I'.'f,1 t f..T VOL. I NO. 7 O . 1 . ' ' I DEATH OF , DANIEL SYLVA, N. Q, AUGUST 6, 1915, TOE OLD BOY $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE Editor The Journal, Lyman, Waongton, Jury :22nd f9l5. Editor Jackson County Smirnalr I wish you to publish the following item of the death of JBaiM Snider winch occurred it his .ome at Ly man, Skagit County, Washington July 15th 1915. : Mr. Daniel Snider was formerly a eimen of Jackson 'County N.v1Cj but for rhelast ten -year; has resid- ed at Lyman. Washington. He has enjoyed good health ever . i.i ? -1 . since lie uas ueett m rpe state up to ''customers' would tiie nigm oi ms death. He retired on the night of July 1:5th jolly and N.C. iear SinHere!ii.' come aaing. the name jlank on the check IIPJITH and I can fill that in myself after UL A I U the guessing subsides. I am going to close now and lie down and rest awhile, my hand is only in afferent way. You know Mets that way when I try to write H IS amusinfi. how frAfjJrioK r'tnn milfll in tlici rf i folks are. I have just gone over - the time I usually lie down. I have the IfiSf tVr. rrin..r L T ! Knnn -U 1 I r .1 . - ...v wpico ui n3 journal m mc naun ior tne past tortv dxiti a iionqe letters in there wonder- mgwhat has become of me that IF D. J. ALLEN MYSTERIOUS SHDTINB IN DENDEDSONVILLE or fifty years t)f taking a small nap Mr. D. J. Allen of Sylva died July 30 1915. He was ft7 vpnrs old July 4, 1915. It has been a ! Hentleonv11e experienced ail custom for ma o, I unusal sensation that is shroudeci; J jvv t.t K- f "U Ci reunion either at "uncle" Jasper's own home or at the home of one of the boys. He was very anxious , to I 1 . in the afternoon; it seems to do me ? KaS a mult of jyhich Ed. Mills (rf me a lot of stood. I hone v wiii I "e was t0 111 on the 4th to .have !.,:. .,ffBM4 --- .uaiica yvi oWhju. ytuuua iiift if you cant, just guess at it and ! , u P f cuurcn at)out 45 1 hn'rd dn7: AWT k? ' ffeer go." m .years ago by the Rev. M. L. Rick-1 , rg g0t m exchange a in mystery last Wednesday night- wiien jour persons approached th: home of A. A. Carter on Soutli Mam? street and one or more began firing been,running:"GrQ 0ld." I be that wasnrread :iLaif d H7PT1 fit' 4 yoiir ;reade'-jj'ut a Jot of rworu on tharrfe; thinking your they haven't heard from me in so I me a lot of good. I hope you will X T U the 4th t0 ba uag. ana m the same naners was e able to mdke out this handwrif. 1 . uaLUIUuer- e was received ....T - ' C.J Printed the article you have been ! "in if you cant, hist flu, at it a !mt tfte BaPtlst chh about 45 ! u"" ertnomP-B ' ffet'er go. T ;;With kind regards to all, I am The Old Boy. - ...... " someimng aiong-t" line. But I i I- -i . r : tus.want something n. ouuius -sensational; mostf them haven' want to reald ! REDUCED R.;R. BATES TO the day in the hay Tield. On the following mjrning when he was called, the - family discovered he I reached the place hili'e wherp thPV are confronted with the fact that nau pacu w(ay .uunag me nig;r. no way out oi" it. From his appearance he dieii t ...u.-. , r" ; wuuuci wuy u is mat no one while asleep. ;, .,. , ... ., can guess who I am. All the guesses Funeral services were conducted have so far gone wld of their mark, by the writer on Julv 16th m the Some get pretty close tn it - ) XIV IT ever. They seem to think that I am Mr. James H. Cathey; I certain- V. presence of a very large number of sorrowing mends. Man r , , """io ix. uuiey; i certain- y of our readers remember iy hope Mr. Cathev will take no of- man,; a man of great power in those 1 5aouWer froW win low 'of days. . . . j second floor of the Carter home! uasper nad-aa clear-cut f j: wmuers were can- Christian, experience and - Was a ecf' .wollnds were dressed, arrets ' fiTURJr'N'T AS!n Ja,l,"u' aua consistent member of ; , " T " "c" wcle rusnea .-tothe ASS0, the church. He paid more than ihS?"aI aflwhefle.wa spread.. The Third anhua. Meeting of the Tlt. thl. ding ff f m , Sniithrrn rnmomon'o a ; uty. me oaptist Ur.ireh v,; snoot- v.,Vk i i4 . , ,sianas 011 a Iot donated by him k x uc iiuu at uniiimgaam,- Ala., ana His son Pierce. Aug. 18, 19 and 20, 1915. Special He was a Lieutehant under Col. reduced passenger rates for the TlCKna3 but on account . of , iil Health had to retire from the ser vice. He has been one of our: best and most prosperous citizens. 