,1- e blacker. "'IV ' ' A : i ' tfuy Liberty Bonds! Don't b it ; . . Sliio VOL. IV NO. 7 Victory is a Question of Stamina sena-tne wneat Meat Fats Sugar the fuel for Fighters IN 1TEP STATE? FOOD ADMINISTRATION w. s. s. LIBERTY L0ANW0RKER8. Sylva, N. C, April 6th, 1918. Liberty Loan Workers: The drive on third Liberty Loan is now on and will close May. iourtrj. Let us git to work as though we had only one day for this drive. If you will put your heart in this work we can accomplish wonders. Do your best and if you only secure sale of one fifty dollar bond you have done your duty. Application blanks have not yet been received, but will distribute same soon as they arrive; but don't wait for these, but get the subscrip tion and the first five per cent pay ment and send to your subscribers' bank for them if not convenient, for hem to look after it. Payments are as follows: 5 per cent down, 20 per cest May 28th, 35 per cent July lSih and 40 per cent August 15th. There is not a man in' Jackson ' county in good health who cannot buy at least one bond of fifty dol lars, if he is patriotic enough to suffer some little self-denial. It is either "GO ACROSS OR wiuli nv,nvu nun w v j uiuu should either pay or fight. Send in names of subscribers promptly, as we will begin r.n "Hon or List" in the Jackson County Journal by publishing name of sub scriber, but not the amount sub scribed. , When this list is complete we can place the slacker w ho wants to ride tk.n,.-U .1 II 1 t wiuu&n on me dioc a or money ui is neighbor. Don't put off starting pn this work, ut do it today. H the people will just realize what Qis war nu-ans. thf loan would be ver subscribed in a day. They sustwake up to the situation.. Yours Truly, E. L. McKee, Co. Ch'm Liberty Loan Com. w. s. s. WBEE RED CROSS. TheCuUowhee Branch of Ameri Red Cross was formally organ- ontriday night, March 29th wort tMIUc jynolds, M. Buchanan, Prof. Henry, nenson and T. A. Cox. Ihe iollowing officers were elected: Reynolds, chairman, Mrs. T. A. vice chairman; E. H. Stillwell, treasurer; Mrs. F. L. Wells, secretary; Mr u r . . . "cmy jjryson, chairman ot tne wr!iroom. illterP?tinri nrAdrcinn was rpn. uWf-H K,, 4.1. . in x ' "y uie uuuownee stuoenis 'eughttul evening was spent. Jte Culiowhee Branch has en- ea sixty-seven members, and men orgaaizaiion was 7 ponea on account of small pox mic, they have already made uawe contribution to the Jack uaU)unty Chapter. , W. S. 8. OF THANKS wish to thank our many lttm fnr u: j j. -w Liicii H 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 muu rn 110 niir. long sickness and recent 11 Of little Ann?- k - -uuflirs.u M. wells and Emd ILfl A JACKSQJilAN IN THE AVIATION SERVICE Dear friends: Since I have been in the service of Uncle Sam, I have thought many, many times that I w.uld write to the. Journal I have put it off from time io time; I have actually gone so far as to gei my pen andpaper for the purpose of writing, then something would di vert my attention from it. Many people of Jackson and Transylvania counties and a num ber in Hr. y woe ', know me person ally. It is thL portion of the peo pie uiat I think of most; it is to you i ..... i chieily, that I w.sh to write this evening;! t us you who bring before my mental vision ixi:..,y of the happy scenes of the past and cause me to live over again, in sweet remem brance, many of the lovely exper iences with you Tar Heels. I . call myself a Tar Heel with great pride, as I think every North Carolinian should, and especially should those of us who now wear the -uniform tak pride in the name, when we consider its derivation ard mean ing aud then think of our present responsibility and how tmuch the world is new depending on us as soldier, is we pay our debt to hu- m-rity bycoffering ourselves to up- noia u.e nonor mnentea oy us trom our nolle forefathers ard prove to the world the truthfulness of our much prided reputation of being friends to humanity and defenders and protectors of the weak and op- pressed. T v rie to my personal friends