till ' i ' : n t . 5 . -. ; - . - . . r 1 - .... ) , 1 ' VOL I NO. SYLVAN : N, CI jNOVIB 21 ; 1913 ; I -:?-$i;00 THE YEAR IN ADVAKCE a. - '' - ' -" '. BARAlA-rillLAlntA blitttiUN tUUNU IIYSTERY OF MAUGHttARKEB. -1 . 1 - The members of the Philathea ,10 of the Baptist church gaye a rpception to uie caidva at , me j a. sKuu was uncovered in"; a field bome of F. A. Luck, Tuesday even, near the road about 300 yards from ind A lagre number of the young the Barker's Creek bndffe Saturdav oeopleof Sylva attended and en: mofning "bya youhg man naoaed inved the evening, nuuiuers m Hail, wnUe he was digginga hole in games weic iuuui6w. .uiya wiuuu lu uury a. nog. - rie went lor Male Quartette rendered two appro- assistance and returning disinterred nriate seiecuons aner w wuu ue- ine sKeieton pt a man believed, to jjghtful refreshments were served, be the t of Malachi Parker who dis- Every one enterea into tne?spim ot appeared some 2q years ago. the occ sion and had a genuine Parker and his wife had had some dood time. It was tne consensus nusunderstandmg and had been! interested in the' rh6vement and of opinion that this was the most seperatect He'declaiinhis intentibn ; quite a number of students as well ccessful affair of the ilond that of scaling his child frbm: his wice'as apart of the faculty : will be from that city.' v J ' - Col. Cohen further stated that the negotiations that have been in pro gress with the. Wake Forest College the -people ot SyJjya; t;i3io wj assur. it therew School jotejl'a ?pro? motes of triis m C.E. Bruce supermtehaenVofi of Macon Qa-diprfi Sanford principai of :Sayid$o2 Hi School of Auiost will lie established jit rkson County Fair Groundsanthe Jaige jaurhber of boys whoJwJU be brought here by these gehtiemeu . will be V.T.CHAVFOHD IS DEAD. PROGRAM SlAGKSflfl co. mwi mm ;- Hon. William Tbomas; Crawford, three times "the repentative of triisdistrict in the United States Congress and seven times ' the . ..-. instructed inr a'UUeticMd-Willrbe prepared for College Jaiid Uniy ersi ty work. The authorities; 'iSPublip. . schools of Savanriabt -.ar6. also has been given by the rhilatheas.r and going away, had his people to prcptire xuuu to cane witn nun on the journey;and left his home taking FOR THANKSGIVING Give a with him a fish gig ot which he was bushel ot JNO. l rea appies, in a particularly fond, rie never returned! authotities for the removal of the beautiful paneled box lined witb to his home, but some neighbor was ' Summer law School from i that place white, satin finish, wave pattern said to have seen him near the place to Sylva have. reached i stae where he can assure Sylva that unless something unfdrseeh turns up the Law School will be t permanently located at Sylva, the first session to be held here beginning next June. i who live outside the county GEO. R MILLER. - 'A' ilf paper; each apple wrapped in tissue; where the skeleton was found short-j diagonal pacK; up-io-me-minuie m ny after he left his home. This was every particular. I will ship .these the last that was evr sec n of him for you to any address.. zb jets, a Dr. D. D. Hooper, who held the box less than my price to people 1 inquest declares it to be his beleif that the skeleton found is that of the long lost Parker, as it answers the description as to hight and size appears to have been buried for about the length of time that Parker i has been missing, is of a man of midle age as Parker was when he oissappearea and the fish gig of Par ker s was founi buried with the skeleton. --i r : ' ..JealerStn 'IjQl Lahti it'ls believed from that, that this clears up the mystery of long standing ' What became oi Malach Parker r. i ... All kinds of repait work'donen short notice. - ' - ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY Sylva, 5N. C. ' C. a LOGAN MR. ALLISON'S STATEMENT.' rihe Skeleton was tound on the farm of Mr. 6. C. Allison who sets iorth his opinion in the following letter. About the year 61 a boundry of land was purchased from old man Ance Potts, by frrank Allison along PROF. REYNOLDS WILL SPEAK. COLEMAN C. COWAN, Attorney and Counsellor atJLaw, WEBSTER, N. C. Undertaker and Embalmer 16 years experience ' Full Line of Caskets and Robes. License No6 1 Phone No. 17 - Waynesville, N. C. the beautiiul winding l ucKaseigee in Barkers Creek Township. At this time ana a lew years preceeding this place was oniy mnaonea Dy a lew red men, it was a wilderness of beauuiul maples. At the mouth of a branch that runs into the Kiver an a httie