t ? , h.V 1 , ., r- wn Tr 7? I (? u e 1 2U Si'', A T7 O VOL. HFS1S OF -IKTEBEST FROSyUtLOVHEE. Luther C. has ing cattle. 4 $ -r??jv.a-- fBfeyard, - N. past wek buy- SYLVA. N. C. JAffUARY 29, l?I5, CAMP JAdHSOB BE? HERE - - - ' -f WILL r. In a letter to Csfi; Buchinan. seer retary to the Sylva Board of Trade ftof. Jordan H. Sanford, manager III : 1 TTTl "VX ll HflVPs Hnnn,r nfRPMk,JvuV owzsou, states that he 0,1 thmnoh n,,unwh Y.,.., . J-'P urotner will arrive about . mlvtv; tim of Juy. begins with them i-,r o ' " . V 1 vjee the numbir of boys that A ,ss L,lhan Green, who has beon ; at Camp Jackson last ' U'IOr rran;scnop again , The Saifordsand their assnnu rZrZL, landuaenwih.a spend th jt . montns ot July and Aii"dnt nt th HiV Wiiroatf . "y .ciuu August at tne . . " "&A" ou JacKson Uofunty Fair Grounds Rev. D. R. Proffitt, of Webster was in Cullowhees Tuesday; Zeb Watsan was a visitor Mon day from Speedwell, . 4 s I It has been quiet rainy here for Prof. Reynolds has returned from 1 sometime, but looking fair today. Raleigh where he has been for the ! There has been a two weeks sing past three 'weeks in the interest of , in school taught at Worleys Cha- 5, rEBSTEl "'IBUC . I: i!! SCHIl. QUALLA. the Cullowhee Normal and Indust rial School. pel by Shytle is A If rri . ivir. iom any tie. Mr, now teaching a school at Milas Parker, of Canev Fnrlr Olivet. passed through Cullowhee Tmsrlav ! The Singing convention of th J. H. Rogers has about completed Iower district was .held at Olivet the grading of the new road between me tmm Saturday and Sunday in the Episcopal church and upper Januarv Cullowhee. As time passes the student body! Everyone seemed to enjoy the i occasion. The next nnnvAntmn of Cullowhee Normal and Industrial wm e held at Balsam church the School impresses itself more and j third Saturday and Sunday in April. more upon thej community and school authorities as being a com pany of the fjnest young, people ever gathered here.' - fl. f. K WETINI several The Olivet Literary Society met at the home of Mrs. George Sher rill last week. Everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion. Subject, resolved, "That nature is; more at ractive to man than art" Aff. Ed mund Beck, Vernon Farmer- Neg. Lovjal Hipp r Pariner ative worl UVAI UC counties comprising M I Greater W"1,e,d C Rhodes- Western North;fcaroiina Association and the representatives" of the Southern Railway, who met at the and heard the reports of t re man a ger and of the a counties. Facts were presented showing a great in crease of travel and a general awakening of business endevor throughoutthe section, through the efforts of the Assbclatio'i. Plans were laid for better and more elficient work for the future. A committee, compossed of J. Baylis Rector, S. C. Satterthwait, W. H. Smith, W. T. Lindsey, W JE. Breese Jr., WH. Rhodes, Guy V. Roberts and M, V, Richards, was ap pointed to consider a reorganization of the Association and S:o renort later. Jackson was represented by John B. Ensley. W. H. Rhodes, David Harris and W. V. Dorsey.' - BRYAN AND DANIELS COMING Resolved "That the U. S. navy should be enlarged," by the - same speakers. tanrpn t,,phv w ,J vv moe is teacmng a scnool in RPcc nn fnr norrc f trim rlo,ro : " "c viccjx. iiie vuaua graaeu scnool closed last Friday Jan. 15, on account of the Prof, being sick. T. r Tt ti'r:iii i i t icv. j. r. Yvmiams aeiiverea an excellent sermon at the Shoal Creek Baptist church Sunday Jan. 10. Carl Terrell who has had a serious case of pheunomia is improv ing very fast. We are sorry to hear of John Green our mail carrier being sick but hope he will soon recover. The parties have been stirring very , rapidly around here since, Christmas, and the appealing wedding bells has been sounding of great deal. K. Howell says it is very mud for logging now. : Miss Mary Hampton was the guest of MissJJosie Martin last Sun day. Hansley Bradley and family are going to move to Bunches s Creek, where they will stay for awhile. Fred Gibson was the guest of Ed mund Beck Monday night. Some excellent singing was done by the Worley Chapel choir. Also sonite fine singing was done by the Olivet choir, at Olivet on last Sun day evening. There has been quite a bit of sickness in the com m unity but Wish every one a speed recovery. . bam. Hughes . is going to start west in a few days. Weaver Messer was seriouslv hurt at Black Mountain and is now in the Mission hospital at Asheville JvYcurgus SherriH spp.ms tn hp a 1 J ' " w welcome visitor at Willie Rpdon's The Ducat girls of Soco were the guests of Miss Dorcas Sherrill Sun day. ; J -,,v; Miss Amy Bumgarher Was the guest of Miss Eula Gibson last Sunday.