n irt iTlDDilV KBPEflFIHEST.FIEE. lulilL.l..U 1 : v : 1170 4 : in their ;.eyes and the:e;mjb:lve a halo.nhoiit thmr hnd' Statft : 'n i Etor Ja upon f this county! has .Just returned vnm Mt. Vernbn, W asfc,-coiriing l0me to spena ine ,mier. ana re operate foUowihg : a thrilling ex rience in a forest fire in which he ome near to aosmg- ins me. tee has been witn tne ;x Unber Coiiipy ancl yooas iui -.-.r- Tttnrobablv xzAM Mswrswf-ft i urnMr n :- w ad forest UICS uiDCVCimnrcciva a&u -.; 3U , WW nrrea. 1 UKCUiW , .tt ui v n w wiuvi - In he was sentm a- log : train to a:and led ! ; cV-' ; u '7 : V : ! , : ' ' 1 alI,that the recent Jaul::an Coun-i their brows, and fathers whose step i . borne one, has sent us a cony , ofv ,v A v f : , . , . mg .--7-v..-v jrembled upon the entrance of. tile the RIountairichopUHe tomh.Iohkpd th dmtitVfi nro , ;-vx-- - - . . , -. ,;-i.rt, ...... ." sttuction and inspirational' am - sure 1 - V ' ; "luu".lt" t;uuul I that- nothing 'was more Jmprcsst ve at;xathernian;Iacon county, . but 0r inspiring than ' .tteV.; parade of I A;A-V u liupiiut uiaibuowsj umi BC'iooicnuaren on: tne opernng aay 'Ugin Ht.ispnntedat Be tomb . looked; with gratitude upo the spns of cherished hop 3s, Mothers hearts were ad asthey.' fmQt4 lovingly upon ' i6n5:ah'd;dau'ghtefs who were more than worthy of ' all their sacrifice and patience. Athwart ; k.- ... i -. 7. - ... -.. . : s' a;;o state. ; In limswer:. toV the call -of Gov.- v - ui(4i tuc.pcuyxc cucituiy. imuugu-, ; ; tioA -kWo " t m,0 tne grpUrios and mobilizing before t-r . uu.uyub . - -.-r-, - eaited by lan individual r i ; , , :-..v -A . dipnmoH.nTiH 'AhpH . thp-l d' fvnf ;ov anThnrcu onfi :wD th . -: : v . - Davnion. tnere nroAft. nnun mR fwn r,. --r.-;.Tr.AV'-:: ? r "viu -." . s tneyer siteu romi visionsfermit me a ' word W powers and-- tha ;.Ta. wublic:Mghy in, the r various- z0 ' ,3.'.1Poran "s ."with 'the readers of ;t!3;Joualij . 5 . an eiernai uaynaa a."eaa.y o.jnfi iiiajng a. most "creditable ' . le a dash for their lives through rHin'irffixi f ' ination the-homes jrepresehted:: by e Die wax. t uv., M-y vv . I v ' : 1 i , . i .. ' : . ; . tuuac ijli nc uctiduc. juvciy uvy aiiu 4 in the tender while the third aa.uie seiecuons wn.cn n U drove the engine.; They sue- andjCTdtotlya"ppres.;th pdea in geiuug uut. uuv .au nuo mu ouuuui neiaxu as. as unjust 10 , somewnere. -mat nomenie nas maae v r. r f - fji 7: - .showing. There were very few com- ith; these; thoughts? these twi visions, before met; I' leffet& fatr kT;c jcauy tne wnoie ot: JacKson roundv These visions ; havevnot) 4 left me. boys a'nd girls -and young men arid; f. 2 7 t:y oharacterffoi th&'boaifrom Which they, came: Tht se: rSqrrje child;' ren represented alsptli s schools under "whose: standardstth ey:; stood And these schools, ahdhqnes .will. in large -measure, ;; ueiermineine future of the children that! represent ; As 1 looked int tne laces pi those young people! triel fo imagine" the: secrets rof their hearts ar;d the conui- uuiis tuiiiu .wuiuu lucy.iivuMUr tUcir hr,mes.'My; own;; ri a:bwith throds of ; sadness as' 1- thought: bf the "suffering tbUand me of the.flames.;aresuU, ne Id to stay;m,rtneKhospitaL,fohv;--;- m-cha r . i . a ' -u " .u' . fact is mnnh morft sn -tnari" Would ; , Weral weeivs. as ywu .as c -vvaa h ,.vr .: "c,- .r7 tie to get out : he v started home prdinatiiy be supppsed possitle ; 'J rriVinfi nere aiCW Udy3,dKU.; AlWl KTTic citnon ;nororlri dini some days here with relate :;C " Z " , " S re Will gO IU r AaUJUlli 1U1 a Vl&lU 1 . iiu.wj ywiv. x iluu :ii aavs that he will return to: the Tivo fr wpst m the:sDnug.uvv.