'A K '"J t' v. " f ,1 VOL I NO' 7 $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE 4 PURPOSE ;W1l0IEmiSSSl?i' JOHN OF THE FARM U1E SEHOBL BY -HON J. Y. JCYNER,' STATE SUPT. OE ' ; PUBUC54OTtlI0N. - ;- ITEe dok of the'?sch(4Sv11I "be -as in nioneyandfnthaCthe will bring ' thrqugH theApassing yars. If n;sno . . 4 we ban bubsf art them now and set Tn thiif and other ways sueh : a them at their everlasting work, the wmildhndeed prove a. cQntinualattleVm be won, :or the people, dynamo of agricultural4 interestSid 1 seeing and enjoy in j their beneficen oVr;.iif instruction and inspiration, f wrirlt: will h mnrp. nhlft and more Through it the . larger1, agencies -of J willing togivi tkeirmaintrakfoce ttie A. and M, College the State jand enfargernt as-the yearsg'oby Department of Agriculture, and .the , , - ' nrntf Airicuiture 1 These schodl become an organ- the !0uld operate niojrel effecti ' successf uUVi andfii ed by these -Warier agencies' rcould be husbanded applied : P.ef mav nentiy contimiecLf The work pf the school could, be correk witK; the ollee. and many a iboy and ; girl 1?5H0T, BRU not be accomplished without con- "Hcert of flptinn 'an? a "t,;c RY?: IflF ? 7 ATiH jlRV H Let every Progressive man put his never to relax in diligence. Let no ''4.1. '. ; -- ' va w icmx in amgence. L,et no UlTT 8t citizen try io shift to individual Hdiand Honrniy school house responsibility upon the other' man. " " ,r-T-p- ."'s"1- tvery good citizen in Svlva and John Brown. W snot and-probably I in Jackson is needed . Boflp. of Trade to accomplish the work in hand. The Board also needs the un- fatally wounde r by: J oe Zachary. ; From the meagrelnformation re ceived it seems;tbt Brawn, Zach- arv and ; is- v ' . ivuinuug cuuiusictsm 01 every some, .other, vounfi men mDmKn, j m,. . . " , tuiiiiik irr i hi huhi'i in uui iiiii no rm FACULTY NAMED FOR THE SUMMER CAMP . - 7v , FLANS OF THH CAMP OUTLINED IN THE AUfiUSTA CHRONICLE EDUCATORS ARE PROMINENT. v.-. ; - J' JT'-i: , -w.x ui uiuj uicciiug- iuc urn were Tiding along ahe road, when Brown missed ms, pocket book con- i ThP RhmH tainmg somethingjoyer an hundred jseif on record as f woring all moral some one 01 rP.fnrm0 oh Koi,; and makeit easier to secure means and the interest for the suc- cessfullihaintenahce of the entire system, v - : ; ... County Schools ofihis sort are in would bfe inspired by the trste of ; successful bper ,ti6n in many States better nTplri y'faA the at the larger fountain ever flowing most: successTul yarjE?- those in the in copious: streams in thelrcoile s and t6 prepare themsetes pec-. thW provided for in this ial leadership. -'.n'-.cvvf v f ' T . f , , . o- .u . K..t ,.w Wm . act for North Carolina.- About ten county trmning school for the :ranH years ago they beton w.th one such ried ZacUary is about the and file of the rural school teafihenS; : . ae and has a, wif 'Both in agricultural as . weU as literary oUilud conditions in the coun- ig !aidj ha(J beediillkica. subjects. The head of the agricul- try as they existed. Dusiea useii Th physicians;;haVe little hope tural department of such a school with tne prac ucai eyeryaay- proo wouldbe made the supervisor lf tass i farm life and .,.;,,hi Snotminn : in 11 the work and with finding pracucal public schools of the county, and in and and more profitable ways, of Muh thP m'intv Winer- doing these. It had to win its way dollars. He the crowd of having stolen it and wanted to search ithe membt rs of the crowdr Tm and some . words; fpllowed when Zachary drew'i tos' gun and shot Brown twice, the Airst shot" glancing his head and the; second entering his jaw, rahginidOwnWard and severing his windpipe lodging in his right lunger? ' Zachary made ; his escape, and ! has not yet been apprehended. Brown As the s?nfof