ifet U; NAY. V0L,IN0;7 ,1, 4: 1 :. r SYJ.VA;: Ts.cr;f APRIL; ao,'.' 1914 51:00 .THE YEAR IN ADVANCE yj -1 .-iCl-O-rr;S -t?-y;.:-Y yto nV1 y:---- L ! Y ' - :" ' - - - " ...-- T Y- ' vY V .tV. -vV Y..'Y -'Y'--Y-V - i ' 'Y ; ; I;. j r 1 J tt :S h it is: Mr Snyder, is Opposed. Dillsboro, N. C.7: ApriL 6; 1914.;, Editor; Jackson County Journal: I hope you will: allow me; space .in your paper" to" express myself ' to :he peopled generally, and . the v . , , . v Te armers especially, relative , to tneKhat tU fnwnsh:n . , lirY " stablishmeht ;of.a Farm-Life School at Webster. .It appears that , this proposition is, the alii absorbing top ic of the day and will be until the voters niake theif final decision in the matter. --'Y:l 1 . ' Having been a farmer during my entire lifeI'amr:ire'hat:Inave as sincere interest in seeing trie coun ty, generally, advanced along this line as any one, I stand, and have always : stood, for advancement along educational lines,- of whatever nature, acd' l " do not -believe there is a man in the county today who has ever extended a more wil ling hand- towards 2 the elevation and advancement of our citizenship than I have. I stand for education, and always expect to, in the right way and manner, but I do not, nor can ever, sanction such a move as is now on foot to fleece the REAL FARMERS of the county 6ut oi their hard earned savings and pres- tige by those who know no; more about farming tiian- a mere child would know about running a loco motive engine. ;Thb;men who are agitating this move s are. good . T citi zens, men' in whom everybody base -the greatest' confidence, but they are just simply on 'the wrong track. -,In fact, they are not The advocates of-thisr great in-land suppose the farmef&' "of the stitution of learning, say that ve' county were to establish a law shouid get out of the habit of going ' school at Webster. HowYmany to mill with corn in one end and- a young men do you suppose would ? rock. in the other end of the sack. In this, my friends, you.5 are rignt, but let us be careful, that we don't trr ' the devil for a witch, and 011 our return from the mill . find that v have a lawyer in oneend and a b. . I teacher in the other end of the ck. This, I am; sure, would be a bad piece of business, and I for one, had rather have half a loaf than no loaf at all, . , - it's the men who have made a success in any iine'of; business that we are prone to follow, and , make criterion of, and as I -think of sucn men as Davie Rogers, Jno. L. Fer guson, Lambert Hooper, Joseph and Henry Halcomb, D. JJ.'Owen Peter Wilkes; Jack-Wike, DYD,. Davies, Jim Worley and scores of f others that it is not necessary to mention I stop and wonder what kind of im provement these 0 Farm-Life school people propose to make with their work, Theiind of farming r I was raised to do, and have . been doing all these years if I could only get my own boys " to do,,-1 would be satisfied. But, on the :other hand, suppose my boy, or , your boy i has no inclination to! the ;farih; will fore ing him to it helpmatters?'Certam: ly it wllLnot, but on theothes hand he would he an absolute failure no matter wh at kinds of inducements were offered him t , . Men who leud others in' any pur suit of life should themselves be a succes in that particular; line. ; In order to let you draw your own con elusion, my; . farmer friend; I: will , ask! you to run pyerthe lisijof 1 the men who Vare'Y working ; for this GREAT EDUCATIONAL CAUSE and see how many-of them : are : success in tha art of . farming NOT ONEl But on the other Y hand there is not a man in , the 1 whole crowd whom you would trust to do your, farming. ; And if you your- TEW ISSUE iGNDS FOR ROADS ' .... V t ' t "At the meeting of the Gommissibn- ers Monday:a petition of the i Web- ster citizens was resented asking that!, th6 townshipbe