VOL. I NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C.f r MAY 28 1915, AN AMEBlaN SHIP IS TORPEDOED. $1.00 THE YEAffc JN ADVANCE London, May 25. The American steamer Nebraskan, Captain Greene, from Liverpool May 24, for; Dela ware breakwaters, was torpedoed yesterday by a submarine at a point forty miles west southwest of Fastnet, off the coast of Ireland No lives were lost. The crew at once took to the boats, but after finding that the Ne braskan was not seriously damaged, they returned aboard and got under way. She had beed struck' forward and her foreholds were full of wa ter. The Nebraskan did not carry any passengers. The foregoing information was re ceived today by the British ad miralty in London, and it was at once communicated to the Ameri can embassy. Immediately she was struck the frebraskan began calling for aid by wireless. Browhead received the wireless communication at 9 a. m. yesterday from Crookhaven. The torpedoing of the Nebraskan apparently occurred before 9 o'clock last night. All foreign vessels leaving Liver pool recently have had their names and I tiionalties panned in large tetters on their sides aud have flown large tidgs. Yesterday evening was clear and the period between 8 and fiiiiit DONE DLIGliT DAS MUCH DAMAGE. Many apple and pear trees in Buncombe and many sections of Haywood county have been attack ed by fruit blight and fruit growers and farmers predict that apple and pear crop for next year, has been badly damaged. The blight has the blooms and caused them to fall off or has damaged the small fruit and caused it to shrivel. The end of the twigs in all apple and peach orchards from which reports have been made received state that this peculiar disease blackens the twig for several inchesback of the bloom or bud itself. Tax Collector B. A. Patton and Representative Gallatin Roberts both of whom see a great many far mers from all sections of the county daily, declare that the blight is wider spread this year than ever before in the history of the county. Mr. Patton has about 300 apple trees in Leicester township on a farm and they are ruined, he says, by the disease. Reports from Black Mountain state that there will be practically no apple crop there next year. Mr. Roberts declared that not pun It is with great regret that the people of this County learn of the MAN DIES, KILLS COUSIN AND ITS SUICIDE. HI ti death of B. McDade, who , died According toinlormation brought Thursday morning in Asheville t0 Asaeville a serious shooting af from a stroke of paralysis, at the fair took D,ace yesterday morning Merriwether Hospital. Mr. McDade has been in bad health some time and resigned his position in the Jackson County on Spring creek. Madison county, in which Jesse Phlemmonsis said to have shot and killed his cousin Arthur Plemmons and then turn ed thft dun nn hfmaolf infl;-irt Bank about one month ago and ' "A 7 . a . . , tlt ! & " wound that caused almost instant went to Asheville last Friday to be -death,- treated and had a stroke of para- Nrft,w0ni nru u i i 4. o t a . TX No details of the shooting, or the lysis last Saturday morning. He nQ11QAa frtrif , , 5 , " . .. u., w causes for it couldnt be learned, but is survived by two children, Miss it ia GtQttu , .,. . vrr m t j j if a xi lt 18 stated that people residing in Effie McDade and Mr. Arthur Mc-stw 0; , . "J. rrt vi n k t-A. that section are very much excited Dade. He will be laid to rest Friday reJ . . , , , t . n . over the affair. Officers from Mar at eleven o clock m the Pams cem- -in WAra HioK k T, . ... . . snail were dispatched to the scene ru- j . of tne shooting, it is stated and ROCKWELL HOUND JS ED IN BATTLE. charge of his ody and bary him The funer-J will e coriducted by Rev. J. J Gray and others. a AFTER-EFFECTS OF TYPHOID The death rate of those who re cover from typhoid doubles. Figures are showing up typhoid in a new light. We have always regarded seriously the chances of fatality that go with each case, also ! the length of time required for the thorough investigation is being made, although this mornind it was stated that no arrests had been which he was, "fif5td That Kiffiri f ?ockweil. of this city, who is a soldier in the foreign legion, now fighting under the flag of France, has-been wounded, is in formation which has been received at this city, f ie was shot in the thigh at a desperate battle at Arras, it is learned, and his brother, Pau Rockwell ,as )ten granted a leave of absence ia Xrder that he may visit the ' wd&nded man. Paul Rockwell has noVseen active service in the trenchea( for past several months, having' been forced to go to the hospitals late last yearfc when he suffered) a physical break down as the resUf of the straii to in