k - .... - . ' VOL. I NO. 7 SYLVA, N.: C, NOVEMBER 20, 1914, $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE Y HER FIRE A blaze that threatened to as sume alarming proportions was that that almost , completely de stroyed the building occupied by the Tuckaseigee Bank and A. J Dills' insurance offices, Saturday morning about 1:30. The fire was discovered before it had made much headway, and, the alarm was given. : The volunteer fire department did quick and effective work stop ping the flames before 4 they had spread to adjoining buildings. But for the prompness of action on the part of the fighters a great de u of property would- have been destroyed. The building was owned by Mr. nilk His loss and that of the bank will be approximatly, $3500, partially covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. WA I TAXES- Additional Special Taxes imposed by the Act of October 22nd, 1914, effective November 1st, 1914, to continue to January 1st, 1916, are as follows: Bankers For each $1000.00 cap ital employed, including surplus and undivided profits, $1.00. Brokers $30.00 each Pawnbrokers $50.00. Commercial Brokers $20.00 each K Commission Merchants $20.00;g Theatres, Mesuems and Concert Halls, according to seating capacity from OtrfS'O to Sioo.oor' ; Circuses $100.00 each. Other Exhibitions or Show's For money, $10.00. Bowling Alleys and Billiard Tables, $5.00 for each alley or table. Dealers in Leaf Tobacco -Exceed- ing sales of 1000 pounds per year, from $6.00 to $24.00, for sales of 50,000. pounds up to more than 100,000 pounds. Mdiiuiauuiaou luua, , Manuiacturers pt ugars ana Man- j $6.00 to Uiactureia m v,.5alCt w $2,198J. according to amount of ,ales; and dealers manufactured tobacco, snuff, cigars and cigarettes selling more that $200.00 per an- num, $4.80. These special taxes able (or assessable are pay i n c a s e of Banks) during the month of Nov- cmoer-ior eigm of fiscal year endir June 30th 1915, and if not paid, or in case of banks, returns made, on or before November 30th. an addiOonatSO )er cent penalty win Deconeciaoie. j Blanks will be furnished by Col letors as soon as received. Form Nol 457 in case of Banks, and Form No. 1 1 A in all other cases. Stamp taxes on and after Decem ber 1st.' 1914 to continue to, January 1st. 1916. . - x - .. . . Documentary. On bonds of cor- porations, certificates of stock, sale of agreements,' promisory notes and renewals thereof, bills of lading; con tracts, conveyances, bonds, except those used in legal proceedings, powers of attorney, etc., etc. . Proprietary, On : perfumery, cos inttics and similar articles. It is confidently expected that full instructions as to documentary and proprietary stamps will be re ceived on or before December. . 1st, 1914land in thtlnca Uiine inquiries from parties interested will - be promptly answered by me. Respectfully, . K. D, WATTS, Collector. Statesvilie, N. C. . ' - -' ANOT TWO MEN SHOT p 0 xt -o - Franklin Press. Nov, 18 - T, . , , s . , . were very much wrought up oVer i two men being shot in Mr. Tom Johnson's barber shop Tuesday night of last week, -From what information Wfe re able to gather, Harve Shepherd was ; in town and was drinking, and step-; ped into the barber shop, and it is said that Oliver had a warrant for him and asked U. S. Deputy Mar shal Bruce Slaughter, of . Robins ville, who happened to be in town to assist him. When th3 officers en- tered the shop it seems that Mar- shal Oliver djew his pistol on, Shep-1 herd and told him he had a war- rant for him: Shepherd immediate- ly drew his pi ;tol and commenced firing. He fired two or three shots and ran out the door and made escape. In the meantime Oliver it is said firei one ;shot. Slaugh- ter ws shot in the hip and is i i a vight cnfical cond?';on, but chances assiant; Jads-ia, C A. Johas.vi, are favorable for nis recovery. Lee supply; Jonathan, L. H. (Griifith, Ivester, the barber, Was also shot . Macon, J. L. Teague; Murphy stat in the leg, but his wound is not j ion. Ira Erwin; Murpliy circuit, T. L thought to be serious, although he Noble, supply; Ranger, J. H. Hop has been laid up with it for sever- kins, supply; Robbinsville, H C. al days. Otte, supply; B. L. C. Trull, - assist- Slaughter says that Shepherd j shot him. Ivester also claims tha Shepherd fired the shot that struck him. As --was all .over in a short how it i to tell