V- . :;- 7 rnc JAcnooii couitsy joup.:tal, sylva,:.- o. if s- - jf ": ."VSl- r " V TZ&r-lX,--: ITOPMMQ Events ThaUJadc a .StiKCon : " densedjVa Paragraphia WHAT WASHlNGf ON :IS DOlflG J, Newt' off 'Interest That Trickles :FroVa -the White House arid the Various r Departrnents-Catalogiie off " , -'Crimes, and Casualties ' - wiiiiiifliHianunnuimnmnHiDiiniimmiinmn '-liininBiiiHinii Arms-1 for-the -Huerta . gbyeniBient have been landed at - Puerto "Mexico' " from the - German steamer avarii. - The, arms" carriedbythe steamer Tplraiga hate also been Janded jrtthr out hindrance from' the American goy- ernment.; v ' - " "l'"- , " . Vera , Cruz has information that; ,Huerta is.' pledged to retire from the. iPresidency when his. successor ; has been chosen by the" means devised by - the mediators, ; -w v. ,--c' ' The , mediators at Niagara Palls were reported to Toe -seeking to reach "an agreement before General ViHa, can get' to Mexico City and establish a dictatorship. -The opinion was .ex , pressed . generally that thel mediators would win the race.; ' ' , . Carranza ; declared . that -unless; wthe ' mediators agreed- toTkeep their hands off Mexico's internal affairs the conH stitutionalists would :absolutely, ignore their findings. y X- ; Prominent persons arriving at Vera r Cruz confirmed the reportoLthe Huer-ta-Blanauet break. -t 1- - -- President Wilson's- insistence that - any : government r in" Mexico" must pledge itself to a solution of. the agrari ian problem won at thaNiagara-Falls J - . conference, -the mediators promismg tq give ft full consideration. -.' w j" 'Villa, hearing x that 5 the :fmediators 2 were hurrying their workirorderedhjs " entire armyouUof Torreoir .toward Kacatecas -4n order to " take Mexico City before the mediation conferences : - are' over. - '' - i . ; Gen-TuerCa's delegates at; the me; 'diation conference. refuse . todlscdsB 7 the Question of land law' reform. -Un less -President WilsonJrecedesfrom T his "position 'in- this respect absolute " failure of theoohference is expected. r - "Gen;.Huerta's- delegates artheme 1 dent Wilson th'afne will not send any; , representative, formal or"" informa.1, -to the-mediation conference.-; ; f : Villa and Zapata are; reported Vto haveeffected an arrangement'where-L by :Huerta's escapefrom Mexico City, will be rendered next- to': Impossibles Mexican foutposts jnearVera'. Cruz :- are accusedof haying- fire a number of sliots at X.ietit. Ballinger .U.lSjN J; nsvhe passed jerthrvheadlna, bi-plane. - Neither.-theachine nor the' aviator was struck. -rt-tr i'"-'-; ' iiiiiiiinnniiiuiminkminiiiiimniiiiinuMmiiiuiiiinnuiiiiiiiiiiiim I V';; Generals : , vRiuiuiiHiiwminiiitninimjiiiuiKUiniuiiii - An appropriation of r$104,00-to; entertain- officers ,jand - men of - foreign fleets at the Panama-Pacific Exposi tibn was inserted hTthe" Naval, Appro-J priauonbm. ; - Henry Ttockwell -Baker nephew -.pf the late -John' W.