v. : .. -::.f:o :,;rt . .x,;' ...- v ; 0 bj :::-i7 K : ' A . : Hn r TVT n- tTN tl in tttt rn -n-o K ' - ( - x . W m Z : : V'Y V - WAV Zr H i ' - . ) H IMI v x JJ..xx.NCT.XL JLl - : V V (Ml, l V V Ai'liJJ. Li W to buy I r I V 1 irr. y v v J1 y 0 NOTICE. By virtue of a deed of trust - exe cuted en August 15, 1908, by W. M. Smith and wife, Docia Smith, to M. Buchanan, trustee, on the properties i hereinafter described, to secure - the payment of certain sums of money ; llf f? mand and default there now being vhtuetLrrJo6 ATs?d?SsS the sum of Five Hundred and Forty five Dollars, the . itoderaigned.will, Bt 12 0 clock M. on the 3rd - day of; November, 1913, expose for sale and sell at the Court House door in Webster, to satisfy said debt, prin cipal, interest and cost,' tW follow ing described lands and properties: FIRST TRACT: Being the same described in a deed from R. A. Painter to John Ensley, dated the 15th day of June, 1889; and regis- rtered in the Register's office for) ! Jackson county in Book "0 " of ihe record of deeds, on page 531 et seq., on April 8, 1891. ; r SECOND TRACT: Being the same described in a deed from Samuel P. En?!ey and wife; Elizabeth to John Ensley, dated June 7, .1890, and registered in said office in said county in Book M0' page: 532, on I April 6, 1891. And also being the U the Last Will of John Ensley,. de ceased, recorded, in Will Book A, fcr said count y,n page 157. 3 ; TT ;s the 24th day of : September m. M. BUCHANAN- Trustee.' QDECni'CI I urLLUllLLL- The people of CuUowhee are Wak- preDarations' to .observe dood jeer 01 -uus move is. 10 sumuiaiei vuaxiey xiuopcr uuu juuu-.oucir. specxins, e roes 1 none ne win Kf e : eionous nentafie lorever. r . : ''- oads days with brawnvahd muade are sriouslyBiictedv withr cup uiua wc iakeuiis means, to, .- :;,; -m:C 4 Alex Gamb'le;- -y.- - -x-,,x,-;.:, .r.- .N-vv-.rc'l-- . v.--.si.. .: ; , :: .l.-rf-- -x- - -a , . '.-; ' : : -'. .. - y .-. r.. A. i.-: v" :-'-..-,: ' .' V"' .;,H : ' " ' "' -' ' ' '" - .; -A 'r-' - ' ? - x;. - goods that give handle anything biit the Eiiili and let us fix you up for the winter. We , have what you want and can save you money. Rosted Coffee 17c. lb. Green Coffee 15c lb. T7I A J&vewtn m B. H. CATH have 1 ac complete line of which they will sell at right prices and now is the time to buy them, befora the stove you" want is taken. They have anything from a high, class Wast to a cheap sheet iron heater. . v r Have you seeh the Cole's and Lorain' R ANPFS? IVrtllVJUp. T ey are a little bit higher, but you r 1 . . . - B. H, CATHEY&CO. h ave anything you want in cheaper ranges. v COOK STOVES. .Old fashioned wood burning ccok stoves and up:to-d?4te kero sene ranges. The latest labor saver for winter; See the Per fection kerosepe cook- stoves and ranges. SPORTING GOODS v Ammunition, Riding and Hunting pants and Itgiins, any tliin that's needed for outing and fall sporting; direct . from the factory. ' .. i . . For the above necessities, see YOUR HARDWARE PEOPLE," Be. iHL at their The road oyeVseers have been ap- pointed for the different sectipns.of th6 township. Now if these two days are' to be; propeily used, and: every male person will devote these i two days; to actual work on the j" ...:n i .'Z-' ruaus, 11 win ixia&tr a reai luipni vcr ment onr the general Vcdadition of ' the roads, Many good amenments dition of the roads made much ' better in two days' The "prime 6 - v . .. - :i.JL-r "'.-?r ;, yon -rA' : eMx you satisfaction.- best and stand EY & C0. coal and wood Keaters l get SOME Stove for your money old place. roads. Then every person after they have worked these two days can feel, that they, have contributed something to a public .necessity, I - Mrs. David Bryson died Thursday morning and was buried at "the t Cl...ltvi-..., 1 tr.: J ; opecuweu -ia vcy ciixi r iiuay eveu- ! ing. Mrs. Bry'son leaves a husband fand six sons, besides,a host of felar t loss; , A large number of people at- v..