just V Cashiers is still on the map, and we need not worry. Winter is here and the grain is garnered and ho and hominy : (made in North arolina) should be 0Uf slodarh Rey w;de R Nicholsoilf an Eyangelist of Saiem s c passed through town on his way to Glen- ville where he is to conduct ser- vices Saturday night and Sunday H1 A M Mr Nir-hnlsnn is hnv g great success in his chosen pro. and he fe tQ cQnduct ; & series of serviceg at the Cashiers j Baptigt beginning the 25th linet nnH n lnrdp rnndrppafinn will ; be present in order to hear this j noted man. He will very likely lo cate . somewhere in this County where he can have a wider field in tQ wQrk and tne neW3 of Ms i .- wil, bg received most wel. ; (.onleIy as we wil, be glad t0 have . Qm midst . Rev. W. T. Hawkins has gone to Asheville to attend the funeral of his sister Mrs. E. Else, who sue combed after a stroke of paralisis, after which pneumonia set in. She will be laid to rest in the vici- tutir nf AQhPvillP it i nnnminopH. 111 tj V -L X XUU W V. W vw The bereayed relatives have our heart felt sympathy. , Mrs. Geo. R. McCall and her daughter . and Mrs. M. L. Watson went to Glenville shopping Satur day forenoon. Pleasant trip indeed Walter McCall went to Tox way on business, Saturday. Sme Geo. R. McCall and- W. L. iDIllard have gone into the lumber industry it seems that business is improving in Cashiers, for we can get plenty of work to do, and lum ber too, right at home. The war has not effected us ony much. The daily, mail to Lake foxaway and return is being carried by M. L. Watson he is a jood carrier. Every citizen of c Pleasant Grove e- ..... section came out on the 3rd inst. I and cast their, ballot, and the high sheriff paid , ins respeetsyto said I V i " V . :pe pie on the 11th inst by going there to receive their taxes. They . . A . 1. . . i'jf- vviuivu uig f lull- i 1 j iiiuiyii. The sheriff states that he will- pay them the usual visit once a year. Blue Eyes. pns jJn IENCE INTK 11 ,I WAYNESVILLE DISTRICT. L. T. Cordell. presiding elder; An- drews, S. T. Barber; Bethel, A. L Latham; Bryson and Whitfier, D. H. Rhinehardt; Canton, J. ft Rogers; Clyde, G. A.B. Holderby; ran'di n- Statiou, R. H. Daugherty Franklin circuit, W.G. Warren supply f Fines Creek, E. M. Avett; Glenville, W. C. Bowden; Haywood, R. C. iftrk; Hayesville to be supplieWfBighr lands, Z. V. Johnson, W. J. Hawkins ant; Sylva to be supplied, Webster, D. R, Proffitt; Waynesviile. 0. P Ader; student in Emory and-Henry college, A. C. Gibbs, professor Cullo whee Normal, L. B, Abernethy. The date of the Auction Sale for the Atlantic Coast Rtaltv Co, should e November 2l instead of Novem ber 12. Remember the date Nov. 21. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Wonder if the suffs are going to give the legislature time to pass that well-known Davidson county measure makyig4t legal to open on a pair of tens? Greensboro News. "I LL SHOW'EM, DOBUm:' I've stopped the paper, yes I have, I didn't like to do it, But the editor he got too smart, . And I allow he'll rue it. I am a man who pays his, debts, And will not be insulted. So when the editor gets smart I want to be consulted. I took the paper 'ley en years And help him all I could sir, But when it come to dunnin, me I didn't think he would, sir. But that he did, and you can bet It made me hot as thunder; I says,Tll stop that sheet, I will. If the doggone thing goes; under." 1 1 hunted up the editor And fer his cunnin' caper I-paid him 'LEVEN years and quit! Yes, sir, I stopped tne paper. FREE DELIVERY. The undersigned will deliver fruit ! trees at the following places, viz: Rosman Lake Toxaway Highlands Sylva ' Glenville November 20th November 21st November 23rd November 25 th November 28th T. R. ZACHARY. S. M. Rhea was here ; this Wek from Whittier R. F. D. 1. : Dave Harris, soa of C. J: Harris, of Dillsboro was i in Franklin the past week. Franklin Press. NT AHCTtON SALE 2 IPON'AHERIGANVI A lannrfi fmm th TTnitpH Spc ! . cruiser, lennessee, which was en - tering the Gulf cf Smyrna to ar- range for the cruiser to come into the harbor, was fired upon by the forts and compeled to return to the Tennessee. "The commander of the Tennes see informed the Vail that he had orders fromvhis government to en the the harbor of Smyrna, and had decided io do so." The United States gov rnment has directed Ambassador , , Henry