Julius Brown and is 23 years of age and unmar- same men. it officials in carrying forward all judi cious and needed improvement for the town. Let no citizen consider his person al interest as paramount to the general interest of the town but let the whole .people come together and do what they conceive to be for the best interest of the town. The Boord of Trade invites every citizen of Sylva and Jackson County and oth; ers who are interested in tne growth of Sylya to become a member of the Board. - ' W. H. Rhodes . MEETS THE 22N of Brown's recoyeri; ; ; t Later reports-. J ae ' to the effect Bryson City, N. C, Feb. 2, 1914. that Brown dieMiesday night Jackson County Journal: A meet- from the effects?6fmis wounds.: ling of the progiam committee' of Every effort ising made by the the W- -N. C. Bible Conference is .1? rwStinTi with thft r'.nhntv fsiiner- noing intendeht, tJiroUghV Hstructioh: of : flowly. 1 he farmers of the county igff s gts;t0 app re - h2reby called to meet in the Bai .i, nnfu.roo,horc ,in thA mAPHnd m which it was located had to be it, . -Xx&m ci IJUC WLliicjr ivuyuviu --p , . ! 11611 U lUC SldY Cl mill It .! KlCicUiy if their county teachers' association.: convmceaoi vame ana necessi-, - nanas i The following clipping from J the Augusta Chronicle containing infor mation concerning the complete fac ulty which will be in charge of Camp Jackson, wi be read with interest in Western Carolina: "Superintendent Lawtor Bx Evans of the public school system of Au gusta; Professors Jordan H. Sanford, J. T. Spears, W. D. Sanford, of this city, and Prof. C. H. Bruce, superin tendent of the public school system of Macon Ga., and a former AuiSns- tan, have organized into a board of directors for the purpose of opening a summer camp-school for boys in the mountains of North Carolina, the Land of the Sky. The summer school is to be lo cated at Sylva, N. C, and is to be open for those boys between the ages of 10 to 20 years who have condit ions hanging over them from their last year's term, as well as ambiti ous students. It is also to aid young men who feel that they need furth- .. . er information long the linfc -of their Study. The opening day of the sch3ol .will be July 1st and it will close August 26th, thereby giving the scholar almost two full months of study, together with an invaluable ' s "4 j ! t ' - -'J .f :yi rfh Wlirtmn of thA .honls ' by results obtained, by the prac- fmm tiniW'to time: could aid in nVed from its w5fk. ' T frrm . tim" th fimP? COillCl aiQ in seating a farm-life atmosphere in As the farmers ot the county in the rural schools, and in bringing which it was located saw and felt into them such simple elementary J the uplifting and transforming pow instructions in agriculture as would er of its-work in their homes and w T,roto nd : P.ffentivelon their farms, they rallied enthus- through , intelligent and interested ; lastically to its support, and it be- kliort- A DELIGHTFUL OCCASION tist church' in Sylva on Sunday amount of training in the way ; of oi tne auiuoruies. u.wiuuu a i p. in. uxc uuiuuac ,ui aiauiiBt ineocuwi ,wiii,.ue iiuuvvu cur-, . vy liin vyiu wiivcxic wo Tuii)i via . yj,.j uesires io uecoiue u leaueru auuci?-:; ",: u f ; next August. ; . ics or his studies, these two months The arrangement of program and work while his comrades are taking ! the engagement of speakers will be their vacations, will put him in the i the important feature of this meet- best of athletic as well as mental -v o ! ing. Let every committeman be conditions, andlie will be enabled to pany of invited guests assembled at j Present and any others who are in- ie,d the class from the beginning of teachers under intelligehthstruc- ame their pad Farmers of other j pany of nvned guests assembled at , Let ,ook forwald next gcnolastic year; ttu,ni,i h,. nitnrfPthpr nos- counties began to take notice of its : tne nome ouuage u. u. vie io; tion. It would be altogether pos sible and practicable for successful j work in agriculture, cooking sew- successful work, and some of the more intelligent of them began to v , ., i .1 : , o! demand a similar school and to me, anaotnernouseKwepmgsuujcwi.D , h . u -. o,.;o; lwork for it. There arc now twenty- Misses Kathleen Conroy and Annie . i . cmmn Af thfioa 'cnhnnlo in iifForont ! 