r, ... he P II ACT Z C A LLY rSTC EQ FDR BUMS ATTACKS. CUuSTIPATICj, 177Holesale Lumber , 1 V . - - I Ceiling,FIobo ' ; arid Door Frames, BaUistens, '-y- -PorcK ColumnsStair and PorcK;lCailo, ; . Stair Woods; Bra etsndFrOnt Sash,; 4: VSW.2?c?Aes: and tatHs. 1:.-i ..--.- ' .- -.' --. Estimates Given lUpbR -4 Syl M6 v V It 1 - . ' - 12-Gaugc- 3. rrrv9tmor 'shnroiin- ivinnpl i.h ie o . i A if . ' ruw P5; no ics on top fpr.gaa td blow out s vou k cc up. witn rain, snpw, or sleet: it's solid steel-L recti, r":7 T ? . T ; ' . V vixijr ojfiuiaciricai ran wiurout Eacriiicuie strenrth or I ' to LI j n,;u C n . . . . . .. ' " . llM trjS4- -poua otoet ilraecli tinsme ns well as out) Solid Top-Side Hection Matted BTer (which costs $4.00 extra 6ns other guns) Press Button CxtrifcCe R lVT -rem0 cartridges quickly from'magaiine without 'working-through action) Prabl Extractor Take-Dovm Feature Trijrer and Hammer Safety. "'Handles rapidly; guaranteed, in shooting ability; price standard Grade A" sun, $22.60. . : . - - : Send 8 stamps postage for big catalog describing No;: ?7Zl 77XL r M A, "B. .C; D, T and Trap Special and all other ' 4daxtaz repealing ruies ana snotguns. UQ it now! - ; . 42 Willow Street. New Haven. Conn IT rirt ci Arf ' rif!e, -p'tol or; shctir, ycu should hdve a copy of the Ideal Hcd wMMouvrvr. Book ICO pages of useful information for shooters. It tells all a!A.ui cl3, - ruucra..ana reioaaingx toois ior. ail stanaara .rine, .pistol ar-d . -shrs-un how to measure powders accurately; fhows'pu how to cut y cur ammu:ui:n alt and do more' ard better hrt:tv?. Triip-bcok ? f-ee to v. trvr wh. -. e rtanios oostaxe to The &Car1ln -rearms Co.- .42 Willow St.. Now TTavrn. rtJ fpd ise 13 tbre 1,600,000 XMAS i imiiaii. LUlfllUU f One million six- nundrea tnousana "DaA Pire3d VmflQ pjjIq a a nn thpif jAwu vivuw jv".-- . 77 ' . ... , way to North Carolina. Mr. Leet B. Myers of Charlotte, who is prom itrt in the sale of the seals in the State XniS year, llcia j us . i cuci v evi uu that this number has" been allotted to the State and shipped. If1 these it will mean $16,000 to be used n the State in the fight against tiie Ureatv W.mte.nague,or luuercuiusis, which causes" tner; death 5 ?of 5000. people ixi i the state each yean . N v JVir Jriyciaoteuicviuxi a nip ums fv. to visitall the more important cities "i i '.iir ..inninivt ' tnV on":' ortflroooivo' a- -k , r m ri i 1 a J i v a A rill MM 1 firirll l.rllllliriltllJ. CXLIU. 1U1 ' UiU ; sale of these Christmas stamps, me Tfl DT a la fill- I 9- I I w w ff Show tne user s uitcicst m uic iuuw culosis rkfMd ;akthe;iniert nf thft one to Whom the package or ; a :' cant - . iHiir.i u kj wii w. .... - hOUSeS USejneujv-uu iuc.umu . . ENTOY NO. 6047 ; , State of North Carolina, -Count J' of Jackson. '. ; : ' I, J. Q. Pierson, of the county of Macon and Stateof:Nqith Carolina, do hereby enter and claim 40 acres of land in Cashiers Valley To wn- shiD: Jackson Countv and State of NTnrfri Pnrnlina nn t ri a 'Wntpw October 25, 1913. Norton's Mill Creek, adjoining the lands embraced in State Grants Nos, 13323, 321, 3723 and 789 and run ning so as 10 include all the vacant lands in . that vicinity. , - ; Entered September 27th. 1913. ; V j. q; pierson, (seal) Approved:- . - iv :' " John R. Jones, v : ;1- ; - . x-Officio Entry laker r:v..v;-::ENTRYNO..604ft State of North Carolma, : County of Jackson. , -: - x tWe, Ma.t Watson and ..WillWat- AND ALL L1VEB .TROUBLES. DAIr 'i . GECOLS CALflmqiVESVAY 7 ' ? BODSOJi'S LIVER TOJiE. ' . - EyeryK(iruMst in: the 'state has noticed a J great" iallinf off in the sale of calomel -They air give' the same reason. ; . Dodson's Liver Tone is! taking iis place. ". :v ; r "Calomel is often dangerdus-and people know it, while Dodson's Liv er. Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results." says the.Sylva Phar- macy.;. ; :- : , V " Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by he Syly a. Pharmacy whcTsell it: ; A large bottle costs 5a cents, and if it fails to .give easy re- lief in every case of sluggishness you have bnly to askoryourmoh- ey back.; .ItvwiU be promptlyrer turned." T - - I Dodson's Liyer Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy-. harmless Cto y both . childreh and adults. f - A bottle in the house may save you a day's work 6r; keep your children from missing schooL Keep Liver working arid your liver - will not keep you from .working. r Ve are going to run a ifrst class .",v RESTAURANT so CDH iix heiipu it fc t n fTHEr SYLMARKETl i- to NOTICE TO THEM PAYERS OF JACKSON CQU TY. !. - I will h&pi the following. ' places for the purpose of securing taxes for the year 1913: i , - , -a ". . . r - " Coggins new; store. Mountain town ship, October 20, 1613. Cashiers, Cashiers township, Octo ber 21, 1913. - ; Glenville, Hamburg township- Octo ber 22, 1913. . - . ; Tuckaseigee, River toynship, Octo-; Dea iw,; i Aigura Canada township, October 241913. - V I Green's store, Caney'Fork township, Shoal Qreek, Qualla township, Octch ber 20, .1913. Barkers Creek, Inkers Creek town ship, October -21.. 