.-r . . .. : V . , ) . - rv mi mi UW JrasiL VOL. I NO. 7 UNNAMEABLE CM AT WAYNESVILLE. The Carolina Mountaineer carries this story of an attempt to commit the most flendist of crimes: An 18 year old negro named Lon Boss, who has been " shining shoes in the barber shop for a while, saw little Isacore Sussman inN front of the stairway of his home on Main street and gave the . little fellow some candy and asked, him where his little sister was, saving he wished in give her some candy, also. The boy went for her and thex all went down the alley near their . home. The negro then gave the little fel low a nickel with which to buy some more candy and unsuspect- imily he hurried away on his errand, AS- piuviucjiuc iuicu iu in a icw tn'nv.tes th-? mother raised the win .iL'S' ii..i-and pfied z ;able doth of some scraps out of the j window which fell on the child and the black an this called forth an outcry or noise from her. The mother, missing her clmM called her and looking out saw the black form get up from the ground and this doubtless prevented a most fearful outcome. The mother quickly had the little; girl unstairs and wrung some of the ugly story from her, but pride to the name of the little girl and fear of wnat her husband might do in a moment of rage caused her to put off telling him. But she did tell him "on Sunday and he was almost broken with grief and crazed with anger. Monday morning after question, ing the boy also he sought Chie1 Mitchell and they made plans and as s on as convinced: of th idenity of the negro he was arrested and taken to jail. A preliminary hearing was set for Tuesday but the attorneys asked hat it be postponed until today at j it be postponed until today at 10 o'clock so this was done by Po- j t t i n jj n r" Pnr- ice Justice John M. Queen. Lapv. I II Lowell will represent thepros- - . ution whil ethe accused has re- ..:ined Branner Gilmer, Esq., for his .iefense. I he matter has been kept un-:-. aiiy quiet, and well it has, for i uch agitation would be dangerous, kir people are law abiding but sucii ir. i attempt in the center of tov. n i : a few feet of the sidewalk is a n; meadous' trial to their patience. MY ON GANEY Fl iSl rl A report reaches us, of an affray, on uaney r or, i uebudy , wncu . ment that wm introduce and at - put their home3 and premises and Weaver Swangim suffered a dan&" ! tempt t0 secure the passage, at the ! places of business in good order erous wound from an axe in the coming sessi0n ef the General as-j during the week by removing all liands of Dillard Hooper. Isembly, a- bill providing for the! unnecessary and unsightly ar cles, The trouble seems to have arisen'.,'. on,,!,,,.,, nil tho traah hnrv nr n tt l- m J over the location of a road luci-H Honner had been constructing and I a fence that Swangim was building. Some articulatbi euedr.nd in the row Hooper seizj-I u:i ,r::e and si ruck Swang;m in the head. Swangim is said to be in a des - P'jrate condition and mere is nttle ; hope for his recovery. j Both men are married and are pro i minent in the Carie7 Fdrk se2tion.! Later Sheriff Buchaian, Who was j ameer c -lied to the scene of the tragedy,! Our friend J. T. Leatherwood, stated that Swangim is resting very member of the firm of Buchanan well and there is hoDe that he wil ! and Leatherwood, Dillsboro, was r coyer. . . Swangim's head was not crushed bt the skull was fractured. E JACKSON U. COURT Carolina Mountaineer Dec, 3. Mr. R. E. Osborne, recently ap pointed U. S. Commissioner, tried his first case Monday morning in the mayor's office here, which re sulted in the binding over to the U S. court three Jackson county men for retailing, Thev were SL H I tt . - Harns, M. M. Harris and D. B. Phil- i lippie and were defended by Capt J. H. Howell. The case was prosecuted by Chief j IMS THi MEN' T( duputy marshal Jno. Y. Jordan and ! he had 12 acres in this corn which evidence was given by deputy mar-1 would yield this year 70 bushels to shalsJ.F.CabeofCanton andJ. AJtheacre. v He will harvest ,3,000 2! rTi trevH ' -ir rde busheis the raid las -aturday night above; uir n i j i season. uuuuuiai, ciuuul nan a nine ueyouu ; the Haywood gap on the Jackson county side, at an isolated camp, wnen tiiese men were found nhmit 1 i . , - m.pvm..,lj daylight around a camp fire. y-y thn capip v,-t another and several jugs, a keg and some pint bottles containing blockade whiskey were found and destroyed. The deputies said there were from 7 to 10 gallons of moonshine and it was the roughest weather that night they ever experienced in the moun