1 me whole community sy mpathizes round trip hiVe been secured on all lines in the territory of the Southwestern Passenger Associa- ""vi wium unity tion, and Sumner tourist rates, 2- : with his faithful wife. Mr. Snider in his boyhood days. He enlisted as a soldier in the Con federate; army in the 1861 and serv ed for a term of four years and eight days, holding a position rs sergant in company L. sixteenth regiment. He was shot through the breast in the battle at Fraser's Farm near Richmond Va., and lay on thp battle field for three days anc : .4hvS witnout iood ui: i ht:d only one drink of water during that lime, which was given him by Capt. Matt Love. . . Mr. Snider. .was. married to Miss Elizabeth Brendle in the year 1862 to this union eight children were born, five girls and three boys all of whom are living. After the war closed Mr. Snider returned to his home near the city of Waynesville, Haywood Co, N. C. and resided there until 1884 mov ing from there to Jackson Co. ner the town - of Webster and lived there until 1905. ;Incthe spring; of 1905 he sijld his property there and came to Washington, locating near the town Of Lyman: : He has been a very successful farmer aiid gained considerable since here. - He was regarded as one of the most prominent men of the county aijd will be greatly miss ed by the people of the community. With much sympathy to Mrs. Snider and children in their be reavement, I remain, Respectfully yours. H. D. Welch fense at being "misconstrued" thus ly. You say to Mr. Cathey for me flint T -1 1 ..... uidi i ueepiy regret it, but I can't cts. a mile, from points in South western Pass mger Association. On the program are a large number of men who are prominent J. J. Gray. neip it now. That is what thp amnnd thp oatti Khyser said in his last note and because they have done things. Yr . 1 J 1 .1 , xxc cn&u auueu mat ne was sorrv Not changing the subject, but I bet be wilj.be ijojry MMjloea h agakc How foes everybody feel over there in Jackson about the way Willie 1 nope no ne win abn me how I feel over it. Buf scv! I'll mire hrod hrpmlind nttic ..;n f , .. ' T.'T. vf " Carter hi be getting into politics the first ! seli be a Ube l f edu a ton for any : - bl Thompson fired thing I know, and will have an ar-1 one starting to raise JL'Z ? !? favor of one 0n,f ls three t.mes, Carter in turn 1 he program is one of instruc tion, because we hye passed the what to do . we iiow want to be told "how to do". Q1IIC KSING CONVENTION; Editor of the .. Journal;-:Please allow me spce for a few tines. 'I want to congratulate the good nm pie of Qualla on the kinHr.ACO owvc uuyt.mcjr uau uere bundav dl waging convention. I think the chorus of this district ought to -iave a . - j .k,. ing? The question has been answered authoritatively' and while Chief of Police Otis Powers says hV can't answer Jt officially he and the other officers" keep 4 on worldng :n hope that the mysterv as t Jh: the shooting occurred will be cle.qiv ly revealed. Albert Thoxnpson, Aiken Mitchell S. G. Leonard and Criss Woodfin of Asheville are said to have PmnW. ed Will Jaciksqn to bring the party td HehderspnyiHe in the 1 attP.r's oar which stopped in front of ' tfe Citizen's National bank. The oc SWaats excepting Jckon, are saio to have gone about 9 tfolrnh ti rte of New Yorlf' Wi .... wcis uairea for and it is said that when Mills V2srtm at the Carter h -t-r- rAKO -WILLIAM E. BREESE LED BY GREGORY. Washington, Aug. 4 Before leaving the city today Attorney Qeral Gregory signed the -parole of Major W. E. Breese now serving a Jerm in the Atlanta penitentiary. Major Breese will be allowed to return to Asheville as soon as his Parole reaches Atlanta-Gaette. last game pfaied between Sylva boys and C&npC)ierbkee Saturday, August 7th. i TJlese ams have playeAfour games this 'ear each team winning rum Xmmaa gument started with someone. There isn't anything much to read in the newspapers any more since they have turned Harry Thaw out. Poor Harry! Wonder if he realizes "The wages of sin is death?" I hope he will be a good boy from now on and 1 hope other bad boys over the .country will learn a great 1 essnn from. Harry's unfortunate; life. A great world, this! 