VOL I Na 7:lliSiftijP y -1 FAVOR REMQVIK 10ARD0FTRADE yilOAfjlZEO I - - F T I.HHitljllUUlV" ';;v;yy' r , j ' . J COLLEGIATE ISSTITUTE-ADOPTS ; EES0LU11UNS. ' At an 'enthusiastic meeting . of ;r J i' ' yl the citizens of Sylva-last niflht the ' Aboard of ,tradVPf Sylva was. organ- ; ?.v : with thftrwsmff'HAtPTmin-Vv:3 The aldhatThey portunities.of ; : dieltbwQdrcouiity ; h - ? realities "' - f- ;viw vv v CoLSanford H. Cohen, manager of ; . the greater Western North Carolina -, i associauon assisiea m.peiiecung uie wiiii una movement, anci aesirev to place tnemseivea oil record as' wish- and capable of : mlijch development Climatic condi tionsare superb. Al ready the fruit growers arid stock raisersare realizing thpseadvantage ; and Jacksohv!un5yislilps ahnnaliy numbers of car loads'of apples and cattle. .-. ' :.ly"- - Thee mineral weal.tii,; which con sists mostly of micaJ hi ckel xopper, kaolin, and corundum is just be ginning to be devtlojed and taet).'w els of the earth afeielching v.forth coin to swell -the Jcblfera ; of our people:' r r v Ihe timber resources are , among the moot important imd: the sales of hardwood Umber ; are immense. before long this raw product will in organization. Macon .counties is prepared prident and Mrjl ; C. C. Buchanan the market;at Sylva. And Je.cVson retary of the BoarcL of trade is the largest producer of ; miavof ' with aii.execuuye fc6m.mitteQv-cpiii- f any county in the world with t- & posed. Dr. A A. Nichols, Ai J. Dills; possible exception of MitchelL.r ;T. C. .Biysoni".Iyt:--Jiuclian; :.M.' D. Yancey. ' y : Cowan, andjohn-B: Ehsley. - N r Sylva is located on thc lMurphiyJ Resolutions were adopted un- ' division of the Southern Railway animously ''requesting theJ3oard ' of 47 miles west of Asheville; has. a trustees of Wake Forest - College to population of 1200 and is ;growjg consider the proposition of moving oy leaps and bounds, has three the fame u law school of that inrf churchea, Methodist, Baptist , and y sticution to Sylva for the summer Episcopal, two hardware s. ores, two ijnouths. ' .narkets for meats and green grocer;. Never in. the . history of the town ies, six large general merchandise and County has there been such 'a stores, two millinery stores, marblelunanimity ;of . determined purpose v: At a special meeting of the Board j v j Trustees of tne &yiva Muegiate tnetitute held in Sylvon , Decern; er 4tb, 113, Uie foUowing resqlu- tions were unanimously aaoptea: That, whereas, an effort isj now feeiag made W. the town, of Sylvaj to W secure the Icon ofeTi Vake w forest bummer. Law Jackson County Potentially the ' As a. farmingjlandlfrml gro the mica mined in Jackson S -ProLivtH. Mbes was elected; ' puast, the same to ue iuca m weaitmest county m : tne ; aiate oi 8ection Jackson County 1s the peer the ouildings oelonging to the JSyt r CaroUnahas suffered for manV of the besthe sMJ is ia rich clay va U) Uesiate msutute. : - r-r V-r- ' i Vd D - w r ; circumstances, an unhappy location utui wnereas, the Board ofjrus- , - c - . y i tees are moipugWy m -sympathy her highways during Uie winter months. ' The leven of progress has - been wAritinii nn thf rnmrts of thft ritizfmS me wwaio secunng- JocauonL . 1(; ,ook( 0i saiQ bummer Ldw cmmi matters into their own iimds and Tuereiore. me trustees for the m nQ uncertain terms, by an aDove nameu institute, op, pass and -erwfleimmg majority they spoke adopt me loiiuwmg resoluuons: lor progreS8 and union of endeavor, Kesoivea, First: ihat the build- laia torever tne boogaboo 6i jis auu grounos of me bylya Ool- jacKson county, the Court house re" toaie lubutuie oe tenOeiea tree of moval question. charge to tne Faculty and Trustees there is being erected on a lovelv Qt waK.e ruicat wuceo u. ww . put- uoping elevation m tne new apitoi pose oi iioiumg ana conducting said oi Jackson County, one of the bummer Law bcnool eacn and best allQ most imposmg temples oi , hannfo,tnv' in.f,hnra every year so long as samp may; be Jusuce m state. inis building Lis county anoieVelieater berie rissireu. irom uie nrst oi ;june. un- wlien comDleted will cost in Toun":.