5?innnsnn- drafifiill v Attended to the of the teachers of the county farm- tA" wxu , r V ' 7 . . ootinno nf th Qtate of Wicnnnoin ! WlshftS of the lieStS. While the i . , x,. k;o rfi,r ! Plan for a great Bible Conference m do honor to him upon his eighty-; 7 - eight birthday. A beautiful dinner w?s served. It was greatly enjoyed, August T. F. DEITZ, General Manager. life school on a smaller scale in other high schools of the county, and perhaps in a number of the other public schools, especially in the local-tax schools with two or more teachers. 1 f ; !, - The whole lump would finally be leavened. Intelligence . would de mand and more money, would com mand for country life, . good roads, ood schools, good churches good vehicles, and the thousand of com- SAPtinna nf thf Stnt nf Wisnnnsin ! Wishes of the lieStS. While the WW WJhWAAW V. -A A - w w A. I A WA - - - ' They form the most effective means "Judge" and Mrs. Davies and other for disseminating among the masses members of the family were charm ofy the people a knowledge of farm-j ing hosts. ing and farm lite, that has been ' At the close of the meal, a pretty worth already millions of dollars in cake was placed before the "Judge." IRE DESTROYS HI ME Upon the cake were burning bright ly eight candles in an outer circle and in an inner circle eight shorter candles, while 'the number 88 was dnnft aftractiveiv in large whits figures on the top of the cake. The Davis, a distance of about three milp Hps nntir.ed the Judge-cut the cake like a young j fl andby the time he reached increased products on account of their improved quality; and Wis consin has been transformed into one of the leading agricultural States of this country, though her natural advantages of soil and cli- VCU1UCO, auu 1-u.w muuuu w .ww. . . - - , ii .. u-iJ mate do not compare with those of lorts ana conveniences iimu uicdiv f ;, : ... ..... iA'n i,fi flnH wit . . itZ.'kiifA ! iNortn uaronna. wnat xnese scnoois udvaua aium x,uk,x, up the f" tf it he 'have been worth in the transform- ty remarks of the guests. V f Ss?mS bvi "tion of the life in the farm homes, Professor Abernethy was asked to without "JW through the knowledge and training acta's toast-master and several glow training the chddren to find and in tributes were paid to " the char make -J.ltiieseKhods, cannot be me tarter of him in whose honor the treasures God has hidden ; in soil 1 c ' 1 u 1 H:nnpr wfl! dWen A oUm in root anH tre in iAA J yw,. xxxwow wwxxwwxw, - plant and air and cloud, .would fte.j therefre ar? j10 lon8er country life be-transformed into the' ment; bu' a demonstrated success ideal life, . and country men and Forty; thousand farmers, through the farmers' unions of the State, : . - '. v . . .:. - . " 1 . 1 1 asked lor tnese scnooi, inaorsea tins of Judge-8 immediate family. act, ana mrou& wOmimiiwww ui iuc State Farmers! Union earnestly pre sented ' to the General Assembly "The camp will be located in a picturesque little valley amid the mountains, where trout abound in the numberless streams and brooks that purl and croon their ways to the lowlands beneath. Supports aqua tip and otherwise can be enioved to Tuesday night the 3 of Feb. the hpnrts rnntftnf PS therft ia an home of Mr. and Mrs. Zeb. Cook of excellent track for field . sports as Beta was aestroyea py nte. well as SDaci0us ponds of the clear- Mrs. Cook was spending the nignt t f crystai water in abundance. ... - . 