' ' 1'"' ; n' i is T7 - " , t - 1 11 t V , -1 -- - f LJ .J" W .V A I VOL I NO. 7 J: '- - sylva?n: -cfbbsuary ia;h9i5 . ' J '-""v- f '4:' z " ENTERPRISE ATANBBEVS Andrews Sun, Feb. 13. The Graham County Lumber Co.; JUDGE? PRAISES $1.00 THE YEAR 1 3 ADVANCE unexcusedafeenceslfix fotxrjconse- t t r r. , charge of siich sch6ol!;, may excuse Judge E.B.Chne,in his charge ii::': u . i i-i ' i - - . .. i ' - 10 tne brand .iiirv ;rpfVrrpH tc ha . v .r .,r. uoi. f ranK JDueutpresiaent;nas pur- . . . -vrr,w7,. w because oi au; suaustornio bau chased joining about 30 acres of land ad- having been here and baying hell weather sicknf deSb in the the property of the North hl 8ecof 1 " at .Webster four child's family'; unteriseen-' or un- avoidable cWiStiMnilKch ex- cuse or reason uiereior Bhau be ie- r.Pmlinn tpnnind Fvtrppt - , nH ! years ago and that while there he will erect thereon a lWe- wnnH I made- acquaintances and ' friend- working plant, which wilKuse: over!slllp? hat ave linered in his 1 carded by said-supetiHtendint', prin :ni ff ti k lu. : memory and ut.ve bound him to tJZMi$S3&S&2t .m I . t I 1 III W fl 4 -1 Vl I - " J-W . I I . ' - - VTT" -1 mostly lo v grade.chestnut oak and R people of th . cointy. Judgj I school andrer6WdVto; the attend other hardwoods. ' oc " dlu UC1C 1 ance officer as hereinafter provided; . A . , .M.W the InmKpr i 1 1,p kilnrlriwl ""c ul luusc "cauuiui suiiseis ui whosft nttendaricetis irefluired uH and then cut up into table tops and j t ciuiet, restful place where I der this act, or id'Sse of. nuaran- other furniture demension stock. : spent thfe ha wl,sh l? Une of the homelwhich the child i0. mintn trim and a i congratulate you upon the hand- riris ,..... satiSKcforV ievidence specialty will be made bf "cores." sonle curt bu.ld.ng that wdl stand t0 lhis elfccti the attendance officer that is the small pieces will be glued !f 8 tnbu the greatness of this shaU such together and made ready to be j Gounty- l 13 eanias every cpa- f a chi,d untieMHyfrestored veneered onto later by furniture ' v.emcnce 1 c.ou,d wish and sp8a!sof health or until the. time required by WNESVILLE MEN BEATEN ON STREET. Wade Orwood and CD. Kelley, of Waynesville, vere set upon aud badly beaten about the face and head, near Beec . a.-i street and Southside avenue, at an i hour yesterday morning, i hry were in such condition as a- result of the fracas that they were en t lice headquarters, where they de clared they had been assaulted. Orwood claimed that he was" first struck on the head with a stick and SHEPPAiM REPIafta TO BAVEiDE ESEAPE A message hta" been re se.i at ; 4.5. v the office of Unll States Marshal Charles A. Webkto the effect that H. Sheppard. ch Trged with shooting R. R Slaughter; p deputy shal several weeks aHofc has succeeded, in making his er cape from the jail at Franklin an s whereabouts at the present timlare unknown. According to X he inform ation re ceived at the marshal's of fi e, Shep- par i recently v as .tried on another manufacturers. : , . All the chestnut shavings strips ; the spirit of progress that is alive, law that he shiiliio1itof school awake and working in the State to day.' after quarantina has been raised. Sec. 2. Thst shall be onrl'fiQinr rlnot- will ha SflVPfl flTlH tKft aim iaa uuov ' v T j. t. r .u ; tannic acid extracted later, so .that ! luert U'B" ; duty of eyetaardian or nothing will be wasted ; ; a lmpofn of ' a graf other person 1p;said district having The entire machinery will be J"ror m ?fJ ?Z Vv nder l is -05$ child oe driven by electric motors, driven w e looking to the Judge. Soli- the' agftfMgjrt and sixteen viA -x.. AJ years, to reportfto me teacner 1 tection of their rights. He told- of chargG) in' wriUng, :wit im three the opportunities of the officers of days the cau"se :0f such absence the court to work for better living , v f V u , 1 i t ni. and for every neglect of such luty and v eater people. Judge Cline - "pejL u u u . , . . ,1 . v the person ..so .offending shall be stated that if the pernicious habit j-..: r " A f . ; , ! guilty of-.,vCmidme$tior:-,.(and of carrying concealed weapons were b ., '5r f . , , - , 1 j j , .5 , punished aheremafter provided. ' , abolished and the pro lbition . laws j ; 3 If hfbe :he duty of rigidly enforced that there would rteae be practically no need or criminal t0 report weklytb tKe: attendance ! ..courts-in mjs mouniain section.; omcer meusot aiiriwiMxti uer In that connection his honoilP; tweefj lhtsMiapsefr from, large generators operated by steam, made i u the waste from the wood working machines, A large number of men will te employed and this big pay roll will be 1 welcome addition td Andrews diversified industries. t SINGlNfi CONVENTION. then kicked in the face. He named charge and w4 sentenced to the Will Robinson and "Lum . Feather- cou-.ty loads. (e gave notice of oluuc rapuuaiuie lur ms injuries. an appeal'to thj Supreme oart of Botrrmen wer