - " ', .;, 'y ' y -'V .- .; J J. Beasley was born in Macon county December pi3; 1866, married Mattie latherman ; uec3 2$ .1666. joined the Urty : Baptist church lbod- and hved consistently until death: lie . was tue : father, of ,12 children,!? livmg and 5 deadV Di October-10, 191, age 46 years, 10 JUUS1CAL 'n:r . ' r W 8 "'"ay circumference and weighed five v ays- . Hmght, October 31 : - : V-;..ipounli' 'Vl-i n months and tu aays. jv;QheTiITicua con-. TOntioh .foiScottCtfe Webster oir.iJ;;r:' i-l -v- J, NhvwUlhv?rfat D Usboro; ,to instil a thing m'o f .-: v-v-; to he i on hand. - - , - ( KeynoldSirof; U ; H. JSchool jnen.will be thete.and deliver ..... i . i. ..... . iiddessekthaUwiUbe.orth whUe i These men .have made a j;6tudy of Sunday iichool . workand iave been connect td .with 1 theV'Ifteriiariona Sunday School movement for a ilohg .time.vCome duf anliear them They will .help . you inthe .efforts you afe making, J; : v iLater it is . hoped that"; two more township jconven tions cui be held lor the tawnshjps not represented in Ihe lower district andlas sppn as these liave been held;; preparations are heing made to hold. the County (ventionl - , ; Tfojrpes iryson is me president of the movement in Japp7&)unty and John R Jones is secretary. Any one deslfiag iuriher information or the woxkbf the international Siiir aay bchool movement write, Rev "J. Vidter i Bryson John K. IJones, Miss Inez! Caiheyvor Jjan Tompkins. THE MAUI JlEillNNIE TATHAMJV -. , ' ! Minnie Tatham-was,rporn January 22 lb93and die4 cieptemoer 17 1913 aged 111 years, 7 months and 25 clays- bne proiessed iaith in Christ and was baptized December 1912 at Webster and joined .the M.E. church- Going to Denver jColo. with her parents in: February .1913. She was quiet ill Jor some time and was very patient. While on her death bed she said she was ready to go. and that she saw a crowd bver her singing, amomg whom was Beii lah Cabe who had gone on before. She. called her lather and mother and all of her brothers . and sisters to her side and told them all good- -by. ' ... Minnie wis well thought of by all .who knew ner. She leaves her father, mother, two sisters and two brothers nd-a nost of iriends to mourn their ijoss. Minnie has gone to meet her alittle orother, Claud who preceded her to the promisecl land. Minnie isrnot dead; she. is only asleep to await the ressurection. Although we hated to-pari; With her, God thought it best to call her home and while it is our -loss it is heavens gain. Her body was brought back to her. old home and laid to rest in the Wes leyanna Cemitery, Sept 23 at 1 o'clock. The tunerai services were, conducted by Rev. D:F. Proffitt - - J. C. Buchanan. 1 SUPPEit ! ! .Don;t .forget, the Oyster iSupper tomorrow" hight Bring your sweet heart,' wife or mother and enjoy the evening, - ice fat oysters -fried f and stewed, , dainty candies : made by-dainty 'hands, etc. ' Proceeds for i .... - . ' .- v . j r i i : . i SUPPtK - ; - '' - - - 00111. . .: . - ;. -; 21 1 the life of the Nation; we should do it dirough 'the public schools, fahci recognizing s that true ' education should develop model citizens, aha thatopd roads iis a safe index - to the progressiveness and intelligence awl an accordance with setting Wednesday' and ThU7?0r.y.!le?cnri". A tbe'Sthsdetii.f November. 1913, . as uuuij itUAlft day o, tne ucun- ty Board of Education of, Jackson County sitting in regular sessio'n J""" hereby Orders: v - i .:-.Thtti,-Hv wciw ;tK ! dea. beoteervea as Good Roads,0?6 mill.sooncoyered-with Days by all Public Schools of Jack son County. That no school shll be taught in any oHstrict on these days. ;. "Piat-all the teachers take their pupils and "work the road, employ ing the time toiest advantage. " That all lady teachers and girls prepare dinner for the workers and speni their time in beautifying the school house and grounds. . .BUCHUSf Ch'm r " vtiu DAVID ft: filNrSec. BESOLUTION OF CUI10- Resolved that we heartily concur in the' Governor's Proclamation and the Resolution of the County Com missioners, and request that all business houses, private enterprises, and schools close on those days and that