-Gats, who- spent : 1200,000 inlan' attempt ta save him from t tuberculosis , lef tr an Restate of $105,000;. : yrnz: 1 David E.' Cummins; an enlisted man : 1 In the "navyi'-successf ully "passed-the J,V4entranoeexaniinatJntojJh .Crt: - Academy at Annapolis and'-wlir be- - come" a midshipman June 1 ' Mrs. TMadelinV Ferola convicted of ' H; murdering- Camelq; CamestraoiinThf 2 Bronx, was sentenced itodieinthe :slectricchalMudntheweeXbegin' Suing July r , r wfCrJ iMorton-VHall, a 15-year-oid -wireless . telegraph - enthusiast - of Wakefield; ftfass Wastkilled by ;falling from fa) tree towhich heS was adjusting1 "his apparatus. rj ':tX:- Onenian - was burned to death, .when: nrev oausedjdamage estimated "at V . -,600,000- in -the;lumber: yard: district J. ' along' the Cuyahoga-River,1. Cleveland-- ; rThe estate of rChasrWtPdstrr who lied In Santa Barbara Oal.s'valued ; '-at -$20,OOOF,000V r- , r - f-- r ThelSenate and HouseTWasihington 'adjourned as a' niark of "respect -to the ;late Senator Bradley, of Kentucky. 7- " William A. Taylor," chietrof the-bu oedAssistantSebretaiyCof Agriculture. '- : 7 William- Warner- of. Clevelandran rx0vlator, feirr,000 feet intaXake" Erie 3 'and was drowned.' His bride saw him- ;'-::Vfail-;;-.r , ' - . -:SlrCeca Spring-Rice: the British "Ambassador at; Washington, adopting. ' Al. J "' " .- ft " t . wft .-. .. -: ieviaea oi'jrresiaeni nson is per- . forming hlsdutit3 in. a tent, r : : -Bibles were presented to graduating "midshipmen of the Naval Ac&demyTjy V thAmerican Seamen's Trlcnd Society -c2 Jlew York.' - - fVAfter;findirig his T7ifo.in the ccn panyj of another man, David-MitchelU 'a .negro 'of Newark, 1I,'J shot and 'killed bbth-and-then kiUedhimsell:':; vcvHenry- Siegel who; isunderl;$2 5000 bond "connection "with - the failure. f- of Several of his enterprises returned A to New York on,the. Olympic. J.'" -VThe Bank of Commerce jfiTrusjr Co aUStuttgart. Ark was ordered closed The banlC-Jias capital of- $100,000 J withdepqsitcr $aso,ooo: :-V:; 4 The proposed. Federal , improvement of, the Wabash Hirer from At 'mouth io: Terre-Haute,- was disapproved yi. t the,VV'ari.,Department.-;, Tnero. are 21 cases r scarlet, ievcr at the State Prison in A.uburni N-Yi-y r Dri '-J.;BStubb8,; presidenUof ' the ?TJniversity of Nevada;T4ied suddenly at Reno v' c The .sieismogJraVbatBrooldyn'C lege recorded, earth quake shocks at a .aisianceoi ovui mues.uw nr 1 . . m r K a A Isadora Zimmerman, a. milk wagon V -a- "driver, of New- York lost, the sighti bf Mi ' right eye from: the lash. of -"Ills The' plant -of ; the Commercial: En-4 velope & Box: Co. at Bingham ton,-: N Y, : was partially-' destroy ed by-- fire. Lossf40;000. li?'1yj; T Representative yEJdwin" Y. "Webl), chairman of the.. House; judi- k clary, committee-, "- ,v u C-A Severance, one of "the '-men" in- dieted Mn charges .".of " fraudulent 'use of the -malls inxhe California land frauds was sentenced to .six .months' . Paralysis of . Duildlng operation in Chicago on account' of the; brickmale' ers' strike-is estimatedvas . costing 000,000, & day.' J-; ' V - ', " ,The. body -of -Senator! Bradley was buried at. PrahkfortKfVrl I- Vr-1 An. anonymous'gift -of$100,000 to ; Cornell: University was announced b'y the. trustees. . -; " J acob X. Riis," the " author - and I ie tufer,- died-at his home' in Barrel Mass.; ; aged . 5. f . Jr.-' -rne unicago- cjty? council -passed " an ordinahceiprohiblUng thoisale 6f . fire arms.. ;fX-r-C g : " Mra.