the made, nor had any reason been found for the my) i 1 4 - Viizaa. HIGHWAY COMtUCTIOS Eight miles of the Highway have been contracted and work is to commence in ten days and be com-1 trenches. The Rockwell brokers enlisted in the feeign legion ' im mediately following the declara tion of war and !; have participated in many desperate engagements. Their action i enlisting in ; the armyhas beeii widely featured in pleted in 180 days. That portion Di American,:Ejglish and French of the road contracted is from Bry- dailies. In a recent article ia li ae son City to Alarka, and from Bryr New York Sun, pealing with the a son City to Ela. The route from tivities of th members of thft : 4.1 x. j i 1 . t RHinthmtv thPhiidhtho.w,dM ff'ersc?ursev V1 e saerng BrysonCity to Ela goes east on legion, .they Were given creitable muisn lsiarics ai mis season, a , he lives, he says the apple trees are message to tne Lloyd s - says an ; bIfh-ken.d and withirprt the anxiety, the careful nursing, south side of TnnkaseicJpp Pivpr tn manfinn fnr th u, I .e'ww v xvfi. tut;- pciiW' uiu; Lxa V C tn mpniinn thp p-vTpnp hut ' nnint it tKn !r, r u a o j 1 -H . .v . .. figures are showing that the W 1 W m m til . Q nVl.sok thft twilieht hour in tie 1.: tt a I RriHchicnnH t this A T T. I - V ' wue not to mention the expense, but : point at the lower end of the A. S. nlaved'in the w$k of thft Ipdion now figures are showing that the Patterson farm, where it rmssM the -f . 7 - - II1UU1.1UUUUAU ! 1111.11 (II .1 J II I I 1 in I I" ance of the Nebraskan" anostood by her all night. A message to the Star from Liv erpool says that the name and na tionalty of the Nebraskan were painted in large letters on her sides. f- The German submarine campaign continues actively. Dispatches from Norway say the people uf that coun try have been aioused 1by the sink ing last week of the Norwegian steamer Minerva and - the ai tempt to torpedo the Iris, which, went to her assistance. The steamer Cromer, loaded with passengers had a narrow escape while bound for Rotterdam. A submarine fired a torpedo without warning but missed bytffteen yards, This attack occurred four miles norh'of North Hinder 'lightship. Citizen. HCLAIN-PAT A marriage of much interest to the people of ' this place-was sol em- j. nized in Way nesville Wednesday when F. M. McLain andjMiss'Juani ta Patton were married by Rev. A. V. Joyner, at the Baptist parsonsge. They will spend a few days in Ashe ville, then tKey will return to Mr. McLain's home in this city. -The Journal joins the many friends of this pppuiar couple in ! wishing for them a lonjg 3nd happy j pirations. life. have escaped are the peach and cherry trees. The loss by the blight means thousands of dollars to the orhardists of Buncombe and adjoining counties. Citizen. ITALY DECLARES WAR. "Vienna, May 23.--Conformably with the orders of his majesty, the king, his august sovereign the un dersigned ambassador of Italy has J the honor to deliver to his excel lency, the foreign minister of Austria-Hungary, the following com munication" "Declaration has been made as from the fourth of this month to the imperial and royal government of the grave motives for which It aly, confident in her good right, proclaimed annulled and henceforth without effect, her treaty of alliance j with Austria Hungary, which was violated by the imperial and royal government, and resumed , her lib erty cf action in this respect he iighayconiite A study of 1,574 cases of typhoid fever shows that 146 died while under treatment, which is not quite cne out of every ten. Of the 1,428 who recovered from the immediate effects of the disease, the death rate for the first tlrree years was nearly twice the normal death rate of a similar group of persons who had not had typhoid. As the cause of death among the patients who died following recov ery from typhoid, tuberculosis heads the list with a rate of 39 per cent, with diseases of the heart following with a rate of 14.8 per cent. In other words, the chances for having tuberculosis are increased about three times in those who have re covered from typhoid, while the chances for heart diseases are about doubled. In the United States each year, 8,000 deaths occur emong persons who have recovered from afh attack of typhoid fever, but mated- that the Patterson r hricige 1 well in a number of positions,' one will cost between $6,000 and $7,000. j of the most:; interesting of these State Engineer Fallis of Raleigh, j showing him in 5 the act of digging was here and went over the route ! trenches with ie other soldiers and approved of the work of the Commissioners and Engineer How erton. He was enthusiastic in praise of the route selec'ed as be ing the best possible. At Monday's