placed - under the provisionof the Sylva-DiUsboro and Cullowhee road ;law. The Com missioners granted: the petition and the following men are ro'ad trustees of Webster1 townships A1W. Davis, Abe Moore ' J. ' Al Stillweli, Law-ex-ence'Oowan, Coleman Cagle, T. B. Cowan and ColmanC. Cowan, The authority of the law;gives , the trus tees the right of issuing bonds for the purpose of buildhg roads in the township It is understood that this will be done and Webster township will have asysteni of well: graded and constructed roads. ill James R. Love, well known in Sylva died at his home in Athens Tenn., Saturday. Mr. Love was a native'of Jackson bounty and ' had a numberof friends and relatives here. '' ' About two years ago he moved to East Tennessee hoping to regain his lost health. - C- -"' j .' . ,s , ...... He leaves a widow: who resides at Athens. T Y : self would not trust him, then why rpply for instruction? It seems to me that the same principle would apply here as elsewhere. v To show you, my ' friends, that this movement will not accomplish the purpose for which it is intended, I have only to refer you to the class of men who are advocating it. Why is it that the leading farmers of the county are not insisting upon its establishment?., I-f.wiU answefthis myself. Because in their work, they jeel that they are gradually by much thought; reading different agricultural papers, and hard Jabor, getting the art of farming up to that 'degree - of perfection, where, when they shall have passed to the. Great Bey 9nd, they can transfer the work to the hpulders of those who have t . 1 - .1 I'll : .1 aoorea wun mem, wno win mem- selves, go on from year to year making such improvements as to them appear the best suited for the particular . cirquinstanc which ihey aieY MrmihgY- My friends, T believe in, education; but it takes 'something ' more this to make a farmer. : Teachers are all right in any pursuit : of life," but practical experience that greatest of all tochers;; isn bssenri success as immersiop- is tbaptisin, and you all knd how I ; stand on on that 1 ' : Yyy-- :;::l:?-. Y;iiY t! It-has been said iby J many V that' the 'whole hsiriesslYiromltopt bottom was only a political machine I but thisrLdo nfoKemeia believe. ; The men who are advo cating this cause areV and-" have beenractuated bgncCTeJ motives it makeVno" difTeencwh political, .opmiblasjga sure .that. efatogdS cbuiity, generaliyvadyance alon agricultural : luies,! g bup heyj:fare just simply mistaken life schobr being Uie -means; : by WEI on a track . at ; will you place your boy or .girl un- SYLVA;CDLLEGIATE : i llSTlTUTiiNTESTS 1 Y"" r.''r u '" "Y ; ' ' r "; Yy.y- " -';.Y--. , ' ;T wo interestmg-f eatuf es lately " iri Sylva yere therdeclaniatioh bontest and the recitation -t contest " at ,the Sylva olIegiate.Iflstitute, "7 ? . -Y'The young men acquitted them selves wellRoscoe'Farris was - win ner. . vy'V- . y The young ladies acquitted, them selves' equally wel); liss Mde Har wood was winner. - tThe alnounjToHabor done by the faculty ,:in, driTlfng' these students certrainly.speakswell for them. Heretofore Ab;6ep;pMiller has done most of-tlieilling for con tests and entertainments, r and I understand, has, acted in this role again, showing herself noiess effici ent than at other' times," She also does a great .deal of the same ;kind of work at the Sylva High School. She also teaches rnusie at both schools; seems; to have the capacity for doing an enormous amount, of work exceptionally , well. In fact, j udging J)y the . exercises, Prof Ingiam anH tlie entire faculty deserve high commendation. A worthy principal " and a worthy faculty. : YY J. J. Gray which held its'sess6n'at the Audi torium here was a pronounced suc cess arid showed that the efficient president, Holmes Bryson and . sec- retary John Kg Jones with the pro- gram coTiTilto have been doing SftrilP vniiVKiiio Mim wnrbnrf he Go ivYtf cy: was lardelv at- , ; . ST3 J tend ed the auditorium being well filled all day "and about ten Sunday Schools of the County beirlg repres ented. The crowd was agreeably surpris ed in haying State Secretary Long, with the Convention. 