EDITTON OF THE Uli'iiiili WELCOMES CAMP if- Whereas; at a meeting of the Syt va Board of Trade on Monday; night, June 22nd, a large and enthusiastic attendance was present all : mani festing a deep interest in the. estab lishment of "Camp Jackson bnJthe Jackson County Fair Grouhdsffland Whereas, Prof. Jordra H. Sanford the Superintendent J and General Manager of said school Was present at the said meeting of the Board of Trade and expressed his apprecia tion in the highest terms "of what Sylva had done and was "doing for said summer camp school; and Whereas, it was the desire of the said Board of Trade to place itself on record as being ready and will ing to work and co-operate, in every way possible with the faculty and directors of said camp school during its stay in Sylva this summer; there fore, it was resolved: First: That the Sylva Board of Trade would aid and assist in any and every way possible, either as individual members or as a body, towards making "Camp Jackson" second to no school of itsV kind in the mountains; . l; SECOND: That the said Board of Trade co-cperate with the Facul ty and Board of Directory towards helping make the iiteresti of the Town and said school mutual and to that end the saiefiboard pledges itself to strive at allrtimes ftd make the stay of the students ana 'faculty both pleasant and. profitable during their sojourn throughout the months of July and August; - ' THIRD: That the said Board of Trade extend to the faculty, diieit ors, students and parents of "Camp Jackson" a hearty and cordial . wel come to the town of - during the summer, extending to them all the privileges and offering them all the hospitalities of our "Mountain village" . : Unanimously adopted in'rneeting assembled June 22nd, 1914. r W. H. Rhodes, President Sylva Board of Trade. C. C. Buchanan, , Sec. Sylva Board of Trade COL HARDVICIi PLEASED WITH S. H. Hardwick- Passenger Traf ic Manager for the Southern Rail way with headquarters in Wash ington, D. C, accompanied by Col. Sanford; H. Cohen, -Manager of the Greater : Western ;North Carolina Association, spent Monday in Syl-; va, looking over "te siding which the Southern is installing at this place and visiting the site of "Camn Jackson at the ' Jacksoit uiy, County Fair grounds.. Mr. Hard - wick yvas very ptomistic about the oiit-look for Sylva and expressed his pltssure in seeing the many im provements which are being start ed here, rlels peciallv pleased with the street; and side-walk im provement aid predicted that with in a short while Sylva ; wUl be one of the nicest towns bti the Mur phy Division. He also said that the Southern stoo ready and 'will ing to co-operate with 6ylya at any time toward brihiig about need ed improvements which " would of muuialfbeiiefl a return vbif to Sylva ipme time ,i,i;iisiiN SYLVA t5H SCENEb OlN GAMP JACKSON ANl! 11 O U uSIl " . Mr. Jordon H. Sanford, of Augus ta, Ga., Mgr. and Director of Camp Jackson arrived last week accompa- nied by his family. Since coming here, Mr. Sanford has been engaged ?n the work at Camp Jackson and in wmiguup.u- - r friends throughout tte South telling his them now mucn i.e 8 picaaCu . Sylva, it's people, its progressive- nessand the natural scenic beauty of it ana ine surruuuumg wuuu. As well as beiag one of the lead ing educators of, the South, Profes sor Sanford is provmg himself to be a King of Boosters. During his years of service to f thp youth of his Native State, Georgia, Mr. San ford has made many friends and he will be a most valuable citizen to Sylva, Jackson; County and West ern Nordi Carolina,: AoortsMotPrl with Mr. iSanford in nowvtu v - - - . 1 Mg WQfk, at camp ; JacKson, mis ; . hft his brother Mr. W. OUUlUlVl T " 7 D. Sanford, Principal, Monte- Sano School Augusta, Ga., Mr. Lawton B. Evans, Supt. of Schools for the City of ' Augusta, Mr. C. H. Bruce, Supr. of Schools of Macon, Mr. J. T. Spears Prin,; Houghton School, Augusta, CoL George W.Hulvey Supt of the Florida MUitary Academy. Jack sonyille Fla., Mr. R. Lombard Kei Ieyr Chair of Science aqd Modern Ijuages, Georgia Military Ac a demyTpt. H. W; HoffmanJForida imilary Academy; Mr. L. Brooks; ffiysical Director aridAtWeticrahi er or -Stone Mountam rreparaw r School. Mr. W. H. Drane, Principal THE SYjtVA;llt JUNE. 26 1914 X', . UL- . j, I i L i 1' UCK ASEIGEE---' 'THE WINDING SNAKE'' ; X l iind owneof Hoke Smith Institute, toa Supt Fort Valley Sjchools and J Sec'y of Georgia Teachers Associa-j tion, Mr. Ernest Anderson, Supt. uf; New Berry Schools, New Berry, S. C. 1 Mr A ReynoidSt Prin Cullowheejer is being constructed so that the Normal and Industrial School, Mr. J. C. Ingram, Principal of Sylva Collegiate Institute, Mr. 0. S. Dean, Ter of EUowhee Nor- mal and Industrial School, Mr. L. B. Abernathy Teacher of Mathematics making( perhaps a3 flne an aggre- tion ag mAi be gQttea together In Nortn Carolinat g, Carolinai Georgia and Florida it is unneceg. sary .to say anything in eulogy of these -men. for they are so well known as love is of boys and the inspirors of youth that it would be useless for us to speak of