iw .;v . - - . . T ' i- .-.. - ' er, beginning MARGfl THE8TH. 1918 " vol lv no. 7 . j1:X: : . Kjy vu . 1 " 1 i L - ' ,'v:t:',ivi QVr uA vr r . ? " , r-r----trr . . .... rr . u i u A: -rVt - .t .. il V l u o : ... ; . -- ,.::,.V VivtV ' ..' it 1C. i pTC. PRITCHAR 12 HILLED IN KAILROA iyRECK Xo Speak In Jackson County I Columbia, S. C Feb. 25Ten A.-niPSdav. March 5, Judge Jfcter Persons were kUled omridh. r prifchard of the United States . ceived injuries, from which thev HAS BEEN r PROMOTED MRS- SUTTON DIES r TU flfiAND LODGE OF NORTH $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE CAROLINA later died in Coiw nhio , less njured when train No. 42. from opartanbur. nrflsh u of. No ifi: ;mii "ie rear p;v. A:'.. um .Wiie, near lluai 8 nation, about be. his subject; Patriotism wiii occ:-t red about 12 o'clock is theme. He is a speaker of t'r.;;uc,ri 7- all traces of the . C A I ,,M1 rlv;it Court Gi ppcdi&, win ope jacLson. county on vvpr .oav- itb duties ana cares ro speaK to have ever conirontea . trie V 1 American people. will be his Americanism i ? uvu"uw, viias re- centty passed the ; examination "for ph :rmacisj's matethird class -in a letter , to a friend he states u Ho fheme yrwiu - i . , rw.. - mc ioaal fame; he is a patriot of ,;CK n;!,P a cleared away by 8 ova tv. He Mns nspn w v iV"-a iwuvv-i m 1 J w HIV, Ci( IS onft ff tha sn ;;.ace on the Somh. many months, thfe heavy fen- 1 1 . .wocppfmn. creea or Donncs: hp. pi"uiu - - . vrij.iT . - . tki tirlnninrl rvf jisstanaiiiK neiuuu me war .wnn . ""J' "wums, me neavy fen his soul, mind and body, He ?me 3tKe Spartanburg traifi shear Mieves in the support of our armies irs Way " through the wnndpn UW- - - I .. - w W J aDroaq; r.e uuicvcs m mtruouserva- -.: "am aneaa, tinnflf -puir resources at nonrm. Hp v'uu",u6 wi ' u e lives nt fho livu v " I - - vuv believes that every man, woman passeners in its path. The two andchild has a part to play in this rear coaches of the forward train great conflict and he comes to make were Practically demolished, and small bis appeal to every one. L.et every ui me aeatn list in j i 1 I V1PW rf f Fiq J:, r.i.i V1 -uuun.:'JIl OF mp wrpolr. ed coaches, is one 6f the mysteries -W.-S.& Mrs. Julius Sutton.' of Dilkhnm red Lambert Hooper, .of- Syiva. ? dSt onday. evening.' She had who enlistdd in 'the' -hospital 'com JS5un?ed Asheville, where of the nayvvlast summeV; has TeJsh'had been in. a hospital for-the " --vvcwi weens, on the evening traiq anddied about two htfurs af ter arriving. Shewasthe mother I 'mt he is .w-311 pleased with his ,new rT" dllildren' oIdest being- OUR NATION IS AT WAR duties aTg;advise his friends to ' the Wt eight ! Many of our people are awake to join this ihach of the service if in I mS-ths !d- I this fact, but tho.nH. el Vet realized what it mem. ijr g giuuau ana tne service: was conducted by Rev Lambert. w. s. Winston-Salam. N. n Fph nth iqio me Mast.rs. Wardens andBreth ren of the Subordinate Lodges un der the Jurisdiction nf thp fiM Lodge of North Carolina A f A . i , U1JU . M. . - Brethren: Bufenobled And they gather with friends " and the dear ones at hnm the fire, or on summer's long days - And tell 0f the times they went "over the top" In the earlv - .nuigui naze. Should they ask you what vn r were doing the while "VJ in doubt aso-vvlnWbranch. to get iniu. ivir,rriooper m now located at the naval.tr-aining station at Hamp ton Roadsj Va. Asheville Citizen. Joe B. Keener, another . gui kylva.bosjs-, also nsspd tha vnr: natidnwas promoted. - -w. s. s.- IILLSBORO. A PLAIT- TO PROMOTE ...THB1FT "'""tr parent and child, teacher and stu- Bent, preacner ana layman m tact "OVER THE TOP" let every man woman and child who 1 . . ... . . leheves m America and who stands for our nag hear his address. .He i speak m DilJsboro at the Graded m building at 4 o'clock P. M. Wc will begin the first chanter of " 1 T J 1 a 1. I .1 r j lie a 1. lufbuay ana ai me Aimi- uver hp nn"n0vfV,.'