-; : i -'r-ii.j - i ::, r t )l m AUU1A r tit will hp i dprivpd "hs lift Hrpaf tim- m me lost oi august - of eacn- and mures "auOUlO.UOU of which a8 Lu- desireu, cxsi oi august of, eacn and fvety suiuiuc, ;, . weii astne e agamser xby the Pund spfnteo people ol 1 m 0l fatner of Wa. bcuooiior me ue.m ; J ters, has such an abimdance oi tnclignts, water: worKs, immshed it is expected that the new Court i wacer power ouly, au miiiutesimal jooms m Uie vanous.iiornuiones. or House wui be in reaoiness for th: u wmcll AS . Demg UUA1Zfca for auy oth.r prupeny or lurnish- hoAQ1I1g ot me next term of; the mete Btreams are lu. pgs in comiecaowitu said lnsti- Supenor court wmch wdl be i" ej ucunaluity, ilorepasture tme auoi same De onereu and ten- Kphruarv . , w . uie, cm ui oewxi. , reuruary. land Unatooga rivers and bcotts cered tree oi cnarge to said bum- -lrie olner impediment to furthev, UeeK iaVimUiint vv0li crteK, boco paer Law bcnool; yr progress is Demg eliminated. In in, mmuiiared more creeKs n ; matici ui .iuauuuu ,u, ruv consiaeraoie size ana importance. of t rustees oi tne ayiva jouegiaie! wnee and Linsboro townsmps navc Institute pieage themselves to work tne lean, Uiey naving ibsued ana co-operate m .every way.: pussi- OUO m oonas lor tnat purpose ble toward making tms school a me money is being expenoeu on success Irom Uie beginning, and ine roads oi uiese townsmps. will at all umes strive lo maKe the A weA graueu, magunicent high time pleasant and prontapie botn way unrty ieet wiae and omit o1 Jor stuoenis and iacmty; - , Baiia clay is oemg constructea irom Ke&oivea, tourUi: tnat a copy of yiva to CutlowUee lNormal and lu tjiese resoiuuons be spread on the aastrai bcnool located on a mil minutes oi tms body, mat a copy of alJove me winding tucKaseigee nver same oe manea to rroi. in. . Uul- seven mnes. irom me iviurpny &yf ana inai a copy oe sent to me mvision oi me aoutneru naiiway. Jioard ol trustees xor Wake. Forest pTom CulloWnee me .. road will bc (Allege at their regular meeting at icontinued through mattownsmp up the baptist btate ' Convention in tne rlVer, opemng to me worm oi Sheby on Uie 10 insL V- r Commerce an untold wealtn ; of Done in special session, this the timber, mineral, water power and 4th aay ol becember, 113. . T. C. Bryson Vfc Chairman Board of Trustees . Sylva Collegiate Institute. A- J. Dills, h : .v Secretary of said Board. : v agricultural and horticultural , pos siDiliues. :! uasniers Valley the beautifu tpwnsnip of Jacitspn iiying on a plateau almost on top of anu east ol tne Blue Kidge. is, oy pubnc sub scripuon and volunteer worx, bund ing an autdmobne highwayy, mrough Casniers ;V aney to w amalla, b. C. and - aiso from LaKe toxaway tb hignlancts. it is only a question oa tirnp and a very snort period oA Fairfax Harrison, president ot tne at that when the connecung imk Chicago, IndianapoUs and Iuisville j'oempleted irom uullo wnee to Railway company, was today elected Caer Yahey .and byiva and. thic president of the Southern Railway Ka ot (jounty wui be brought in company to succedme' late W. looser touch with meSouthern ciues jinley. : .i ' . f - .v The AUanta to ; Murphy tiighway is CARD OF THANKS- ! - .m under course oi wuauutuuu.. au- t is a matter oi; utue . spcuuiauuu FAIRFAX HARBISON -PRESIDENT SO; R. We take this means of eipreis- that the few miles ;of.toaanolea to im our thanks to our many friends do the work wui; De-completett .and for their kindness and thoughtful- he Highway will. : be tbe Atlanta to pess during our recent sorrow. " 'v AsheyUle Hway, which wm, pass IL-Steinand taMX.:- tnrougn uwwwu vfmp-iv. irom me sumupoint ut uie luurist and lover ol me sublime in natuxe, JacKson county nas no superior. mere are me talsams and fcuwees towermg to heights or buuo ieet ana more, vvmtesiae mountain with its sneer precipice oi louu ieet, ine streams winding clear as crystal through me vaiieys or uasning mrough space upon the rocis De- iow, senumg a lainbow apray to ward me sapphire sii.y as mey no at ooco ians, won vreeit talis, m Canada township and at the rugn tails oi me t ueis,aseigee mat rival JNiagara itself lor suoinne grandeurs ine air is pure, the say a sappnue blue and me water as pure and clear as that which drips irom me foot of the .Alaskan glaciers. Mala ria and hay lever are unknown. blva, me new town, is me busi- ' - i ' . ness center or mis magmheent county and hes nesUed among me hihs, t he drainage is penect, The people are happy and prosperous, there are in byiVa two excellent schools. The SyiVa CoUegiate insti tute, owned by me baptist denorm- nation, has under me curecuon of Jroi'. J. C Ingram, become one oi importance m mis section. The byiva tiigh bchooi is me public school oi the town, is a btate rlign school, has a modern building, ount by me town at a