-7 2.i.i'- p.-'.t fill - v Iv:- ' - .: ' ' . V ' ! - v...-'- 1 "I -'. t " "."" 'lit I .....in i . jjj.j. 'i i . . iiih,.1ii.;Lii.iiii Hi, .jiii. ... .'.I i i " '."ifn .iit.C'", . 'i. y 'i i , , ni.c ; ..; . i . . j . i i. .nnjT. li" VOL. ftfO. 7 . . s - , . T 1 1 i I i . ' i l. i r i i j .1 . ' . . '. ' ' L -'im ' '. ! . t ... . '. - i. . 'J-J 'i ' ' 1 1 i i i i i' i . ii i ii It 1 1 ii . ' . r i. i i i J'ftf m m . j . . l . . :-' . a HIGH SCHOOL DEBATES. V Chapel Hill, March 3. A great interest in North Carolina is being aroused and maintained in the ap- proaching State-wide contest of the High School Debating Union. This interest embraces in Us scope boys ELECTION ON : ?: k- IS Iiil I k I 1 1 .: , II 1 . I V. Ii. CC'.Mk1 IS DtSD. : WillminR. Cowart.piiecpf,tlie old- I'est citizeLar ofJackbti Cdunt oied Senate passed the Greer anti- at hi home riifeir Webster; Sunday .Tuesday with an amend-f1110? WMWvwo4.a. well The jugbill ment providing a referendum1;. Ihe! .'"fV-V'V"1? GOUNTV OFFSCERS on sals; ejection to be held the secon&idaji and girismen and worrien schools of Auust and anoiher amendment rural communities, small towns,, aad large cities. n Two hundred and fifty schools re presenting 90 counties of the State, with one thousand debaters, all told, now haVe their earnest attention and effort centered on the triangu lar debates which will occur on March 26. All of the schools win ning both of their triangulardebates irig Jived hefejalthislifeT He was eighty three yeat$;off itmd'had been In" feeble: fhValth-fof some providing that the act will be ap- time. He waltnarried to Miss plicable to 32 of the counties 'of th. Allmanwhotwith .four children sur- state anyway, but mainly in the 'viyes hinV :Jo of.his, children event that those , counties giVe a W . . ..- . f . . M bfSylya andrAfthur Cowan of,W majority for the law, The anti jug ster. Hiothet 4wo-sons,? are in cWe see in the daily' press rof f the Btate that Representative Jones has introduced a biir affixing salaries fpr the officers of Jackson opunty; We: do not know the prgvision ro the bill or the salaries attached to each office, but hope to have ! them by next week..., SIMR'03 MfACES . L .fc -' I.. aV H ' J ' BALSA, GRUVE. i 'At Ihe1 auditinumt this evening - 7: a company oOKe-Jadiesof theV; Woman' Auxfiliary-of the Bapti3tv;; : manias,a.forS"c , j J Ct - Some exclSt musical features ; have been alr rrxi'n'wa nmm(nB tft-ha on - wocl onr.- -yffji one; Tierepl,npditibtbe Vssk large house foi til evening -: - The admis3)n:chaTges .will ;be ; ; 15 and 256. prbbeeda will ' be ' V "; IJgiven to th3 biding fund of the The farmers of this section are getting quite a. lot of; work done fthile we are having such fine law, as it is called, prohibits - the the westWfP,'. Co iwan living in delivery of intoxicants, in the state WyomingQd J, C Cowan living at of North Carolina, for beverage pur- HamiltonvJVishr ; 1 The funeral a l conducted Mon- , dav bv RevPotts and Rev. D. R. weather. nouse oi tne general AssemDiy wun v.f - - t - l , V, n,r f Arf,' ; . Proffitt andius remams were. in- Kev. Mr. Crawford, of Augur., the Carter. Arnethv case where tiie astounding majority of iiw to terred in thtelStilt well cemetery., ADre6ched at Brasstown , Saturday Judae Frank Ukev held Solicitor. SPECIAL MmilfTEF, -5 ' 5 ifc 1 1 The commiUee.of the General As. sembly, appnted to investigate will spnH thftir teams to ChaDel Hill on April 9to compete in the final " s aimea at tne nqour iramc iarge crowa.breiatives and fnends and Sunda xhe peopeof Brass. ;Chas. Aberne in contempt, of contest for the Aycock Memorial I ha? bee,n f rned on by the of Mrv4. .fuperal i town. met SundaXiafternoon and or-ourt, and top:fstigate the char- Cup. This cup is the trophy which ni6s ever since the state jWent into ofy. - . . ffiSH-- . the intercollegiate debaters ot tne the dry column in 1909 and is University have provided for the: drafted under the Webb-Kenion Bill aoKnnlR whinh wins ouK finally. It placing intoxicants nnder the police Dear Ediidrjf wvrV. . - rAi N j A T J: t. ' ..4.UZ 