1 - V LOHCDDNAL (MARTS. - ft-. ' ' ''.' t -w X it- In-. H I" in ( ! 5 1 r 1 t i A wedding took place here .Sun day last, at the home of Mr. .John McDonald, the high contracting pa -ties being Mr. W. Longof Offerman Ga., an A. CL L. Railroad clerk, , and Miss Pellie McDonald, . daughter of the above, Rev. Quarterman,' oi Quincy, officiating. Mrs. Long was a great social fa vorite in Gretna, and a beautiful and accomplished young lady. He r many friends in Gretndand vicinity will miss her very much. She had been a teacher in the public school and gave universal satisfaction. The appy young cot pie left on the aitemoon tram for (Merman, amid a shower oi rice, and with the best wisnes ol the whole communi ty for a long ana nappy union. Quincy, Fla. Enterprise. " Mr. .Long is a popular Jackson County Doy, and his many inenas here will be interested m the above and join the- Journal m congratula tions and good wishes to the young couple. HED CMS otALo. ; If the tender, herbage of the spring-time which is f so v delightful nd refreshing to the spirit of : man did not develop into maturity, there c?uld be no summer; and if ;the ripe luxuriance of mid-summer did not pale, we could not - liave the flaming glories of autumn; an'd if hese in turn were not buried " be neath the v white mantle of winters snow, there would not be the spring time resurrecuion which is the uni versal miracle of the world. So it is with life itself. Let no one sigh be cause childhood merges into youth, and youth advances to manhood, and manhood retreats before the steps of age, and age whitens for the grave. There could be no splendor of the larger life beyond without these progressive chan es. Autumn is hot a signal lor vain regrets, but the clarion shout that wakes us to renewed anticipations of the eternal spring-time. People were shocked Sunday morning by the sad news that W. E. firown, christian, and upright citizen had passed away, He had been ii.. ill health lor some time, and the end came suddenly Sunday' morn- iagat 11:30, November 17,-1913 the deceased leaves two sons and a host of friends to mourn their ioss. The luneral took place xuonday morning and his body was laid to rest in the brown cemetery. ' Born to Mr, and Mrs. Sam Canon a fine girl, Mr, Kanson and Manison Hooper, have returned home from the far west, where they have been for the past lew years, every body gave them a welcome hand-shake. Mr. Frank Brown and family rHectrc Signs" Said Buster Brown r icertm : There are so many round the town, They turn night into day Signs of things to try and use But here is one sign of joy Buy Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes For every Girl and Boy. Little Bey Blue come blow your horn I hav'n't a bunion, I hav'n't a corn "My "feet are easy you can't find abruse Tm?w&& ing Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes. r.r y t y. ' lister Brown Blue Ribbon SHOE S 4 For Boys and Girls For sale by Bryson & McDade V.f - ! Xmas! Xnias! Xraas! will soon be here. We have the presents for you to Duy9 Rugs, Pictures china Yvaie. In lac com plete line to select ta-om lor both old and oung at right prices. Re sure you ste our line before you buy Bargains Bargains Bargai Charlotte, N. C. Dec. 4th, 1913. Buy KeuLross beats and help Stamps out tuberculosis". T'lis is the slogan on 4i,uuU window cards that nave been sent to various parts ot the State by the State Red cross beai Committee. The seals were yiaucu uu. ocue uec. 1st. in nearly all the cities and in a large JTl numoer oi uie larger towns oi the State. , Strong committees of leading VASited at lr A Brown's Satur- citizens are at the head of the work day mnt in most oi those places. Hundreds Mrs Vance Hooper is very ill ot pastors of the state will preach Mrs Burlie Phillips is visiting at Dec. 7th on tuberculosis and the her fathers this week James Long. need of preventative - work, and Mrs- &ley Wood visited feer other hunareas oi talks will be sister Mrs K H Stephens Sunday fiiven in the public schools on the mnt same theme uuring the iirst week Mrs ert Coward and brother - in