. . - . " ' .... , ; : . . 1 1 ; 'v -4- -7 . v -; Jackson Cninty Joonial , ' D ANTOMPKI NS,' Ed jtob E. E; BROWN Mgr.- T JACKSON 'COONTYJOU '.rVfc,ert as seeing class mail blatter a Postoffice at .8 viva NV C - i v-H hearts of the iboys and girls who ! fortunately came under his tioiriprProfc W. Mem iHe tried hot only to tecH, what was in.; the books birt ; to instill in eachthe prin ciples of honors love aridrighteous conduct that he himself has livedr M; ANDiCAROUNA !;;; All Checks. Money Orders etc. :f must be made Tavabte,tpthe Jackson County Journal Conroanv; i - ' . -: J' , t ; Correspondents shoald get all copy in Monday's mailv to insure" insertion tromptly. " : ' .' ': ., s a .inrtisine rates furnished on .appli cation. - . v- - .. . v Subscript! v ' ; f .o per year ln Advance. '. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31, 1913 Everybody's going. to working for the emancipation of trie coonty and state from the slavery of mud. The schools of the county will be closed on November 5th and 6th and the-men teachers and boys will work the. roads and the lady teach era , and girls will "prepare dinner end spend the remainder of the time in beautifying th school rooms and grounds. It isjto be i regretted that the athf letic-relatjons between the VUnivef- sity oi. worm ' vU.irouna ana ; me North Carolina College of. Agricul tural and Mechanical - Arts ,: have ag an been severed.' It would be a matter of gratification to tne peo ple of the State if instead of strain ed relations the tytfo colleges main tained by the State could be placed upon grounds of friendly competi tion in athletic SDOrts. ; . If. as has been charged, either or both Insti tutions have broken the fair rules in regard to men who are allowed to take part in intercollegiate meets these conditions should be. speedily remedied. The people are anxious for North Carolina colleges to excel in everything but want it done fair ly and honorably. Ndv. 5th and 6th 1913 will long be remembered in the history of North Carolina. We reckon that you will get a Journal next week but if youdont it will be because we are working the roads. It seems as if everybody's going to be doing it November 5th and and 6th. . The proof of the, fact that the world powers still respect the Mon roe Doctrine is in the declaration of Great Britian, France and Ger many that they will adopt no new policy toward Mexico until the United States submits her plans We are reliably informed that at a meeting held by the men of Dills- boro township plans were laid and the forces organized r for the . work to be done in that township on GOOD ROADS DAYS. It is under stood that they will do all the work possible in the two days. iNovemoer ttn ana bth is time for you to distinguish yourself. Come out and show yourself a man. rruve wnai is in you. ljet your neighbors and friends have a sub1 stantial proof of your interest in the welfare of your county. I yVe have authentic reports from vaiiuus pyrib oi me coumy m re gard to the" work that will be done n good roads days - and it seems n it au me . people are in earnest about the " ma ter, have the work organized properly and are prepar ing to do a lot of permanent work, If thezwork is well organized and under competent direction as it ?t.z to be, there is no reason Why t-.i jusands of dollars worth of good roads should not be built. cqmmunityicncrete:.exam this : condition of ; things. TW0 three weeks "ago. our ; road overseer; evidently feeling that he was doing Viia- rfntv. ori--'rwVfftrrn?'nd - o 'dTiMt' sendee' totjie county, puf Ms v fbrc I -Fan Order tGltttrOdUCe ro worn on putrpaqs. pioagDiRK 'rr0cach n"Af W 1 1 tlvk-HPt'fii'Kt' sbrapinir andfdigginfi. up ; thr clay OTeSS SllOeS-We, Will gl iKlMl. accordibg- w; ;the : most approved safety razor; with each pair of methodJt Tint wW is th&' resultf r&;- - r ." S i, :v ' i- . ; V vrl Thelrecent rains . have turned the effect of his honest :work intct : m unholy messtTbose of us wholive on; what me students' jhave harhed Facility "Avenue" "are of dl rnen trreTmostmiserabler Our houses are being r mined, pur shoesv and efothea are being destroyed bythe rjaud and our patience is being: tax- gftbd line of a good Smith in liaxitJ 15 days. We irti psellinfi flour at 58c, ' - -":;-vv' : ' We will sail ion Tues day 21 pounds pi snQa 'r ed to the utmost limit ' And for f Of $10(K the delightful