E. I JAR8ETT OECtAEEBil GUILTY BY JIM. E. M. Jarrett was acquited of tl e . .. charge of murder in the second de gree, by the jury after deliberating for only a half an hour. jurreu was tried ior murder .m the second degree for the killing cf S. E. Grant in the store o the Blue Ridge Merchantile Company on Soathside Ave., in sAsheville, a fc.v weeks ago. Jarrett's defense was a plea of selfdefense which was substantiate edby the Jury. - 8A8KEirS CREEK We are certainly having some muddy roads in our riectibft, but we hone to see our roads in better .. . T1 Xf - j wiiciuiy -7uc;ici.y nciu h meet condition before the Union Meeting . . , f K , ' . . u kiIh ofr pofVr branches and received Tt l rrf A 9 - n3W members into the Society Sat Creek the fifth Sunday m this ..X month. "V- ; ' u ' I Though th mud is terrific, Cul Christmas was nther dull here , - : . & nut mere was w:uniuuu mauimn8t Kaifi D : w-- saw or heard of. v We are sorry to announce the ill- aess of Ruins Messer. .Hope he. win recover suini, - n, ri Rey. R. W. Green priched inter .tmmonsuatthis 4)lace baiur- day ariaSMh(Ja .... . Robert Messer and . Wdaugbto'l E ama have been confined to eir rooms JDi- a few days with Lugnppe. l-'raok Diils has been oa the sick list Hope to see him put again, soon. The many friends of Miss Julia Messer were sarpri3ei t learn of her marriage whieiiccw dny the tenth. Miss Jnha has W nendini sometime at Jtrdson where she quietly marriedlfc(vlr Henry Sluder of that placM; Tht bride is the attractivWdaught er of Mr. Robert Messer of ? Barker's Creek. s y A Reader. SllfiS LITTLE GIRL . herokee Scout Jau. 15, 1915. Gilbert Holloway, a 14 year old boy, shot and killed Jarjle Ledford a 10 year old girl, at the home of H. M. Leafeavers, about 3 miles west of Culberspn, Tuesday afternoon, 5th wounded Mrs. Leafeavers in the breast and shot two smajl children I in the face and it is feared they have lost their sight as a result of the wounds. - Q)roapr J. S. Dockery and Sheriff P. C. Gentry went, to the" scene of the tragedy and held an inquest. The facts bronglit out are that the bjys had enitunting and on their return the Holloway boy be came angered at Janie Ledford and said he would kill her. The boy loaded his gun and th in being u w- 0 m tne houe, find one shjt tnrbugh the window which struck h6r in the head, killing her almost instant- j ly. The glass and shot struck the Charles A. Smith, who, as' Lieuten oihers in the room as s ta ted above, j &u t-Governor, became the State's Gilbert Holloway is nowdh the c Executive. When Goyernor; . . . i county jail, an indictment of niur. der having been found against him this week by tlie grand jury, to await his trial -which was contin ued until the next term of court tie regiets the tragedy land say ITEMS OF INTEREST. FROM COLLWIIEE The Presiding Eider, L. T.Cordell, held Quarterly -meeting at this place Saturday and Sunday, preach ag both days at the Methedist Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Joyer of Wayuesville. preached at the Baptist Church Sunday. Mr. Mack Pressley, of Speedwelll was neie on basiness Tuesday, Mr. O. E. Lombard' and mother are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Hen- 8s)il. Wal ace Black well was here this wee on business. Mr. Zeb Alley returned from Cashiers Monday. The students of the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School still t ike an active interest in the ath- ic pms. A ju hur games are now being enjoyed. The Eroso- n T ifai ..... CLa!-. lv..tl North Carolina, and her fine body aml h . M w ,. . in the.Jy yner auHding' , js tion ?&kfaz3slC. churchf uSpired by ik Venality :of me,-,. pastoi. i:lld b tbe : intpllidm,ro nra nh,.ci ta lheir . members are planning great tmngs tor the future; The pretty new; pews adgreatly to -cue interior of the Methodist church: Hurrah! 