"Over MATCH 1918 ' r,TM.,. -r .' . SVLVA..-NrfC. FEB:22it8-. . " UW MAI Itn. ;IH tHRnF'iys " iiilULlTU I ' r I - H)R IQI8 Weekly Wa I : I 1 - i I I By Dan Tompkins Today. Sunday, is Father r Son Day, and every fellow is .sup- l.V a-3-1 N. C. Feb. Because of nosed to write a letter to his Dad, ' "1C ese world shortage of food PS . u: ia : - , Supplies and th , 5-ui . ucui irom 50 THE YEAR.IN ADVAUCE f News . ... :ii kjo io o,o 8UPPUes audi nr nPLlCl 1J 1110 sa J J ouuyuoci! rn tn come to see him, if possible. Due . pe l13 C3--itry for such sud 1 . . . . u u Phes as can fihiV'u ... this iaci mere nave ueeu a num- . . 7 rw ""'I'u n i imper i P nf visitors at Camp Sevier to- " . ever to ... n . I uve that evprw i i . . hpr of visitors ai tamp sevier to- ... uu ie land in ucl . . .. . . this coimtrv Ha ... . day. An invitation was extended : umost to grow D i ere st Stories of Acti 'itefe ancf.Conditions Through, out the United States and on the Battle rronrs, irom Washington, D. C: i , - i j .iiuuni I UKUANlZc1 IN F m CE a. a a s. to .Governor Bickett to come down and talk to the boys from Carolina, but he was unable to accept thp in vitation. So I went up to the Y. lil C. A. at Pans and heard Govern or Manning deliver a speech to the South Carolinians. He has five sons in the service, and made us a . fatherly, heart-to heart talk. After the Governor's speech, General Fate- on made a few remarks, in - which he said that he could give us no better advice than that contained in a story, which was related by Governor Bickett. The Governor said that a young man was leaving his home in the mounrams of North Carolina and . that his father was telling him goodbye. Well," he said, "Goodbye John. Give the Ger mans hei! and r- member your Ma." other night I heard some privates talking about .what they going -) co to the Germans 1 tny i.3i. ever there, and how they ire gaiiig to be with them goi to fill up Berlin sea Radio V3 weeks Hgo, was down here to seeing the boys. John Dillcrd, of Webster, was the last of the week to see his brother, Will Dillard, of the Radio Company. Sergeant Erastus Battle went to Asheville Saturday. to tie quarantine ree n v i 1 1 p t u a par;0 Theatre has t come quite an amuse- : Place. The Keith Vaudeville which are booked for the i in town have, been moved to as long as the quarantine dna on top of that they have regular progra n which has i . booked ahead. So the bovs taking advantage of the fact tney can get to see two chows 'one r,nvUafo,, . a t 'ip there yesterday aiiernonn 1 show started at two and when icameoutof the theatre it was supper time. Seeant Andrew W m,,, m Sunday at home. VOrDOH.l Vrar'r n If. ... . - " i a k. jviornson spent p vjuoiuuia. re3 McC0V 1Q cnanin C --j fuuiug a lew at homp BurkeEvaii, ia at hnmo frtl o , - - UU1UV 1U1 CI ferlev n p,..i" . Fnd. vvier ana tJedtord lnsiev snonf c i . ..... - o.amay in Asheville r r euruary iy. 111 UJlToHGAKIZtD llJ' ery Pound xuuu proauced, even if it may be ufceuar nome, releases that much morn r - If "JWit- xui nmont 1 mi , . auuau. ine the e ore, of "Thrift Gardens' two-;o!d, : -res Mr. W N. flutt iiOitkilfifliri ,. ilUilu Carolina jlx- lepsion ov-rvic-e. First , thru a,Hl onC : age the production o; ;:ciuc buppiies, and, second, to release lood for shipment to our Allies in distress in Europe. A well planned, well-rrranaged garden can be made to produce an nhnnHnnt i . uuuu"i uppiy ot fresh, wholesome fruits EP MEN LOST ON TORPEDOED TRANSPORT jMr merican soldiers Ios' A copy of a broadside forhiddpn m uermany hn? reached fhft C5nm tfeAi mittee on Public Information; St Uittei . is a single sheet of foolscap , 7 Panted on both sides, and beais .a EM not anlL r, 1 Jh8e coarsiy exec-Kod woodc.t rpre coveri