1913. Dillsboro, Dillsboro . township Octo .ber 22, 1913. : Gay, SaVdnnah-township, October October 23, 1913. Green's Creek, .Green's CreekrtoWnr ship, October 24, 1913. ; ; Cullowhee, Cullowhee township, 6ic . tober ia v i Balsam, Scott s 1 Creek township .October 27, 1913. Willets, Scptt's Creeki township, Oc- tober 28, 1913. they , send out dunng December. joinifig;tIJe nds of Henry iliiler. StOreS USe UiCiuuu 'Tnt jpnn;nd; anrltriPrQ. shops ony;enveiopes,auu w Mos-s' cor- t)Otty;On-auu?m..yy, eranaruns-varioiia'iconrseanfor u -cnirt Inst VPAr in tnft Matft i 1 , . : coma V r a 'fl j compi6mentsso as-to ; include ; all ond it is Dea tnai we Ban increase ic v - , , ; k-- Ae v . - . . - ?. f . . s : v ' - 1" - . j I.L11G VflLflllL inilll . If I 111 ri I .VII' Mil V -1 , j- Ii I - . - w w v Mfaau a. r . son of thft flfnrpsairl r!oimfrr - nnfl State; do hereby: enter :anf3.claiin Svlva sylva -township.. bctober ;27; and beM in the countv of Jaclcson J AdoUe, Scott's Creek township, Octo- State of North Carolina, . and lying I ; . ber .28, 1913. - ' - nease taKe nouce , mat win make a specialty of the early; itolj lection pf the 1913 taxes, V- , J. W;: BUCHANAN; Sheriff ad T. C on the waters . of Mill ; Creek on the north side' of Black. Mountain ' ad- y - - Le.t -us know your v.e cau sut;MV fl.Gm' l.'.Wear'J head.qiKmers for tl?e Iirst'.graa-of Land Plaster cr, wuunu umcsrane and t:e ur equalled Xciincac AC .Phosphate; froni 12 to 16 ft-r cer' t. - - ' V ,.AVe;nrec not in the Traslw Parrocke hon tojhs r --.d k your money m circulation at.hm. !rVe frive honest o-or-. .a.1f - J . -w- - ar it; will - pa?: you rTd'if.'VH'AvWG- o , Whaf could be better for town brcoimtry oullc&gs than a roofing i that, won't bumwbn't leaktha as long ; as the binlding itself, and never needs repairs ? -: : , Cortrigtt Metal Shmgles meet eyery one of tKee requirements. Beware of imltatiolis-TNone genuiner without the words " Cortriglit Reg. U. S. PaL Off, stamped on each shingle. . .... For Sale oj B Disc PlbVSj Roderick Disc A-; niir ife and Fertilizer Drill .. . r . i this year. The rosunasier ueiierai uoa issuccu gn oruer perjxuttui wwuotuj.w : be sold in me rost ymuea. -juvcy Community; ; is nuyitcu ; gcu ; mc - fccai ouu uv -yj . money to.the; State mmitteeto V CA.4.. .t.-Ia rrvvl ' Von fl ...are. sent free to he v paiq ior ;aiter ! sold; unsold seals, to be returned; to v ... purchased a bottle1 of Chamberlain s : Couh RemedV: for his bov who' had ; n cold and! before 4 the bottift - sbfik : au used the.boy s cold was gone. Is : that not Detter.tnan to pay a five w wv w 4k VMat - 1 A a a. 11 1 . W nil jffz. f!:Z f-'fMAT Watson': a vi ? :t:i'r WniiiWATSON f-v Approved . . John R. Jones, . Ex-Officio; Entry Taker, for . Jackson . n. ' .;.. ....'-.--! r - HUNTING time as near. : If your '.'gun is ;out of ftepair; bring -of send itto v;v KESTERSDN; c CO 28 V West College St-Ashey :,u V-'.vr' : ;.. . . - Gun, , repairing :carefdUy and1' prorhpUy done at very moderate prices., Bicycles, Trunks, Umbrellas, and Locks repaired. AU'. kinds of , keys fitted. ; I ' .... - . . . .- V ,. . - IfYou VYOUllLLlKe ; . a catalogue 2nowmg tne new-rFall-anrf-Vterfyles f Women's and. Childrens Shoes, y we win ue giaa 10 sena you ' . r w . ..... i v ' rvrtA Inorrl Ho n qvi Brown-Miller Shoe " Co. 47 laiten flv ASHEViLLE, nor::car; : 1 you haveouhg' children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomrch .are their most com mon ailments Jocorrect this you will . find. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets'; excellent ' They areieasy and pleasant to take, and mild and;gsntle in effect For, sale by all dealers.- ;;. 1. . r : . i ; ...... 1 . - .... , v Sdoea - j - , . Wrie. for circular prices MORRISONS COMPANY ASHEYILLE . .3 -i 3f 1 1 -".J: tbmlliiMres : v " i -