'Cullowhee and Culio- whee formal for ever f F. E. W. MAN FOUND DEAD OafolitiA Mouuta ner A message reached here Sunday from Cattaloochee that Bb Forres ter had been found dead, Coroner Dr. H. L. McFayden left here that afternoon and heid an inquest Mon day, which reached the conclusion that while attempting to cross Pretty Hollow mountain, "between Cattalooehee and Big Creek he bad succumbed to the cold a few days before. Robeit Caldwell had carried For- raster within two miles of the place on Tuesday January -12th. The; body was found by . Frank No land and his brother Saturday the 16th as they were returning from jCrestmont The body yas sent to Canton for internment. Columbia, S. C.. Jan. 19-Richard I. Manning today was inaugurated . r- ' jovernor oi aoutn uaroiina, oegm tha third mm to occupy that office witnm six days, tie succeeded Re9?e resigned January 14. Carl Smith is here from Black' Mountain. , - - Miss Bessie Hooper was here "yes? jterday enimite? ta turph Where she win spend sometime. SYLVA, N: Gi JAUAW?a' 1915 1. IlIBRAffif 0!l : SYIA : niUH dLnUuL. The excellent v6rk that the Syl- va nigif ocnom nas oeeii -amms ru the past has been handicapped be- cause of insuifpht librarffacillt. L'es. The teaehers .nri nnnil nf t he "higberas;jk in their work. t; r : ; : Hirou the assistance of County and Sta rtmente, die mo jmms the uurary, sucn;asericyciopeaias ana ' . iiikiiii v rh! I nrfiii -nrir J n Tta raised in the distjrict.,:, cauvas wiwie.custricc win - ce accauhf of the Scarcity of such work tMMZ:" e. present tima the lowest response to tneif oiicitaions. fl m ,HI ''mMM&r Editor Journal -"lil-' ::;v.Sr i: ' Dear Sirr-her North Carglnaw(!atiofe at the Langea ! Tae34 ly and WeyjSmMiih th and , itadrcouQsel of aU &iaj : tire hrtefet f this whole Ration at : tend tftianMetingitfeervop ladlr- .4 tT4'" rv - J t; heari arp reriuest thaC torestland besides one,of the richest the . this. AcatiQn-y farming seidons in the' jsw be?ondndted havimj in view the are broad and f ertit WaTley$ along realizatloi of very best resuits. j the HMWassee, river as well as on The meeting iscdnfor'.tfie-pur!u and the pose of considering plans for the!Hightbwet valley ni Gteorgia future of t ie Association, so as to enable it to get the,full benefit of the experience of the past three years, and of the cumulative adver tising and extensive work that has oeen aoner ana toconsiaer tne nest creeK is a large deposet ot corua melhod of continuing th3 work of dum, -which only needs transpor- the Association. 1915 will require tatiqn to lead to immediate devel- .- t - ... indefatiguable and real co-operative work on the part of all at interest to 6ring about the success ; we de sire for this section. The members of the Association whTtake up the consideration of a plan for the future conduct of the work with a view to creating har- mony, co-operation, and getting the .best results from its activities in 1915. It is deemed wise to occupy two days with the business in visw a3 such important matters will be brought up that it is felt ample time should be given for their con sideration. The meeting on Tues - day, as above stated, will be called to order at 2:30 o'clock, and that of vveuiiesuay ai v uuiucn, auu win work of ire-orgarfization have been J thoroughly completedT" Yours very truly GREATER WESTERN CAROLINA ASSOCIATION. Sanford H Cohen, Manager. i We have a good school here at St. Mary's, Micadale. There are-67 enrolled and we believe there will ' be many more inside of thirty days. Miss Nettie Wilkes of Sylva and Miss ,; Fannie tJucnanan are the! teachers. We surely . .wish young ladies greatucess in their Work. "Micadale Matters" in Card . - " r ' - 1 - - lina Mountaineer. COMT 1ET ll HIAMSSEE 84IH104D. A n d'r e wsi'N.C. January -20- A t a sup e c i a 1 m e e t i n k Af tU j- -.' - , " f 6 dlrors pf the Hiawassec Valley railway, held ? yesterday! in the ew library nUiWing, hids were - opened for grading -the line frdm Andrews to the C14v Nmimtv ,u - about sixteen mHes. ijuite a num' ber rf COQtractor- wer,:n- f ... - . -- . ciiidin several fmm'.KnnTviib . . - . uiui bidding was very close; largely onVn ihNrm of,..