'The following subjects , were dis -cussed. '.:.. i The Bible Class in the Sunday School, by Rev. J. J, Gray, Shall tne Sunday School be graded by Prof. W. H. Rhodes, Th- Sunday School and the Social Question, by Hon. C. C. Cowan, The Graded Literature Series by Prof. H. BY Jones, How to secure better attendance by Mr. T. C. Bryson, How good btder is secured in the School by Prof.x; H; Utley, .What constitutes 'a Sunday School teacher :by Mr. R. F. J nrett, The Sunday School and Missions by Rev. R. P, Ellington,; The Philathea Class and its work by Miss Euphemia Collins; The Baraca Class and its work, by Revl F. 0. Dryman. The day was enjoyably and pro fitably spentand will no doubt result in the. stimulating of y the Sunday Schools of the , County ;to " greater usefullness.,, :,;: ; Y: Yl)inner iwas! served by the ladies of Sylvavand community, Music was i fufhished by members bf:tKe:r$daySciipol Choils of Sylva, Cullowhee and Dillsboro and by the v Robert Reynolds of ; Asheville spoke to ther people of ; this commun- !?ledhesayieyenin at the aU(!Jtriiiri in behalf of :; his; candi; da:oir thf democratic nomination for conrs.- Mr" Reynolds - is mak- igfaonr!6i?me ,oistri6t on horsed pP week;' ' ; : -ackand ls .askmg tne aemocrats to iUte forhim J v3 : ":; ' - ;V ARCH 4) F TBIUE5PH vgrfLJEvEiiECTEDi . . : - . -v . YY .-.a ' - Y Y-: t ' In response to. the. call for a meet irig of the Confederate;. Veterans sons and daughters of the- Confed eracy and citizens of the county as published in the Journal' of the last two issues, a meeting was iheld'last monday ' afternoon vati the Baptist churchxfor the purpose I of laying plans for the recticm , of a monu ment to the Confederate soldiers of Jackson county. - J : Short speeches were:, made by B. L. Love. Upon motion an ' orgahi- ,.1 r Y zationforthe purpose of . erecting a monument to the Confederate, soldiers of Jackson county was per fected with C. C. Buchanan as pres ident, Dan Tompkins - .as secretary and A. J: Dills treasurer. On account of limited tirfie.it was impossible to complete, ; the; organ ization at that time, however, plans are being workedout for carrying the organization" into every town ship in the county, the township I organization and that 'ot the county f v ..t. r - working in co-operation. Y! , Mr, S. C. Latham, of Greenwood, ! S. C., an experienced monument builder, was present andupon reJ quest of the association submitted designs. The one that was unani mously adopted - is a . Triumphant Arch of Wray nesboro ' granite and Georgia gray marble to be capped with a bronze figure of a ;Confeder- :6r:eiefarien-?rT"tw: the memory of the Confederate sol diers and upon the other to the women of the Confederacy. - As soon as is practicable a cut of the design will be published in the Journal so that everyone may see just what we are to build. , Y A committee, composed of T. C. Bryson, James H. Cathey, Mrs. C. W. Aileh and Mrs, J; J. Gray, vas appointed for the purpose of receiVj ing bids, selecting the site and ' pre paring the i iscriptions for. the mon ument. .., . r The contract was awarded to Mr. S O. Latham, he beind the lowest. bidder, at $1850.00 for the job com pleted. The association is in earnest and we are going to erect the monument. We call upon the sons and daugh ters of the Confederacy and -all. citi zens of our county who treverence the memory of the heroes of the South to join with us in : building this tribute their patriotism and valor. : COMMISSION RECALL ELECTION It is hereby orderrd by