VOL I NO. 7 ;:;pifcM - : -.' i1 . D. A! 1 ' LI IHES1ISER CM1P. MP. IDS In the write up in ;,tlje . Asheyille fitizen of the Summer Camp School is to be located at Sylva, the ! Citizen made the that the promoters ui uic vwm.- School had purcnasea ,uie uacsou ,, Qouuty r air : Fair Association. I his is a . aistaKeuy idea that has been in the minds 01 a great many. people, wmie-me rauv- Association has not sold ; the"; Fair j y Grounds, the - property,.. nas i)een leased to the school for the rnontl . of June, July. August and : the first tWo weeks of Septamber. lhis :wiu ; ve the Fainfblks plenty of time toj - nrpoare IOr Uie iau : yivaa memer that JacKson.jqunty lsgomg to have the best fairt ye jias been heiain uus seguuu iu uic j itate. . ' wo Hnn't nivfturj one dodd thing ;r in Jackson County, for the .sake : ol 1. - another, but we want all -the -good j things that are coming our way. , 4s JOHN- fllPflRRIS , Deal erf in . - Udatcbea anb 3eiei: All kinds of reporol66p morx nouce. ENGRAVING AJ SFECIALTY Sylva4Nra:: ; " C. G. LOGAN Undertaker and Embaliner 16 years experience- Full Line of Caskets and Robes. License Noi6 Phone No. 17 Waynesville, N. C COLEMAN C. COWAN, Attorney ani Counsellor atLaw WEBSTER, N. C. DR McGUIRE. DENTISTS. Office : Pharmacy Building, JSYLVA, IT 0. W. R. :SHERRIUL. Attobney at Law, Offlc In Court Hous, WEBSTER, Hi C. ' Alley . ... . C. (Buchanan! iJfUetf (Cp- Buchanan tttAt ni tv, HttOimeaU!ILUVP While Mr. AUey has moved to JVJyneiUe, :he; .1 take active part in the practice of Jaw at Sylva and in Jackson Ca - Phone connection betwen Sylva nnd Way- - nesvuie office : " . .; QEO AV; SUTTON Bttorneant Counsellor at 3Law y Sylva Pharmacy Building J Sylva, N. CL ? , ;.:-.Tvy.::;:;xjr.;.;;. : r - KING TURKEY ; y p" DRUG STORE CHANGES HANDS. Dr. D. D. Hoor)er has completed a trade with JJ. Keener by which Mr. Keener is the owner of the Hooper Drug Company. The firm name will remain the same that it has been with J. B. Keener as man ager and broDrietor. : L . ..i. has. had a reat deal of experience in Uie : drug business, i he having connected with Dr? Hooper J? Se&c 5? turning here ne has until recently been the proprietor of the Dillsboro Pharmacy and' ho ddubt x Will . be most successtul in his latest enter? pnse. PRESIDENT OF AC L r c President : ' !Emmerson : . of r . the K 4 , Atlantic Coastline Railway died; at Wilmington Tuesdav nkmL from an attack of acute indigestion. - I j i. , A LITTLE CHILI). The eight months old daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. H. Stein died Sunday afternoon after having beeh ill for about a week. The funeral was Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. J. J. Gray conducting the services PRESIDENT FINLEYDEAD. Mr. W. W. Rnley, who" has for the past six years served well the people of the Southland in the capacity of President of the Southern Railway, died at his home in :Wash ington, D. C Tuesday night im mediately following a stroke of paralysis. We note that the Hotel Regal at Murphy, one of the finest hostelries in Western Carolina, will be .con ducted under the personal manage-. ment of Mr. Ju; Smathers, the ow ner. .This , guarantees satisfaction to it's large and growing clientele as Mr. Smathers is one of our wid est known and most successful busir ness men and the connection of his name with an enterprise usually spells success.; TTiat Judge. Frank Carter t is stii! iignung xne uquor iranic is snown1 n T r ' ! vu py the following extracta from the Asheville Gazette-Nwa: . ;;t."B"S V1 ; CarteryBitting as 5'agwmmking t matrate 'explcded'aKb magistrate,: exploded; at bumb; by oriiermgrtheTim liA Jrn and the Xhtury Drug ;itore; James LiAlexaader7 ; pro prietor of the Battery Park 'hotel; and J;BayUs;: Rector mana the; Lan ,ren toger withtwa other men;VancLi-.v .Wells'.' and- Isadore Granti : the jiatter. colored, these two men being alleged -agents of one or the other of tie first : four men named. The , arrests followed immediately and the, deferidarit were placed under iieaVy: bonds. J s. These men are ch&geditli? sell ing whiskey directly or indirectly, and a few of them';th'.:&e:vcddihg' andabbeting icrthe traffic truxfi their ageuia. Th i affidyidte against VL 12 Alexander andIsadore GranL Were made by Ciiel of P61ice CsN;; liminac, - and r thoseTagaihst the others by Sheriff CWilUams The arrests were made .; at the in stance of J. W. Haynes.of the prosed tionc ' v.