Morganthau at Constantinople to "X txx x.xxx.s y Turkish land forces, at a launch I trom tne American cruiser lennes- see, proceeding from Voulah to the Americyn consulate at Smyrna i Asi v S: -.ry anieh sim ultaneously cabled the cornmauuer of the cruiser North Carolina, also in the Mediterranean to take no action which might embarrass the Amenican government and to await specific instructions from Washing- j ton. Although without: definite details as to just what occurrued, high of ficials of the Washington govern ment had no doubt that the inci dent, no matter where the responsi bility lay, would be adjusted prompt ly through diplomatic cnannels. President Wilson is determined that under no circumstances- shall the I United States be involved in war with Turkey. Efforts on the part of some; Mo hammedan leaders in Turkey to start a 'Holy war" have made Americans as well as British and French subjects apprehensive. The American consul at Smyrny report ed his fears to Ambassador Morgan thau. under whose instructions the two warships have' been moving about in Turkish waters. Twice the Ottoman government has warned the United States that the port of Smyrna was mined and the Tennessee, it is understood, has gtood off at Voulah ten miles away while her launch started for the shore to investigate conditions at the consulate. Regardless of whether or not Smyrna is a closed port, under the regulations of the United States nay, Captain Decker would be justified in seeking to enter the harbor to ascertain the facts with reference to the American consul ate and its citizens. MRS. J N COWAN The news of the death of Mrs. J. N. Cowan comes as a shock to the many friends of herself and family. She was one of the oldest and best known ladies of Jackson county, having spent the 85 years of her life here. Her death came after a brief illness. The funeral was held Sunday, Rev. R. P. Ellington and Rev. ... J. J. Qiay conducting the obsequies. The interment vas in the Still well cerrietery Beside her husband, Mrs." Cowan leaves one sister, Mrs. Zachary, and three sons, Hon. Coleman C. Cowan of the, Sylva bar, M. D. Cowan, Clerk of .the Court of Jackson county, and kev. Geo. N. Cowan, of Apex, N. C. 1EET TOMORROW The meeting of parents and citi- ZenS t0 Plan fr CommunitVS Ser- i vice for Sylva will be held Satur- !day tomorrow aftern0on instead j 0f Friday, to-day. j As is announced elesewhere j We presume that the meetings for other scho1 districts will be today as scneouled by trie State Com- mittee SALE jrOMOHROW The Atlantic Realty Co. of Green vm hag surveved d snhHiviHpf, the bottom Qn q . creek from belonging tQ R a Grindstaff and Wlli gell the lotg at PllKiio ailnt;ftn ar 51 -i 1 M.-j I ..si'i iifr p -opr-y. The Auction Company will give a free barbecue. Music will e fur nished by a brass band. Every body is invited to be there, wheth er you buy a lot or no. ING At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Jackson County Fair Association, held here, Satur day, Geo. P. Miller was elected pres ident. S. W. Enloe vice president a ?v" e5' secretary and treasurer! . The matter of replacing the burn ed buildings was taken under ad visement and plans are on foot for rebuilding next spring. AT CULLOWflEE. The Ladies Betterment Society of the Cullowhee Baptist Church will serve chicken salad and hot coffee, Monday night, Nov. 23, 19 14, at the church, for the benefit of the new church. All are invited. Cora Painter, Sec. Rev. T. F. Deitz, of Bryson City is this week concluding evangelis tic meetings with the Euclid Ave nue Church of Knoxville, Tenn.t The meeting has been characteriz ed by Holy Ghost power and graat results are anticipated. BiblicaL Recorder. Mrs. R, M. Keller, of CiiUowh.es .was in Sylva Yesterday. It is ce.rtainiy the duty of the members of the General Assembly to learn the wishes of the people in regard to the State-wide primary and the Australian ballot. But if they don't ask you, you write your Representative and Senator about it anyway. CARD OF TW Bryson and Hooper, Gentlemen I am greatly pleased with it, and . thank you very much I do not pay any more for goods at Bryson and Hoopers, thAn I did 4a year ago. The method of giving this beautiful dinner set to their customers, does not cost us a penny" and builds for those gentlemen a lasting trade. Mrs. C. H. Kitchen CITIZENS ET 1 I;,1, 1 1 v-