tains, without shelter. The ..booze was guarded by dogs and officer Galloway considers himself lucky tnat he was not bitten IT'S A BEAR. A real bear and a big bear w; s very cl se to town Sunday night in j his rambles from one part of the county to another. It is only about two miles from town, where his big tracks were found on the sfcore where he entered Lake Junahiska for his swim across. The tracks were also found on the opposite side Monday morning and were fresh. .Tprrv T,iner made the discovery .u a nnA rinxm nut thp npws A narr v tUi" , rj ' , fQ on horseback, -consisting of James y ... T Atkins Jr Lucms Bramle James nngiieui aim i ed, vere soonron ms irau wuu a number of dogs. They followed him across Utah mountain and as far as the mountains near and .be yond Cove Creek. They were in less than a hundred yards of him once and saw him once or twice. They say bruin was larg C CIO Cl f,UVU sized steer. Carolina Mountaineer. 1 Hon. Galletin Roberts, of Bun- rrvo has madft a nublic estate- . l" '" ILUlUlilft Ol jJi- HUO.L LKL VilV Jtxivj'vy . ,. . .i nr,j:JntM rf oil I political parties, for all offices in North Carolina, on a day certain. James Tov of Svlva va3 here Saturday visiting old friends. Caro- ; Una Mountaineer. Mrs. Alice Norton of Norton, Jackson county is visiting her sister Mrs. T. L. Green. Carolina Mount- visiting friends aud relatives her Saturday and Suhday.-Carolina Mm i n t J i n ppt. . v" . . - SYLVA, N. C, DECEMBER 4, 1914, GREAT CORN YIELD IN THEJOUNI'AINS News & Observer Dec. 2. Mr. A. Cannon of Henderson county, who is here to attend the the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture, of which he is a mem ber, today, left samples of some of the finest corn ever seen in these Huno xu uie umce o me uommiss- : c A , . J w j The corn is of the Farmers Favorite vanety and Mr- Cannon stated that Mr. Cannon stated that the corn crop in the western section of -the QtotQ tirrtc, ; u: I - ' ixj vU V V A M.X kJ iii i c . vu g-wn i i 1 1 i 1 1 1 i i .- I I I I S! v ear an that in Henderson county ylone the yield was Li er cent gruaer than it was last year. He thinks that Henderson county will produce at least 100,000 bushels this year. When asked about the apple crop which is also the largest ever known. Mr. Cannon said that the market was exceedingly dull and that apples were only bringing 30 cents per bushel in Hendersonville. ' "Henderson county is making ra pid strides in road building," said Mr. Cannon ''jHendersonville town ship voted bonds tnis year for good road building to the amount of $50, 000 and fine sand clay roads are bein built all over the township, "Henderson county has voted all told this year $107,000 in bonds for for good roads and it will only be a short time until a fine road will be finished to Saluda and on to Spartanburg, S. C. A road will al so be built to connect with the Bat Cave turnpike now being construct ed by the State. This turnpike will hardly be finished before next 'spring however." Mr. Cannon was enthusiastic over the good roads building in his county and said that ere long the the mountain counties woul have the finest ysstem of highways in the State. COMMUNITY ' SERVICE WEEK In planning the local news for the observance of "Community Ser vice Week." It was decided after building steps on the street leading to the Baptist church to ask every house-holder public and private to j UUill Cl 1 1 1. 1 UJH ksi-iij J. vj-o stroy what does not burn, also each person, as far as practicable, clean the street or road leading by them. We futher recommend that the ladies of the town direct their attention to our public square about the depot, hoping the appearance of our town may soon be the ex pression of our ideas of a healthy beautiful locality, Mrs. Keener, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Mc Kee, Mrs. Ingram and Mrs. Rhodes r Committee, Columbus Coggins, of Erastus wa3 in the city yesterday, on business. LECTED-MN'T - QUAL1FV. Although Jaun I. Jiminez has been elected president of the Domi nician, Republic, by a majory of both the popular and electoral vote he is unable to take the oath of of fice before Congress. The opposi tion, controling Congress, refuses, hold a session. This information reaching the State Department to day caused officials to feel some what doubtful over the situation in the island republic. A regiment of American marines aboard the transport Hancock, was held at Port Au Prince during the Haitien revolution and until the election 1 I J -rtl ' TT 1 . was ueiu. iue nancocK is now m I