-'; -,?u;h -. -. v Mich.f and quoted without comment in; the v Lea; North; Carolina fyas settled ;25ti -HI Berrien period- JOHN flPaRRIS ;; years ago and has remained: calni : and placid : eyer t smce; notieven1 eirteht It tdolcX J theVproductioh of vearly patrmtS; ; 1 urning out : Andrew" Jackson. An- atebes anbeweler" its 6ni feat in: lUl kinds of repak work done on however has jbeen tie product! L nntipp? : : -iK Uncle;iI6e . Cannon. t-ItiS a: peaceful. mGRAmaFCIA v vcu; .vv", I sion is sto : sena a Kepuoncan o Sylva, BJN. :y-: : j Congress' every now ?and then and : ; waf ch Cornelius Wanderbilt- try; to CP T HflAM Uaxrn his ihtdepat of ground at : , -j . ;r v-i.iJiiuiiuic wiiAi a guiu-iuuuuicu piuw Undertaker and onbaimer v ;. ; ; and lmporjted horseflies. 16 years etpeiceA T be full Line of Caskets and :Robes. - license KqI6 selves -in -: the people .whom ; they coleman c. Cowan, ttornev and Counsellor atlLaw, WEBSTER, N C. DR.S McGUlBE : . DENTISTS; : Offioe : Pharmacy BiiUding, ; wnmon 'Tntcnn nmtv .,r " -tadt nave been Tfcived. it - is esti- ? : the whol3;c6untry and v pra y Hhat ? ffl3 ;lay?iVW. W0IH' ?f ? or :v many may be found in the compaiiv v?as aone.: . - -s U 3---: ; y ir VkviV,w5' ; I their time'on the automobile r hih-S : yr--'::- .. 1 f e ; r m Vlt ri wav to ViTalhalla: Wphstrr r'irt .n-finv'- SCiio tst ihTsrrrfmK "i 9 ;1 qi t lot of worlc on : its roads and Cul ' .- VI X . H A H 'HI 1 Mil KKhMW 1 I.. A . . BirminghamAla:, :;Nbv Gi-The At Sylva the folks went t but iit - ctic uuuiucia iu. vai i-uve s ueiu ; -. anwlieh thebt there they sure t ress makihg the robbery "of freight cars; baggage cars, and express cars engagedi and tfie robbery of interstate Ship ments from platforms and- stations a federal bfTense,is:a Jaw with! teeth in it and;sharp ones at a that as was evidenced in the Federal court here iven a United States prison v for :!robbiri-a ship- ment 01 snoesxonsignea ;tQ vazeut Miss.,- from a car in the Birmingham yardisori " May 14th. was also' implicated in robbing a ; shin- oh girls in their teens who. must have 1 mem of notions consigned to Avon- i or in ni rononnv npccni nv. i riii . i.i n i" . 1 ? yrniii '.vi a 'V'"'-, Fuasu v y" . uiu wurc on uie; jgraumg 01 me oyiva-- of loyal-parents and fnends;xf the seltisnness and sin. oif many, "the effects of which are already : plainly visible in the very countenances of me;uhappy 'little ones 1 gazed, ups :v:' w. r. :sherr;ill. neNo. 17 WaviesviUev N. C. choose to designate tiie mountain wanes ' siiuuiu ipci oo piaiuiy ; ins posed to reflect on the people ; of the State generally: It -would be a breach of good manners if they were tosay Uie toa the State that are true (that ; there areisomeof these'allTcahdid 'North Carolinians .willt aumit these self oonstituted mentors t of the State shoMd j)write and speak out of malice and ignorah.ee. is still more difficult tbimderstand: Their ignorant f and 'i insoleHt t