. . r.. .... , vu,-rr, -f;;N;i9M: .-n;,;.;,, . ,r$l.00TIIE YEAR ADVANCE 'vt-l WHAT A JACKSOK - , CO. BOY HAS DONE The first Electrical Light plant for a private home' in' Jackson coun ty, has recently?i Been installedih his fathers o."ne? by George- Cox or CulluwheeK C., 17 years old, " a student of 4GuUowheeNormalvand Industrial School. He -having1 Work ed during the tjme - that lie could spare from schools for nearly two years in designing and ;buildihg a water wheel power 'station and in wiring the house, in plans ' required by the under writer in putting up his transmission line-nd in install ing his dynamo. -He turned on the lights for the first time, as a Christ mas present to his family, the 26th of December which have given great comfort and satisfactiom He has his plant arranged so he can turn on the lights any time day ; or night. For everal years he has been studying and working on a wireless station and has received over instruments constructed, by himself, the first wireless message ever caught in Jackson county. The Electric Light Plant was de signed and built primarily by him. so that he migjit be able to equip his wireless station to transmit as well as. to receive messages and he hopes soon to be able ; to com municate with some of his , friends members of the American ;Wire- , . less Association,! of which he is Ipbnei It is but just to hjni to say thayieaf gained himself, by reading V and ' studying ev. ry book and paper that he ould get earing on electrjcty. hv had c argfi of the Electric Ligh -plant of the Cullowhee Nor mal i d Indus: :rial School for near .. - . . ly a year, iaia . last fall -when the TlootTir lidht nlnnt wsfi mnvpd tn the river from the school where, it ... had been run by a large gasoline -. . , vvjt trt 'i ; engine, he: had charge of, and .in - n j rz V t. .. Ain stalled the plant at the river, design. , . ; - f connecting the dynamo with the turbine wheel.' This chande has been more than justified by the saving hi the cost o the "Jiahting the bmldings by the f Hydro Electric Plant over the gas engines. - His teachers at theC Cullowhee Nnrmal 'nd Industrial School all speak well oMiim arid he fi consid- .r o dpnhis in PlPrtrinal , matters, V1W " -"-- - He has had personal letters; from the "Great ' Wizard of Electficity," Thomas A. Edison, showing . in in'- ,, : t hnv nrin h s work, as well as from other men, high in the electrical world. . ; f. We bespeak for George a bright future along the line of his chosen work, Electricity. Vi ; t y;r nrn ITr CuUowheeNCXrHFriday -arch 20, 19114, 8-p.-m. SSi& t PROGRAM MUSIC.. v -. HsmM&wx. , &bateQfe Mr- JobM BOHNE-C LLLOW H EE nr ShomdBesied fkrfffi Vide ior tnejiniuauye-uu,rvecu- imcius ; ' ST!ammit dmmmmmmmm, mmM w" iAfiilmativ Holmes fBron l pened up aa Mr. W; 5. latumlMx Wn , :cviVa COUNTY: FARM 4, . . y t 6 The;t EtorJounial:-lf Vyou proposed 'County Farm Life;School.,,'- Athere" i'& Van L ' S . J,ifr, . , . . ...... election to be-held in thi county m Apnl for.thepurpose, of- ascer-x taining whether.such a school shal be established in this'county , every, taxpayer of Jackson countyV ought to know just exactly whaYthia prd posed school is,ahd what it. will do for him.' - . . , , The gtirpose of the schooVis verr well expressed in tbeill ' that" pro videsfor the "Farm Ufe'rschbol which was passed by the legislature of 1911. The bill says, Sec; 2TThe aim of said school shall be to pre pare boys for agricultural pursuits and life on the farm,' and to prepare girisfor home-making and house- keeking on the farm.' ; 'c Now it is an evident fact thatwe are entering, an era that calls for trained men in all walks of , life. It is necessary forthe lawyey , to spec- miiy prepare mmsen ior xne prac tice of law. It is also necessary for the doctor to become versed in the medical science before he is allow ed to take the life of a patient ? in his hands. Before any , degree of sdcces can be attained in any oc cupation, it is necesiary. to prepare for that particular profession. We see this illustrated in all the walks of life. , Ourrgreatest lawyers, docj tors, teachers and preachers lare those men in their respective fields of endeavor. - - - . , Farming is a profession. There fore it should call for' professional men to practice it. But the ques tion ts, "Where are those profession al farmers coming, from?" Do our public schools turn them out? How . .. . - .. . . rp ntirplv fipvptpn tn thp toraohind p . ' TT rt OI agricuiiure: une.. tnow many 1 01 me people oi me state gee meir J . . , - living by farming? Three-fourths of them, and the remainder depend upon the farms for er support. ' We llav sevcral different kinds IP1., scnools "? jacKson county, ine m"e "onnal(. ana inaustnai Vv-. 