experience of. it The report . has been circulated that the ladies are not wanted to be where the hands are at work on good roads days. This report is not only absolutely false but is the delirium tremens of foolishness Most any man that is any man a all can work better, do more in the same time and feel better over it i m mm m ' m ne is inspired witn me prenee o the ladies. And beside-, .. dickens can put in a day's work without something to. eat. The Gov ernor when he issued his procla mation realized the importance , of having the ladies present on good road3 day ai d t rge them to be there with the dinner His intention was and the spirit of the occasion is that it shall be a great holliday in the state, a time of general jollification andiejoicing in which everybody in North Carolina shall take a part. It is the same principal applied on a larger scale as the old fashioned house raisings, corn-shuckings, leg rollxngs and the like, where all the people in the neighborhood got to gether and had a sure-enough good time, the menfolks working and the Women1 preparing feasts that have our modern "banquets, beaten forty seven different and distinct -ways for good eatings. Come out ladies and feed the laborers lest they fall by the wayside and be assured that everybody will be glad to see- you -MUD VS. ROADS. When Prof. W. C. ; Allen: left Waynesville for ? Barnwell, : S. C. Hay wood county, and Western North Carolina lost one of "our foremost educators. Prof. Allen is a man who for a number 6fvfc ars has been identified with the educational pro gress in .this' sectiop. He has al ways hadat heart the welfare of , the boys and girls of Western North arolrnkfand inadone much for tbem. ; Ijfnder Jiis . supervisioa . the scho bas grown grown ;from !a strugglinjg country v schbol to .a mh school that has. taken" its place among thevleadir preparatory suap lis oi rne state.Pr f AJlen sometimes seemed harsh with h-s students but he always acted for'their;owr best interest and then" Editor Jackson County Journal I have read with interest the many exhortations in regard to road improvement that have appeared n your columns. I heartily ap prove the spirit of progress that in spires present activitiesrih road. building. We need the improved highways ast much as we neei any thing But I wish to lay before those who have the matter in charge and before our people at large this proposition: ' ; ' AW. 1 . aji mat snouia oe aone to . our mountain roads at this time of the year is to put on them large quan tities of sand,.or other suitable ma terial, to counteract the '. initable i ...... effect of diggin : up the offensive ,mud. To turn-up the'elay- at this season of the' year seems to me little less than pure folly. Had this movement been caWied into effect two or three months ago; vast good would have resulted: bur tearing up : the roads here at the beginning ;- of all we are asked to Day the sum of four dollars road tax! It is true, the lumber wagons and other vehicles ' from more r less remote sections will be somewhat benefitted in- the 'way . of a little better grade, a few holes filled up and, in places, a slightly widened road. Sooner or later, however, these very vehicles will so cut the the roads' as to create for them selves a more troublesome condition of things than would have existed had the roads not been worked at all. , It seems to me Mr. Editor, that, with all due respect for the procla mation of our brilliant and patriotic governor, the roads ought to be let alone, unless we can cover them with snd or gravel sufficient to keep them in reasonably decent condition for the remainder of the winter: jr ivsast, iu me nameoi eauca tion and for the sake of the great throngs of school children in the county, let us do that work on the roads that will enable these child ren to get to the different schools and carry on their work. We may say all we want to about "getting used to the muxl, but, sir, there is no such thing as getting used to it! Keeping childreo out of school and making irregujar 3i d less satisfac tory meir grore is pot getting used to the mud! There is no ex cuse for ulogio'g the wheels of ad vancing civilisation for the queer satisfaction of getting used to the mud! i ' If, on the fiftb apd sixth of Nov ember, there is anything to be done to the. roads in the community where is located the largest and most promising