. n.- - p "al -wc-a. mis story in 1 uun lUWUdV HI O VVUS VVIluen 0V an Arflor non ,K w - ".i.vuvuu. VYUU niidL' P M I k - 1". o-' " uiuiituo ui cteiuai .... o. o.- - -ervice in the trenches in Frn " M. Tl,' t 1 . , ... . . MMN IIMWAII V"5 08811 hundreds of Ublllll UiiLfll ULllilinU thousands nf npnnlp or, r "iiu 10 U11C ui ne iTioEt nonninr fifrrfco tveuave ust received a Ipttpr vvnrlH iuor . vv ' tne Carolina' CreamervX. nf Tt is a mo ctAr., . : . . r. Hum uegmnine We,,n which they state, that to end and is -the .thrilimd' pvvl- eyareoind fonprn mitfrfn l7n.A V5- ..'i---: rsP 7T-,'tf ! v D -o -v- luiaigci. uc 11 mis young American who antities than ever and that they got in the war two years ahead of anvcrlico in - e mi u: . . -.lwov in pdpci iur miiK ins country Farmer, if vnn hnuo Hinr West Raleigh, N. C, Feb 27, To encourage thrift, -among school children as well as to promote its I own circulation, the Progressive I Farmer, of Raleigh, is offering a prize consisting of , two Thrift I b tamps, for ea eh new subscription ochliu uy any ooy or girl who wishes to join the Thrift Club now beini organ z-d by tbjs paper. In addition to promoting thrift among the children, this action will have the farreachiag effe-t of oe ginning a -campaign which wil, eventuallymem better farming iii North Carolina because of the or - We wish to ex 'end our s?rnnatlv i senc8 of a farm journal in the ho n- to the bereave 1 familv According to the exerts of the i Little Miss Jielen Allison of Bark-1 n tu- xte:isioa Service, every nome should have one good farm Mrs, EUgen BenrH AshevitfePrFky, returnind Wn. '"J '. - . r. - I Y'J.iwi vaun 11c Mrs. D'eck Sutton of Greenviilp;V 'sentR by -any boy w SucSl ui ner sister. Miss Annie-Ttfllfint ' Lewis.;Cann )n, returned to Camp Jackson,. Saru day. - - We .were, yery sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Julius Sutton, who has-been ill for some time, and wno .died, last Monday evening H-ocivauonor your liberty and freedom, your homes and loved ones is at stake.. More than a thousand North Carolina Masons and another thousand sons of Masons are in. this fight, and this is but a beginning unless wo nnf "eartSand time ,and money into the causa , There can he C f , . UUUI 01 iinal victorv if WP ClinnniKf Government as we should. : At a meetiheld in Washington in December, representatives- of all fraternal orders being present, tHe President and the Secretarv nf thp (treasury requested our co-opera- uou ana nelp: Our representative u Luis meeting pledged the yal support of North Carolina Mason ry. - war. to the world's greater help win it- Be sure you can look them right square in the eye And'truthfully say, "I was in it." If you have not already done so u,ac yu display our Na tional Flag in your Lodge room. Let this proclamation be read to your Lodge at its next regular communication and let it k Iished promptly in the next issue of your home paper. Fraternally yours, Geo, S. Norfleet, Grand Master. Attest: NOTICE in HIV . . . w - j journal and one good daily local ers CreeMias been visiting citv. - . wr V. Mrs. P. W. Kincaid left MnnHnw paper, or at least the for Knoxville, ?here she will bnvipaper of the cuaty. No man or the new ..spring hats for the ft on wniinery I epartment. - news- news W BEAKS FO!? FOOD - X Editor of the Journal Please al low me space in your columns for these few lines. The farmers of this section nrp glad to see these warm sunny days. ana to hear the sweet songs of the .