cost oi $auuu, and has-a most excellent corps of teach ers. At bylva is located me; C. J. Harris Tannery, one of the largest in the state,- the bylva4 Lumber and Manufacturmg Company, -manuiac works, three blacksmith and 'ma chine shops two progressive .banks, two livery and feed stables, Vhole sale "grocery, wholesale .millinery, two excellent hotels., a. number . of good boarding houses; newspaper and well equipped job;-;prthtiesy tauusniuenx , anu num Ders o; .pro- eiecinc ngnts andy power,. , A largedam is.ndw being c&nUrubted on the t uckaseigee river to increase me efficiency of the Electric Pbweri Company, which is backed by ICol. Chas. J. Harris. Water for the city is supplied by springs -on King's Mountain from whence it-is brought by gravity through pipes to the ,town. Everybody in the county realizes the opportunity that lies before us. Everywhere the spirit of progress and new life is felt among the peo; pie. We are united in one purpose, a greater, happier,' wiser, better and wealthier JacKson county with "a capital city that will be recognized as one of the important business centers of the State. . - : among all the people for the up- building of.T; the interests. 6f the county and city. : "r, y Get on the and wagon while the time is ripe: Join the board of trade and boostt 'itinieans: the realization , f r pt;your,dreams;ior: jacJn;vCouiityj k , ahoteanrnl f; the kind :matsil5succs.k4- - 11U1 IsU illlll U11UU 111 L. 1 1 ' l- .-. .. .''2. PLEAD UUIITY. TEAGHEKS ASSEMBLY. turers of iiardWood lumber,; a nuiu; of mica companies, in fact tnearty President A C. Reynolds, County Superintendant David H. Brown and .Miss Charlotte Young have returned from Raleigh Where they "attended the teachers Assembly of North Carolina. . '' At that meeting there were de partments" for aU educational y in terests from the kindergarten to CoUega 'Prof.. A. C Reyriolns of Cutlbwhee Normal and : Ihdustral School dehvered one of the ' mpst interesting .addresses of the occasion on the subject "Better; training for teachers and how to obtain it' Among the social events of note in The proprietors of the , -Langren Battery Park and Glenrock hotels at Asheville submitted to the charges" ot retailing ' without: license upon the follpwin P terms, as dictated by Judge Frank Carter. John H. Lange and Gay Green are to pay a fine of $400, two-thirds of which, $2666.67. is to be paid by Mr. Lange, and one-third, i $13333, y Mr. Green: James L. Alexander is to pay a fine of $2000; J. Bayliss Rectocis not required to pay any pecuniary fine but judgment is sus- penhed in a case to which he pleads guilty: D. MqN. Mackay pleads guilty to a charge in which judgment is suspended and forfeits- his. : license from now agreeing never to apply '. for such a Hcense in Asheville agaim and in addition surrenders the in- toxicants seized several days ago at the Owl drug store and whatever tock he has on hand at his. stores on Pack square: and' a similar judg ment is entered in the case of if. H ; McMullerL The cost of the entire in vestigation are charged to Messers Lange, Green ancL Alexander Tewhiskey and oAer intoxicants surrendered to the court are to be ; destroyed by -me sfcriff rexcept: such 7 portions of it available for' nospitai use, mat part to oe turned r V.';.? j - . i--'.. connection with the Assembly were over to the Mission hospital for use the reception tendered the members of the Assembly J by the ' ladies of Raleigh at . Hotel Varboroughi and the concert at the auditorium' given by the merchants Assbciatipn : com plementary tothe teachers. v For the first time in the history of the State the office of vice president of the teachers Assembly is held by a womaivMiss Mary Graham, having been Elected; to "that "office; Profi lCSNoblofC ceetis .ProilrReynoId3 as preSdent ) ! -C. - .4J in the charity wards. j According to the - terms of this v agreement, the- defendants; iriust mamtam a good redord for thl next : x'C three years of theyVmay ,be called - into court and fined - or imprisoned vl iu uie cuscreuon oi me court on the -cases in -which pleastif guilty .toVeVVfe"' been enteredyand: judgmehti sus- v pended for that period of tima lrx mediatdy:fbnowiiig-'m'e annouicevyH mentr or r'tne;i-moniing-bJut Carter' thft dpfpn .4- . J. y Cr V r. r v. it xrouce court anomemtrie3madef 'm W1 according to-the terms of tb8$&Mk 'X- y - y v v V- "n, V' . r 4- . f .s -3 v ; t 1 r. ; .-. . . , ' - . y. ,'.' y ' : .