session Of the High way Commissioners there were eighteen bids submitted the high est being 50c per yard for unclassi fied wtvk and the lowest 29 3-4 'cts. The last named figure was the bid of Phillips,-Munday and Rogers. Mr. Phillips is from Georgia and Messrs. Munday and Rogers are Macon County men. We are in formed they have teams and imple ments and will commence the work within the prescribed ten days. Under the contract- the eight miles of road will cost for grading about $25,000. The contract, is who, as a result of impaired vitality j said to be very advantageous for from the disease, succumb during ! our people, and several of 'the bid- "The government of the king, ! tfie first or second year after recov- ders on the work remarked that it firmly resolved to provide by all means at its disposal for safeguard ing Italian rights and interests, can not. fail in its' duty to take against every existing and future menace measure which events impose "pon it for the fulfillment of national as- WORK IS STOPPED - We are informed by Mr. Wright, of the Wright Johnstone Contract ing Co., that all work on the Hia wassee Valley Railroad has been suspended on account "of the failure of the Railroad Co. to pay the con tractors for the April estimates. ,r We hope that this matter can bej adjusted within the next few da vs. and that the construction be push ed to an early completion. "His majesty, the king, declares that he considers himself from to morrow in a state of war with Austria-Hungary. "The undersigned has the honor to make known at the same time to his excellency, the foreign minister thatjpassports will be placed this penal .and royal ambassador at Rome, and lie will be oblige to his excellency if he will kindly have his pastpqrts handed to hint" ' ) (Signed) fc . "Avarna" prior to a fiercengagement. Dur ing the time thaf hehas been in the hospital, .Paul Rlckwell has written several articles paling with battle field experience for tne, big Eag lish dailies and; leading French papers. He has iad an opportunity to tell of the work during the time that he has beett unfit for service, -and the articles nave been widely read and prominently featured, a number of thdmj being printed on the front pages rwhich have used them. . v' The folio wirg clipping from The Atlanta Gedr&n dealing with the news of the .woutiding of Kiffin Rockwell, wilBieead with interest at ery. Besides lowering the vitality so that other diseases are not to be resisted, typhoid often leaves the patient maimed for life, and memo ry is frequently impaired. These considerations should bear an es pecial1 appeal to those who still tol erate flies and fly infected food and who have not yet made up their j minds to be vaccinated against typhoid. CARD OF THANKS was entirely too cheap. However, that's the contractor's business and he will bs required to give a bond. Just before -printing the Times we learn that Messrs. Reed and W ells of Asheville have taken oyer the contract from Phillips, Rogers and Munday and will commence work next week. Bryson City. Times. We ask our friends and neighbors to accent our many thanks for the yerf day at the disposal of the im-lh kindness and sympathy ex tended during the recent illness of out children and the death of our , . -' ;, ... little girl . Marjie. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Dills. WOMEN BEATEN IN OTARY' CASE Raleigh, May 25. The Supreme court decides ithe act of the the last legislature giving women authority of notary, public is un constitutional, and Mrs. Noland Knight of Asheville loses her com mission. Judge Allen writes the opinion and Judge Walker and Hoke concur. Chief Justice Clark dissents and Judge Brown concurs by the injured- fman's friends this city: 2 "Word com$":Jfrom Parh that Paul- Rockwell;. former Atlantan among the Arteijcans serving with the allies in th foreign legioi, his gone to RenneT to see his brother Kiffin, of NortVr Carolina who is, there with a winded thigh reseiv ed in a desper&te battle at Arras. "Paul Rockl, the dispatch says has just beenivn a three months leave or absence-on account of fail-' ing health. AJ 'the end of that time he wilLuUljrgo a medical ex- aminatinrt to rUffminp if Tip ic fit- ! f C 1.1 ' ' ior iunner seritje. "The Amjritfarjs of the foreign legion, most oftjfem in the Firsts regiment, have'rformecl some dis tinguished serMge in the recent fighting, and t$ , two southe' 1 have been mertf ned a number of times in the remits of battle.' Citizen. Ji , - y'- ' Pay your sl iscription to the Journal. We fisa the money, so please let us he? r from you at once. i if I n 1 A !! ii J 4 ti ! Hi ;l it , I - 4 -'ye Ji ':1 is r 3( .

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