school of this sec tion of the state, I sincerely and devoutly trust .that! it will be 'in the way of haluing.sand and gravel for the roads, and in putting in.of stones, or board walks, for the purpose of enabling us to go to and from our places of work witksome degree of cleanliness and safety and with less offense to ourv sense of the eternal fitness of things! . It4s my earnest desire that those wno reaa tnese lines snail not re gard me as a . critic or a knocker, but as on'e deeply interested in the best interests of our great county and her good people, and especially of the schools and school children Yours for better roads, . . fc 0. S. Dean. Cullowhee, Oct. 27, 1913. . $1.00 wwth to a customer, i Gebd'aprontjgmghams at 4 7-8 10rshambra! at 7 i.ov $f.30 wool'shirts 93 $fi2Gomforjts ..... 9 Alii $2.00 Hats $ll50( Ml$1.50 HatSr . . . 1 :: Come and see our: new ctotking and over coats flOPER CANE MILLS Al Wfteat Prices and terms right: Mils. One and two horse. Now is the time to get the best price on one, W hea t Fe rti 1 izer. Reliable Peerless Acid Phosphate, TURNING PLOWS, Do you need a plow for your Fall work? We have any line in 6, 8 or 10 in, Wagons and Buggies . We are making a specialty of wagons- right now. Let us know what you want in a wagon on a few days notice, 'and we will get for you exactly what you need, in either a THORNHILL, CARVER, SPACH, or BIRDSELL. The Spach is a light wagon and well ironed, filling the needs of the.man who wants a wag on for light teaming. The Birdsell is a high grade wagon, and the Thornhill and Carver are so well known they sell themselves. B. H. CATHEY & CO., Sylva, N. C. Writer - will accomplish little : else SAFE DYNAMITED. Spruce Pine, N. C, Oct. 28. Expert yeggmen craqked the safe of the Hams Clay company store here last night, securinTabout $80 in money, most of wKich btlonged to the pbstoffiice. The burglars used nUrd-glycerine and 'did a fioodiob soaping the cracks, pouring the soup n the cracks and then touching it on witn a mse. No one . seems to have heard the explosion, and' the A LOG ON THE TRACK ENTRY NO. 6043. of the fast - express means serious North Carolina, trouble ahead if it is not removed , Jkson County, : i ! I. J. P. Mnnre nn nerp.nv entet so does loss of appetite.-. It ' means claim 200 acres of land in Jack lack of vitality, loss of strength and son county, North Carolina, Moun nerve weakness. If appette fails, tain township, on the waters of take Electric Bitters quickly to Doggea Creek, bounded as follows: overcome the cause by toning up Beginning on G. P. Stiwinter s be- . ,- , ginning corner, runs JNortn ward witn the stomach and curing the; mdV said line tos joe jtewart's corner, gestion. Mictiael rjessheimer of then with said line to Jess Rogers' Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over corner, then as the case may be three years, but six bottles of ; Hec-J back t0 the beginning, running so trie Bitters put him right: on' his' as t0 indude all the vacant laud in feet again. , They have felped thou- , "iaL V1"lt- sands, ihey give pure blood; strong nerves, good digestion. ,Only.50 cis. atSplva Pharmacy. Eaered October 8th, 1913. Jv P. MOORE. Approved: John R. Jones, Ex Officio Entry Taxer. ToT:tneir,owvu-.mierest and thery s tL''' v v - - f- WU always be a soft spot in the I We have before oureyb in' this - ; - - . ;. : --' than rendering the roads practically time of the burglary is stila rnys- aooauic lur iuc icai ui ine sea- lery. ine i robbers iftft nn 'rlnp hv which they could be traced. --Ashe ; 11 .-.-" '-? '. t . ' vuie wiizen. -r- FORTUNES IN FACES.' 1 There's often much truth in the saying her face is her fortune." but 1 North Carolina. its never said where pimbles,vSkin Jackson County eruptions, blotches, or other vblem- ..,1, rn. heed of Dr. Kings Ne w Life Pills ties concerned in changmg the town they, promote health and beauty iship lines of river and Canada town- iry .them.X25 cents at v'va Phar-' ships so as to mcluae an tne muu macy. -"k- ; r X ' ; ' of R. iTJames. N. A. and W. MiddTeton in River township, at 1 0 clock, p. m., on' the, first Monday J in November, 1913, in the Commis- sibners office, of 1 'Jackson county. JM. WATSON Ch. Bd. tmt .V: " 7 Mr. W. 0. Buchanan had a birth" day; dinner .in. r, hi&i honorv at his home last SuhdavJ Alf ; h rhX to enjoy the asiim. ; ' W - J R JONES Seer, to Bd. X K. 'V