1.1 m ' Jl with hpr father ana motner.Mr. ana Mrs.. W. V. Davis, and7 Mr. ( oassed the house about 11 o'clock Llirp flnH frp.e. as invigorating ex- that night and it was all right but hUerating and animates the boys oeiorene got 10 uie uume ui ,m with a gnint fit for both study ana sport. After all the study periods will be short, but to the pointy and it will be like taking two months' vacation in the mountains instead of at the seashore or some other' not riiww T oif ylalfV xxv 1. utui wv ""o"v w.. .w thA.. house it was to late to save inthing in t-ae house. . The oragin of the fire is known, as there had not been any finest material for professors y in , of them at nome since eauy uiai athietics as weu as m study WUL De ' . I ... . V - - morning. women enter into the inheritance prepared from thev; beginning for thein--a healthful UfSl of;ireedom, fullness, sweetness, pf ace and beau ty. Then y;ill men desire itimore; seek it mSrerand live it more T con- Those present were, Professor and Mrs. ReyholdSi Professor and Mrs Abernethy, Professor H; B. Jones, Professor Dean, Mrs, ; Brinson, Miss Young, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs: Conrby, Misses - Conroy, Miss 1ECEPTI0N TO HARRISON, engaged, as the faculty of the school and sports and athietics of all kinds will be a feature of the summer school. - Tfofessor Jordan H. - Sanford known and admired by all who know. v"- T'' mi-' t I n ' tt him, will be the head of the .-faculty; -fi President Fairfrx Harrison of the . Ah -t- Thereniitation: it. . 1 mmm. mv awba m w - w - , 4. o . - -Simpson. Mr, Hall 3nd the members 1 Southern Railway Company will be profess6t Sanford has made this 5, the guest, ot the .Greater; western SYLVA BOARD OF TRADE Some will say that thepictiire is- their request lor its i enactmeiit.l overdrawn Not so. j vlt but inade quately portrays .wlat we have air The teachers and county "superin- ready seen the beginning of in other ithe State by reutiohs . and corn- favored portions of our. owri land: Only through the portals of such! a A hurnber of the citizens of Sylva believing that the time and the op-. portunityV has come for; making North'Carolina Association and the several Boards of trade of this' sec tion, at a meeting to be held in' the city of. Asheville on Monday ' Feb; ruary.23 at 3:30 p. m. f " ; Later in the "evenings a banquet will be givtn by the association at which tM-people will be given an opportunity, to meet Mr., Harrison, ittPPUf the North Carolina Teach-" Sylva a splendid town have ;organ- A0AmMv'anvi Wi theState As-Mzed a Board of Trade In order ,to school as we have endeavored V to sociatiorfof qounty Superintendents, e iect this oojei. - inese uuztuu manyof people asis possible describe can our own ; country boVsi unanimously . asKeaioruiese suiwu. uavc imr r areurged to he present. :..! -v... : ,d..7:.... . ...-1.. .r: Kill : ;nrtffraqtap wiva 'i ni nnwpvpr riii ; ana girls enter c'ty in both the line, of sports and a cademic studies will assure mm or a large number of pupils during the- summer at his new summer schooLr -, , , - . . - . . Floyd Bryson v and sister Miss; Mi m 2 of Franklin are tne guests of Mrs. Theo. Buchanan of this city. " , " The Eastern Star, of Sylva, enter- f tained Mrs.' Geo: Bidwell of Frank- -lin; N.C. Grand Worthy Mati-on, of the western district' i of the rterrt u our own country Doysfunammousiy.aaivwvi www-v, - . . f are.urgeu iu dc y?cuu - V j Qtaf r ' , iter into andpossess this land urged the passage of the'bill iinggreater Sylva. ms. however can j. ( , .. ; ?- J Star' , v.. .v;,

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