earrested on Orwood's Nnrth nnmiinnH it complaint by the police. Just before the trouble occurred between the parses to the v affair, there had been an argument, it, is alleged, in which a woman is con cerned. On die idewalks where the men we, picked up y t o lice, the strest was red with blood, but despite the amount lost, neith er man, it ip thought, was seriously injured. Both went to their hom( s. unassisted. Late yesterday afternoon Wade Orwood was arrested on the charge of having assaulted Miss Lillie Featherstone. The charge was pre ferred by her brother, "Lum" Feath stone. Asheville Citizen. ' -r , Ttf the Choirs of the lower District. Axrdinfi- ta -mtm ngreedto give on&aoen to tiie 'best-cirlaT H3 -hiid - at Olivet Methodist f1ehUrcby son Countyjand instructed it, if the; in charge of said children. URT DOINGS 4. week was onsum ed:,; in i the ?t1rarrBtnuiiP minor crimioal , s and ; the only case of any momeot, that was awaiting tl outcome of his ap peal, it is said, jhat he made his es cape fr jm the y'll. It is stated t'lat the 'escape was effected by mans of the ' use of blankets, whicb formed a rope on which the prisoner ade His way from the secojil floor of the prison to the ground.; T c blankets were tied together, liH after breaking away the barsri a v manner which is un explain 5dv5heppard is report- ecTto ha e ma his gateway with j - - ease. A message f:6m TVIr. ' laughter's bedside is to effect that he con tinues to j inwove, although it doubtless will &e' sometime before 1- ! il 1 rt ne can resumetH5 aut es. tie re cently came tcAsReyille to receive medical treat nbt, and, it was found that his, wouiSl . Vas a dangerous rone. AsheyilldCitizen, 1" -y -- - , " . ,.. . - .:. - .'. ToMorv 1Q14 nnH as thft conven-; Solicitor should Dresent the cOm- .. 1 j. a,t the noorriw vmi.tian f tht made to the truant officer by any tion naci nu juu, to v nrinHnal sunerintendent or other , , :k oK,i a,.i,i.- o Kin if th Ka Principal, hupenuieiiueui, ur uinei awaro 10 me ucsl v111 u'jli "j146 wn, icium d n uv, mvi says that Worley's Chapel got it L" sufficient evidence and jthat the take this means of letting the peo- question as to the validity of the pie know how the matter stands, law will be decided in the court. The committee of Moore, Bob j The Grand Jury for the. present Shular, Lee Pangle and Hix Stiles,1 term' of Court is composed of the made a minute for the convention following citizens: L. P. Allen fore- Sec. 4, When any complaint is ! of the St te vs. Geo. Ward charged with the killing of his father wa person in control of any school as above described, of the failure ' 01 not reached until yesterday n d is n v being heard. to be held on the second Sunday and Saturday before, and later aid they hsid changed it to the third, so I never got notice of it and I did not go. I have the minutes in my possession now. So they met on the third. . I will leave this- matter to the convention. As for one I am in favor of all subjects being Sis- cussed by Chsistian people, as it is an arm of the Christian Church and a part of the church work. I think the people ought to take more in terest in the matter. J. M. Crawford. FORD PLANT M CHA401TE . .. ' Washington, Feb. 13. A. branch maufacturing plant of the Ford Automobile company is to be es tablished at Charlotte in the hear future, according to James A. Cou zens, vice president of the corima ny, who has just returned from a trip through North Carolina. LEARNING ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA. The editors of the University News Letter are reading a hundred and ten newspaper exchanges every week.; '' . . it mav be important for the peo ple of Nortn Carolina to know about their University. But it is also im portant for the University to know about thevpeople of .North Carolina, as they hope and dream, and strug gle forward and achieve day by day - - v ' : " And so we read our exchanges; How else arewe to know the JNfojrttf Carolina mat is auu ia iy uci man, W. H. Sutton, J. H. Bryson, b. M. Mills, Walker Fotts, H. E. Shuler, J. T. Dean, W. H. Snyder, W. A. Blanton, Lawrence Henson, Allen rr j.1 . T VAT KOgers, jsurcon irdnamaii, o. who shall summon such person be Cagle, Merrett Green, b. rl. Montietn . fore him to answer such complaint and W. L. Gidaey. any person to comply with the fore- j The cases disposed of are: State going provisions of this, act, the vs. Charlie Bryson A. W. D. W. Nol. truant oAlcer shall immediately in- j pros , a Stat" vs Thomas vestite the cause of such absence ! Cook abandonment, guilty, defend andif,inhis opinion, there xloes ant y$igl)!t0 cIerk of the not exist a reasonable excuse there c V e r for. he shall forwith make complaint ! court for the term of tw years for against the person having such tne montniy support ot wite. Jonn child or children under his con rol, before some justice of oeace resid ue, livujuii, J. 1.111 u . . . . , 1 . 