Knoll, about 75 years ago was buried one of these old red men wiua nis dow ana arrow and gig, be side his Indian wile. These graves were never molested by Potts, and Frank Allison lor many years, a few days ago Mr. Chug Hall was digging a hole to bury a hog and it happened to be the grave of this old Inoian man, alter my knowledge of this his bones were soon layed back where they had been sleepmg for for these many years. The mounds that were covered with little white pebbles about the year 61 one seemed to not have c. c, Buckantn been placed there many years be- VlrTVdtb Shoal Creek cnuT(irrginning Friday before the nominee of the Democratic ;party- fifth S-nday in November. , fc for that positi6nv Died at -Iiisver FRIDAY "f ' in Waynesville Sundayinight: 'Mr :.J:-Intorductory Sermon A. IL Becfc' Crawford had been in-poor heatJ1?: ;12NDinner. " r ' - for'some time but was 'thoughtlo '1 P."M.-rganizatfonI - :Ky ; 1:30T-Srmbn oh : Christiah Giy-:' ing A. C; Queen. " J - ; 350 How May the Spiritual Con v d tion oi' our ChurcheVBe Improv-: ed? R. L. Cook. : ; -V SATURDAY . - 9:30 A. M. Devotional Exercises.-; 10 A. M. Sermon oh Repentance . M. A. Norman. - ' 11 A. M. Sermon on Baptism- J. L Queen. - . 1 P. M. Sermon on FellowshiD v A.C.Bryson. : 2:30 P. M. Sermon on the Lord's ; Supper A. W. Davis. Adjourn until Sunday at 10 o'clock. SUNDAY - 10 A. M. Devotional Exercises and Sunday School Mass Meeting lied by H. R. Snider. A R. N. Deitz M. A. NORMAK 1 ' . j W. T. Crisp Committee. -4. ' ." , ' ' DR McGUJRE. DENTISTS. Office : Pharmacy Building, JSYLVA, N. O. W. R . ISHkE R R:I L1L. Attorney at Law, Office In Court House, WEBSTER, N. C. .E. Alley 7it iu Or COucnanat HttorneaatOLuw; Bylva, N. C. While Mr. Alley has moved to Waynesville, he will continue to take active part in the practice of at bylva and in Jackson Co. one connection betwen Sylva nnd Way nes vilJe offices -i GtO. W. SUTTON Sttovne? an& Counsellor Sylva Pharmacy Building "' Sylva j N. CL' ; . fore tnere are some lew of tne old settlers that Know about the graves of thest two Indians yet they ' were never allowed to be dug into by me since I have owned this place. Respt. S. C. Allison TO BE LOCATED HEBE. m v Ark - . rm Kaleigii, JN. u. JNov. Z tne - pror gram of the thirtieth annual session of , the NorthrCarohna: Teachers , As- ember ,26-29, has, been sent j out . to the teachers of the State by Secre tary E. E. Sams, and it shows that great things in the way of inspiration enlightenipent, and information are in store for all who may be able to attend. A Derusal of the mere list of names of the speakers on the pro- gram pt only tne . general sessions shows that these meetings alo e . would more than repay for his trip to Raleigh the teachers from sea board Currituck or from fartherest Cherokee. The first session will be addressed by Governor Locke Craig, State Superintendent J. Y. Joner Josiah VYilliam Bailey, and Presi dent J. D. Eggleston of the Virginia Polytechnic institute, former State Superintendent of Virginia, and one of the greatest authorities on rural education in the country. On Thursday evening, November 27th, the president's annual address will be delivered by A. C. Reynolds of the Cullowhee Normal and Indus trial School, who is this year presi dent of the Assembly, and it will De a plea lor a professional body of teachers for North Carolina and suggestions as to how to secure this professionalization. On the whole, the program wil offer such a wealth of profit, in spirational, informatibned, and pro fessional, as no teacher in the State can afford to miss who can possibly go to Raleigh. Special rates on all railroads will allow the round trip to be made for one and one-half the regular fare one way, plus fifty cents. Only those who are paid members of the Assembly will get the benefit of the reduction. be improved and only a day. or jsd i e t :- i . .1 ' ' v Deipre nan expressed tne opinion that he never felt better in his ; iue and that he believed he would re gain his health. His death came suddenly. At about seven o'clock h? complained of feeling weak and of having a pain over his eye. A phy sician was summoned, but7 Mr, Crawford grew rapidly weaker and at 8: 30 he breathed his last He leaves , a widow -and ' s ye i children, four boys and three' girB all of whom were at home except Harry and Hillary who were at Raleigh where they are attending the A. & M. College The funeral was held at the first Baptist Church Waynesville Tdcs day and the