that they .may know where I am and what I am doing.. There are many to whonr l v: 6iritkewirffei1 personally, but it would be too great a task.' to write to all that way. Then too, there are many - who do not know me personally but who have a little corner in their heart for me as a soldi rr bey from Jack' son county who is t heir representa tive and who shuli soon go a3 such to pay the "Huns a vitii.aud help to pay them what is due them in re turn for their inhuman cruelty alike tp virtuous women and their white headed parents and neighbors. Probably the modt interesting .U.n knt T nnn ffil! vrrkii 1 o mr OV- I unug mdi i tuu icujuu io injr v,. perience in the army. My home is WoJt MO'-ntmn, or ramer mai is my parents home, for my home at present is in one of my uncle's tents or anvwhere that he may see fit for me to be. But alter a brief visit to- -fBerliL, I hope, my home shall automatically be shift ed immediately ;o Jackson County I was in school at Brevard Institute of Brevard, when I decided to join the w and on December 3. 1 VA W J ' I was in Aseeville for that purpose, but there I changed my mind and joined the Aviation Section of th Army, after carefully cousideiing both.' I, with 95 other boys, was sent to Fort Thomas. Ky- (about 7 miles south of Cincinnati, unio; and there we took the oath on Dec ember 13. There I stayed until February ' 20. Thirty-one days of that time I spent in quarantine for J measles, official ideas, etc. On Feb- ruary 26 I left fort Thomas for the Kelly Aviation Fields near San Antonio. Texas. We, 86 of us, had a lovely trip by way of New Orleans We reached camp on the atternopu of the 20th, when I was sent 200 or 300 hundred miles north to Camp McArthur, where I now am. I have seen more flying machines and cactus plants down nere . inau all the June bugs ana caDDagei plantshat grow around home. Were here for-only a snort ume, gome writin . . J'. And Dlace it on a stai only thing we need Detore going across tire the- orders from Head nnartprc tn dor I think each man in .n.fHrnn U anxibus to i tart 111 lilts V- W . t u:i, thft nicest and best snuadron in tlie army, and I am sduadron in the army, anu i ap jsure that gov lter; Jgo gentle - SYLVA, N. C, v y Cm w I- w.v . manlv and nicer offic er can be found :n the army. Tr ?y aD love iUjd r.re loved-by their n-L. Army s not so bad after i il, as many wouid have you believe. I like it first rate, myself. I w old like to. write along letter of en' Suragement; to mV bov friends who will -.soon' iiiswer rthe country's ! all, but I haven't timeJor but a few. words : fl0Wt Boys, you cai. ii. e it ik you ,n irvrtrtd trv,:han-L;jaioufihaM idtf Ve 'iVmelri'Fo'our boys to us at 3 deer i . -Mm . - . -. 7 ' ,t is ail riht for a sewv ;-irl a ioi is not :-u- Pe opti- ways from homt by it jro'jri i.e for a if1 mistic if necessary, vjnst t-hi- k; from the time I joiner be Ariiiy 1, h ive seen only two per o.is that I had previously met and since some days before I lefr Ke' y Fields I have not met a. mii rorc iNonn Carolina. There is not one in ihis squadrou for I have just looked over the addresses and . far as I know there is not one in the camp. We are like brothers and look like; . 11 I a. I brothers, especially a suori wnya lff - - So do not worry, boys, for it i ib nf nn 11SR j C6uld wrUe all nht and stffl S0Illething more to say, but I ( must close as it is almost bedtime 1 and wlun bedtime conv s here lights must go out and all mo ,t be quiet imm jdiately. If this h tier escapes ( the" trash basket I will write again soon. Most all of a soldier's pleas ure comes from three sources: 1st from his memory of tlie past ex periences; 2nd his tiope forthe fu ture: 3rd, which includes most ot his encouragements ar.d much of . his pleasures, arelthe leners he gets . Mrs. E. L. McKee, rounty hair from home and friends Write t .; rrian of the Woman's Libertv Loaa your soldier boy friends: if your . C'dmrnittee, has completed her cr duty, a large part of your "bit" for , gmnzation of the women o' he