Dominican waters. BRITISH W-JMSH1 AHE PATROLLING THEATLANTIC At least twelve Brittish warships ; are now patrolling the Atlantic be tween New York and the Panama Canal, sweeping the seas with their Wireless, crowding ordinary com mercial radios from the aiy and keeping close check on ali forms of shipping, according to wireless 6p r ators on the steamship, Ancon, that arrived here today from Cristobal. The wireless activity of - these I war vessels, the operators said, is causing great inconvenience to the commercial work of A.merican ves sels as the high powered waves of the men-of-war, are heard contin ually in utter disregard of commer cial business. E8 FROM EATING LIVER A man named Washburn, belong ing to a traveling car ,ival compa ny ate a pound of raw beef liver, in Savannah, Ga., and died in a few minutes. DNCONSTITOTIONA A majority of the Supreme court joined in an opinion that Oklahoma "Jim Crow" law proviso permitting railroads td furnish sleep ing, dining and chair car accommo dations only to the white race was unconstitutional, but because of imperfections in the petition on which the case reached the courts they did not so decree. A TEST OF LIVER COMPLAINT Mentally Unhappy--Physically Dull. The Liver, sluggish and inactive, first shows itself in a mental state unhappy and critical. Never is there joy in living, as when the stomach and liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and happy by using Dr. King's New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone, up your Stomach, cure your Constipation and purify the Blood. 25c. at Druggists. Enck len's Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. G. C. Crisp was here from Nantha? hala the last of the week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. TJ Crisp, " : n 7 : $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE THE WOMAN'S AOXIUABY MEETS The Woman's Auxiliary of the Baptist church was very pleasantly nntertained at the home of Mrs C. L. Allison on Wednesday after noon. After .the business session Mrs. Allison served delicious re fresements. At this meeting it was decided that the Bazaar to be- held under the auspicies of this Society should be opened Wednesday, December 9, at Tompkins & Luck's millinSry store. All Who have agreed to con tribute articles for the Bazaar are urged to send them to the above named place Tuesday, December 8th. The people of the different tjwa ships and School Districts mt yes terdiy an J did work on the roads, public buiidin s, grounds, and ceme teries. The reports, received by members of the County Committee, indicate that a great deal of excel lent work was done. To-day North Carolina Day is being celebrated in every school house in the county. Aside from the usual excellent exercises of this day, the people are having discus sions of the needs of the r several communities and are making plans to strengthen the weak places in the community life and to bring the community to the front along the lines of progress. To-morrow is County Progress Day. Everybody is inited and ur ged to come to the court house and enter into the discussions of the matters pertaining to the General Progress of the County. While the County Committee has been handicapped to a considerable extent by the lack of sufficient vtime to prepare for the occasion and by the necessary absence, during last week, from ihe County of Sup erintend ant David H. Brown, an excellent program has been ar ranged. Among those who will deliver ad dresses are, Rev. R. P. Ellington, Superintendant David H. Brown, Prof. O. Dean, Col. Geo. P. Miller Prof. Frank H. Brown and others. The meeting promises to be an interesting one. The subjects to be brought before the people of the county are live ones and are worthy of the best thought of everybody insterest d in Jackson County. The ladies of Sylva will serve dinner at the court house. DR. SENSA6AUGQ DEAD Carolina Mountaineer Dec. 3. The many friends among the old-e er citizens of this county will regret to learn of the deUh in Knoxville Sunday Nov. 15th of Rev. Dr. J. H. Sensabaugh at the age of sixty-nine years. He was born on the Graves farm near town and was for . years a Methodistminister but a throat trouble caused him to quit the ministry and take up the practice of medicine. He was a scholarly man and wore his honors well. Dr Sensabaugh was a brother of Mrs. D. D. Davies of Cullowhee, Jackson County. C. H. Kitchen and daughter, Miss Janie, went to Ashsville yesterday Hayes Hooper was here from Bi Ridge, yesterday, on business. ,f i' it r I.