-1 1 ' Tom ?ii nnrfo f a spring mras. UU1 dil Parts of the ennntrvJ . ' M tie past few months letters " ' AshevilIe has bouht vecome to the North rHn the SelIei'3 stock of goods from Wm. tat Station with reference tp Qpii soybean flour or meal for , Jllde "ers, says winter has ?adng can be secured Nnt. ?50Kfn- "esaw a Wlld ose going lsng the fact that several a Pretty g0od Slgn- - uime again Judge. I itfWill be to your best interest ism Mr. ittle: get into communication ii-l M 1 111 at once, as the price of milk ,mucn higher than it has teen in the past. s wish to call attention to "their on another page in this issue. w. s. s. Read every word of it. -W. S. s. woman in, the State at this nerir.ri of national strife has ithe right to WUiHOT. irl I mf v- X J K.f j ' - in tUn .... 1. . nanpr nr ho o o!o!r" : in Luc auuuuiium cutiiieu- . the oiarvci is ti true ex- Rainbow Kimoua Society. Admis-' pressioa UiSe;1 correctly. No other sion 25$,- Every body cordially in-! oanization in the United States W. W. Wilson, GrandSecretar w. s. 6. TO FARMERS Thp Qf-of T7.i4. n '. . - - Tha . . Aieussioa norticultur 1 lie annual ftimmnm'f.nt'An ISt anH thoPnnnt.. a .... :. ---""u"a-'vu ui wuuiy rtyeiii Will give ine Urand Ljde held in pQio?.h pruninLi anri cppH I fl(!f mnt, - .. u'su " win gciiumaaon a.-i montn fairly thrilled-with - n tests at Mr. T f! R cnoasmaud a resolution was unani- Marcb 5th at 9:30. ' ' mously adonred oninrt a. On Ufarh ru' . . . ir . r . v "s upuu me um aymmng aemin-' ivi dsons of this Grand .InricH?nfir, stration will hp j 10 assist the-G vernmeat in al! its orchard .of Mr. Frank. Jarrett Dills- cuueavors, especially in the sale of boro its securities, and No ...uuuuu uie . . uu,,uiu w piauieu Willi Grand Master to issue proclamation out testing the seed for germination accordingly. in order, to determine i th vitbiif,, . t- the seed. Seed Corn . dprmmo; .j fleet', firnnd TVfactPf 'tit I fpufo will K . -. , xwwix mtiaous in 1 "ui w vjuuuuciea in otnpf n 01 ui Carolina, ao call upon every lwnsnips, if farmers will co-oper-loval member of thp praf- frt ate i-n advprtioind h . . and assist our Government and its order to get other farmers to in rfh Carolina mills have crushed during the past several r-.iar there has not been a eff.rt on thp " .r KP mill. . vuu"! to nut nn th ; hnA f "IMl ill fcl Nina pouU u 1 . T 7 m ue usea by house tins Seen : tn nffr. t unci a very '8 held for tho rcturer whn ,t,ai , aian in a "Uay.at first t mis demand, states Mr. C. QSce r,f tt .. , - WArtm- c united states nbstiti.f s suggested .ration nf snuVio ,.. orflur men! cu ?. 00 Car k a SUD8U- e.C be made and at the same ith,,: UUJa to simply meal that luced tn o JS now Dem ittm; 0 ULC1 nneness and if III nun Kd rres that n Public, either tn tl,.. uu noni tolOn. pucKaSes of from with fln uuuu' e" ldSP0..rui or by itself. Ir I II IMri J di ,; "s Would be a fiobd ion. w. s R hteHJ ,AUK SALE-Ihave , ' Vd"ety rxf . . the J . UOrn tnat 1 Mi 1 01 August, and eJ matured- It isex Hirww UdIia will IpM 1 anv t ' wu .mine .Sylva.C, SiP'Wiik( Law talk -is the -greatest issue of .1 1 cne day here. Zeb Nations says his 'chimney corner. law" works very ,vell in some instances, but he can't do anything with the Selective Service Regula tions. The school closed here Friday night-Feb. 22nd:f with. Mr. W. N. Anderson as Prinninal and Missi Bird D. Shelton as Assistant. They had an interesting program for their closing exercises, most of which was in honor of oui Nation's beloved son.. George Washington r V7 n The entertainment was attended by a large crowd, and every one seem ed to leave with a snirit of natriot - x x-j ism showing in his fane We ex tend our thanks to both teachers, tor the success they have maae in their school work, and the faithful performance of their duties. Wilmot Whittler. . -W. S. S NOTICE. Nntip is . hprphv diven to the - " J o- " nnhlie thaf T will annlv to novernor it - -rr ' T. W. Riekett for a .nardnn for Ed ward