I I A v. -1-- , x v v, - v - ; - - 7 -4 r 5frJ ' - 'SYT.VA M v '-?tii ikTTT a . MV The Baptists enioved " Phrief " -. vuii lot mas tree Monday- of f Cliristmas week and distributed attractive The Woman's Missionary Society metitkMrsD: n Tiv H It was.the occasion for the electi6a Sifts among the Sundnv ToW, f for eqtio!, children. Prof. Jones- tne fol.owing iadies Santa Claus and an interesting nrk - 'O r,v' ram was rendered by members of the Sunday school. SELF EifitfRinATF FlliATE CLERK RO: Self Jackson county, who wpg a responsible po sitjon in thMce Of thp onU oternaliaiyenue at Stafp.viiio l!!ilpe city today en- v" ., . "vac 10 spena tne nol days withMlamilv. He h tn. cjered Collect Watts his resigna- For President Mrs lw n r.i;:ii2 lot : ,.. r . VUWUH, Dii j . ' "lla- vy.-n. Rhodes; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. J Business both in the sto nnH-' W ' "1Ue 1 resment' Mrs. J officehas he, Hyel, thiria, CatS !S VT ,i .. r ? . ols; Supt. of. Study and Publinitv Mrs. Hughes and daughter, of Mrs. E. L: McKee Snt r Gr9enville, S. C, are visiting friends Service Mr -A S 'Nictu V and relatives at Cullowhee.. i Supplies Mrs J v-? SuAP,t f and litrlp son whn ha , ' ATlAO ireiie vutcu viau- -rt-uemetny: ifSS NICHOLS ENTERTAlf $1.00 THE YEAtfN ADVACt ' miss Lunsune Nichols entertain- n ay atternoon from ed a number of fripnric Q Cove Creek toii lof the killing nr on West Main, Monday evening It Evatfs a1hat placeby his was a gay party of young folks from 7 Wh USe( !ot feun,-the load ten to sixteen years of age, who from whlch s nim in the back assembled at the beautifully decor-if the head' message said he - .uowuupr rjutju ana was lying HILLS iS BUS in A telephone 1 message to Sheriff Palmer late Tirfjay afternoon from ated home. The guests amused themselves S6TPiii-u V .6uco amusea tnemselves uon eaect ye, fifteenth of this j with two contests that had been month. JHated upon good au- arranged hv t, r,LT?n month.' If isated upon good au- inonty -UiaTSelf is a candidate for the DOaifin state senatexwhich in ariuayflieihas been clerk in thenatgllffi 0f years. GBEBR 5. CREEK. Other ma.tters of imnortanpp wrJ J. w v n,wv considered. Refreshments were served. Helen Ca they, Sec f SPEEDWELL : Now. that the holidays are .ihnnt over, and 1914 will soon be in th tertaitfment.was given, wl past, the people will fein iqi R eI1jyd hy a reat crowd. wun new zeal and brfehthnc iwepuonwa- given last Tues- As we are to be judged bv thedPPdQ day night at tV.home of Mr. and ve do, let us -strive to see "how Mrs: W" C Ie- Among those many good deeds we can do in 1915. Present werer!rf;and Mrs. W. C. It will all be to oiir credit! in the CagIe' Mis. cTa ones Irene great hereafter, when Will h Green, GayzeijQ and Vivianv Ashe. weighed in the balance. On Jan- Nora BcIIe' abBirdell Cabe, !Stella give you a'few? dbts. Greens Cre school (Dist. No. 1) closed-last TKiirsday niht. an pn - tertaitfment.as jgiven, which was HhII, 0. V: and Harvev Cale Haf- rlson Bradley, arid Augustus Cagle. liiucic was rendered by Miss Cora V .vis ing at Cullowhee, have returned to LMiSDOrO. D. Doyle Alley is at -home for Christmas vacation. ; -George Sutton of Sylvia", was a business visitor at Cullowhee last week. . . . , . .. . Mr. and Mrs, B. 0. Painter- are visiting !VIr. Painter's parents at Cullowhee. George Brinson ' has returned from a few days' stay in Ashevilla David Lee Hooper and George oox, wno have - been attending school at-the - A. and ; M. College, came home to spend the holidays. Miss Irene Abernethy, principal of the Syiva High' School, is Spend ing the. (nstmas; vacation with her . , parents here. : . -,t.v -y -;.y-:,:y - ness; trip ta-S Misses Daisy and Myrtie' Keller, who have been way teaching, are spending the holidays with their mother. - Miss Margie Abernethy is visit ing friends n Sylva this week. Prof. Reynolds and David Flin tom made a business trip to Sylva last week. ' -rr-- iu uu juuu. Many Lpwis Smith io onan: nnnnrtiinitio ijh We 1 c 10 opcuvini luc "ii" -i.ixlxvo win present tnem- ----- own uc uu holidays with his mother at Cullo- pelves if we are not too blind to see again' whee. them, et it be said to our Draise J' W' CagIe went to Sylva Mnn- Miss Mattie Berg Abernethy, who that 1915 has been the best year of ay on business has been teaching at Bryson City, our "Ves. H. Hall came home a few dajs is at home for the holidays. ' Rev.Totherral of Alabama preach- ago from SaDot va-, where he has Dee Parker of Sylva, is visiting ed an interesting sermon at tn'e1 been emPloyed for the past, year, his aunt, Mrs. Runion. Methodist church on December 20th 1 We are gIa 1 10 have him witil us Edwin Brown, of Cowarts. was J understand that thp rhri0CT i again: - - viiioiuiao here last week. tree at W. S. Bryson's was a success Prof. H. B. Jones is spending the Mr- Harry Tilley and Miss Nettie holidays at home and elsewhere. Bumgarner were married some Mrs. Ed. Bryson and, little daugh- time ter Evelyn have gone to snend two . Mr. Lawrence of TpnnpsQPA cnnnf weeks jwith Mrs. Bryson's parents a nint'in Speedwell in the interest at Limestone,- Tenn. - of the Southerrr Publishing Associa The Cullowhee Normal and In- tion of Nashville, Tenn. dustrial School will begin the work Frank Cole of Cashiers passed oftae Spring term Tuesday, Janu- Speedwell Saturday afternoon, ary 5. A large increase in enroll- Frank Clouse of Sylva spent Suh ment is expected. - ' day in-Speedwell. " - j. x,4 j-jtouu iiaa rcceiiuy "uiusauci uas inovea into moved into his new office and -op his new house; which will be a good eratmg xppms,. which . are . modem one when completed, in eqmpment and elegant in aD- u n , . . 7 pointmfent. Hanson Pressle-y rolled in from Sunburst to spend the holidays. ine-puDiic schools of Fall Cliff uscar and Speedwell arfe rout Born id Mr! 'aSd&'Ti 'X.ressr; ley a boy, ; ' X. Y: 2. arranged by their hostP Trs tKa first, Guessing Groceries," the prize, a lovely picture, was won by Miss' Isabel Keenei. Miss Christine Cathey was the winner of the "Tel egram" contest, the prize wag a box of delicious home-made candy. On entering the guests were served with punch bv- Mi c shine Abernethy. Later a course 1 in front of his fiWroiaee. Dr. McFadya the coroner, and the sheriff lefto, the snpnp nf ' tha killing early yctf rday morning. It is said thr Evans was very disagreeable wl his faniilv. had attempted io kill his wifp nnrP r twice before1: Uhmitthp fl the fair in Octe&cir he attempted to "in ner ana QUIcer Jack --vex found hir veryjidly bruised aa beaten up. It'very nrobahlp thai- - r2 I rlP IlQrl