- bid waa iuihmittPri hv th Wright Z - '- . -.mu Johnson - Construction ' mnnv nf - . . . 6 vvWUWirec wawaittumDer-of .buildings demolished unclassified and the contracts as awafcled .u, thenu Work wiliTbe - " - . - - - . . commenced at once amt'finished in abpuisktoonthtte Qar conn l eMi4 clready under contract and abont225 men are at workiitheyer' :iuites todedl 1 essible about tvc htndred actes of virgin Running across from Georgialnto Clay "county is a ery rich deposit of immense" extent of jcopper ore, analysis showing an average of 15 per cent copper. On Shooting creek opment. There are also valuable deposits of iron ore and quartzite for fluxing purposes. MT. HITCMELL (A plea for the preservation of the globe's oloest mountain from j devastation by axe and fire.) From out the primal sea I rose on high. Above the clouds I kissed ,the sun lit sky. My rock theoldest in this rock-built earth; When I was born, it was the great world's birth. n nrid m;inAn Qr mv muv , sides did yield TorainQd frost and wind, a fertile fiplH For widening Piedmont plain and ocean shore. Now nature kind assails my life no more; At last in verdure soft and warm I'm clad, .: Mid sapphire skys my emerald peaks are glad. But hark! what frightful terror, new and dire! Tis human greed for gold! tis axe and fire! v o mighty State prevent this deed nf shnmp , i This great dishonor keep from" thy great name!, ' Gix)ge Tayijoe Winston. Asheville, January 19, 1915. S1.00 THE YEAR TN ATIVA fjYS AIR FLEET, The long expected attack ' up.a the "Right ttfttfuitlltltofWand" k tho . - ; by the German airmen -occurs d it. m. .. a - '4 . - . eppcuus ijr 4 iteropianes t ViSi e 5 a nuinber of ..-towns in England. dirn- pmg bombs inta the townaof Ya r? , - I , r , mout Kings Xynn, Cromer, Sand nngham- and other Dlaces:;.V '. A startii cig feature of the raid was the remarkable a c racy aim of the bomb hurlers. 4 .It was Wt iirst leparted that a Zeppelin ld been shot- down at Hustanton but this :iwas later c e -nied anc! (t appeaVs that all the in vaders made a safe return tb their base! . V v mm in RAtEiGtf; nxmi -janua ekj. discussesr nearly all' subjects loclticg to the upbuilding of North Caroana and her people, and every body is invited-'to all fheeting3. You will probably wish to g to Raleigh sometime whitethe Ugisiatiire is in session. Make these the dates of your visit., -l; , The presence' : pf four eminent speakers, of Nahial reputation;1 will aione make thejneeting historic: William Jennings Bryan, famous the world over,asr an advocate , or' peace", temperance and moral move inents; Thomaf Mott Osborne; the the greatest mWof our timei whp has given his life to prison reform; Mrs. Cora W. Stewart who has ac heived Nation. reputation thro Jgh the Moonlight. Scidol movement i vi Kentucky; and Secretary Daniefs, whom North Carolina still claims. ' And e ven without these four eu -mnt speakers, any one of whoni would make thei meeting remarkable the program would be of cmpiil ing attractiveness simply for t!i North Carolina7 talent represented. President CI ireacs Re aaJ ons oi tne alore mentioned National speakers will speak Thurfdiy night, the 28th. The other Nmh Cir. lma speakersinilade Dr. E. K Qxa-- nam, Judge Walter, Clrk; Dr. W. S. Rankin, Dr. D. H Hill, Prof. E. C. Bran Kn, I)n J y. Joyner, A W. McAlister, W. HSwift Mrs. T. Harrison, Dr. t B. McBrayer and others. ' : CHILDREN'S COUGHS QIfl'T. KbiN S ARE SERIOUS When one ll your little ones s'iows symptoms of an approacliing Honey at 'once-It acts 'oiifokiv prevenrs. the .eold growing wors Very healingsoothes the Lungsl loosens the miicou's, strengthens the system. 'lt9s:pB;-Oii2 at your iit- Buy a bottle to- Bucijen's Arnica Salve for Sires til 's'.- .'X'- - x t r "