-' ; v :: :r " If this escapes the waste basket will probably write again: f Uv Edmund and (Willie. The enrollmeK olEWebster school has reacheda; :This is eight more thin the number on the cen sus list. . ? The high scbooj department has enrolled forty-six; 'Besides these, mere are eight ho are taking a specjlcburse irfthe public school $1.00 THfi,St IN ADVANCE JACKSON BOY IN KENTUCKY SEE iSTE8N 'MOLINA FIRST course; in prelo&Upr for the county Aouimcttiuii uext. summer. J The public . high schools admit students from anyv part of the county without; -jthltion charges These schools arejset up by county and stated undst toelher with the local taxes, and the people of the county should ajailfhem selves of the privelege of the Excellent high scnool advantaesthlt are offered free of charge. : M. We have six hard working teach ers, a good buiWing wll equipped, arid a people united fb educational uplift. Jhe blowing from a Kentucky: (Every thl.ig S paper will be of interest to the We ha4 Been talldng and stiU m iny friends, in this county, of Dr. talMbou,; tiding ati home-buf fred Brown . i ' . Dr f f p, K u s we want p;emphasize another,fact Dr. F E. Brown has been extend- and thft edacaUtothe pastorate of the I Western r Bantist ohurnh it,,, " ; Western rorlh Carolma has scenery i, M i T "c - .Wi ";as prettysnchanUrig? assublime is said he has accented. Thik nwfj - r r ouuuuu? studiesfschool iaSd the reading I said he has accepted. This news ! "l; course, in nrpinfiniv,. k i m . . .. . i as any sel9n of the world. TtfE DUTY OF THE THE SCHOOL Raleigh Jan; 26. Secretaries Dan iels and Bryan speak before the btate Conference for Sociar Servic at Raleigh, Saturday morning, Jan uary 30th and before the legisla ture that afternoon. Among the other big speakers at the Conference will be Mr. Thomas . Mott , Osborne of Sing Sing Prison New York, and Mrs, Cora Wilson Stewart of Frank ford, Kentucky. Mrs. Stewajt will speak Thursday night on Modnlight schools. - ..::;. v The present Conference will un doubtedly be the biggest land best yet held. Special emphasis" will be laid on the mattef 6f prison f reform nd the reduction of nHniKinitoro,r Ane best speakers raiid" thinkers from all over th'SState ?will hft heard on the efst wing rfhursday afterpopn Jaou ary 28th,jLmtii: thfe:; meeting Saturday morning, January: 3uth. The mllovyingp Was prepared by Mrs. S. W. Enie ind read at a meeting of the ilfinoro Improv- ment Club. Wfc What we ?nfthe public schools is a litfle-cnore knowledge uuuuiwm oiaujjutt.uu' me , pan; OI nts, est prerogative f fthe parents and we must not use the school as a makeshift, nor should we expect the child to learn there the thin he should be taught at home. The school was intended to sup plement the home;, not to supplant it. There is a parental duty and there is a teacher's Dart in thf comes as a great regret to this com munity, where Dr. Brown and his lovely wife have labored so earnest ly, and the people have grown to ove and admire them. The Bap tist here has grown spiritually and in membership under his charge and it is splendidly organized, Dr' Brown is elequent and forceful in his preaching and is' rapidly gaining note as an evangelist; The Frank fort church is to be congratulated on securing such able and tireless christians as Mr. and Mrs. Brown. He has been suffering ahe past week with a severe attack of quinsy. b-t wC are glad to state is some what better. Fl IALLA. Whittier, N. C, R. t Jan. 25, 1915. Mr. Dan Tompkins Editor Journal, to3 Deaf Sirust to helpS cause I would be glad you would an nounce in your paper thai "Qualla has a long list of names to the pe tition to place .the officers on salaries and to abolish the office of County Treasurer." We are sending the petition di rect to Mr. Jones at Raleigh, but thank the Journal very much for .. . J training of our young and woe to : helping so much in this matter. our cnudren it we confuse the two and try to shift what is properly the parents' part upon the shoulders of Strang rs. There is a lot of truth in the homely old saying "you never know what you can do, till you try." To many of us it has seemed that bur dens were imposed on body and soul to the limit of indurance. Then a great trial was superimposed, and as by a miracle, the grace and strength sufficient for the day of need were provided. Have you ever been a teacher and have you gone into a strange community to take a position in the school? Of course you arrive a few dys before your work is to be On the east have the ocean. 