1 t- power oi me siaie. i . . x liui sec iuyumig lium Beta last ;weei; : thought 1 would. was won in 1913 Jy the Pleasant Garden high school arid in 1914 by the Winston-Salem high school. WEBSTER ;dive the;nes-M3&3 ;. Sam MotielhfilJilisboro called ganized a , Sund School ThtT ges againstga rter; has beenr winter has been so rough that we :&u: iik? ui; court wuu ; have not been havingauy Sunday School t this place since last -fall. We all hope to have a good Sua da y school this sp ring and s u m mer. .. . N. H, Wood is moving to Sun burst this week. nrKo nnooMrtn tn ht Hip.na3P.fl this ' . atBeta last imdaya e - iuohuuvuv Thepeople ot weoster seem to Hnm tft-fVl and" Mrs '.Tim Ehslev C, V 1 j ; year is one of jnuch Umehness: think prtas is near, by the of plac'f Le ty Sunday ' ,h M,ss and Thomas Hooper of "Ppsnlved. That the. United States uh ,;u f,n ----- , .. way uiey aie ucgiuumg w wuss viauu pucnanan oi;vveosier, .... -Mstik, should adopt the pohcy of ubsidaz- soU iia visitmPelfflrSm iniits merchant marine engaged Wp nrp snrrv tn write that Mr. .,r,q AVS: : .- . v .:. ' . ,V . reports that taeirs.nooi ut Mpses in foreign trade . At present only Wimam Cowan, one olir best -fMiiili 8.9percentf,Amerjca yisi is-1 NtHfCSiATAL CHEESE. This varlefpsimilar to the cot- tagecheeseSois made : from; rich; whoie milX, lieice is a' richer cheese The milk test lrorp 4 enttq 5percent fat. ; The ajftduiat of starter; used ool.debaterta eager search for vantage ground in rt,occin ni Th rntlmpnt ; a, ,hi, wool, Lesley Jones was t ken ill last the debates will thoroughly . thresh u- . , 9n ia t,:.u .f. ... .d.l u Thursday and departed from this . . :' , ; J13VTUK ivra.iiVii fauu iu iuoii, uiou XIUiV LaVtS Jt JJaiACIO V-'iCiV VV ' . . 1 't'.J t KiiilH ... out tntfSUDSiay as a meaiia ui uuim- there ig in the district. up it the Beta Roller Miii last vyeeL. lhe last--Friday mgiit', he was uu- depends upfEeummed for co-. auluJplmi ..r htta v wpitm tnei atrer h anttyeniiet k are. . s r r Rennet per $$o! s 25 percentSilirare ' su&deiir ta cause the .pulR to coagulate . in ing up the manne; .IVHiu&at Weaeprcud l0 say lha Pror Wesltirii wbo beeil ciqus from meau, .Decam, . fif n cutlf ,;rmedi ,u b4iid Je these "debates will aye ; a Mr onder- p L VvJfson has aw. t0 be- teach. school at John's creek L cause oi ins aeatn . is uu- p io.t,5Bbags to drain rud fully instructive epect upon ire ou- a permanent resident of Web- called at Beta Saturday. ' .. " , sli8ni flfe should m uppued. 000 or more North Carolinians who etor .- thfi Mrs. i taSn,: t . .young man eighteen years rola t m in eielumi thd, whev. ihis will make up the total audiences. Rn ' - waTd nTmTtv: - ltioaitJ :,, f,,io arind His remains was laid to, rest in tne d M fi ,reauiroS several. As a part of the , State Umver- Hon A D. Parker of Sylva was I guess the farmers 6f Beta are k T, T hours- Affu free vyhey has sitj -s poHoy of extending Jhelp-Ln the cUy glad to see the weather opea, up u U 11 ParkeriS -!?ttle "0V that has caped. saltltould be added at. the fulness to every section of North, M,and Mr8. j. W. Bumferasr, afiaih on the account of tfettiniJ been sick tor some time is improv- rate of two ai.d one-half ounces to Carolina, the High School Debating Ijnion takes high rank. It is safe to; say that this series of debates will be the largest in size and most farreaching in influence of all de bate series to be held in the various States of the Union this year. Inquiries from other States as to the nature and conduct of the De bating Union m6 ?regula to Secretary E. R. Rankin. From the State Universities of Virginia; Ken tucky, and California have come in quiries about North Carolina's sys tem of debating. The Universi ty and the high schools have given to the State a debate system which servee as a standard wherever it is .-known. y ;;.'