'Something doing all the time. vrvtime I pick up a paper,T wjohdeiwhat is going to happen -neJ wonder what has ever . becohieVof TfvlHv Roosevelt and the old lady Pank hurst, and Jane Addams We don't I hear any thing of them py more. Are they fixing to start Something youreckonr Q f Now, in getting bacl$ to earth again, what do you thinjt of offering a hundred dollars reward for ahv one who can guess who I am dead or alive. I have been thinking of it for some time, and I have made up my mind or, I should say have gained consent of my mind that if you will put up the hundred dollars in case anyone should han- r pen to guess my exact idenity, I will be willing to run the risk. I would suggest, in order to be on the sate side, mat it would he an excel lent idea to let me hold the hundred dollars, and if no one - guesses 'who I am in a reasonable length of time. w J 111 just keep the hundred dollars as salvage, bonus, or whatever vou may call it I think this, is a real bright idea-and I thoutt 'it all out myself dont forget that-and when vou make out the check make it out to 1 came very near giving mviylf nwnv there. I wonder if - it ;. J one starting to raise or handle cat- tie. No man interested in the develop ment of the cattle industry in the South can afford to miss this Meeting. For program and other information write the Sec retary, Trait Butler, Box 935, Mem- 1 wm phis, ienn. SYLVA WINS In a well played dame of hall between Sylva and Lake Junaluska, bylva won, the score being one to nothing. . SYLVA MUST WIN. Every body in town must go out Saturday and se that Sylva wins from the Cherokee Camp. Give the boys your encouragement by being present and rooting for them. The game will be called promptly at 4:00 who attends his Sunday school lpprf ing the class from that Sunday school. If they do not go to Sunday school let them be quiet in the con vention. I want everv one of thp class leaders of the lower district to write their ideas on this and spnn it to the Journal. I think singing is the onlv thind uicu we ao on earth which the Bible tell us will be done in heaven; so I tninK Christian leaders ondht 1 1 . ... O- -v ieaa tne classes. Yours for better musi- J. M. Crawford, THIS YEARS COTTON CROP 4.000,000 BALES UNDER LAST. ASHEVILLE MAN WAS AN EASTLAND VICTIM. Asheville, July 28. The bodv of John Holcombe, who met death on the steamship Eastland when it turned turtle in the Chicago river, was brought to this city tonight and the funeral will be conducted tomorrow. Mr. Holcombe had been employed by the Western. Electric company pr the past several months, leaying here some time ago to take a position with that concern: His father received the news of his death immediately following the disaster and ordered that the hndv be shipped to Asheville for inter ment Mr. Holcombe was employ ed by the Champion Fibre Company: at Canton, for n nmnf&r T Washington, Aug. 3-This year's cotton crop will approximate 11, 970,037 equivalent 500-Dound halps . w, compared with IQ.134,930 bales, for last year, according to estimates unofficially calculated and based on crop conditions reports issued today and official figures on areage and normal yield. Whether the yield this year is greater or less than the estimate depends on grow ing condition from now until pick ing time. The condition- of the growing crop on July 25 was 75.3 Der cent of normal, the department of agricul ture announced. The condition hv states follows: Virginia. 79: -North Carolina, 78; South ' Carolina, 72. Gazette. is said to have fired- thrw frpm hisoom tpstairs at Thompson One shot took effect in the left shoulder. Mills was seriously wounded, having been shot in the stomach: Officers were called and Mills w taken to the hosnital. An nrAratfr showed that his organs had punctured in seven places. His cou dition was considered very critical but greater hopes for his recovery are now entertained.Democrat CONFERENCE IN PROGRESS The Bible Conference that is in progress here, began Sundav morn ing with a very, able sermon Rev. W. 0. Williams Of Rrucnn Pi"rr aunday night and Mondav mnrnind there were no services as the speak ers were a little late arriving, but Monday night it opened up with a great sermon by Dr. J. Edgar Aber nethy of Monroe, N. Cv.afid thA interest continues to grow There has been good audiencei present at each sermon. The CoafeS. ence will continue until Son&y night and new speakers!1 will arrive all tiifough the week: r BRID0ET0EREPm CARD OF TDAHBS. a wish to express mv deen jinnnv. ciation of the manv kindnf nt my friends and neighbors dnHnd contract to W. lC Brown of Basj. Larwteto put in metal ailb ahct.v o$her repairs on tfie bridge at Gullo when; .4ipfi;pxksatli r - ?1fe'be:be aacoop as posdbfe and will hp '1H 4 I X i I f woiildn'nt W a good idea tar leave iny recent bereavement " . fcpletuto, A .. , . . r; . . i I

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