i v int " ere seating asoldieriTarms, a woA- which is nvnhi. t man in a bloase. aid a wnfc m'iLZ:":; UI1,1U' shoving a rock off a precioice. ' he! I MZl' autoiA aeath whioh i. u' V L atlcies aoout $4,30 bust of thp rm., r w.a luuuiu mr months. scepteredand mustached, lookiN for is payable for a mTh . I ... r i ... c- and vegetable that will mppt th liiv needs ot the fnmWy the and often, in addition, have some to spare for thore who oannnt joy the luxu -y of a garden of their own. The size o? the garden in tnwn need be limited only by the size of tne io;, whi'e the garden in the ountry shoi .d be limited to thp upp.y of lab jr available to insure 11S hP!Pd 1A,'1 1 Ir.i. r . Til , , nnfl foii. o.,; . : " to "Wi v'ai,-a A"e nana 7. ; r T '-n13 the country garden can be out m the woods and and hu IroH,, . , , , -uu iu a iuiuumum Dv snaoinp pancher.o death to get his hide the rows wide enough apart to Td p. mil ui the eonvpnipnt co rtf ',. fn ..r ,. :u j i it . - me cm iu.. m wnu cms aiJU saaaie horfe n,,llivr,tnr I ,h BengaHigerarid ride him into , , J Il.: ". whipping him with a rattle dilated by the use of a Snrr m herii hrwi-o thot I vw.v, .au wv,jo, U1UI mADnr-KT CttATTt Charlie Reed, formeriv nf-th ML t iUIiTED Company, who was discharg- tfw useless 'to plant a garden un- JW3 11 piuiecieu against tnedepre dations of poultry mid other live stock. One or the other must be fenced in. In the cotmtry, where the poultry usually has free range. the dai ger to the gnrden from tl is source is not so . uious; but in tow., wheie the range is limited, poultry must be confined. The garden in town thea becomes a valuable source of green food necessary to profitable poultry keeping. A well planned garden should in clude a fairlv wide radge of crops, at least wide enough to satisfy the varied tastes of all members of th family, and sufficient to. provide a bountiful succession of prod uce throughout the whole year. BULLETINS AVAILABLE Detailed information regarding the culture of different garden crops can be obtained fi rn the bulletins of the Agricultural Extension Ser vice whicn will be sent out free to individual growers. Farmers' Bul letin No. 647 of the National De partment of Agriculture, on "The Home Garden in the South," is es pecially suited to country gardening in the South. Farmers' Bulletin No. 18, on "The Small Vegetable Garden, with suggestion for using limited areas, wdl be of special in terest to people m town who want to get the most out of their back yard gardens. These latter public- Qf?rnc will hf eint frpp nf nhardo i ' 1 u A a l j ut-.r ... . i 1 1 wriMiiu in vi r .ifivf-iiu ja u rim i; n.. r, civ whs orEani- J - - " vv. , th- l u u 1 ivionoay afternoon uCl ivisiuu - ui x uuuuauuus, up in terror at the fate imnenni The last paragraph of the text is i ii t. . follows: "Man of toil awake from slumb'eij Kecogmze thy growing midiit. All the wheels will lose their motiun . . without thy strong roi's devotion TA . . i . uown with the war! Down with the Govern inert! Peace! Freedom! Bread!" NAVY jETS 6,1 00 GLASSES RV APPEAL THROUGH PRESS NEEDS MANY MORE Over 6,000 glasses of various- kinds have been received by the Nvy in respond to its call through he newspapers for bmoculars,.?Py- peiation in c,sS of vto ui - ueaen cianes and can go as himh $10,000, netting $57.50 a m inn ior 224U. months. The compe-isador in case of uoatn, given the finvprnmnnt wilhdut charge and regWlPso nf - Vw VX rancor pay, i ges from 5J9n $75 a mcmh, has -3d o, the nnmh of dependent;, . Pav nents under the compen$..'oii fP lture of the military anri nJVal insurance anf in case of deith ar- payable to p wi. dowv children, or dependent widow ed mother. 