the Board of County Commissioners of Jack son County1 that the order calling an "election for Farm Life School, said election to be held oh thetl4th day of April,v1914, be and the same is hereby revoked. L, y - This the 7th day of Apnl, 1914. t Jt M. WATSON, , Chairman Attest.: - " . John R. Jones Secretary . : , . Mrs. A. S. Nichols is spending, a few days, in Asheville. Y- ; . $ C Q: Oowan was in town Thurs day anoVmfdrmei us that he would mbye his ofltlce to "this place 'next week. , . : yY , , - - Y t ... ,C G. Logan of Waynesville ,was W. D. Wike' was in the "city the ater part of last. weeli ; ; ; ERS ELECTION CALLED OFF ' Opposition.tb theFarm-life Scliool having developed in several town- ; smps, ine coara .01 upmmjssiouers and educatibn deemed it best to call- off tie bfectipn at present and ' 1 ! mand ifurther a "school for the - edu-.; .'. 7?? 5 umuu ui uicii suus auu ,ua6uw - : v v along the line of agricultural train-' ing. When the election was : called ' so far as could be ascertained senti ment was unanimous all over;, the county, for the, proposition. -And, in some cases the ones making the m?St . aressle fit gainst the scnooi aurma tne past iwo weea.3 tr., V . . . "r. .iy " 7 firsts This is only a postponement The school will ultimiat.ely be estab- ) lished. The state superintendent was called upon this week to visit al ready two of the best counties of the state to confer with them1 con cerning the establishment of similar; schools. Y , ' Approximately three thousand 'schools in the United States in the past ten: years have either : been established to teach agriculture and domestic science or have introduced these subjects into their courses of study. ' : Every farmers organization in stat and nation are demanding the establishment of schools to teach eigncaltnre., The farmers of Jackson v ! C6: have no organization Ox any kind. Thexampaign for the school -will be a' blessing to the conduieSireslfe& andTi)eIie6T can Ysaytbr every one who has taken part, we one and all, stand ready in the future to re new tur offorts to secure for Jack son a school devoted, to the educa tiomof boys and girls ."for country building and home making and place Jackson County in the lead in Western North Carolina. ' We have the buildings, and the farm, and the county holds deeds in fee-simple to both, and vwhen this year's taxes have been iaid the hew Court house will be paid for and every bridge in the ' county, which outstanding obligations ' have been made the basis of opposition to the school at present. Practically every opponent of the school in the coun ty has promised his hearty support and co-operatipn in itsr establiseh ment. when these obligations have been met. We shall rely upon them. The school will be established yet by the farmers of Jackson county!4 ' :; .: Chas. H, Utley JUBOBS FQB MAY TERH y ' : : Y' r' ' " '- -f. . ' - "- - ' - ' Ordered by tne Board, that the ' Jury for the. May, term of v Court be 0 and the samels hereby drawn ; to , , wit: ... . , -. " . First week G. C. Rogers; J. ' R, " Clayton, Thos. MototeithrJ. H: Math ews, C. W. Mills, Will Lewis.1 0. ' Lombard, W, K. Rice M." Parker M. F. Wilson, S. W,r Allen; Wi, J. Pahnel, R. L. Bryson; G. W. Shuler; E. C. Moody, York : Howell, ' George Lewis, W. B. Pwen, F.M:vCr6wr : A. J. Uoer, A. J: Jonesy J. H. "Alleys -Sam Beck, V: ETLIner.";V"' r -Second week R E. Hatcher;- W Y J. Robinson, RL; Khighti IX VlVfc' Ehsley, WAJ X NicholsbhrChas;;, mdleyiL ALfStiIes, ; CoIe Sutton, I mi'fT'.! Tt ' . .-. n . If'"-.-''-..--..----. jl. xl xiasungs, w.; j. Alexander W. P. Alexander, S. JL Crispt "J. : D. " Norwi-EfX.iIsoriI-IQu f i. ,yv. rnuiips, g. k. Jones. i' W- R. , Sherrill made a , busineso rip ' to Murphy this week; Y V - Y Y ': ,1) -jl; . ; t ':Yl ! 1 Y - y; h 1 J 1? 1 ; VI ' Y II ' ' i . Y 1 1 ' ! ! ' 11 r f