1U oV mere are. two mgn scnoois. in tne w? several graded schools and ana d system of Public schools; but there none of these thi t ' are i Ji; j.in J A . . . , anyuuus uk uevoung tne time ia agn.cun.ure t..ui tuey are u uie other sumecis, ut course tney. are not supposed to do so; -for. they "ve uot me uqu puieuu necessary " r7: - 'wor. u , ""w f we a which all the Jarmer, boys laruiuiB euxu put it iu tt uuuci uic guidance of lgood inkructbrs yithT ' if we will but vote , upon; ourselves o email tov fnr thA Qiinnnrt nf thia school..;.., ::-vr v..'" j-';,;; V:- Aribthet feature of this; school that oilght to jproye of special value ' t?" school will ofTer to: the farmers; arid the farmers:wiyes short .courses in stiy;of rm lifenlsdfeto : i TtiefotyectiM .1 tcaiilb i ipp rflnni will give me space in rybur pane, I ' expenses tp;educate bur'own child-!3 P18110 as you will see from snould iikelto'say a JewV WOrds' iil which three-fifths fuU Padyesejnent;in; the TH'ni J' X v - Vv - " of Ohem make their life work ' JQURNAu.lne contest begins today regard to . the - pronosed 'County r r ? - , ; "? iJI? WK . ci J. be comparative .smkU; ;Fore very ov - &ivc uie same amqiintCr Therefpb thfe county will be inakm'a -rood iflvMtmpnf'frtr the Suite Vill be VayW half of-th PcineTbylva Pharmacy has opened Anothenobjction that -some of oupeoplenay have is.ihat 4?Bobk- fajmin;ivill nol,pa"yespeciaIIy in v MiWHMvumg 4Jiut: uiai 18 U ( mlS- lanqu.wpa. iuere are two methods By which k&Mn new, ideas. One bt these .is by experiences the other wogu.gjrjiiung tne ?expeneilce of otHersianb 'annlvim thVrn- tri ;'mir JUf - '' V , .- uwuicjiiiuuiaueeas, .'ims scnooi 1 v, v, mjwii will be a SchooitwhereVhntii nf thp Taylor.piano. ' above metfiodsare fcatfcpd. learn tbdfi-tiv 'dofntf AftPrwlof nave gained ainw idea it shoild : f . t .:?. -O- I uc icsieu.; iins. win oe tne place yi .-iuu tcsuiis viuosemeas gamea. This scHpql:Vilfv conduct regular form wbrtjJty;i fact that somejfarmeis of Cotir county make tice quantitblandtha1 do. How do tb5ditfiis? Smiply by a better methbdpf farming. ; This school: will sniir boys and girls this betfcmltnfe; "91"" ' The tuition ;wUrbei free to all boys and girls of the jaunty. ;c rBoard will be furmshedt actual cost. Tuition will be chafed Bboys and girls of other vcountiesv - x In my humbl.e opinion, Jackson county cannot metterihyest- 7- F- .A- ment than, tldsti tax fore locajfibfta chbbftit oetter iarmers fox jacKson county; It means bettef homes i and happier for our farmers! It means a, more N . j'- . V;. prosperous, and a better citizenship for Jackscn cony. , . ixeopcctfully; ; ; , Odill S. Dillard. Beta, March 10, 114. , . ' " PROGRAM JACKSON CO. SINGING CONVENTION To he Jield at Dillsbora church the third Sunday and Saturday be fore in April, 1914: , 10 A. M. Devotional Exercises and singing by Convention. . 1 1 A: M Sermon: by t. F. Deilz. 12 M Dinner on ground 1 P..M. Devbtional Exercises. 2 P. M Enrollment of Delegates. 2:20 Pv M. Question "Shall the CJonvention be divided . into . three separate; Conventions; quarterly for Aach district, then come together brice a at some certain point in the County? Opened by R. F. jarrett, followed by others. 3 p. ;m. Singing by , different choirs. . ""':V --:Y. .7 3:30 P. M. Adjournment. 'L': SUNDAY! ; ' - . : 9:30 A. M Devotional Exercises. '10 A. JtI. Singing, by different choirs, -. :hr&j-?S v :--H,-''" , 1 f AV M.-Adaress by C.H, jtftley .--Sufiject: Wiat Should ' Be the Purposes of a sCoiiyention?" ;1 PMvI)evotionaI;JE ;it30 P. M. Singing by .different choirs until close ef Convention; at ir..-r'.t...v .EllS Blanton f mnfranywtiete OVI 1? I nn i npi a ru .111 Uil fnIITi 1711' e iji n " i iinii iiniii STARTS CONTEST . , tne i"v and lasts until September Qth; The first prize is V $&50 Lyon-Tayibr Piano. ,f second, cr rtificate vO.th $260. in cash on; the purchase of a life Lyon Taylor 4iano, third certificate valued at $250 on the purchase price of a piano of . the same make, fourth, certificate for $240 and fifth certificate for $230 can be used as Cash On thfl'nnivhaco rf o 1 T'XTr Jhere will, no doubt be a number contestants, and we may lobk-for some pretty lively times this sum mer, with the primaries and election coming on "and the Sylva Pilars macy 's big conf est starting ' to-day Watch for the coupon that -will be in the Journal, good for yotes in the contest. - vf -V RULES AND 1 Governing candidates for the f 1VE riANO PRIZES OFFERED BY THE SYLVA PHARMACY: ' f 1. The Five Prizes offered by the Sylva Pharmacy will be given to the five candidates who have re ceived the.gteatest number xf votes by -10 B, M: September 30. at which a REGULATIONS officially closed and aU votes poffedtclDir tnereaner vom, 2. Ballot box vill be opened every I Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock and the votes therein counted and the ballot box resealed by a com mittee of three selected for the pur pose by the Contest Manager,', his selection to be subject to public approval. The result of each week's count shall be published in the journal and the - candidate's name and her. standing to appear. ; - f ' 3. Nomination Lists will close May lQth, at 6 P. M. After this date candidates will not be entered except by a special agreement with the confest manager. - Any candidate living in Jackson will be accepted, . provided she is nominated in regular form oh one of the Coupon Ballots appearipg in dny issue of the journal. The con test' ihanager reserves the fight to reject the name of any undesirable can Jidate and to limit the number of4entries. 5, Voting Coupons may be feast by anyone, provided that ;they are are obtained fromahy of the follow ing sources: . Coupons appearing in regular issues of the journal, or in letter, or card issued under the name of the Sylva:. pharmacy fprf trade at their storeno rnatter what from. All others shall' be declared void and thrown out by' the.f judgesV 6w No employee of the i Sylva Pharmacy will . be permitted to en ter the contest. t Mi AlWatea must be deposited in the Ballot Box Ideated at the Sylva Pharmacy arid in - the presence' of the contest manager ( or some one appomtedby shim vln "casting a number x votes at the sams time they must Je vneatjy tied together or placed in aBmau envelope. .Votes ipiyiieast personally; orby .mail. I Adoessall -tcqrlrespondencerc garaoU tne contest tif; J v . I - iTheo Buchanan C. SPEEDl'ELL. The people, of SpeedwellAarevhi ' s f J S clutches of midwinter, but, they . , , i uut tui& uj out Jtucaus. v tic mc -t- . busy nursing our measles : patients. . 1 -' ettind wood and- "di5fiiyairiJ? thp t getting wood and discussing ? the . farm life school: t Some of, ns , are oJf the f opinion -, ; : : i; , J thatii we can establish' the ! Farm ' lt 4 School at Webste, with a faculty of expert teachers - for the various departments, fthe people will grasp tjie opportunity of giving, the boys' and ; girls an education ; along agricultural lines. An educa- tion of this kind will make country ; life worth living. Every boy Should -be taught to work, and how tp work and how to do all kinds .of work s if he should make a failure at one thing, he can readily turn:his hahd to something else. Every oby should . be taught how7 to ntake good hus T, bands and fathers, - that they may fill their place at the head of the home with honor and distinction. The girls should be taught how to make good wives and momei This implies arranging the home in the best possible way; neat housekeep ing, good cooking, cleanliness, eta the girls should be early taught how to dress with a view to preserv ing their health, but I would riot , like to be their teacher along this ine. A weak and diseased body carries with it a weak and d:ssased mind. The Farm Life school prc perly managed will teach the peo - ple how; to save, and use everything oiner aiong i;ne lines or agricultural progress. A school of this kind will be the crowning climax in the field of education in Jackson county. Rev, J. B. Stallcup pi cached an excellent sermon at Fall Cliff Sun day. . - Sam Bryson and Way Wilson will start for the State of Washing ton in a few days. 4 , The writer was caught in a ter rible storm on top of Cullowhee riiountain. Born to Mr. and Mr. Mrs. R. L Holden, a girl. - .X- Y. Z. FARM LIFE Editor Jackson County Journal I am heartily in favor of J:he pro position to establish a farm life school at Wecstor, for many reasons. I hope that it- can truery be said that, when the polls are closed on the evening of the 14th of April, not a single vote in JacksonCounty has been cast against the measure. Yours truly,' V V W. D. WntE Cullowhee, N. Cv GEORGE: WARD SUBBbNDEBS. -. - Constable Ji P. Bumgarner of r Wilmot; was here .Monday; having' ; oiuthe fann to the greatest advant- . V, . H ' SCHOOL 111 CliaigC VJCtiigc f i aiwu-, iraiu 13 .r under indictment in Jackson county Y for 2 . 3 some nlontha i ago Since the homi. ; cide the Jackson county .officers y !. have beenunable; to catch Ward ' v but on last-Friday he went to Wilr mot and surrendered to Constable ' . r Bumgarner, who brought him here to rje lodgoir in the Swain county jaiL the Jackson county jail not vet v v being completed,: lowever, waro. was not-locked up, as he succeeded in giving a $3,000 Bond for his ap? 4- pearance at the October terra z of r ; ;J t ' : the Jackson County Superior (fcurtv c, r j 4 f I. s A uf 1 1 I V 1 v 5 "f ' i 4 f 3 ? I V i-1 11 - ' 4 ! II if 9 I IS ! t "ii J i VI .'if Mi 4 .i :l t) 15 Hi ; n - i , i I ; . 'PI 4 - ' - . iH .' i j 1 . t - W'f;.7 .