'Hie automotk; insurant opaQOH on february 12, out the compen sation feature oi the act i- a senar- MT'Z .'sector in rrrainewhereout . O LlJ UlUKr I IV I jtlin. lfirfPQ ara in a. ... " '" "uus. - ray continued relatively aetiw County Agent McQung explained throughout the week. Tbe affflte the object of the meeting and the duels took place intermittent ST 1 organ;2iag fog and heily rainSi idutry engagements. TheGermans attempted no further raids, and settled down to systematic sniping and bombing of our positions. . "Our sharpshooters avp Q - gvwu. account of themselves, keening th enemy parjnets wpll r Germans. "One stretch of our li ha ia ' ci5e up to tierman positions. "German aeroplanes have made repeated attempts to push- their re connoitering sallies over our lines . were invariably met with a hot fire' from our anti-aircraft guns. Our forces mgig-J have shown themselves well fitted for their tasks in the trenches, and are rapid ly becoming accustomed to the routine of trench warfare. The tor mutual aid. He kn n..ti;n UU111UCU me proposed work of the Farm uemonstrati'-a Agent, Mr. J s. A. Gray. District Agent ,of Western North Carolina, gave an jintprestijg addre s aud out ined widt is bving cone, in Swain county and m other counties. Mr. Gray showed the necessity for farmer tn produce more than heretofore, show. ing that if we fail to -produce our necessities we must suffer. Mr.' Gray further shewed that can produce staple farm crops and nogs more economically than th iNorthern fctaies. He emuhasiPd the value of soy beans as a forage crop ior hogs. He showed in a forcible wav how farmers can acr-omplifh most for ate provision. The sca.e of com- glasses, telescotas, sextants, and ehronoinetersv There is urgent leed for many uore. Heretofore the United States has oeei- obliged to rely on roreign death folio wi (f)For a wioow alone. $25 (P f 'or a widow and aiu ohrtA r a wii ivv and ; rfco, 17.50, wii 'Uiui'.io to: .1 .tat i.s s..pp! oi such articles. Jhese channels of supply being closed, " it- h s been pessary to ppn! q cti patriot ism of )riv i'i o .'in s for 'a. fir h:'N.ivy." Ail article thoum be taeted with name and - ddress of the don- or and sent lo Hon Franklin n tu i"e amount pyaoie Koosevelr, Assistant Secretary if fiMiv,fiii, ....... - " ' JA. V1J 11 I I f 1 1 I II two chad eac'i u .,- uitiii. cuiia. Lo ivvo. (d) if tliere be no widow, then for one cniid (e) For iwod iidid., c,3u. (') For mree i.-iha 0, wi u two. (g) For a widowed mother, gj. I uauer th:d be greater .ne JNation and themselves hv fhnr. wplfa rP ftf mil fyr . 1 . 1 n,ih .... "-"" wuctner m uisauncaut-u. iv.r. lirav hr pf. tne trpnhc s . . it, , , - : . " lcsl uepots, is j vAHiajiicu me rnemods ot organ - thenhienr nf th ;m r- iiiniicuiaie person zation adopted by some counties a! concern of all our commanders when d ffpront fnM,noK-M pu wjininanaers, v ivTiuomua dlC UlMISI IJIH msinri! tnr . ., rtT tK .. " . " iV1 in tn wx uuijlv orKanizauon. hp rrpnohr in on; t speaker showed that the Fanh But attempts' to break up our tranZrt v oioi mcoia cwuinns. nawhppn rortni.i., . . ' . IVnUtailV MS- Mr p.ro , . . wtc U1 uur wounoen vjit4jf ouj vCU mar farmers at nnr tip ri HrMO;n anrl mnU. . " " ooiug SiailOHS, 8S ucuidu 5 not competitors v(m as at our base hospitals is be .oin-. i ;U. juoicover. np ia oampri rn tk : i ... , , , - o va im OUICIII lllf SKIII snow.M mat sf : churches and "Here in America t nr mv.4 mtucuB d ..: i sierea. mpnts thntmin: n , , , . uauilUK ui Bur npw or Prof kh,w3c ;.;,!,. i . 6 "ut ucw dr -'uta viicuvcAuuriea ai rnies is nrnpooH nd y Ae:it, g - ho. i ; and Urge their o cooperate in every wav. nnu x ... i'2MUJft oi:n rnnooL1. lJ,om3inmg 18 wrong with LJUIUO IIC 11 bllliOO 1N;)rtnUaroIlIlaiQ at she has i west per capita wealth of W' teinthe Union, excebt Miss- 1 S-.iDni. IS tliP rAnnlnomn tl , . mt-t wuwuoiuu icauueo dv U a. rn PEOPLE OF STATE NOT SATERS. 