Bryson, wha was convicted at the OctjBer term 1917 of the Sup erior Court of Jackson County on the charge of 'tetailihg ' spiritious .This 18th Feb. 1918 Mrs. Vira Bryson. vited. The'Dillsboro Sewing Club met last Thursday e-ening at the home of Mrs. Mont C. nnon. Xfcer sew iag games we.:e played etc. Damtv.refreshm jnts were served and every one enjoyed themselves very much. Those present were: Juesdames, L. V. Brock, P. W. Kin caid, Cole and Mont Cannon, and Misses Eleanora Cleav eland, Bonnie Sherrill, Beulah Dills, Dorcas and Ellen Fisher. Sam Belle -Mandp Connor, Annie Tallent. Nina Knslev y Eddis Morrison a id Mtirgnret Buch anan. IheClub will be entertain ed at the home 0 Mrs. Cole Cannon Thursday evenim' Little' Walter Moore, Holmes J;l and Elvira Brysou spent a few days in Asheville last eek. Roscoe Parris 0: Raleigh visited relatives here last week. ine Junior aewms Club met at the Jafrett SDrins Hotel, with Miss Janie riarkins, last Saturday after noon. F. I. Watson ma'de a business trip to Sylva Monday. Mrs. Jack Ledfcrd of Asheville attendedthe burial of her daughter Mrs. Sutton, h re, his week. Miss Freeda Isa ic of Asheville has been spending a few days here. W. S. 8. 1 CI -v r y-J . . 1 10 icoyuuuni" uire patriotically or unreservedly to the aemands made upon it than, is the press. It de serves support even f intelligence d33.s not -demand every fafinily to keep well informed. It is possible that some other papers could use this plan to good effect. W. S. S. BAPTIST MISSIONARY MELT1TG. tend. at- J. M. McClung, Co. Agent. Ill A . -w. o. s.- A JACKSON CO. SOLDIER ; Dear Mr. Editor Just a word vo to the dear old Jackson Cnn folk. I think it IS f drpQf nlanmi.. cui. picasuic The Annual Meeting of the Bap tist Woman's Missionary Union of this State, wili be held in Asheville, March 26-29th. This ordaniz iti is composed of the various mission ary societies throughout the State, and the meeting in Asheville is ex pected to bring between - four and tive hundred lelegates to that city. A splendid programme is now being prepared: Dr. Victor I. Masters of the Home Mission Board, and Sec. Walter N. Johnson, of the State Board, will both speak on Wednesday night, the 27th. A t that service, a double Quartette the students from Mars Hill College, will sing, on Ihursday night, March 28th.- Dr. C. N. Pmnock. a mission- agents in every way possible in the conservation of food and fuel, in the sale ot all its securities, in gifts to tVin T?sA r - T . ncu uuss ana 1 . ivi. u. A. war funds, and iu the cheerful payment ff nil : 1 Ul " iuacs imposed upon our people, to the end that our Army kO'lH NoiTtr nnA 4-V i? .... xciTjf a hi muse ui our Ames " i-iuiiui viusc a word or may be sufficiently clothed, amply two t0 the dear old Jackson County enninnpd nrrtnorltT fi ,1 jm; . folk. T think It to n rt i. 1 -i.u, puiv icu, ctuu uingeni- 11 jo a gieai pleasure ly cared for, that this horrible war t0 get t0 senda ew items to the may be brought to a sneedv and Paper. fsucctssul end. . e boys are having a very good The campaign on just now is for titne here togetherI like this place rfio coin tu: r. . 1 tit - mnph KottM. U t j -j -m 'c ui iiuiii ciuu war oavings mtm 1 mu uamp be- iciuips, wnieii many Deneve to be xuuueeu a. piece - tnat my the best investment, the Govern- a Inend Jess Moss had written to ment has offprpd ita the Journal 1 a st wppk it-lJ jywn;, Hie purchase ofthese stamns not nnlv 1 , j neips our National Treasury but en courages thrift, a much needed practice, among our neoole The Grand Lodge has ourchaspd one thousand dollars worth of these stamps, all any one is allowed to buy, and I urge every subordinate Lodge in North Carolina . that has lunds available or dam save about "XU the Journal last week. Snnw about 14 inches deep here but