your country. I am writing to you for two reas- ons: Fimf it is a nleasure an. 1 . k a jut Second, it is for the hopeof soldier's reward letters (toi& home and friellds. Every worj wiH be appreciated and ans- I r V v.,. ; nermitted' Bearing 3 in mind the possibility f M . "over there and beind prohibited from writing a letter .for oubijcation. I shall use this as a.; nnnortunitv to sincerely bid you K db fiood luck and God bless t ' naii ciose by quoting a poem jeatitiea - "The Soldier' Mail": ig paper. And place it on a stand: Don't say TU write it later,' - But take your pen in hand. It will take but a minute I , , " To sit down and start. :4 Be patriotic with it w " " ; 1 ffj fflrjps heart APRIL 12 1918, Now I am not imnnsi 6 Excep upon your h nd- rjut, evtj.) so, you re cSoi.' . To help your native laud. Just think of what you're doin To help your land be freed, Arid the courage that it is bre : In the hearts of those who rt ev nil welcome a letter, v irh love ;iud.all good cherf ; Mow tiis I'm asking of you- At oesu't take much kal, E.al ihovvs yoiji he? it -s purr and To senc "The Soldiers Mai; ' -E. Egan. Yours truly, Wm. Ore. j? P.ucer. 613 Aero Sou dx on . . " a ci o.c Sec tion. Ca.np Ale Arthur, vaco, :'jxas. w. s. s. CUT THIS OUT IT 13 WORTH MONEY. . Don't miss this. Cut ou this sliD.encloseWithfivft nenfstn FaIpv Co., 2835 Sheffield Ae., Chicago iTIi Wnti dvnnr n9mfla n,n clear)y You wi!, reoejy3 fa retum a:trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Con pound,- for coughs, colds aud cro ir ; Foley Kid nCy Pills and Foley la har ic T9b- lets. For ale by Syivj Phar nacy. advt. w. s. s. l'S-UBEn- LOAN I JIM ill I: i: coumy, wun ine ionowiug i&aies as ' " -l f 11 . i n. chairmen: Mrs. Mark Jarrett, Dills-. boro: Mrs. R L. Madison, W-bster: Miss Daisy Davies, Culiowhee, Mrs. W. M. Fowler, Gleuville; Mrs. ( has. Bird, Qualla; Mrs. J. M. Rigdon, Tuck- aseigee; Miss Maggie Hunter, Cow- arts; Mrs. Wm. Ri Jdon, Canada; Mrs. George Cole, Cashiers: Mrs. ). H. Jtiall, Gay; Mrs. Dan Bryson, lie' a; Mrs W. B. -Farweil, Balsam; Mrs. Jpe Mallonee, Addie; Miss Betty Snyder, Willets; Mrs. C, C, Cowan, Sylva, report of their sales will l e i i i . i t . .. pnnieu m me journal eacn v.eeK, W. S. 8. Irs. C. L. Allison and son Edwin are speuding a short time at Bark er Creek, the guests of Mr. and Ms,S. a Allison. " ; lrs. H. M. Hooper and little son, John Lamb srt, visited". friends and IreMves-in AshevuTe the latter "part won $50 REWARD FORBESERTERS The following men of y6ur coun ty have deserted from Camp Sevier", South Carolina. JKCKsqN coram Hoyle, Dock H. Company ,!D', 119th Infantry: Deserted Decem ber 2, 1917, age 27, height 5 ft, 11 in: black hair, blue eyei;: weight 150 lbs. Enlisted at Sylva, N. C. A reward of $50.00. wil be paid to fjy person for the delivery of each and every oe of the above deserters to the nearest Camp or Army post. William G. Green Capt. 119th Inf. Comdg Co. D. w. 8. 6.- IIBfRTYBONORALLY 1 ovvers. i huirman of the ond Committee r itsday evening Townshp Liberty called u meeting ! for r'j ourDose uscussing the ssle of bonds. M. a shori calk, telling they would have t this wr U won, ; of tni lii is wi;; r aud Ttv aers had t dviri ' i 'se war he: ? f i- G. Inr, poi eol marKs, people would lit? ly ni- I before 'he ijfihanan made me peopie now sacrifice before iJ related some ir forefathers . k f through with "pen the States, n made a few raang that the ' : get rightepus- a ould do things done. Prof. In U3 U'-iy hould be ,J. if aril, Umt'Stafe3 was ; Hitjng for a good cce, aud hi believed that if ; we dni ovir pun j would give us uie viovuiy ait A-m ume. ne ! was followed by ev j A. 