their at tainments along these lines. The Camp is being equipped with both local and long-distanc Tele phone connection and Electric light ing system, shower baths, water and sewerage. The boys will? slep in tents, each of which has been fitted with cots with cotton mattresses and wooden floors. The fence a round the .camp is receiving a coat of white wash, the base-ball dia mond,1 the tennis cdurt, the grid iron and basket ball court are. be ing scraped and rolled, placing them in perfeet condition The; aquatic sports have also been provided for, as the manage ment has made arrangements with CoL CTJ. Harris for the use of the dam on his property on the Tucka seigc e Ri ver. Here the boys who love the "Old Swimming Holer, can enjoy this diversion to their hearts content unaer; rne airecuon oi $1.00 '-"VIA IIVER OF THE expert swimmers, thus rendering it chased and will be placed at the river for the use of , the boys of Camp Jackson. A ' -well graded short-cut from the camp to the riv- oys can reach the river in a twelve minutes hike." Upon the arrival of the special car of boys from Augusta, on July 1st they will be met with a hearty reception in the nature of an Old Time Barbecue, tendered them by Camp Jackson. It is expected that some thirty or forty boys will enjoy the advantages of Camp Jackson this season. It is the intent of the manage ment to give each boy especial and painstaking care, looking towards perfect development of his physical, mental, and moral manhood. Camp Jackson is one of the lead ers of the Summer Camp School Movement in Western North Caro lina and in it the whole people of Appalchia and especially of Jack son County and Sylva feel a pecu lar interest, and are giving to Mr. Sanford their hearty active and energetic co-operation. BOYS ABE ARRIVING- Turner Jones, son of Dr. M. Ash- by Jones, of Augusta Ga. and An tonio, "Boots", Davidson, the son of Mrs. Albert Davidson, of Augusta, and Patrick Cavanaugh of New Or leans, arrived in Sylva yesterday as the; Vanguard of Camp Jackson The citizens of SylVa ; Welcomed these vouml men and- indulged the hone that their soiourn here mav be pleasant ; - 1 THE YEAR IN -ADVANCE BIG CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF CAJACIISON. Upon the arrival of the students at Camp Jackson they will be met with a rousing and hearty recep tion. , On the opening day, July lst Mr. Sanford, managing director, of the Camp, will give an old time Barbecue to the boys. Mr. Sanford regrets that circumstances are such that it will not be possible to have all the people of this locality at the Camp that day. However, he is preparing for as many guests as is practicable. On the' fourth there will be a joint celebration of Independence Day by the Municipality and the Camp Among the attractions will be an oration, by one of the most talent ed men to be had, dinner served at the Camp by the ladies of the com munity and a double-header base ball game between the Sylva team and the Camp Jackson boys. This promises to be a treat to the lovers of the great American game. The people are preparing to make the camp school folks feel at home and to begin the initial session un der most favorable auspices. Mr. Sanford is receiving daily most encouraging letters fronuthe Souths i umes evmuiug aoiiiieresi in . mp Jacksoh and telling of boys team oitne, uamp wukfbe La most? excellent one and many games are. anticipated for the season with the teams of the nearby towns and other schools and camps in West ern North Carolina. The curriculum of the school in cludes grammar, high school and college work, and while the aca demic activities will not laborous they will be efficient. SYLVA, JACKSON CO. AND CASr JACKSON Nestled among the beautiful hills of Ottalay surrounded by mountains reaching an altitude of 6000 feet and more, engirdled by hills easily climbed, in close proximity to laugh ing waterfalls and crystal streams, cradling the "speckled beauties," in their tortuous journey toward the Father of Waters," affording all the allurements of the mountains, is the little village of Sylva A short distance from this pic- teresquse little hamlet, hidden by the verdure clad hills which rise majestically, enclosing the twenty acres, admirably, adapted to ath letics and field sports, is the physi cal part of Camp Jackson. The air is pure,, the sky a sapphire, blue, the water as clear and pure as that which drips fronr the foot of the Alaskan glaciers.. , In fast, it would seem that Nature had lavishly out done herself when she gathered to gether the richest part of those things that makethe best for phy- v sical, mental arid (:moral manhood, and dropped them;here for the in-, spiration of tiie young man whose latent powers are being awakened. ; From the standpoint of the ?tomv : ist and the s lovefcbf the sublune hi Nature, Jackson county ;haso is peripr; -There are the Balsams and- Co wees in lovely panorama, iWhite : (Cohtihueo! on page ; x J! " it - v. e ' i !! V l V t if uurum ine summer' : . ; f "1 i sr. rr J-

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