... -V --uJ i All winter we have been promising our customers another one of our cut-price sales just as soon as the roads got so they could be traveled conveniently and now the roads are alright and we are ready. Wed., Thar. . " DATS OF SALE. THREE: DATS, ana rn April 21 11 lay Sylv "The person who is stung dose not hold on to the bee" and if we had been deceiving the people alt these years with our sales they would not keep comming and you remem ber the crowd we had at our sale last year at Sylva, and the prices we give the people. Well we want just as big crowd this time and will give you just as good prices. n f IMfee Bays, Begininsf Wednteday. Momirig:-af Eight- O'clock .April 29 We will give you some real bargains if you will come to our Sylva Store. th Dry Goods One lot of Apron ginghams 5c One lot of 10c Dress ginghams 7 l-2c One lot of 12 l-2c Dress ginghans 9c One lot of 10 and 12 l-2c Percales 7 l-2c One lot Cotton checks 5c One lot Cotton suitings 12 l-2c 9c WEDNESDAY, SPECIAL We will sell to th& fitsr-ten lady customers Wednesday morning an eight yard dress pettern off of any ginghams in the house ftir 25 ceits. THURSDAY SPECIAL To the first twenty customers, either men or women we will sell five cakes of Lenox soap for 5 cents. FRIDAY SPECIAL Between twelve and one o'clock we will sell any . man's suit in the house for half price. I We bought a job of Shoes, consisting of course shoes, fine shoes both ladies and mens. Ladies' and men's oxfords, patent leathers, gun metals, tans and white slippers, some of these are good lots, some not so good. In connection with these we will sell sev eral pairs of odds and ends to clean up our stock, you can have your choice of these for 98 cents. Dress GooOs ..." Here are some things you do not want to miss and it looks foolish for us to cut the price just at this time when these things are selling but we are reducing our stock by cutting prices allround. One lot of wash Corduroys 19c One lot of Silk mull . 19c One lot. of Stripe voile 19c One lot of Ruffeletne . 12 l-2c One lot,of Flouneed crepe. 12 l-2c All $1.00 Serges . 75c All 50 and 60c Serges. 39c Ladies don't fail to see a big line of white shirt waists, different kinds, s We are selling for HALF PRICE iii C0 Mens Furnishings 10 and 15c Hose, assorted colors 7C 25c Hose assorted colors.. 19c 25 and 35c Suspenders 19C 25c Ties ,fbr.. 19c Good 50c work shirts 35c One lot of mens and boys" white and cream' soft Shirts wash collars, 50 ahd 75c values slightly soiled by water we will close out for . J. 35c Mens 25 and 35c Underwear. 19c One lot of stiff bosom shirts, did sell for $100 we will close out for : .. ;.J.J 25c Here is something to remember. We have a lot of mens fine shirts 50 and 75c values we are going to seilfor --. i,25c We will have many bargains we can not mention here but they will be on sale and priced in plain figures. During these three days we will sell a good packaged coffee 13c per pound, Lenox soap for 3c per cake. Ladies ready-to-wear One lot of brocadecl Petticoats in different colors $1.50 value for ; 98c- One lot of $5.00 skirts in blues and blscks ... $3.98 One lot of $3.00 skirts in blues and blacks $1.98 One lot of flounced crepe kimonas $1.50 for 98c One lot of house dresses in black and tan 98 One lot of Middy Blouses 98c One lotof Middy Blouses " 49c One lot of Corset covers . 19c One lot of Crepe gowns - 98c One lot of Ladies 10c vests 1. .. 5c "3 Remember date of Sale. Three days, Wednesday, Thursdav and Friday, 1 April 29 and 3Q and May 1 , Sylva, N. C. F---------m--m-- --: - - - - v . - .y-Z:-. -.: ''.'.-v- .---- :-- V ---, j - . : . - V - ' ' - ' i - - r - - , - - , - . , ' . - 'X . . , - - -V - . v - - " , - 3-. f .