-Sarahrank;.Vho.died"ln'New , York leaving aniestate :of more' than ' $100,000cuts off;her daughter iir the will with i: ;'S - ju-l Oscar-S. Straus7ho lain London deniedthat heSvwas : a candidate if or the United - States Senate orany - other . apolitical-office. One man. waa.killed and daman es- Umated at, $600) 00, 'caused by a storm 00. caused bv a storm rhich swept Superior,' Wis'., and "the f vicinity; ;:v.vs;tj-- t:j 'I Several buildings, including ;the StateBank at'Brookiyn Mich.', 4 Were destroyed by;flre.r TheVlriss" is -estimated-at $50,000: - V 'lz Xt Twelve business houses were da. stroyed and mahy othersr'incluing 'thQ National; Bank; ere damaged" by" tire at. Paints ville, Ky., ri:-" The .steamer Hightod-Watch ' arrived-in Ke w-Yoflr frblnrBueOsAires' andMontevideobringing 2,650 tons of -frozen ArgentineTmeatr : rlbifS s- The first Star, Spangled -Bannerls being . repaifeb: at the SmithionianIn stitut3onP It wilLbeg3hown. in" the "Bal timore cagiCentennfaIiniBaltimVre At a meeting bf lhe,First Affsembly ,JUistrictRepublican r ClubBrooklynt two hundred members W voted uhanil mbuslyjforya resolutionaskingTheo-; ;dor e Roosevelt and . memb ers ; of the Progressive Party - to return W the Kepubllcani. fold; LjjjnnnniuniniH J SDOftiltti 'S Sporting rjimuitiiiiiiniiiinminiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiuiiiimuiiiiiiiiiniiiic Thff'DerbJVTther; best 1snown Ahorse ,racejin theworld was , won at Epsomi Englandf-DV afi Ajnerican-PrtrrhSn1t Jtierman Bpuryea's Durbar II., ,whose recent form ia-JFrance ,has 'b'eencon idered:p" poorthatlnewas. started aia forlorn toopew-'iiC "v--" j- At"B elmon t 'Parku rj.- r.R" racing : re "viyed a ear7ag6;n waV reestablished Ion affirm basis when . fifteen thousand pefsbnasaw-e-fbii twlnthe3IetropplitanHandicap :mllefrom MghclassfielCof Eleven; ClydeMlianr says "Bender,:har fadewahichrivals iMathewSo'n's--Corncll" defeated ' Princeton by V Jefigthf and'Yale by five lengths in" the' .varsl-racetat Ithaca, N,-Y which was rowedbefore the llargest ? orpwd thatever witnessed TaceniiakeUla'QncKra panic- toebntend wither In Cayuga The Cornell freshman 'Criew -def eated.4he Princeton freshmenrhg crew Vofthe .'Coilege'of -Agriculture wont -the inlercolleae - rowing cham. pionship. 2"ii"iii"i""muiiinniini!i!iiininiiiuinuit!ni!i:!iiiiiii!iiiiimii!iiaui!!iitis 1 -f v Fotcigh : - 1 liiiniiiiiiMraniuiuiiiiiimiinujuiniuuiiiiinwiiiJuiiiiiiiii'iiiiiinnuiimnul ; Aniballklesa,v a : ybungmillicnaire oCHavana was sentenced toonely ear: afid t weight 'months Vjmprisonmen tlf or fighting a dueliwithludolph -Warren 'In Which the latterwas killed. Z-i -The Swiss ederalObverrimeht -de- cided ".tnalS.wiJbzOTlaVd;"should-;4)e -rep--resentedfficiallyatthe Panama-'Pa;' cificExpositionia Sah ' Francisco '-" The, famous promenade DesAnslaid at-NIce,. Italy,-was ' destroyed by a tidal- wave- The -damage -la estimated at X 50,600 ' v, s- '- " ilrls. Emmeline; Pankhurst--wa3 -to-. leased from Holloway Sz.il followinj thj electa cf tcr bun-cr striicc iO'm'-.IUii"- A ' -J i J ii .nrcc3f:JreIaml"Sun!c"1nCot iicicnlrUfifc St Lavrcnca OfiLY; 20 :; VOLIEH ; AREt SAVED iVhilealtlna to Be : Rescued. Quebec -May 80-A, train with 395; survivors : of thai lost ; Canadian JPacifl steamship Empress of -Irelandarriyed hewfromrRlmouski"" shortly , before icnt o'clock' lastThursday r.nighU Tldry-eevea,T wounded 'were left.at RimonskL" Vv V "ST T!A .Theso are -all that live of th who sailed from- here -Thursday af ter- noon bbunofor IiverpooX.on the