jry v y- .' hi HI 4J 4. I'M 11 J! -1 4 JUDGE MIES : i iHlMERRliaON - (Political Advertising) Editor Asheville. Citizen v Known as Judge Merrimon is, either personally or by reputation to probably s every voter; in this Con gressional District, a letter from me extolling his virtues, proclaiming his ability, or asserting his qualifica tions for congressional service, Would be as presumptious as it is unnecessary, It isf the settled conviction of all, who have given the matter thought, that with Judge Merrimon as our Representative,! Congresional Dis trict in the Union would be more ablv or creditably represented. This being true it would be, to say the least, unfortunate, should Judge Merrimon's friends and oth er thoughtful patriotic Democrats of this District, allow his nomina tion to fail through ither misap prehension or default In connection with the candidacy of Judge Merrimon one hears only two expressions of au adverse char acter, namely: Eirst: Doubts as to his willing ness to become a candidate. Second: His alleged indifference as to whether he is honored with the nomination, or not. ' The sole purpose of this letter is to enlighten the Citizens of this Dis trict upon these two points and if successful there in, I conceive I will have performed a distinct public service. As to (he first: Juege Merrimon was for some time in doubt as to whether in justice to his friends and himself he would . be warranted in standing for the nomination when pressing private business made it impossible for him, to give even passing time and attention thereto. Upon the assurance of many friends ihat they were content for him to make such announcement as he has, he determined., without a campaign and without an organization to sub mit his candidacy to the people for their decision. JUDGE MERRIMON IS A-CANDIDATE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION AtfD HAS SO ANNOUNCED HIM SELF. THAT POINT IS SETTLED. As to the Second: Judge Merrimon is not indifferent as to the nbmina tion. Should he be so honored, every voter of the District can feel assured that the choice would fall to no oe more kneely appreciative or more deeply sensible of the distinction and responsibility. There are the ola and new schools of politics. The Judge adheres strong ly to the former. Without attempting to draw any comparison between the two, or, to enumerate their respective merits, or, demerits, it is well understood, that under the; old ideals it was deemed rather unseemingly to un duly press one's claims for a nomi nation within the party; while under the new, not only may any canjii 4ate press his claim's strenuously and importunately without viola tioapf win campaign inside the party is raUierxpected. in fact, often de- m Ins consequences of this latter day cuftpin. wie pf(en;fail to .consider that genajjy, to solicit . support L within tbejty is ; appeal tor personal advancement; while to solicit sup- Wpmnaparty is an appeal to sustain principles. :M Odif miwey tate to throw mhcle" personal ofafacte ofiaVfirst; biitnot Sait'oes hbtolliw' that Judge praJ;eIect4oi cpaign, be cause not aggressive in party pri- maries or conventions in advancmg nis pernaljtnbitionr And certainly if he. prefers to ob serve thetroprieties of the old school none can condemn and all must commend. fS-i;' "; :- Therefore no voter should deceive himself, or allow himself to be de ceived by the idea entertained, or, advanced, that Judge Merrimon is indifferent to the honor: the nomi notion involves, or, unappreciative of the efforts of his friends. . It is well understood that tne emolument of the office alone would be no inducement to him to divert his time and attention from his chosen profession. To be able, however, to serve his fellow citizens and be chosen by them to do so, would be, to one of his ideals and temperament, an in estimable honor and an inexpeess- ible gratification. To secure the nomination by personal solicitation would rob it of the only element really worth while. This is not indifference, but dignity. The frie- ds and admirers of Jndge Merrimon, acquainted with his life since he, a boy, enlisted in the Con federate Army to this, his "lusty winter," feel fully warranted in ask ing, and each should ask, the voters of this District to accord him the support his character, ability and party service command, and which his becoming dignity prevents him personally soliciting. S. F. CHAPMAN WAYNESVILLE MAN CO BUTS SUICIDE (Special to the News and Observer) Waynesville, May 3. About 11:30 today in a back 'room of the New Liner building. Paul Love, a young man of 38, committed suicide by shooting himself over the right ear with a 28 calibre postol, the ball com ing out over the left ear. About 11 he told Mark Liaer, owner of the building he -Was"-not feeling well and asked if there was anywhere he could lie down. Liner took him to a rear room in the building, not