it is about all gone now and we nrp having a good time. There were about 38 of us boys went to hear Billy Sunday preach last Sundav. I hope the Journal will have some ne,ws from old Beta next week. T would like to be with home folk now but I don't know how long it will be till I get to see home folks seventy dollars per month to do the Iorldon t tmnk we will be of J same. If your Lodge cannot buy a Washington long. 3e, thousand dollars worth hnv pVprw WeH I want to 1 VI VI T 1 -ww dollars worth you can. I call upon at tell VOU all thaf iVTt Taoa lf A T t fir 1 uwo m. muss irom weoster is WHY CAPTAIN DORSET RESIGNED Capt. Dorsey wi mes his friends toknow wny no resigaed trom the Unrted States' Army." Capt. Dorsey received official no- ices that it had been decided to transfer him to the Infantry .-and regretting having to leave his company that he ergani zeckin Western North Carolina, ten dered his -resignation.-:.--which was accented. -'January 30th.. Cant" Dorsev mav be called back fntol T . . - " I 1 i .1 - 9 . . A service Rerarfrf neaniTMTteT': nnt he says it is not likely; that it depends more on tne lengtn or tne war. wuiiu you can. 1 call upon vo uvu ueusier is .. . 1 .m 1 rnn rsrt- i warn - ooiuii- r pvprv ni aenn in h n f, I t..j uccjl iiieiiii i navp in Wnohi " I i.iuuuu in imo vjidllU IUriS-j i aouiug- ary that has spent 25 years of his j diction to purchase everv stamn hp on he is mighty good to me here auth- ran nav fnrnn tn thai',: j T in CamD. ; i-vy j;uiuidsc every Ufi in A fr!o orrl. mKn in t V. nl. A U'l"u "" uuiii- j can pay ior up to the limit, and I .mu omv.jf me can upon you turther to hnld all V4. J. M Government securities and to en- Romance of. Nigeria," will speak. The day session will be m3t inter esting, and will be entirely in charge of the women. A delegate from eacli 3oeietywill be entertained free of charge, and m 1 J v I visnois wm mm spamai aies ior , best and di it now Thpnfn. themselves at the local boarding ' instant action is imnerative . n, hMi rr r r fr-mA n 1 t-i r v- r 4- w.11 -1 1 nuu , -. me 11 wm sons and brothers have already be held in the First Baptist" Church! , gone to give their lives, if necessary w. s. s.- I shall we with, hold our dollars? If r , w , 1 j' I vou da your best, victory will be , Holmes. Bryson has been to -dif4 "v, oti70 ; " e ' , ' , . . . .. , 1 . much sweeter to Vou when the boys ferent markets latelv hnvinrf dnnrfs i v . - . v j- - ."7 uu u "-a j - tt - "-ra come marcnjng home. : .' for; the snnng trade. He says mej-KW.rreff those of our boys return chandise is scarce but he managed, ! : ' hoine from Franre S , r Wbp missed death in the ' war'i awful toll. . 1 Blind and maimed and' crippled for life in camp. Guess I had better close, Felix H. Montieth, courage others to hold 1 the ' . . Ponton 464 ReiL. rather than sell them at a Wasnmon Barracks, Wash. D. C. discount, thus impairing our na tions credit. ' 1 uo your nir, out do your -w. s. s.- as he generally does, to get a ood siipply.Irs. Kincaid is in market iu:. ..." l, 1 : 1 : 1 1 : L 1 . uis wee a, uuyiug uiiniutry iur ma .lllt 1 ftlllslioro Dlace. ..Tjrrrr ' SEED CORN GERIUIAIATIOH TEST. A Seed Corn nerminarinn t .uvauu XCOl will be given at the home of Mrs. David H. Brown of Webster on Mar 6th at 3:30 P. M. These germination tests are ab solutely essential if one would have maximum yields. Germination of corn is very uncertain r. this yaar. This islhe onlv wav tk 'Hptoim;nA itS Value: V::.- - If ydtrdojriot test youVcoralfc ig Drobabl&that - vnn win-. h t nwnt vmir-fiAlrl attain rru .... . ii i'" --- ' .. --a. jt . rn. rJ,s.- iup win joe teo late to mature? . T. A: Stitch "in time avpa -n;nA An ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure." x v J

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