queen, v3el:orafamonsJeet, Tfieshlp sailed but of a suDJUtvarbor:into .tbe fog loff FatherfPoInt; iwhere; the rip ping rprowVt the collier Storstad" struck the ileatn blow! Infthe" darkv . The lost number 934 J : 7 237 of Crew AreSaved.: . -6lthe'Jlving237 arer members, of the- crew- -ri-C:. ' -Df:-the living ronly 20 ;are, worhen;. two-are .cWldren.r. ;: - : " Thua-the story f. the most'.terrible disasternn . jthe: history : of Canadians wvigatiottIsr written - more; grimly more Vividly hadflguresitimn ;it : could everbe.in- words. ;virJ ;r 4 How thfeJiimdredS:ftrpngi". of the crew were saved , .while line hun dreds of .weakjfwomen andrcWIdren perished only?7tne inwgUonlcan' fathom' now.7 -JV- S "I a cT 1 " T vNpt even fhe ' surrivors can -'fully LPicture .-tne i-minuie . aeaxn-jnroe. oi i.therriveh - sMpr - thepassengera wak. toeoT in tte dead.ot night either.to.be cmshed bythe'. invading prow pf;the Ctorstad; drowned in the rushbf wa- . - . . . ' .1. XeTBort to arag memseivea,xoj xne ut lng deck,wliere: panlb lxeignedwherer shrieks of ;ierrorndibf paln"made an -Inferno, under the snrouding mistXThe ibattlethatHaurged - aboutthe ""life- boats ; that had ; not -teen shattered in the; brash, I the cmel triumph 5 ofthe. strong over the weak--Iet the hard J&g ores tell.it, They albnejcan. One toft the - matters on" wbichr the rescued vagreepiithatptain-Ander-: son of the J Storstad babked'MsesseT pnt :of ithehole-she thad dug - Intoc the; Bmpress'- side,numgr-.Herj own: bent: -pTowHf despltethe r shouted pleas x of Captain: ; Kendall? that hold fastto the .wreck. ' ? i ...7 7 7s . Water Rushes -1 n. ifAa Nthe colUer backedjaway the-wa-l ter .rush listed the" Empress "sothat all her: lifeboats on the portside were useless;-;?, KrCjk.h? : The Storktedmbreoverr haying Tno mortal damage andlyingIn a; river that was ruffled - only JJy the iitre wn forms; of the drowningr the . wounded and the dead, picked up but a few of those who were taken I to" the hospital m nH.trn -- - It .was the: government .mail steam erJBr?elyrliandthe 'pUotboaturekai which had to run all the way -from: Fa thejlPoint, that didj thebig wbrkVof rescue. V ; "-; -rj':tc 0 A strict' invesatlon" is ta be lmme dia-begunVai Si anrvtvor inVtrying to-tell something of what ;happenedc;There - was ro Ume, to : rouaej the people r no tlme tocry: Women and chUdronfirst. "l: t -" Nlnenteen minutes' wad the timcbej tween the:crash and .tiesinkinglIn" that - time there ' Wfe Jif eboats - to that tlm the wireless :must flash its calls-tor. helpl- -Jr 'ptT V.-"- rThe 14L0. fl?;pcked np,; by..many hip8 near and far brought response too late to, cave vcn a third of the hu- maV &$ex$i$zm iv-,"tv ; - Captain Kendall, ner ot the ciost able and trusted skippers of the -line r man. whohadj-captured Doctor Clppen, the murderer, and had .'served for, many 1 years.; without a mlshapat sea stood on' the bridge" during those W minutes: 1 - r :yj::: - Gathered piecemeal - from curvivors the horrors of this wreck groTyswitlT-th8itellins.- v;- : :--;r-, Tho deemed cries had littla jtlnuT crenlp ray:TheyJwere engulf ed by. tha- enmrhins'- waters that -swallowed, th3 tij chip. ; zrz-; 'The wirclcca c?cratcr3n tne im. VTczzt-cticMn- to : ticlr , pc ets" to the Izztr had- tizzs only to rend a fev "a O. C." czllslZc? help 7ien-the rl:!ns xr t era - r 1! - e -' - i.,; 1 I liT. l ' Mill - Craft oo3 Througn wtoivmjt twi rutste to save me passengers ana crew AOdlRlpsr ltTopn'From;MldShjpa;f of fhVesseL rI -!?cs? - tcternU4en i Women and fi; ' L J lOn board, the steamers ,Lady Evelyn Tl.