-C ; :' rl&ee of .the defendahb, Messer Lange, Greerr, and Alexander,; were. required by Judge Carter to , furnish pona iqc ineir .appearance irom aay Rectbrwa required to 'fdrjobK'nd. mthe'sluniOf $10001 aridva: sinillaT Vance Wens but he, was repotted by the Officers to be out of the city. The charges, against him are similar to.tnose agamsi urani. , - The tVxee druggists, Penrose Bald win, D. McWMackay and'F. H. Mc Mullen who were arrested about twQ weeks ago when the investigation was launched, were called into court this morning to : plead the charges against them of violating the prohi bition law by making illegal sales under license held to sell intoxicat cauts on prescription. The oply plead ing, however, was made by Mr Baldwinthe others being continued from day to day, the' court stating the records of -the other two places has not yet been completed. . , ; ? Mr. Baldwin, through his attor ney, Judge Thomas AJonesj agreed to plead guilty in a technical sense to the charges against him before, a court of competent jurisdiction;' to give up his licensetpsell whiskey on7 prescription; ship "all intoxicants in his place of business back to the peopJ e from whom, they were pur chased; and to quit the business as long as the prohibition law remains n effect in Asheville. - In support of this he - also a reed to furnish any bond that the court may deem necessary to show good s faith in carrying out the agreement.:-; v Judge Carter allowed, this plea to be entered. The defendant waived a preliminary hearing in ' making this plea. ; ' " V V ; - The threa defendants remain un der the same bonds, $1000-, each, named by Judge ;Carter when they Mr. T. R. Barrows in the Western North Carolina Democrat speaks of the time when Western North Caro lina will rival Switzerland and when Hendersonville will be the Hub of this section. K hot air could be cony- pressed and usecl as ; such Hender sonville would make an . excellent Hub. . Mc; aj' to homo 4' :. ' , ) . tlr , tv- - r' . m Waynesvdle; Thursday after a- - , . t v : i - : A r : - . and hisremahis iaid:to1rf';ia''the '":A'A Tl ' : : Waynesvllle cemeteryr: He" leaves a wife A and f iv . children: . Miisg - Meto'Adairisotieigh.and;-Ca , . ; i - J. and Charles K ,r i; i- ' Mr. Aoams uvea ai;uasmers,Yai- r- rif years' where hrioucted : a ' yr.; :-. general mercnanaise ana noiei dusi nesiv: Later, going, oh the road ' as;. a tray eling salesman he moved his family to Waynesville. ; RED CROSS STAUPS T;e Southern Express Company hUs granted free carriage ? for Red . Cdss Christmas Seals to all parts of the State 1 of North. Carolina. . Jiisis i special concession to tho , -Red Cross Seal Committeeof 'i hs : State, but tlie same favor has beeb, 5 pranrpn some ntner atfltea. inia 1 v hot only a contribution :of : several': hundred dollars to the antt-tubercu losis work, of these States, but is al-'i so a recognition on the- partf of : the Express Company of th yalue, of the sale of the Red Cross Chirstma Stamps in arousing sentiment . that will .help " eradicate i this disease The Southern 'Express ; Company is always wide awake to tthe , best commercial interests of its1 territory -It probably-realizes the, enormous economic value of the fight Bgainst tuberculosis. Every untimely death" is estimated to be. an econo inic loss of $5,000 to the State or, community! At this rate tuberculosis-costs' the State $30,000,000 . To combat with, this -disease the the State is spending a mere pit tance. The Red Cross Seal Com-. mittee hoped to raise $10,000 this year by selling 1,000,000 Red: Cross Seals. These seals or stamps 'are used as decorative stickers on 5 let-. ters and packages during several weeHs before Christmas. They will " be sold in nearly every section of the State and can be secured of the Red Cross Seal . Committee at Ch riotte. . . Hie action of the Ey press Com pany and indicated above will help a great deal in distributing the seals and literature. TDBEBCULO IS POBK. It is stated that during 1912 $3,000 K 000 was spent by fraternal orders labor unions, and . insurance com panies in special funds for, the treat ment of; their , members for tuber culosis. :Tlie Royal (League has a sanatorium located at Black Mount ain, The modern Woodmen" at Colo rado Springs, The Order of Foresters -at Rainbow Lake , N. Y, and the Workmen's Circle at Liberty, N." Y. All of these , sanatoriums are con ducted for the treatment of tubercn-r lous patients and supported by these ; societies. The International Printers Union has a sanstonum at Colorado . Springs, and the Printing. Pressmen one at Rogersville; Tenn. The metro politan Life Insurance Ctompany are,-: with the approval of the New, York Insurahe Department,' erecting 'a sanatorium at Mount Greor, N. Y for the treatment of their employees- '1 - -I. '- A. 1 - x..-' if - f- ... . - -. ..' - . : : '. - .. - n c --. ; 1 i. Aw . 4 f - J f'. K