December, Ihe otate committpp visited at Mr. Jess Arrington's has alreaay sent out 4uu -Sermon Saturday night. and lecture outlines and has order- We nouce Miss Ethel Lon and ed 2bU more. In nianv nonntips Mr- Charlie Stephens, are back once county Superintendent of Schools more on our streets- has taken up the worK and will Mrs. Luther Laning of Glenville speak on tuberculosis in the schools N c- nas been visiting at her home and place, the seals on sale. tne PdSt week- Hunareds of thousands of christ- Brown Eyes. maS'packages and letters sent out Bramer Gilmer of Waynesville by JNorth Carolinians this year candidate ior the nomination of the A bilious attack or constipation 'Will bear kea cioss Seais as a democratic party for solicitor of the can be relived, in a short while by marker of the sender's interest, in 16th. Judicial District, was irSylva a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone this, the greatest of all hum ani- Friday. the mild, vegetable remedy that tarian movements. It may take years to accomplish it, but the time is coming when tuberculosis will be conquered as ii i i yeuow iever nas oeen and its ter rible ravages on the human race 1 L t 3 1 tcuDc. xiic rvcu cruss oeai is a powerful educator that is helping to bring that Good Day. until sold. We offer some special bargains on all winter goods. We don'i want to carry tlu-m over asuj will sell them cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. See thni Ladies and Chi!dens Lono Corts, Sweaters all sizes, Blankets, Un derwear in fact We will surprise you with prices on all lines. ; - ! V- J' : ; 1 1 KM it'll 11)) m he Place Bfsoe S ffcfiMete On the Corner Opposite the Dept. 1 i I 1 LIVER BETTING LAZY? DON'T STOP WORKING TAKE DQDSQN S LIVER TONE AND GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. IT WILL LIVEN UP YOUR LIVER WITH OUT HARM. W . H. .SHERaiLL Attorney at Law. Office In Court House, WEBSTER. N.C. r every druggist guarantees. Just ask the Sylva 1-harmacy about Dodson's Liver Tone. They know thatit is a harmless prepara tion that 'starts the liver without violence and puts you into shape without interf ering with your habits. c. c. Buchanan -j;s store guarantees it to be all that, and will give you your money hnolr if 'vnn Hnn't find Dodson's &ttOrneSaWEUV jjver Tone ives you quick, easy While Mr. Alley has moved to Dodson's Over tone is for both . . , " """" rown-UDs and cnildren. it nas a cake active part in ther practice of Lieasantlaste, and is safe and re- F, t2. AUey law at Sylva and in Jacks"on Co. - . . . - . Phone connection betwen .Sylva nnd Way nesville offices JOHN a. PflRRIS Dealerglti J latcbes anb 3evveler? ' All kinds of repair work done oh Bhoitnotice. :: " engraving a specialty Sylyat'iN. C. . : i C. G LOGAN Undertaker and Embalmer FuUline bt; Caskets and Rpbes. License No, 6 ' Phone No.. 17 Waynesville, N. C. afco. y; button Httorne? an& Counsellor at Xaw Sylva Phaftnacy Buildingx " . SylvavN. C. DR.S McGUIRt. DENTISTS. Offloe : Pharmacy Building, - SYLVA, N. O. COLBMAH C. COWAN. . . . . . .7 Attorner and" Cotmsdlor at Law, WEBSTER, N?0 liable. The price is 50 cents for a large bottle, and your 50 cents back to you if you tell the Sylva Phar macy that it hasn't been a benefit to you. " - Don't take calomel and don't buy imitatations of Dodson's Liver Tone you may run into danger if you do. Euy Dodson's the medicine that the Sylva Pharmacy recommends and guarantees. ' ' Announcement I wish to announce to the public that 1 moved my stock of goods in the Drug Store building recently occupied by J. B. Keener, and now handle a full stock oi Confectioneries, Tobaco, Cigars, Groce' ries, Soft Drinks and Patent Medi cines, and will be glad to have my old customers to continue there patron' age and will welome all new customers. L. M. LEWIS Dm.sbo.ro, N. C. Ao J. BILLS V FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Sylva, N. C VQIHtHBUMATISM KID NETS AND BLADOZi t IFOLEYJUDNEYPIUS fan Backaohb kidneys amo Sladdsb Withers Ernest L,. . -. . j . Qompaiiy, , Ineur aftQettaf : Insurer Waynes'villeN. C. -2- - . 0