'ooke who s-di i he v,as a :' s:U. but thai twenty mile battle line a few deep he had some doub:s as tj the out salients have been driven b the come of the war, and if ;very other enemy, b it in the process the Ger county in the State wn i just like m ias novaere have been able to Jackson and every rta.e the same, breat through, the line merely there was no doul ' in hij mind but beaJiag baci under the great pres that the Germans would be ictori ous. He said he spoke what he knew to be the truth. H 3 then told of having preached a sermen the 31 of last month. He said he had a very good sized audience and just before he closed his sermon he touched on the war, whea the peo ple began to leave the house until when he finished there were only a few left in the house. He said it was only six railed from Sylva to where this took place. We all hate io hear o' the war, and we have heard of only a small pait of it, and if we do aot beginfto realize wht we ire up against thoe who ruu no . whtn they hear the war mentiored v-ill finally " see the word war before their eyes and it they do not w.ike up to the . ser ious less of i b fore it is too late, it will be written in lecters of blood across the horizon. Then it will be too bte; our sons WI1. be dying by the thousands, wi ill probably be under the rule of he Kaiser who will not want us to loan our rjorey to him; w ill have to pay it as a direct tax. Hon. John B. Ecsley has returned from a visit to his .son Chester, at Knoxville, Tenn., who was suffering from a nervous bre k down; Ches ter is very much improved now. W. . 5. THIS WOMAN FOUND RELIEF. Backache, ore iv uscles, stiff or swollen joints, rheumatic pains, diz ziness and like symptoms are caused by disordered kidneys and bladder. Mrs. Thos. H Davis, Montgomery, R. F. D. 3, Ind writes: I doctored months without relief. I commenced using Foley Kidney Pills and' got relief. Eight battles cured roe." $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE KEEP 1 CXJMING We must not only i feed our Soldier : . . at the front but the millions of v women & children behind our lines' Waste kothejg -W. S. 8.- AMERICANS REINFORCE BRITISH LINE. American troops are now rein forci g the British line in France, along which the greater portion of which the Germats are keeping up their string attacks with hordes of men and great concentrations of artillery in assaults that now aDDar- ently have their objective in the penetrating of the battle front in Northern France and Belgium. It ' was a happy lot of m3n that -swung into the sector choien for them, and they were greeted with great enthusiasm. From th 3 south of Yprei in Bei- gium to th region of LaBasse, in j France, the new offensive of the Germans is being carried out with ! great desDeration. with thousands of 1 men, under eov endeavoring to pierce the bravely defended fronts held by the British and Portugese and now also at so.ne unnamed Doint bv Aoierinans. Oa several sectors of the new sure. Particularly deep are wedges northwest of Armentieres and North west of LaBasse Salients which seem to make certain the evacua tion by the British of Armentieres and to threaten seriously the im portant railroad junction of Bethune. w. s. e. DILLSBOROJEO CROSS. Mrs. S. W. Enloe, Mrs. LV. Brock, Mrs R. F. Jarrett, Mrs. Mont Can non rnd Mrs. Cole Cannon went to Webster hst Wednesday afternoon to help the ladies. there get started in their Red Cross work. Several of the ladies have joined here and are very enthusiastic in the work. A shipment has lately been made consisting of hospital shirts and pil lows. Another box is now almost ready to be sent away. A box of surplus clothing has been collected among tlie ladies and was sent to the Belgian Relief. We have just received a supply of yarn, which will be made ihu socks. No more sweaters will be made for awhile. We wish to thank the colored peo ple of this place for their cohtribuy tioh to our Red Cross. We appre-1 ciate their kind and generous aid , w?s. s. SMALL BLAZE. Last-Saturday morning while Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Mil'er were eating breakfast their house caught fire in trie sitting room. The flames were soon extinguished and the fire did little damage, but was in a fair way to get under good headway whea discovered They think : the fire started in a box of chips tiat waai Mi ? v.- (i J ' If -. 's -t i" r! j