'and ; the moun latins of the west are not w De surpassed, Those ho have money to spend in travel iv)il be benefited in health and intehVr if they will spend their time andtheir dollars with it-fat our resorti in the South. There is no use to hike to Eurore, There was a time when have seen Europe; meant something because ltwas quita journey. But now most till people understand that a a jaunt to Europe is nothing but a few pasters on your grip sack and a wad bf money left behind. The man whohas rubber-necked in the Eastern Capitols and given hi coin has seen velry little i he tourist is, the legitimate mark for all kinds of sharks-rana 4you might as well read the guide book this side as the other. ' . ; We have been pretty well around the W3rld-save the and we are herp to tell you t'mt Westerttth Carolina is as much of a wcraderl5nd : as . any on the your patie and ybur strenght to go to sornQ:ar-awayland? Stay at home. W. ' SlE OF OPIUM: Trusting that the citizens in all parts of the county will sign the petition, and help to get this much needed reform, ; Yours sincerely, P. H. Ferguson, The ladies of the M. E. Mission - ary Society gave a delightful "Sock Social" at the home of Mrs. A. S. Nichols Jan. 26 for the benefit of the new M, E. church to be erected this year. They sent out invita tions containing diminutive socks with the request they be returned containing pennies equal to twice the No. of the size of the sock you wear. Many responded through! the o m a large number of resident ladies. A sum exceeding $30 was realized which they pronounced a su cces with thanks for all who so . kindly aided them in their effor t to raise funds to build the new church. mails and in person, manv out of gim You are the observed of all j town ladies were present as well as observers, you are the new teacher. How you have longed to make a good impression and how you have prayed to do rightly, the duties you have taken upon yourself. And deep down in your heart, you feel the need of encouragement and the need of friends. No one but a teach er can know what it means. He begins school and takes charge of your boys and your girls. The days pass and not a mother or a father comes to the school-building to meet the teacher. Some of us thihk,'"Weiirhe must be alright, or the committee never , would have employed him," and we leave our children all day long and seven or eigh months of the year ia charge of man jr , wofiaan we do not know. . Suppose you owned a valuable race hbrse. Wouldn't you- seethat he is provided with comfo CHILDREN'S COUGHS CHILD REN'S BOTH ARESERIOUS When one of .your little ones shows symptoms of an approaching Cold, give it Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey at once. It acts quicklyi and prevenrs the cold growing worse. Very healing soothes the ! Lungs loosens the mucous, strengthens the system. It's guaranteed. Only 25c. at your Druggist. Buy a bottle to day, : Bucklen's Anrica Salve for Sores Mrs. M. Buchanan iandMrB.W;'B Dunn spent Thursday T in:Waynes J viiiek; " ' i'- .-: rr The Act ' Congress approved December 17, 1914, relative to com pounding sale, dispencing or giving away opiunvi or coca leaves, their salts, deriva'tes or preparations re quires each-person, firm or corpora tion handling same, whether drug gist, physipan, dentist, Veterinarian or others; jta Register with the Col lector of Ininal Revenue as suchd dealer on or before March 1- 191& At time-of registry, special tax shall be paid at rate of $1.00 per year or 34 cents for peroid March 1st to June 30th, 1915, and order forms, to te used in case of each purchase, ka $1.03 par huadre from the CoHector. A penalty of 2.000,00 is- imposed for violatibnlor failure to comply witn provisions of this Act. Copies of the Act and regulations thereunder giving full information to those, interested can be obtained from the Collector of Internal Reve nue. ; - A D. WATTS, 'r - Collector, TRY.THIS FOR NEURALGIA. Thpuiahds of people keep on suf fering, withiNeuralgia because they do not know; what to do for it Neu ralgia is a pain in the nerves. What you want j tq do .is to soothe the nerve itself. Apply, Sloan's Lini ment to the surface over the pain part do not rub L it in. Sloan's liniment, penetrates very quickly to the sore4mated nerjyeand al lays the inflamatiori. Get ?a" bottle of Sloan's jihimehtf or 25 cents" at any druggist 'and have it ;ja the nouse against .uoids; :Sore; and SwoUen tsr Lumbago; 'Sciatica and like; ailments. Your mbnev back iTi npt safieA vSlt dn give almost Instant reliefs I i. 1 A 3 - " 'I l ilt t ft ; 9, M - '15 -' . v; , .4ib y. . ii 4 : .1 31. 5 V-:

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