5 i i 1 the any he Navy, care o Nava Ohservpi- th., 8K u,ty. WariHngtoD. D. C. Those not tne total amoUlu p.yaOie to t e suuable vv.ll be returned to senders w.dow and'eh,! ui, L not ? 1 T-o fill rannilr .11 U 1 j. "ut CA' ''uiu"' icwius wui uc a.fpt oi ac" ceeds$;7o cepted glasses : o they Liay.if p oss ible, be returned -.1 the termination .k. A ,rT , of the war. j vVAKNI.hG k UiiD AGAlNoT As the Government under the law , Sai-vllC i0 S.:iNDi. FAxXo can not accept services or materia j Another scheme for swiiuffng vitnout pament M viU be paid ' the farmers oi uie United Jtatej A,r eacu rticle au- ed. has been discovered by tne Federal 1.800.0.-0 mv.EN uvfi ENGAGED .'"n Loa.i Boaru. aian adver IN AGRK ULTuR 2 IN UNITED I tising himseii as tux autiionzed or- ltercst is bein v . luoa woit uei . rr '" yiuu8iuu reacned - 11 iciJiia nil, rt i: i mimhs if LtTiri r i v j I in MDnnAMrt I . - - - . v,v. uuu ui -.. uivucuouu, -uirecior of v ,vu"cl,"i; 1,1 ie several new vvtr bavinas CommittPP nf xt . , mem firs tn opIp i't tho . " . ' ' " "vn. Minima Oftor 1 .... J ' hw flrot c , rr I , "iii a UUBC SlUUV Of uiai oui!Ji n ii I iK l it-1!-1 1 iimi - I The box con ista 1 af hospital shirts, !jiures whicn represent North Caro Rwi-i.itiiro an) rili.v...o I .111; I S flfPlimnlo -l i.TnliL ----- i - . . vouipar- uur Chairman. Airs. S. W. Fnl..' ed with thp vnlno f k- . - " v i v. ui uei an n u a 1 visited the Red ..ross work room nrrkr1n-!n A j- . i . .... . i f i-uuvuvii. Acmm no frw rt a ie m AsnfiVl hr st uPPk anrt n. , .ught back sevetj new id.as anri 2' Worth Molina's wealth i3 i ir ii i fiffi linn i 5 .vuo.uuu.uuu wnile she nrorliiroo every year the sum of $500,000,000 folio-; iQt- Mici" Jies being pres- k ncJ'SRf. rah Bell. Bu WT! cnerri! anH a;a n:n- 11 llSs Rr .,1. l t... iu&, nd Mio rrtu, 11 WHs as president -herril . 6 I lr r-. . thnm.,.L L' isner as secretarv few lcafiv6s of the town will :esillts are!? Week and splendid astic a h yc'-iea Ifom so enthus Qh, riorkers. early v' have h-L?st 01 August, and KI 'Dand yield more mlr wer corn. Price &p' Wilkes, Sylva,N.C. TTnitpd Stntp.s Dfnfrrtmpnt culture, V ashing on, u. u Let us make e erything count in our' thrift garden.! this year in both cou try and city. By autumn we I ' 1 1? 1 "11 I nope nu oeneve tiiey win uecorne victory gardens. NOTICE. Notice is hereby give a to the public that I will apply to Governor T. W. Bickett for a nardon for Ed ward Bryson who was convicted at the()ctber term iyi or tne sud- Rrinr f!onrt nf Jackson Countv on the charge of retailing spiritious liquors, this 18th. Feb. 1918 ' Mrs. Vira Bryson. SVATES. ccrdag to a 4pjri( ji ie 1,800,000 women engaged in agri culture in the United States, V3();000 are under 20 ears of age and 1, 050,000 are negi e ?. A majoi Ity of the women wor !iei.s are i'ouno in the Southern 3iui s. mi t g l a ine lines 01 work m whicn wo men will be iueiy to increase their farming activities, according to the report, aro vegetable gardening, poultry rairing, butter making, hog raising, etc. it s su : ;ested that women who know how vo operate motor cars may wi .h little addit ional training operate tractors. lOti.l d3S'V . :-jU..ioc. n out adveriisiu iea with the nation- JF0 rBOS! at lie will orgaaze .H SMOKELESS FOVv DER PLANTS WILL HAVE CAPACITY OF MILL ION POUNDS A DAY Plans and contr jts are complet ed for the construction of two smokeless-powder plants, each to cost approximately $50,000,000. The estimated capacity of each is 500,000 pounds of powder aday, and from 10,000 to 15,000 men will , be employed at each plant. The initial output at each factory s expected not later than next August. Much of the product wil be available for the allied nations ganizer of aationa' fa Me lons is jeiidai nattee emolazoaea al flag, stating th idch associations at $o00 each, and will terh others the tricn lor p cer- .... - - . 