hcinn tfln ' i DearEditQi-If you wm allow of cake and hot chocolate were f e llad bLeeP off some of ne space in 3pu columns, I will !served- Music was rendered by J luun scutr?3 this sado-casian iivp n-fiif. severe! nf th ' . ! and it may turl" Ant thnt -Mr vuu lauies at tne j w- piano. ans was only-protecting herself from The out of town guests were u-S bmtal f1 when shfc killed isseS MnrdiA C . him. . v Misses Margie and SunsninP Ahor nethy, of Cullowhee; Misses Dorothy I Coroner. Dr. bFayden returned and Margaret Moore nnd pth ai :a !0llt dark sJS-'it- from (Jove 4isn, of Webster. Crek where hfiTjijry found that Mr. tvans was. in act of getting a xucsuuii ana s.tie would kill nis .1 . i i rii . JOPPER-QUEEN WEDDING m pnerand tlfetherirnoln apply the golden rule" tO thp. IpttPr -w VI, VVA during the entire year of 191S Thio will bring about right living - near- of conscience, and a hPMi . ' .r uui L- , ian spirit, which would result 'dn ouo aniC- wereuyed, after which lasting good on this earth and hi n a i refreshments were great asset in the world to come served An enjoyed a good time. we snould be on the 'lookout fnr r- ' reen has been con- opportunities to do dnnd M'fmed to-ti? room for several, da va xuaiiy - . uiac ue win soon be out A very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the country home of 4- I. 1 . me Dimes parents, Mr. and Mrs. L- Wueen. near Saganaw Tuesday vcmuK. iNovemoeL iy, 1914, when wife when' she ?ffot him and the verdict was jiMfiable homicide.- Carolina Moun liineer. j "y-... E. R. Hall and 0. V. Cagle snpnt VZ ww, Saturday and Sunday in Macnn p Wishing the Journal and all its nio a piusperous iNew i ear 1 am, f "Old Jupiter" beth A. Queen. Thexeremony was uenormea oy Kev. A. M. Williams in the presence of about eighty - Jt devious to the im pressive ceremony. Miss Maud bil iry ot Lreswell sjug .T Love You Truly." Mrs. C, H, aight accom panied. The bridal nartv entPH the parlor to the strai vi ifiCil" delssohn's Wedding March played iCB'AS m yy$?0 , other' prisoners fcaDgd'oiS'- the State farm Jiore than a week ago and has 'nyet been annrp- ihended. ' . y'K Zachary wasJJ tWng a threo year lenience, in trik penitentary, for the murder of -jjjfm Brown at a school entertaM jfient . in Canada township, last A ku iry. He was convicted at' tht October. Jackson CountSuperior court and UnA U .1 ?rs .. . . . of WILL OCCUPY about a months k lie i MR. JONEiENTEBNilNS BRITT'S OFFICES bv iujco ma r:uu .u.no.u vuuui yptjnor court ana T SZ . y' MrS' Hold had beenat thl Jenitentary only , r , wv,. ui mC unue, was matron of honor and wore w iite crepe de chine with shadow i " ' IUVV and earned an armful nf xroii jr VilU W enrysantnemums. The rnnm oo attended by his brother, Mr. liar old J. Hopper. The bride wore a beautiful wedding gown nf wut satin charmeuse with overdrW ni chiffon with pearl trimmindo qh carried a shower bouquet of white 9arnatiohs, maiden hair fern nd lilies of the valley. - Ihe rooms were- bfixritifnur adorned with chrvsanthmiimo dahlias and ferns, feach roomcar ned out in its own colors SlThe wedding was of unusual! in- MARRIAGE LICENSE w ai4"" w w m mai city, vuug auuiversary or the bride' nnr Mr. Jarrett will havp tW ff; Ln. i - . uriuesIPaL- congressman .1. .1, Rritt w hJ L 0I- tn,e guests, .were