v , Z: H it-Xi t ' f , ; t 1 VOL. I NO: 7 OILVA -LUdtir? mri If 1 l AAnh; 1W ! 1 rHAIh TheSylvaHigh School debating teams were dftfAntpH anr, at Waynesvilleyay even- intJ in th p m5nofinn 0 . r- r"r;r"M mcai 01 the State High schools. Both of the Sylya tfeams did most creditable work in the contest and have nothing to rslre t At, 'both places the decision of the judges was nounanimlous. sa, it will be seen that the contest was very close Waynesvill'e High Schooi won both at Canton and Waynesville and will have the honor of enter ing the contest at Chapel Bill. COMMITTEE CO NCI DDES HEARING flying around with some of those Chairman Daughton of the Car- beautifulJackson girls. I remem ier Investigating Committee an- ber one time, it must be sixty or nounced Monday that the com- sixty five years ago, perhaps more, mittee had decided that there was I was at an old time dance up at a' nothing to the alleged acts of im- place that was known as Caney moral conduct with which Judge , ForkvI cannot now recall the name Frank Carter was charged and that 'of the people where the dance was, therefore the committee would not but I remember well that Joe consider any futher testimony ; Buchanan was there and along long thafline. about midnight Joe had a fight The hearing concluded with the with a fellow about as big again testimony of Judge Carter and tfie as he was, and some of the boys hearing of the arguments of attor - neys both for Judge Carter and Solicitor Abernethy. The commit tee, at the close of ; the arguments, announced that it's decision in the case will be handed down oh the 23 of April. MRS. CLARA SMITH IS DEAD Mrs. Clara Smith, wife of Lewis J. Smith died at her home at Cullo 'whee Monday after having been ill for several weeks. Mrs. Smith was a daughter of the late Nathan Cow ard and has a host of relatives in Jackson County and throughout Western North Carolina. Besides ssveral brothers and sisterg she leaves five children, Mrs. Lee Hoop er of Speedwell, Mrs. John Phillips of Cullowhee, Miss Ida Smith of East Laporte, Lewis J. Smith Jr. of Charlotte and Nathan Smith of Jacksonville ,Fla. She was the widow of the late Lewis J. Smith, once a most promi nent citizen orHhis county, and who proceeded her to the grave several years ago. Mrs. Smith was one of the best kuow and best loved' wo men of Jackson County where she will be missed by a large circle of friends. The funeral was held Tuesday. Mr. Will Smith of Balsam was carried to the Merriwether hospital at Asheville a few days ago, where he underwent an operation for an absess in the side. . Ifis condition is reported very favorable-Canton Observer. RHEUMATISM YIEI)S QUICKLY to sibirs You can't jorfet 6n ittact of Rheumatism f roxti coming on, but you can stoi it almost immediately. Sloans Liniment gently japplie.l to the sore joint or niuscla ;: penetrates in a few minutes ta e. inflamed spot tliat causes e pain. Ji coothes the hot, tender swolfen fe and in a verytoittinl)gs aireiiet that is almost unhisvje tiintU you have v capcriencVitr Get, a bottle of SloanV liniment for 25c of any Druggist and bayc it in the houee against Colds; Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and likef- a2meitij Jifwrmon0y hack it not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. j . of old time , Editor The Jiickson County Journal J? vlY, iejr ..ftflitor -r - wasmuch reaa tue rM R- Buchanan and I note what lx has to say concerning our old friend Jack (gdill, but he is wrong L not Jack Cogdill. I suppose Jack has passed away long ago, poor old fellow was in delicate health the last time I saw him nearly 40 years ago. Jack was about three years younger than I if I remember cor rectly. I am wondering if the writer of that letter is Joe Buchanan, if it is. I know him well; in fact I knew llim wnen ne Was a vnnnd man ' had to pull Joe-off of him. I can well remember how the girls flock ed around and looked at him admir- i ingly as he stood over in the .east corner ot tne room alone trying to compose himself after the fracas. Yes, I almost envied him, and I be gan to wish someone else would come along who wanted to fight so Jould gea--cr9P;QeU ucmusoine young mar, ana- every one liked him. I wonder if he is handsome yet or has he let the the years come and leave their im- prini? I hope he lives a long long time and that he will get all the happiness and pleasure out of life he deserves. t.ast week i said I was going to give directions for living to be a hundred years old or more. I know some people who read that an nouncement wondered if I was'nt Igoing to give a lot of cut and dried ules. Bflt, they are wrong lam am going to tell y u