comment reveals the existence of narrow and shrivelled souls suclf as';' we : of 'the South are;: hot ; accustomed to enf counter and the existance of which webuid find it hard to c we hot me"acr6ss t the mmistak- able evidence Jas ; found fin such articles as those ;we haye: Quoted from'; the .Iack son: (Mich-) - Patriot c.c,Buchani by: ;Way,iof the -MoimtainSchool pey (acAahaft Herald-News andQbserVe attorney eatuw . white house ' WF.nnixR. fcle Mr. -Alley lias-inoVed to inviinnc! h 'f uesvme, he wiU. continue to for u,e. White Bouse wedding . Nov acuve part on the: practice of o- ,"TWi iV,.,;f... - J ,at bylva and m Jackson Co.. r j s :- - ' j - . 3 - . graved simply and read: ... . ce connection betwenSylv nnd Way- . uxyXA ir -".,rVir;t - . ilc riCDiucui aiiu. iilTS. .iVHSOn - request the pleasure of the presence uEO :Sl)TTQN - - : of : " . at the ; wedding -of Attokne at Offlce tn Court House, : v WEBSTER. N. C.""i.' Lllcy been prett : when they were younger, but whose shoulders are now stooped and whose eyes hive lost their lustre Boys were there upon whoie faces have already begun to "appear: the unmistakable marks of ssipatlon. Antl I thouglit, r the i sum of 'all-; this sorrow arid sin vould :: form bulk big enough to .crush eyeiy life v and demolish every; homeIn all! the worldl -v- : : Jutthere were scores-of bright, happy and rbeautilul faces there. Sweet cdren: and f hopeful; young men, healthy boys and ibvely young women,-were tiere ih great numbers as I cauti the gleam of the eye observed the poise. - of the body and felt tlielhi i Ves; I was profoundly greatful fqr the good ; homesT and 'good - schools that have ; placed ; upon V these rx fair ne3 the stamp - of j their I elevating and enriching liiel J i f v I 0 ; Now it was that the second vision flashed r above the'hoiizbn and iUumined my mental skiesl . I iboked into the future. This vast com of young peoplej how. (standing 'fto getiie seperatedm two great throngs: One was descending the downward slope ' of death Scarred faces, weak bodies, dull eyes, tremb ling footsteps told the story of -dissipation and despair. and bloom of youth had given ; way p1 ale, Ala.,; from ; a7caf;;in ; :theItfr mingham yards on the night of July SOttt land " OtisWiUiamsj a Arthur Goodeye Who? assisted him were ? geyen , .sentences of four years and six mqnth respecti vely in . the United; States t)rison ;, " MUnder,Se"Cari cutibn of car and dejwt thieves is of cohvictioh is much greater as the federal statutes do not provide; the loopholes found :in various state whose guilt was proved have been enabled to escape on .technicalities. As the result;;of:' the -operation; of this law, it is - believed that . crimiT nals will t recognize . jtheydanger of tampering ;arid. depots f and at there ' Jwill ; be, a great decrease in 'theft of this char-: acter which frequently cause seri ous inebnyehience and loss to ship pers as well as to the railroads., , ; i ' .. . ...i. 5J.SHaTON. up-the-nver roadunder the direc-:: --V. road in fine condition for: its early r r completion. i u : -:.j-..vv i v.;. Tifrt va .11 A n A. 1 j jl . J .... ftw rr . w a fit-. ;ni...Mriiiiiir hi l n - - , IW 1 1 I W Uli IjLflLUillili.tfiniJ . ill. - see lieladies aM ftatQusandV work: done; :inMSylva -Wednesdair: and.; lhursd y. Y. ;; DEraOPJEFiT-OF SOUTHEAST. . . v - 5.' W . . nf -, ' to: Mr. Francis ?owes Sayre, , on 3 : : November twenty-fifth, nineteen Sylva Pharmacy.BuUding' - . , hundred and thirteen, at half ' after - : Sylva;N. C'r:V: i four o'clock at the' White House." X Waynesville; Nov. 3.