-t cilenca-told'tho rc:cien "miles rray' more potently -n c l-z' that docm had ovcrtalitn tLo cliip. .Only six hours tefcro thi- fateful collision "tho "pczccr.i canj c.3 a good-night-hymn "Gcd,D3 Witi'Ycu 4-Tell Wo Mcst A-oln ryed , t7-te "CilYatlcn Army fcemd en tear J. r ' - - Lart Calf fc AId. T - - That Jaat'fl. 00. wireless xry for aid trpmtho"-' crippled and sinking liner wa? " V- trumpet : call to'those -ashqrerltwas heard by J." IlcWillf 4ams thowirclcrs , operator iit Father Point, who repcsteoMt along thaLcbast tomtlifter.DOinJtaftcr he had tried In jrain to get another mczzae . from the.EmpressVirr' v'r .'rV -iWhen;.herfafledhortoewthaVe wireless was wrecked anot the -" ship' probably' sinking.'- He repeatedtiis rears to otner wire less stations 'and purged thet need ,-of andTSureka that cry. for aid was heard and getting- Uie-' position ol theEm2i prs of -Ireland .from . Operatbr,Wll lams, they put "on extra' stokerscalled.' ftheirfull crews :to-quteew"and:began3 aracetaiafe Jlte.V1" :f'S: 'lThat;this raceended" Just too" late to save, the .majority of; those on the hapless Jiner: Ib no'-fault of thebffl cersand'crewa7bf.theseltwo ' rescuing vessels. ?;'-; - 7 " "C Relief ;vessejsv andtrainsr .eiuipped: "with .doctors andJ;hurseVand. every medical and surgicalsuppry were: rushed to Rlmouskl to care f or the aur- Mvors.-vV.r : cX2L.r rZ Survivors Tell of Fog.; It.waa foggyaccording to survivors when the Empress pttlreland, a . steel? fhulledsteeliieadedshipbfc than" eight thousand tons . ief t Quebecj at '4:30- Thursday afternoon in' com-" "mand f "HGrfKendair of the: Royal Naval Keserveone of the most skilled -of. trsaUantiblhayigators. "-r-iZ. Tot est' ;nres-TiIso ; obscured the atil iiiosphere'andjtherbigshlp, Ineharge-' r,of .apilopfoceeded slowly on her- wayr to. sea. At midnight the pilot 4eft aear Father- pint, shouting" a merry Vbonvoyage" -as1 lie - wentdown a lad-. vder "to his 'Waiting.boat,--"--""-"-Jf Thedarkness at thlsjtlme ;jwas" in; tense: and; thehipindef' speed jtossible Ithsteeragewap held her:cqurse. "Her decks "were .deserted rTne passengers had rair sought -their berth's 'With.- ho -thbughtl'of : impending rdeathr:-5-;Jt;-: T' "Out of "tiieiadarkneBs on the port cslde, soon , af ter-2 iZ0 in' the mornings there loomed thelittltf;Nbrwe"gfan colx ilerrbbt half .tnealzeofthe- Ehnpress but fated to -be her. destroyer ij;n No t until T.the collier was almost abeam of the pig41ner - was the danger -known Ion either shfn-Tfie fosr'had blotted out the steaming: lights s inruie j?on, ht BLarooara. iignis of; bbthrships ; - vl' "t , Quick; ;orderstrumpetedv- on -boUi vesselsi7were:lieardr- Buti theyrcame all toof late.-t5' .-i?-- -Tb steel-pointed: prow of -the;Storjh tad - struck thellner :amidshlps and . then'.forged; .aft,- ripping .'andrtearing Jts :way: through the Empress -of -Ire- (iano.. --C -r- - Clear to. the stern of the ."Empress of Ireland was this " great Tsteel : slaving 'cut xromrJierJpldefrbm thetolrqf the , huir to far belbw the water llner Into" J;hat" rent; th6;;water poured with - the .force of a,HJagara.V 'iy p ' 4i The , Jwfof therEtoraW"mashed Its 'way through berths " jon .that , side ofthe JshipikiUing passengers sleepy ingin their berths and grinding bodies .. pieces; vrp r- . J.