somethingr that you know already but perhaps have forgotten or- do not think you know. Did you ever stop to think what caused death? What causes u s to throw away an old pair of shoes and get a new pair? Is it that we are just tired of wearing them or is it that they are worn out or so nearly so that we do not care to wear them any longerf Death isA is not a h6rrible thing if we know how to die and before we can know how to die we must first know how how to live. How many of us know how to live? If we will but look around and see the very . few men and women who have reached the age ot 90 land 1Q0 the question willibe answered A man should live to be a" hiindr red years old because it ia his duly first to his family, second; to: hi friends and community, and last to his country, A man does V npt reach that higher state of intdlK gence until he hos ipassed certcia stages in life, I can prove this py citing hundreds, but it is not neces sary. We know ther are ? certain law$ in nature that direct us and in a great measure influence us ; to do or nbt do certain tnixi. Tfo most of us have to reach - .old as before ; we can appreciate these laws and until a man can appre ciate these laws lie really d truly u - I ; . : "rfT- r. - : W1 cannot be intouch with "the high er ;SYLVA, N, a,: Af 2T915 . ' ISSSS-" m- Tup nliiw:.. fyoun mett.theiiteAti vn thof the old man isiiri ofr or Der say radical. ; A man Who istdbacqo, drifiks coiffee, drinks weyand stay? up late at night wxlKblive td i v.' these habits williottenj his life many years, biothem com bined will cafeseiiSoali otner things being '8i;e: f " old - i i A Js v. i;-. JT. .9..befbre-hepQ'bl; or if he is a man oliWtnjrat strong constitution he get by a few years lonier; bligf thSiiisery of his life! jrifi Read that pajgaph over again; it contains aJotas years learn ing its trutb,tfbrtunately I learned it earlyidClearhing it, I am able to sit Herel tonight and write and tell othm about it Just then I stopped arliteid my hand up to see if it treed asf other old men's hands tremble, but not the slighest tremor cofiH I detect The other day I had our family phy sician examine me" :ll over. He told me I was a pjpfct speciman of manhood.- I dpjfllsay this in self praise, but . mef eiy to 7 illust ' ate the idea thatl Want io impels up- uju uip iiiams oi pir w no - reaq ;tnis. There: are other inltoo. ? '.Don't aay to yourseit Just so long as they don't liang me I'm allright' when you face that big bugabear called trouble and worry. When a horse gets mad and runs away he usually hurts himself and his best friends. When a dog gets mad lie is shot. Any man is a beast when he is mad. If ou don't believe what I say ofi course you do though) just J$c$ at the next man you happen tofsee mad, and note the animal expression on his face. Look at his neck, see the veins standing out like great' cords; look at his eyes, compare them with some infuriated animal; watch him get his breath and curl his lips, lis ten at the hiss of the adder in his lips. ? " When one gets mad it poisons their whole system; it fills the blood with toxic poison (ask your dpcior); it creates unhealthy at mosphere, it makes jeveryone else near unhappy and many very mis erable. It causes sickness -crime. disease, misery and death. DON't GET MAD if you wish to live a long time and be hapy when you are old. Take plenty of good exer cise. When meal time comes and you are not hungry, do ndt eat. Fasting is much better and far safer than! pills, and good - cold clear spring water, like yon get up there in Jackson is much better than cof fee, whiskey orany other stimulant, and water lengthens life. None of us drink enough water or breathe enough fresh air or exercise the muscles in our body enough to keep them from getting flabby and stiff wu iuu im iucuuiaiu. Sickness is not an: entity 0 am not a Chrtetitm Scientist) sickhes is an absence of health and health has been' driven . away because of, neglect,;; 'Ralph Taldo Emerson the greatestlphilosopher who ever ived, wrote an essay on Compensa tion. Every red-blooded American should redd that ' essay and then turn around and re-read Mt j6M L' r , "u - M031 n3yei ; imptrectlhore nob edeid nri 1; iff this World than anything else I know 61 ? f "He who' id his intergrity wor ships God becomes God." To live a lorn life ia namftorn'R 'rpinf Rtor t? - , wuere y :r ; n 4 I WWiJVtl J Dft Vffrtft llUO O nlonn liV 11 rr " luc, moraiiy ana TUivsrraiiv I will, continue this subject in I nexjt weeJCs letter. It is a big oiie arid I am going to stay , with it un til I have given those who follow me, the benefit of my vast exper ience. Wishing everyone health, pros