-;y.; . I Sylval Higui Sohobll lijais .been grouped ith Waynesville and Can toli HiSchools. j i V are visiting in our town this week. . their plowing done. ing fast. ten rxiunalijcuni t the. time of SPEAKER VODTEN DEAD H KAi .TH PROMOTES Speaker Emmett R: Wooten died in Raleigh; Saturdayr as a r result of induiries received; inf ii " autombi bilelcclat,ihoh Wbbteinjimes werei n6tseripjis WereMtirmioHesIiidgtna opio;tfwojuW longiittfel rallied iiitnjsSiei The funeral was hdd at Kinston, Misses Vivian and Ruth Proffitt W.a Allen of Beta went toSylva' r;fnauMrf nr W;n Co ! non- J- ragem uyvmc iS to imDroveMie textureof the cheese viuiunuw uuiuiuu; uuv. , . ucxi iwuiuouu uig uiiubi vv uvia . . .. rt4o- PTnrir wa ore oil 1 . -. . - moving 10 uaney runs, we are dli U)esides thol'ouhlv mixing thft iilt -4la-aa4t'A hniTA : Rfl Ufe ia3 Tal 1 "1 mi 111 I- " -vJ i L 1 . - ' is visiting home folks this week. Dillsboro. tt5C, The.cbeese.is thear Messrs. lviiranger, u. o. towara Mr. iJill Davis ana lamuy, Mr. u ti. w iuihm, and Dick Smith are on thersick list but are improving; ' ; Mr. John raiard inad .a business trip to Franklin, retarning, Satur day, s Messrs. Red. Frizzell and Willie Buchanan made a flying trip to Hamburg, last week. Messrs; J. C. Moore, Npnnan . Gold en, James Mathis ? Prof. Madison iShd James Self were in Sylva last week. ' Bentiett Williamson has returned from Buffalo, S, 0.. after beihig aWay for nearly a year. ; ; ?t ;'r Thek School jgavif a yeryucsMnr tertainmentv-in hohprpfGeS Washington 't6i MrJf ( lre h prihpafolj HAPPINESS imppiUev?i aliofuiE cannot have aliliet keepmtSiiittaM ingtto yollM'lialit Helmcyoutins Mr. Bill Davis and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,J. Fisher, Mrs. Bill Dougles Davis wife and baby at tended the birth day dinner of Mrs. Dougles Davis Thursday near Web ster., . ;-. v ,.' f . Rufus and Charlie Robinson of Dillsboro were at Beta Thursday. Mrs. Emma Rickman returned Friday night from- Waynesville where she has been visiting the past few days. :r ; , X5eorge Snyor the Beta merchant thinksif dollars were, as plentiful as ejggs he would take in many1 a glad to have m our commumty The people of Johns Creek and 0ne hundr inounds of milk win Moses freew are tQ tWenty.four unurcu near tne jonns reen scnooi poimds of eese which retails at nouses from twenly-five to forty cents a uom agam urown wes oi ,uow- poun( y arts. - --- . Wishing all ' the readers much. UDHSIBST IN JACKSON. success. ':r l Mountain Times; , J Mn and Mrs. Matt Crawford of Sylva visited Mrs. Wilson Ensley of Beta Sunday. - t . t i u ThiEtd Beard of this place is very iSL but we hope h e will soon be up again. - . i.,.... 5 i . Mr. Hall of Savannah was at Beta IJWmsroVHelribn oi WMttier was nt TtefnSrindavL; etajSiii ibeitjvalies to the Jbuinal i. ..''i.wi ;,v .Ji., Oil maite nis tepn r tne pcontrict UBS. EUZABETU I1U0DY. University ffewa Letter. Word- Somes to the University Hews Letfer that Jackson county is just aboulutting in half its aver- whprAn nnr HvAni v FnthAr iri I age expejjdlture per high; school his infinite wisdom, has removed foJ B"8 cunent - year. - HoW. from sour society Mrs. .Elizabeth "."i?5 viwume Moody, who departed this Ufe Feb- npaKof the Webeter ruary 25 1915. , . mgu ouuwiiuwa uut wme. pnivAH Ut Thwo tiio She dd& $ay that ; the two Stated u . k a . i?MnnnKnn i itaMrti aideQ higlf schools of Jackson coun- Society deplore her -death, although l nT? bowmgwm-hunmleisubmis assugam macn. iuriner theWill of Him Mo dtE ml things uur weymy may aeniisc in wpiL- . . 1 Stateye3, in tftii cunty.aiid Resolved dThat the heartfelt f Wff; vmfvithvof fivftrv member he cy. Wuy tended to the bereaved onlVwith : Wff'dPC H the, earnest : prayer, that ; God wiU "r.t sustain them in this sad affliction. I C Jteqnjr.-d 3rd. -That a cojy pf these ounty. r a is? srD'i urn fi li-u a s - ui ,Val a : . ' resolution beplaced ivurnjpurjre Sspirlftlof tecoxd apy senttp tlie lamilyiandaiootherto the . County; Journal, u .: y'jJl ' thouiih fprppme-tim J.Vv Bennett f inat Wcejjsjhotwas ;m of Scristor-vimnions-; . Lna Hanyccd r Davie Covrd u- a Hcp4 - uppointmeat . ed-to.pay.:tdbute:to:his.racra6ry,.i ?- i'V'ttf - ; .'v' ;yoxiiinittee.r- frpm ttcjpiniitrctxpn. ;

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