-' : -Reaching the sternjof the big liner, thV Stbretad staggered off in the dark nessvh'er.boorumpfed bythe impact. ;HerJcbmmanderwas ready a few.mln-r "utes plater, whenheound bis;.ship , wjould 1 floaty to aid the crippled' nd .Sinking- Empress,, but bewas t6o late 7tov save the majority --of- those on; board. 1,-- . - - x V- ivThe. JJmpress'.of Ireland - recoiled, "al most on her starboard beam ends f f om tb.e bio w6fthevoollier .and passengers yere fiuhgfrqml'thelrJberths against. th'ewallsbf tnerrfstateroomsjfrr MaiixwereTs'tunned .aVdrbeforethey hadtlme rtoj ior;:wererrle4o; the bottom wUh theshlp CzS ' The -vasr torrents .pouring: into'Uie. great gash. on-the.poTt sida, aft," fllle'd -the corridors jand jQobedlevery state Yooln ,abaf t ' the'-midship . sectionlnslde f - VP1?1"8.8 aever a chance' for the"4 hejplesa ones; in the, after! cabins And" staterooms -of rtheN liner. - With her: "part- side laid -open: for half its length firomjthe midship section to. the' stem.' t 8ve'had-more7chance'td float' than; ttierEmpTess JofIreland,and jtheT trappedpassengers In , that section werer, doomed rfrbm 'the ' moment the Storstad -struck. - - , - v-1 Reeling Ifrom the -blow the ship "be gan to -settle almost " Immediately as" theTator rushed intb;the tig rent:- From'the forward citinc. hovever. I menl'and .womenrin "nlht attire' stum, I bledialonj ,thocorridors and up-'tho companloawayHo the prcmcnaia deck he. Jdeck: below the cna.cn which the. teat 3 rented. '' " - - - :-Cv.-rmto Dzi.:. -Up' they cwamed cn ":: in "Ticlr nl!it c!t!r to f--! :- : - ; ar?ay to'port and 'thVdeck slanting at a desrca.'that m-ie3t:almost impos sible to stand s even - clinging to rail. ?3 "-' ; " . , x-,. Hen and women, chrieking, praying, fcrying for aid. that jras fated to arrive too late, fell rover u c n o anotber In that bststrugglefbr lif o "cn- board the doomed .Empreta'cf Ireland - jTcnzledmothera leaped overboard wlththeir babies in thelrrma. Oth "ers kneUon deck and ftieoTtd pray in the fCT7i moments left to.themSoBiQ wcreflunsf verboard- by the. wheeling cf tho cinking lihlplapld "tome broke their les orarma In trying to reach the llfeboato. ;-,- ' 1- "Above the din of Jthe struggle on the great- prWehadet deck could be heard Captain Kendall shouting com mands for : the launching - of the llfe- boats Severallwere launched n the a9minute33hat f toe;swpfioated. There-pas -no' time. fo observe the ruie Womejalflrs t'-!f in this rdisaster, f orT:those' nearestithe boats scrambled torplacesPtn thcm-:4-v;C -"Bnt even aXthey.were being launched,rnilei&Vj;wireiess still was aUingSl Ol there bame a terrific explosionithattalmostreni the ship in .:lt ; was , the explosion of the boilers struckbyCthe cold-water., A geyser atoVPahotnpwaTd the mid shlpvsection,tmingled with fragments of . wreckage; that howered down upon jthe;iassengeralBtill clinging to the r rails r forward? and upon j those strug gling In the water. r ' :'- ThVxpIosIon destroyed the last hopjatithff; ship's floating' until suc .obrK could Carrlve, -for the