we urge the citizens to turn out and under the overseers appointed in the various commune ities to make the best , of this op portunity to show their patriotism and build roads that will be a cred it to our community. The following overseers have been appointed for Cullowhee Township: Prof. A C. Reynolds, Wr N. Coward, T. C. Ledbetter, John Stevens, John Philhps, J. M. Watson, Robt Hol den, D. F. Bishop, Nelson' Fox, Ben Hooper, Cling Taylor -and Hoyle Bryson. It is hop d that these gen tlemen will meet not later than Monday the 3rd day of November and organize for the work. The road trustees may be able to fur nish part of the tools for tnose who! intend to work. s Tne road trus lees -would be pleased to meet with the above overseers on the same date as above suggested in the af ternoon, at, or near the Cullowhee bridge so as to arrange about fur hishing the tools and laying out the :work. ' . 7. At times we are divided on local matters but we should aljb come to gether on this' one' great y absorbing question of providing better facili ities of travel, and work ' with one accord and with one common inter est W.D.Wike. Holmes Bryson. is giving prices both at his .Dillsboro and, Sylva store that are drawing the people See his la"m;es suits and long coats atboth stores. ' ;l ;. ; ; Mr. M. L. Coggins'sent rus:-a tur nip which measured 25 inches in VHEE ROAD TRUSTEES X: Mrs.;IirLarson and two daugh, oumowu ieit ior ou i Augusune - on -r--y in Eunconbe County .'for some days Mrs.:.Brockahd two children have arrived : from KhoxVelle, to yAh Mr c Brock, who is with. Holmes Bryson v- as clerk. . Mrs Edward Bryson is yb . -;T r rr " oeen- ; emDlOVe'd to assist with the wnrk'. 0 . ' ' - 7., - -La UL M iue M-cuen ox wr, j. Mason,- which spread so rapidly- that. the uauies ana maae u impossiDie save very much of tie contents of the house and milL : pr The loss will run into the thou sahes of dollars, "while the insurance is jabout two thousand. r v-AIrs. . Mason being away from"' home at the time, Mr Mason being: at church and no one in . the ; hotise -to give the alarm, the loss wasr yery -inuch greater thah jit wddiTiayev; b'clheiwis the writer to express his gratitude - and thanks td all x who helped to save what was saved, and to those who'have been so generous in kind expressions - and with substantial help, and we trust that many of those who have not been unfortnnate . wUl respond to the call for help to 1 Lassiat Mr. Mason; We regret to announce the deatH of our .friend' and brother J. M -Parris who passed fromohis trans atory state to that of eternal hab itation on the -23rd inst and was buried at the Parris, grave yard on ' ' last Sunday. Brothers Dietz . and Grayi conducted the burial services. . Mr. C. B. Allison has sold oiit his stock of merchandise, which will " be offered at a great bargain by the purchasers. N J. D. Watkins has-been jjuiet sick for some days but is reported betteV.:. , Dr. L. Hannah made a trip to Nashville, Tenn. last week returning this, ' v.: : Good roads is to be observed in Diilsboro. antf'we trust; that Vevery- :, body will respond and sho w that 'we -too are doing sometningrv V ; M. Y. Jarrett our efficient Post master made a round trip -to J Ashe-, ville last weeL O TriESCRma , - I ' y .i Miles Marcum, an employe of the' Brevard TarmmCa, at Tr.PteiVFor-;?. est shot and instantly- killed' his ten year old son Qyde about : mid night last Monday : night It::seems that the boy had gone butintothei r i yard fohsome-reason or "other and r 1 that ithefi heard bicm to her husband Vttiat'm'mp nn W ' woa-.-;v;V trying to break, in "tne house. He thinking it was a -hurgIar,i got gun ana snot tne boy at close range r 1 as - he entered the housed Deatti wasrf ;l instantaneous.' The-Xiunerai place Wednesday jandthemterment was on Little RiverylvanfV news.'.''--' -'"--u-.rr ;.:;yAr' -yyy.yy -y I .- - - r - I - .. . . . ... . -,: .'-. - - J - y" r. - f - ;-. .... .-..';''1.v- if t - . " " .... " ' -. ' " . .' ? ' - . m .' a - t '- - :-i-y- i y::y:- . i. - ; -. - i -v ... -T: - Vs y ! I'-'- :' -ff ''ti . - t y

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