interment was at Green Hill Cemetery. f he pall-bearers being, Hon;, iGeorge H. Smathers, Hon. W. T; Uee Senator W. J. Hannah, Thomas ; L. Green, Drv R. L. Allen and Capt Alden Howell, " All the Banks, shops, schools l and business housed In Waynesville were closed fqr the funeral, j- j : H ws nominated for Congress -riressiohai aincL'm :i&H)r',tu( Democrats after a lorg, hard battle Haywood, his native county, forced the nomination of her favorit ; son, j -family 1ast Sunday. t i I BETA 7 ineiarmers:nre au ahout rdone gathering jjorh;: flMrs.Mary Crumley andosonC Canton visited Joseph Ensley- and- by casting on every ballot her entire vote for Crawford. While several times defeated by candidates of the opposition, he never lost a nom ination sought from his party. Dur ing his career he was defeated' for a seat in Congress by Richmond Pearson, the late Jame M. Moody and the lust time, in 1908, by John G. Grant After the campaign of 1908 Mr Crawford settled down to the prac. tice of law in Waynesville and was one of the leaders of his profession He has been prominent in church and Sunday School affairs in Way nesville, having been the teacher of the Baraca Class at the First Baptist Church and otherwise interesting himself in religious affairs. CAMPAIGN FOR MEMBERS Col. Sanford H. Cohen Manager of the Greater Western Carolina As sociation was m Sylva Wednesday andin speaking with a representative ; of the, Journal stated that .-through the efforts of the Association and ReV. Caleb A. Ridley, of Central Church, Atlanta, writes the Biblical Recorder "We have had over four hundred -additions: during the past year and - will begin work on our new building , at ) price. Congrega tions continue to tax bur old place.' Mr. C. B. McFee, district manager Woodmen of the World makes the following announcement: It has been decided to . open the chartei of all camps in this district and make a special charter fee of $3.00 to all who.desire to" join the Woodmen of the World, for the next fifty days. On December 18. 1913 the charters will close in all camps and the entrance fee wulgo back to the regular price of $6.00. This is done to increase the membership of the order, and on December 18, there will be a class initiation at Henderson ville, which will be the biggest day on record for the Woodmen of West ern North Carolina. , - The Woodmen of the World stands foi the uplift cf man and the pro tection of the home, which we are all interested in. The noblest thing any man can do is to protect his his loved ones, and that can be done with the least cost through . the low rates of the Woodmen of the World. It has done more, to lighten the bur den of the widow and orphans than any other order in the state, arid; it stands ready to protect your" loved ones in case you, the bread winner, are called upon to give up this life.' The address of the district mana tJlanche fisher visited her sister at rjairview last Saturday night . , SaUie and Iillie Ensley visited Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ensley of Fair view Saturday nignt Mrs. Addie Reed and son were the guests of her father Sunday. Loyde' Keener who was married last September and moved to Wh tier will move back to Beta in a few days. E. F. Parker of Fairview was a Beta visitor Sunday. -. Ed. Reed made a trip to Cullowhee Sunday. Fred and Mamie Bryson were visiting home folks from Cullowhee, the last of the week. .. Mrs. R. L. Cook of Addie visited her son Zeb a few days last week. Verta Dills went to Sylva last Saturday. D. G. Bryson is having a new store house put up at Beta. . Mrs. Coralee Fisher and children were the guests of Mrs. J. L. Fisher Saturday night , Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of Addie visited Mrs. Cook's parents aturdey night Mr. and Mrs Garland Parris were the guests of his father last week. , Mr. and Mrs.' W. O. Allen and daughter went to Addie Sunday to visit Mrs. AllerVs parents. Mr. and juts. Murray. Mrs. Amanda Allen visited Mrs . Cumi Davis a few days last week. Mrs. Isaac Davis of Webster was on the Creek a few days, last week.' The Beta Sunday School is get ting along nicely we do not . want our Sunday School to die out this winter we want . everybody l to go and take an interest - " : h 1 : Rev. A. E. Brown will preach' at; the Baptist church Sunday morning 'V: and the evening v seryic ;at ?tiie V same church will be ' conducted by ' ' Rev. HugtP. Vinsonr of Bo'ykins 1 V T,--'A'4'.. ,v?r- f M- ger is, Box 428, Canton,' N. a. :