31 - o J vv Tranathan. J. W. Will Sutton A. W.D.W. continu Watson assault continued. Will Rit chie C.C. W.not guilty. Jim Sutton til A BILL TO AMEND CHAPTER 421 PRIVATE LAWS Or- 1913, RELATIVE TO COMPUL SORY SCHOOL LAW FOR DISTRICT NO. i; OF SYLVA TOWNSHIP IN . JACKSON CO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. The chapter two hundred and forty-one, Privatejcon(jition is such as to render Laws of one thousand nine hund-j attendance impractical' or inexp rpH nnH thirteen .he and the same i lent, or ir sucn ennu resiues X VV T Sec. 5. That any teacher or at tendance officer who shall faiJ to perform the dudies prescribed by this act shall be guilty of a misde meanor and be punished as Herein after provided. Sec. 6. That upon conviction a person violating the provisions his act shall be hned rive aoila ; tailing contmued defendants bond tha? ifmy AadtSrad fori i fixed Vint NichJ-'re-like time a private day school or : tailing, two cases, gudty judgement had already acquired the brandies not pronounced. Dillard Hooper required by law to be taught in the and Weaver Swayngim A. W. D. W seventh grade of the schools in this j Swaingum guilty of simple assault, ed for state. Hillard Gidney and Al vin Ensley assault Gidney found not guilty Ensley fined $25.00 John Alexander C. C. V. alias continued Elija Matthis and Baxter Matthis A. y..D. W; Alias inued. : Joe Wat ;on an i Mack Calhoun killing ! h )g not guiity. Dave Arwood re- State, or if his physical or mental -iiiu fined $100.00 Dl r u1 Larcenv. defendant is hereby repealed, and the follow ing substituted there for,' to wit; "Sec. 1.- That every person re siding in district number one, Syl va Township, and having under his or her control a child or children between the ages of eight and six teen years, shall cause such child or children to. attend some public school in said district, ana such at tendance will continue during the school term; and for every neglect of siich duty, the person offending shall be guilty" of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished as hereinaft er provided: Provided, mat an oc casional absence from suchattend ance by! suqh child or children atnoimtm&yo not more than two: c VV L and one half miles or more from the schoolhouse by nearest travel route, or in any case in which be cause of extreme poverty the ser vices of such child or children are necessary for his own support, or the support of his parents, then in any of such cases such penalty shall not be incurred. Sec. 7. That the school commit tee of said district is hereby author ized to appoint an attendance offi cer for said district, to fix his com sation and to prescribe his luties; they may appirit as such officer any constable, town marshal; or other discreet person." Sec. 2: That all laws and clauses of; laws in conflict with this act shall not be operative is said dis district. V -: j - Sec. 3: Tliatthis act shalf be in foxtemandaftelr its ratification.' Hooper Crane canea anuiaiiea ni ci ia ana i stanta capias issued. Fred ucli anan larceny, not guilty. Ai hur Dills forcable trespass, guilty; ji dger ment suspended on good beha ibr, bond for arjpearance at next tc im of court. Jim Ritchiejand Bessie Love adultry not guilty. The case of Tom Jones and Fred Sutton un der bond for good behavior wa called and it appearing that Sutton nad been arrested for drunkenness since last term of court, he was fined $50.00. r General R. D. Gilmer was here Wednesday on business. j Attorney Branner Gilmer was e visitor in Sylva this week fifom I Waynesvilla- , Col. W. PW'iSE IN TRAIN. ACCIDENT Tom Patton,' twenty-five years old, a flamHi on the Southern railway, a brought to Asheville on train No. 18 ab ut ,6:30 o'clock lat ight from .Bryson City, where he fell bene -h a, train yesterday afternoon witM the result that one of th e wheel sV? of the car passed over fyis left lg,. cutting the foot off above to nkle. e was taken to Meriwether hospital for treatment. . . The bones fi the leg' were so bad ly crushed tfrt the leg was ampu tated at o ? ' This was done in dry son City before Mr. Patton was brought to this city. His home is at Murphy. -rAsiievihe Citizen. J. Hannah wa s in Sylva Wednesday attending court. I ' ' I - J. N. Bufnarnef v;as here yester day from !Er4stu: 1 S. T. , Copper of "Seven Oaks Farm" was iit the city this week. .. J. B. Bumgarner . of Wilmot was in town this week J. L. Robinson was here Wednes day from Willeis., Coroner J.. Wesley. Shelton was n town this week from Cullowhee. St. John Cox, was a visitor in the city yesterday torn Cullowhee. Mis3 Mattie Axley of Murphy is stopping, in Sylva. . Geo. Sprinkle was here the first vif the week -from Wilmot. ; ' - . Ben Fisher of Wilmot was in town Saturday. 0. E. Varner Was here Wednes day from; Wilmot. ' J. W. Holcdmbe was in , town bayd'j subscript tion to the iJ6urnaLr ... . . fi ! ,r - -4

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