yet com pleted. Liner went to dinner and when he returned in about an hour found Love lying on the floor with a 38 calibre pistol clutched in his right hand lying on his breast. Dr. J. R. McCracken was summon ed and found that life was so near ex tinct he could do him no good. Love lived about an hour. He was taken to the home of his brother, Major Hugh A. Love, who lives quite near, in sight of where the tragedy occur r3d. There will be no coroner's in quest. Love borrowed the pistol with which he committed the deed but it Is not learned who he borrow ed it from. He had made several efforts to borrow one before he suc ceeded. He had said he was going to Canton to work. Special Hosiery Offer Guaranteed wear-Ever Hosiery For Men 4iid Women Ladies Special Offer For a Limited Time Only Six pair of our finest 35c value ladies guaranteed hose in black or tan colors with written guarantee, fcr $1.00 and 5 stamps for postage. SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEN For a limited time only, six pairs of our finest 35c value GUARANTEED HOSB with written guarantee and a pair of our well known MEN'S PAR ADISE GARTERS for one doHar, and 5 stamps for postage . N Yon know these hose .they stood the test when all others failed . They give real foot comforts They hare no seams' to rid.r They neveibecbme ioose and" baggy as the shape . is knit 1 in, not pressed i They are guaranteed for fineness, jfor sty le.fo. superiority, of inaterial and workmanship, absolutely s&nlessind tdw but holes, or a new pair fre e-. ' Dont delay-send) in your 'order'before offer expires,. .(Jive cQrrect sizeii . . WEAR-EVER flOSER COHPANY Dayton, fiS H BR Rl l2tif &f H AR W OOO; AH KNIGHTS OF, PYTHIAS ; Dillsboro, N. C. Meeting every 3 and 4 Friday night of each. mo. Visiting Bretnren cora aiy iniicu. JOHN fl. PflRRlS Dealer i HClatcbes anb fiexoeiml All kinds of repair work done on short notice. ENGRAVING A SPECIALTY Sylva, N. C. William J. Hannah J. Gilmer Leatherwood Orville T. Davis, HANNAH, LEATHERWOOD AND DAVIS Attorieys-at-Law Practice in the courts of Twentieth J n dicial district, the Federal courts and Via "Nnrt.Vi rrnlina Suoreme court .UVS V V- "W x Prompt attention to all business. Waynesville, N. C. SUva, N. C. GEO. V. SUTTON attorney an& Counsellor at Haw Sylva Pharmacy Building Sylva. N. C. DR.S McGUlRE. DENTISTS. SYLVA, N. O, COLEMAN C. COWAN, IttofflcVan Conse!lor at Lzw, SYLVA, N. C ?. E. Alley C. C, Buchanan ey vr CAjucnanan HttornesatlLuw Sylva, N. C. While Mr. Alley has moved to Waynesville, he will continue to take active part in the practice of law at Sylva and in Jackson Co. Phone connection betwen Sylva nnd Way- C. G LOGAN Undertaker and Embalmer 16 years experience. Full Line of Caskets and Robes. License No, 6 Phone No. 17 Waynesville, N. C. For Fewest Changes ot Cars, Best Schedules and the Very Lowest Rates to All Points in the North, South, East and West, Travel via . . , S 013 T HERN .RAILWAY. Premier' Carrier of the South. For Further Information And Particulars Call Or or Write J. H. WOOD, D. P. A., sheville N. C. FOOD AUTOMOBILES G.C. LOQflN Agent for Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain Counties. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of - County Treasurer in Jajson Opimty, N. d subject to the action Tof the Democratic Pri maries. ' W. A. SPRINKLE. are handling iiiKf l!lilioi;iilrhi Potatoes We NSLEY i- . - SYLVA, N. C. Chattanooga Disc Plows Syracuse-Level Land and Hillside Plows. Lean M 3teel Solid Cut Out Wise Harrows, Lean All sieel Spoke Tooth narrows Emp ire Corn Planters, Hallock Weed- ers, Pivot (Axle Cultivators. Write for Circulars. MORKISON. S CO, Asheville, C. N. A 3fire anb Itife Insurance Real-Estate Office in rear of Tuckaseigee. Dank. y-oncs ano REAL ESTATE Fire and Life Insurance. CONFEDERATE VETERAN Jacksonville, Fla. my 8th9 Southern Railway Company Premier Carrier of the South. Will sell round trip tickets account of the above occasion, May 3rd to 7th inclusive, with final lim it May loth, 1914. Tickets may be extended to June 4th by depositing with Special Agent on ar rival. " Rate from Sylva, N. .C. $10.40 Equally low rates from all other points. Low-side trips to all points in Florida will be on sale at Jacksonville. These ratea are opento the public and this will betheery lowest rate ever quoted to Jackson ville. A special opportunity to see Jacksonville, the St. Johns River Harbor, and ships. Surf Bathing at Pablo and Atlantic Beach. Special train scheduled to leave Asheville with through coaches and sleeping cars on following schedule: Leave Asheville 4:10 P. M. Bay 4th. Arrive Jacksonville 8:45 A. M. May 5th. For father information, piillman accommodationsetc. apply to the undersigned, W. V. DORSEY, Agent ( J. H. WOOD, Div. Pass. Agt. Sylva, N.C, Asheville, N. C. Feed and a hijih getables. yoiw trade. . CO. &. , DILL S uttori S REUNION j2S 1 II ' '