speak success for him in Zl, present who attended the former nome. wcuum6 111 J-Nprtn Carolina .twentv- uve years oetore. W. M. Bryson 24, to Ellama Wat- son 17,v . Alex BalL22,f tOj Laura Bams 18 . R. S:Baim 22V to fi" a'.Kniht J7 - Maqk Ciemant 22, to iora Park- A. V, I)av)s,19; to,i)Qralfe 18 c nsuer o, xo Mary Moorei , i"ciisonfnyau zh tq tithel Brad , burn 19' , ' . ;;;; . , Rufus Shulr 2t,vto .Tessie-Wood J. M. SytW 24; toXinnieCBurri garrier20. J - H, A. Tilley 24, to Nettfevftum tr . garner 23.r - . t . , . S'V:VV r"' r t:' A fi'Rogers 22 ;(coijfto:; Alice OPEN OFFICES . s ' . - r . - , IN SYLVA Hon. J. Frank Rn V nf FVanlrlJn M J . AUUXVXXU and MritA?b lafkWj5 Sfi.$&ti partnershipif fori xh praticdf 1 law and have opened offices in this oityinihS & HarrfsbuiIding.dtW leading attorneys' of Western North CarolrrSa aWwill remainat Franli- lm.JVlr,4Parker. t ..whor will' charge of. the Sylva office Is; va Jackson County, boir'yiid ' 'if jroiinV man 'who will-.' rrtolr v'rtWi vr i QUARTERLY Ihe bride and dronm.' . . . 0"J " tic tile icpicius oi many beautiml and CONFERENCE lm&fStSi. muuus, reiresnments were served PrpoiHind TTMT-- T r Ail ...:n bv Mrs M A Hnm r ;xt!i J -ir-r preach atheiMethodist churchs at Harold Hopper, MisseS me evening service on the: second "gei.i.eotaCase ard Har-Siindav-.yand?' will nrpcidp of tfci nat Queen. Assisti Quarterly Conference on the Mon- fooms were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur day following. - Smite. The bride is the Second Am ;Ur y- dauter of Mr. and Mrs,. Queen Kev; unas. rl. JNealrFormer pastor wuc uas maae ner Home for almost nf thp Mpthndict rhiii.F seven years and hno monr f-tj- the pulrjit at that church Simcray J w. .extend best wishes. Two sis morriihgdeliveiringa most excellent m e Queen family haye mar-' sermori on faitte"! x. i ned brothers tbati-'me"'p&tfffi Miss uthAllisoh- was here thl rWeeks-Cottage Grove Sentinair - f firstfof the week, from Wehstpr via- rn... r 7T. V itimi friends. ' r - L e musical which was to ha-ye r MVX-wTiiir k: t .' , "een given, tor the benefit of ths Mr. and Mrs,Chas, L. Allison and Baptist Church, some a week or so 5vw-""ui: xyairi ago, ana ; which ,was' postDoned Q-eek where they SDent: Christmas will hp tW o:;lg:iea, The young ploSle of Svlva arp , indebtedo Mr.3Mm R. . Jones for one of the. mfttldelidhtful evenings spent Phil season which a i number' of thSM eniovedhV - home on eghV TJ Mr. Jones aiUllhis sisters. SSr Lula and Mrsn aiamntbrfe TyWnf- themselves to pfnast Rasters 'W-' the art of ehterfelling? rThef horpe - was lasiuy aecapl with niistletfce,: ' holly, Chrisjtay ftlls: and wreaths. presenting a Jof aarance. ! . While the it Wereumasiri " themselves wipf dlfxeht Raines, Mis JonesandliSS'1fampton erv- . ed punch and. i ate; . imong tnosr hq enjoyed . Mr. nes hosDitali V w'pfi- M Ol'ftK.lthpt.iiwrtiA-'.-.,f.-A':'i' aret Buchahaii lUrdip A Alice. Gray, Hfinaah: ; Mae, JDeitz. kah Cathey. AaM Longhand .Mary LeanMarvih trllBen Cathey Cathevr Rnnvrri1;! Aaho i?r.mr... - w.'r v, j, wivocjr;;- 3t !- l . wuvu Af n cuu,' lJUiJIX ' Norton TafmloAnfino tA7 TJ " G.,Ta vlnr Knmfitfl an1 TV,r- T i mua. V V - '5' If if i.l' 1 1 aeiO o'clodkforthe :Jli of making JComtCaehdarv for f 'v : I bfessi6n: y- -f'-. y with l.IrJ!::oa3Liahfii : .