1 lam !uin or money, liis'advertise- mems have reached farmers and business men ovor a large part of the united States. He claims to be so busy oiganizing national farm loan associations Mat he .ieed3 help, but will take time.-to teach others' for a monetary c;.s?dera'ion. Alisuch represet t ione are frau dulent. In ordei to borro .v under the farm-loan act, ,t is necessary for farmers to ora lize co-operative national farm loan asssociaiions in local communities, it j? a violation of a ruling of the Federal Farm Loan Board, published more than a year ago, inr a national farm loan association or a joint-stock land bank to spend any noney for pro motion purposes.- Associations thus organized will not be chartered by the Federal Farm Loan Board. Farmers are warned therefor against anyone asking a fee for his proffered services in connection .with annlvind for a In an nnia. u ... JL o -w. u 1VUU U11UCI III federal farm-loan act. h 'is flhnnf t' I..!. . i- . vune a nice litvf 0 sum w:s rea zed from the hex Supper, giver Ths mean i he says, that the StatP the P-1 . Trocs " ui 01 produces every four years as much The time of min, h hPPn wealtn as sne ns been able to O - "-vu 1 cn yea irom iut-s.-'nv tr vvTHnp ho wil help are r( '"'u P8 unnecessarily . oi aer ladies quested to o'- .lo meet promptly at 2 CHAPTER ORGANIZED The Jackson County Chapter of the American Red Cross was for mally organized Tuesday evening February 19, by Mrs. 0. K. Morgan of Johnson City. Tenn. Short .talks on R-d Cross work were given by Rev. J. A. Cooke, wh acted as tem porary chairman, M . Eugene Ward, of Asheville and Mr. Mor4an. The following officers were elect ed: M.Buchanan. JhairmAn- T O Wilson, Vice Chairman: A. J. Dills Secretary; M D. Cowan, Treasurer Executive Committee: Rev. J. A Co ke, Dr. D. D. Hoc.jer, Dr. A. A. Nichols, Mr. E. L. MiKee. Mr. T. . J. Powers, Mr. W. J. Morns, Mr. J. V. ! Keener. Prof. J C. la, ram. I The work room will continue un der the direction oi the chairman, Mrs. Mary C. Brinscn. Much credit for the success of our Chapter and in our workroom is due to Mrs, Brinson's untiring efforts. Mrs. Jack Morris. Retirii g Secretary. Fred McCoy of Camp Sevier, spent the week here with friend jumuiate in 250 years. That we are a people who waste Mr Stephenson doesn't hesitate to n He has facts to prove it. The aver age wealth per family in North Carolina, he says, is $845, or $169 per capita. Recent surveys show that a fair standard of living calls for . 709 per family or $142 per capita. This leaves a nr $136 per family or $27 per capita which is far above that required by an efficient standard of living. "If every individual," says Mr Stephenson, "will save his $27, this year and lend to the Govp only $16.72 of that amount, which he has been asked to do by the Gov ernment by purchasing War Sav ings Stamps, United States Govern ment Bonds. North Carolina then will have no trouble in raising her $50,000 000 the amount apportion' tionert her for financing the War." ini Mr. Stephenson thinks the peopie will do, and believes that trom this year on North Carolina wi become a State of savers and will leave her unenviable position at bottom of the list of savers." The Red Cross wishes to take this-' means of thanking M. H. Morris for a uou oi material for the use ' making garments and bandages. Frank Jones of Camp Sevier was in the city this week. Miss Came Gribble of Savannah is visiting her sister Mrs. Charlie of r-V'-' t - It .1 i . t -1 -1