shock had smasheditheforward steel bulkhead -aUs'that. had up to then shut out tor Tents invading Ihe after part. The water.r rushed - forward "and the Em press t of -2 Ireland went swiftly to her doomcarrng?owir with her hun tedftXbf .passengerawho stood on her sluitingdecksl; .their;i arms stretched npwaroandtheir-CTiea in the engulfing waters.:'' " : ' - Blames the Collier. w ;iDoctor JohnstonCchief . medical of 'flcerpjij the" Empress,feaid that had :not-theStorstad packed? out so soon froirntheiEmprj&ssia-large number of xthe passengers mlHhave been saved:He;: said; that when; the collier pulled Itsell-rree r the : sea surged Into jthehb'le jChad; torn r in - the side of Tthe "'EmprJesscTand the rliner; quickly sanfe-r- ; ;-jChief rf Operator 1Hayes 'Of . the Em--presaltold of the ;sinking"pf the ves- sel. MJK - sopn; as 4 f elt: the7 shock of the :un4 theida f -fmy "S.V' qrTwas Immediately pickednpbythe -operator, atrFather ,Ppin and answered. ; ut Icould not talkwith him fo five minutes" after the impact my dynamos failed me and ; IljT minutes after the collision our:bpatc .sank" r' " , -;' . , ; r The noise of the water, rushing into hls cabin awoke W., Davis Tof Toronto and his wife hei;fledVupon . deck, rbut in the rush' of ;passenjjers became separated.; Mrlavls -was aved. It -is feared his" wife ankiwith the boat. A''fnlLnjpmentfof;-bance8iup-plied . by. he city rof .Quebec the , town of Jv6njtheepsite:side of the rlverjand the Wrmy4medlcal service corps. wXawaifingatTlirevis :when the specials survjiyors train ' aiTiteiL The passengers : were ;immedlately disem barked and transferred- to'the ferry rateamer,7- whiih had -rbeen waitinr a thec-speciai'. wharf -to" facilitate the transfer to- the2 Quebec t J , " ... X- Many ;SurvI vors A rijured.t tai a. pitiful Vight, when" the terry .steamer; Polarise docked on the Quebec side' atTs ; 30" o'clock - and;ihe ' 396 men "'andwbmefiieaved : from tnei ill-fated EmpresV ofIrelandrtTOop; f alteringly idStte.jigwayi?ae.fac all plainiyXregistered rtherMghtful'experi encerthey had '"ner through- Fewxof - thesurvivors , possessed a .oompletd .outfit; .ofr ,cIothest the ma Jof ltyiwearingp? onlyi shirtstrousers iLndbbodts. : r'Z Si -i r - pleads '.were; baTedin pie 'ihroiig a -the' injured were brought ashore, sup-;ported-?by ixrfend8lmd'.dfflc1al8lxfthe company. yj.- : .'Qie, secondhand "third classpassen lgeiiaid the crew were Immediately rmade Comfortablefon thejAIlan -liner - Alsatian;,-whlch-, was ; lying; ? liran Ad joining berth at-the breakwater : The first classand injured-paisen jjers; were transferred in automobiles andther Vehicles to the Chatan.Fron tenac. A; stafT of "doctors and nurses took: charge ot the iniured V1V Ainqng the - 50, j)assefigers Vleftrlhl ;Riinouskl - were several: who were so, ID or's 45o s everely injured ; that, they had to be taken to a" hospital;.: - --Well Knowrrlnl-ondon. licndon, May -23f-Amongthe; pas . senders cn the -Empress of Ireland; A. BAndcrronas chairmaa:cf theBritr' ish Electrical llanufactorcrs'Tassocla tlon .tzdmanc3inj director bf:Fer rantt Limited, of' London.- He -was a rc3ldcntb! irrrovr: -Aj-'X Eurrowsi Cane ilea. Trcll -tnorn in - the lace trr t z a traveler' fer.Tx;iUrkin c - . f 4 4 - i

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