- uded her burying: Else athey G . v -V ;v .', . . , - V Gome to us we we behind what rheumatism, but we hop they will soon recover. , Rev. A. C. Queen, county mission ary, preached a couple of sermons at Speedwell last week. Rev. J. B. Stallcup preached at Speedwell Sunday and the Baptist people elected him for their pastoit John Ai Ashes wife was seriously b urnf d a few days ago, and grave doubts are entertained as to her recovery. , 1 Lee Hooper har bought the stock of goods owned by Cowan & Cowan. We regret to see the Cowan boys leave us, but lope the deal wilLjbe profitable to all parties. Mrs. Hix Cowan and babe visited her mother, Mrs. Sarah Ashe, ' last week, returning to Savannah Sun day. , Mrs. Z. V. Watson , has gone to Qualla for a few davs. -' Hosea Moses of Tuckasiege6 spent a ni ht in Speedwell. ' Dr. Seago will tackle hog chorea with all known remedies. Born to Hon; and Mrs. Thomas A. Cox a girl. v . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mc. Clouse boy. X. Yv Z. TZl C3L5HED SCHOOL Miss Coje1and an 1 Pf . ,C. T. Hamoton are .Jiaving sonie little trouble keeping. all pur chiidren in school. Our people clamor for good lengthy . schools and then 'when we get them, even when the white people are taxed in this . county ' to chool our chldren we : fail - to send them to school Sonfe will resort to legal proceedings , to" keeb from sending them, and others will Derjure themsc 1 tes in order to oV ey some mm of mscmld raftersthanbey the Sen pUiresv which ; says. :-TVam your" child in the way he should go and he will not deport from it" Prot flnmoton taking tue proper steps j iK-y 7 f"n" an re IDs- According Store ... " ' . x- ) .--.N i .Vv"" JL. j 9V 4 - V don't sell. thank him for what he Jhas already done, t think when' a man . has : si children not one of whom can either read or write although that man himself claims to be a 'leader; I think we need more such men as Prof. Hampton ' We must educate our people it we ever expect tnem tojeven make, decent 1 servants. We r had ; a fair ?? deinonstraticn a few mghs ago of- ' what some of our people will dx Three of our most Distingui bed. Preachers me., who claim to be well -read and whom are leaders of their clan gave a preachers entertainment J and if reports .are true they - enter" t ained every body in hearing of them, and now these intelligent Preachers must 6e haled Jb court for disturbing the peace and dignity . 0 our co nmon wealth. But', they , : had. a good time. , 1 ; When . he should have been upon his knees he was knocked; into a barrel of meal, ahnother was thrown upon the.lloor. They say they -used .cuss words galore; two 01 these seme intelligent leading Preachers of .Gods Gospel have had to pay a T fine for, not sending their children to school . , Well, really I don't blame them vfor : not wanting their children to teach : the same ' degree of - intelligence Li themselves. '.v. : When we see our leaders do fti those men hive done? what more do we need to teach us the necessity, of a compulsory school law among our peopel? Keep it up PrqL Hamp? ' ton all the good - Negroes "are with you and me, well I am, not so good but I am with you just the same. And to my colored brother .let;us eschew that which is evil and cleave to that which y bod. ' Let -l us be faithful and , mlligent in the tjef- - 11 . . Ml fdrmance cf our. durieswhether; in K B V:f Drivate'or nublic xAai'nf iparvmai-i: M r . 'ww .- V uuiiy. ix;i ua lcuicuiucr, uiatwiuun r our 8elvis is victory or defeat. Clothe d rwith the ; j?anoplof - Amenc citizenship, true to our God, true ' to I ourselves, and he grandest of ; all Republics, washed; by the waves of - -v either 'Oceari.:im'der;;e:flar oi'l liDeny;. wui De our home, and r ; . r-'- 1 -'- - X ' "i v - vx . 4 ; ; ' ' -'.V A -fx .,", x ' J "-lS:x : ' 'a ' . : : -" '.ti :s.',v--' v.rvX- -V r