perity and happinesst I am ' THE OLD BOY. SPEEDWELL. If the Legislature meets in extra session, which it is nearly sure to do, on the Carter-Abernethy matter if nothing else, thinK it would be an easy matter to get off BJack Rock, Short Off, Whitesides, Chimney Top and Devil's Court House on them. Of course they would have to do all this with borrowed money; 'bnt the scenery would be grand, trie peo ple would enjoy; the' scenery so much better' if these rugged tops belonged to the State. Then"thee majestic old mountains would have to remain here inNorth GkoWi because they would belong to ' the cause she belongs to the State. If she wants to g ) up North, or if she wants to go South, she must first consult her owners. Guess the old lady will have to remain where she is as the State can hold her by peaceable possession under color of a title. Would like to swat) my interest in Mt Mitchell for some school books for some needy child ren I know. One time there was a man, who froze to death in a hollow log; think the State should buy ' the log and get a deed for it, before it is too late. Procrastination is the theif of time. The people are painting the Methoeist and Baptist churches at Speedwell, which adds greatly to their appearance. A singing, school is in progress at Speedwell now, conducted by Prof. J. J. Moss. Mrs. Hunter, from Cowarts was a visitor at Speedwell a few days ago. Prof. Reynolds and children pass ed through speedwell Monday, driv ing a pair of Shetland ponies. The sudden changes in the laws and the .weather are giving the peo ple much concern. The grist mill and corn and cob crusher, recently started by W. M. Shdton, is doing good work. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rog ers, a boy. Mrs, T. L Jamison of Glen ville is visiting at SpeedweU. X. Y.Z. A SLUG&SH LIVER NEED Let ybiir liver , get .torpid and you are in iwr a .st!;0t7miy. Every body gets an attack noi tiien. Ihpnsand nf people " keep their lovers active and healthy ; by usmg tfe" Kind's New life IPUIs. Fine for the Stomach, too. Ston die Dizadness,. Constipation, Biliousness Ihdistioh. Qear the blood. Only 25a at your Jruggist xipicu ciuzcji uecause sne t e- T - " Is whobt rte nb the cbuntv fnir j Yeve nad op-fiU:bfroilaries-i. I We wanpH) see the'bia fat hoi The patent t irnthetrottintf dos: ,' The new1 jevice thaft&aCs a cog And- worlrund thiligh - the catalogue !ithe county fair.? "We've alwagj missed the county Its inne md its outer track The dancing ddlerfaii(i the bull About fgjr feet across the back, We're weary jf awful war talk We wanH to hear the whistles blow, U ' The horses ngh, the roosters crow The blocked cattle when they low, ' -ft And the shriFJvoiced starter shout ing 4Go!'g Apthe county fair. It seems as g the world grows cold And pe: iple nowadays don't care , . , - For people ie( the. warm - Old mart Jer of the county fair. We're tired oi powing here and there We want;io shout .How are you Dan?' : .-. Hellp; there. 11' and Howdy Ann! AndgetH iYarm clasp of the, ..- hand ;.' -i, v -.i ; . ,.' .. From every CTmenchil8Sndman AvUhe the county fair., AUd thapromiy asWlI " A little moren rne . - Had dislipeared within 1 his sneii. The good old ilan was better far Wewanfio meet the human race fi In some . well-decorated place, And be rht huhian for a space Because of ca ning face to face , A( j the county fair." Apologies to State Board of Agri culture - "P:. w ' if i BEE . SURVEY. West Raleigh, N. C. March 22,1915. Sit Editor Joul4ial. Dear Sir am sending, you herewith a pn-for the Beef Cat tle Survey wch we are making through the rjvl schools of this State. Our iea is to havethe en closed questiitis answered by the rural school ilfiren through the farmers withhom they obtain co operation. "E te plan is self ex planatory asou will see from the enclosed pruedmatter. Several valuable priii are being offered which should . be in exceptional in ducement fotschool children to en ter the surve? I will appre ciate it very much if you will veHhe matter publicity through ydulSaper. ? Assuring f-'n- of our hearty co operation atgpy time we fcan be cf service, i an? Yours .very truly, RSr Curtis, VSecretaryreaircr Surprise pki sale at 'the au- ditorium thl$ ynin hcrsfirBuild ng fund f Me;noo!ist churcb. An evening of f&i. Seed Sweei Potatoes for sale at $1.00 a bushS J,W- KEENER. ''ST and Vivian .rofIitt -of lYebster were in the JiiyMonday and Tues- oay. tne guesi nf Miss Margaret Buchanan. Z", .... ' ,. v J j t J i v. ' A 4 i t "A. in - i ; 5 LMZX Vi.-V"...?-.--;-. . Jt, ""' . 1 ' 1 Jts i 1 -' k " u 1 " 1 1 " " 1 " 1 " - " " '" " 1 1

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