-S. J. ' Shel tqn aged 78, an old . soldier; ' died at 3oclock.this morning at his home on pigeon street The funeral arrange ments haye not yet been completed as" nis; sons are in New Mexico, and California. It ; is; -not; known yet whether they "will ; he able; to get hefe"ir?time fbr the " furieral, - which vlVhH ?hplH from thft '.Methodist tor'the; pre-j churcK of which he was a steward mature age. The V hope3 ; of?hoiTie. and conducted byJRev. M;P. Moore state and natibh-'were blighted: ' and pasto::Deceased :was aV member bf blasteIc Vs: He w v u;' uv - a' ' will be buried at Green Hill-ceme-their brows, and heUs gaping ;aby was waitmg to. receive them;: f ;v ;J a Vifenu 'six children, 'Mrs: wEdl : ; : The other throng went f trie-way Kb'h, of Asheville; W. T. Shel-bf- thriftand honor: To :be! sure, i"the tcivNew ; lexico; Cpnly - Shelton, innil wht- rnndh in nlnoPQ '.nnrl thk UolllOniia;, . MfS. W IUiy iuii3 journey toilsome; but the healthy Annie Shelton. and 'Mrs.r Ernest Hyatt, 'of. Waynesville '. and was. sw;eat of -honest Iabor was. upon their j a brother to W. P. Shelton of ; Jack facesl the light of radiant hope was 'son county; . ; : ' - : f ; Khoxville TennJ Oct 31 "Pull -.; lugeiuer : lor, tne Doutneast was tne . r s nonn nr n moArino no m hara nn4kA ' 1 v u www& W UUC JJL1 mc- - occasion of Railroad Day ; at :: ? theri l A A W MB - - M a. h a A. . V . ft iiauuum AAiuservaiion ; xpositlon ,s hv several hundred bfilcials nnH " - lcpicscuiauvcs ui tue ooutnern Kairr ; way and afilliated finest :ihclucing the Mobile and Ohio Railroad n- XTsv.i CwA T1 T 1 '' ' .: t - .... . .yAUkj a uuii .,.? avuumu -viacuiic vjicaw. oouinern .. Railroad; :iGebrgiavSou - luuina, QiiU ,v iglllia ; , aUU .i ' ouuLuwcaiuu.' xau way, . :v rresiaent . W. W. Finley presided and the entire time.was devoted to discussion as to ' v f . rw. f mx.vu kuu cVi QUlyCUlCllL - ana- aeyeiopmeni;oi- tne. territory serveu uy: me ooutnern oystem. .r-.:- fln-adchtipn tobfci Hiintr'- . i ran iv-'. nn i poqi , i lanoH-. - tin iuc ueiu.-aKeuis oi me ; ueDart- ? vv ..ux 'luiuiuvCiUCUl- IrUllW ' a large number of representatives of : uic jLicuiu cuiu xuuustnai i;eDartmenr-. " Qnn .tho I lira .-rvrtlr - - A HAni - T ' . - . -w . mwww xgvuu xJdny and. ; Poultry Agents and Market T Agents. All these men; are working ; - :" 1U VUv . LUC JiJ 1 1 1 I I . II H. lhd and Industrial - Department . utviugr iu tauraui new- maustnes ana setuers ana t tne otnera ivin . uiu wuerever possipie. to iarmers already Jn the ;Soutiiea need advice as to'? local thdUtion . . M W T m. m oruer to.ue successiui. in aaaition'. ' a strong effort-will .be made to keep : . -farmers' already in the South fro rn : moving away to other section's. v ' - President Fi n I ey was - 'greatly pleased ,v4th;the ymeetihg' and ;be-: . the value of the i work which' 'the ;y ;T . . XAV-0 ' Ci U boing ' for- the upbiiilding of the South. ' : -.: - ; ' '

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