SYLVA, C MAY 31 1918, A PROCLAMATION the President.' - " ' . , . AND WHEREAfhe act of Con,- resq annrnvwl M 'WHEREAS Congress has enact housaSST the President has, on the 20th . teen. entitled KAn:act: to authorize , nnp thousand ninehun-s the'Prp.sin'pni- tn VntA, i' Ani m iuuy. i : luvxcaoci icmuura- y luc lvmuary ,LstaDiisnment of dred and eighteen, approved the followin 6 Public Resolution: and the KeSolved by the senate House of Represenatives of a States of America in Lon- ICU 4 ; ocQpmbled. that during the uwv - . . , - emergency all male persons and Uni gress present ripns of the United States, all male persons residing in the United States, who have, since the fifth day of June, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and on or before the day set for registration by proclamT ation by the President, attained the gdeof twenty one years, shall be subject to registration in accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the President, and that upon pro clamation by the President, stating the time and place of such regis tration, it shall be the duty of all such persons except such persons as are exempt from registration un der the act of May eighteenth, nine teen hundred and seventeen, and any Act or Act amendatorv thereof, to present themselves for and. sub mit to registration under the pro visions of said Act approved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and tered in the same manner and sub- !. -1 i k n - r-i m i - 111 nr . T 1 hi- 111 i 1 1 r- ,n i . ii mi ii.iniiiiin fi i in as those previously regis- ;ered under the terms of said Act: Provided, That those persons regis- :ered under the provisions of this A shall be placed at the bottom Mthe list of those liable lor. milita p service, in the several classes to they are assigned, under such - - slesand regulations as the Presi dent may prescribe. Sec. 2. That after the day set pder section one hereof for the station by proclamation by the esideir at such intervals -as the esident may from time to time prescribe, the President may require fat all male persons, citizens of e United States, and all male per- presiding in the United States J f to have attained the age of twen- Jl-one years since the last preced- psMLe oi registration, and on or fore the next day set for the regis rafion by proclamation by the pident. except such persons as n exempt from registration under fact of May eighteenth, nineteen ared .and seventeen, and anv fCt or Ante om 4 be registered in the ame lannerand subject to the same dements and liabilities as those P'usiy registered under the ;ernisofsaid Act: Provided ' That Nts who are preparing for the trv 1 ' vglliCVA iiicuiugiai rUvmitv soli are preparing for the practice lcine aad snrerv in rprn- P medical schools, at the time 106 approval of this Act shall be .?Pt from the selective, draft pre 7d a the Act of May eigh- 'u,ninpfooK. k, i j j iaa,u uuuureu aiiu seven- SEU. That :Q resist prpH V'l. " 'iu an sucn persons shall be liable to Ser .ice and to draft under ierNS Of Rnid Ant orwworl 3vd:,l. "VF"'. 'KQteentli j sucn regulations as m iay Pcscnoe not m- ipnt ... m the terms of said ' That all such nprsons subject to the terms. arid 10Ds and liahii5t;e teaiA lhl 7edMay ehteenth, nine ni . "vjuiircu, ill oil vto dS It 1 i , . f . - n . uey naa been regis me terms of said Act, Vlut on ,lnftB u t,.. UDOn thft- rmMira- s- rucmraawon py iae uniteq states, .contains the following provisions oec. o. . . . Andany person who shall wilfully fail or refuse to Present himself- for registration or to submit thereto as terein provid ed shall be guilty of a misdemean or and shaiVrpon conviction in the district couit of the United Stares having j Tist!; jtion thereof, be pun isrlai by imprisonment for not more than one y ar, r-nd $hall thereupon be duly roister Provided that in the c jLlpiihe docket precedence shall be given -in courts trying the same, to the trial of criminal proceedings under this act. Sec 6. That the President is hereby authorized to utilize , the service of any or all departments and any or all omcersor agents of the United States and of the Several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, and subdivisions there of, in the execution of this act; and all officers and agents of the United States and jf the - several States, Territoiics, and subdivisions thereof, ai.d of the District of Columbia, and all pers&ns designated or appointed under regulations prescribed by the President whether such appoint ments, are made by the President himself or by the governor or other officer of any State or Territory to perform any duty in the execution of thio net. are herebv reauired to perform such duty as the President shall order or direct, and-M such officers and agents and persbns so designated or appointed shall here by have full authority ,for all acts done by them in the execution of this act by the direction of the President. Correspondence in the execution of this ;ct may be car ried in penalty CiiveloDes bearing the. frank of the War Department. Any person charged as "herein pro vided withthe duty of carrying into effect any of the provisions of this act or the regulations made or direc tions given thereunder who shall fail o negfect to perform such duty; and any person charged with such duty or having and exercising any authority under said act, regula tions, or directions, who shall know ingly make or be a party to the making of any false or incorrect registration, physical examination exemption, enlistment, enrollment or muster; and any person who shall make-"or be a party to the making of any faloe statement or certificate us to the fitness or liabil ity of himself or any other person for service under the provisions of this act, or regulations made by the President thereunder, or otherwise evades or aids another to evade the requirements of this act or of said regulations, or who, in any manner, shall fail or neglect fully to perform any duty required of him in the ex ecution of th;s act, shall, if not sub ject to military law, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the district court of the United States having jurisdiction theredf, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, or. if sub ject to military law, shall be tried Kir nnnrt-ma rtial and sufler sucn . . - punishment as a court-martial may direct ? ' No wr therefore, J, Woodrow-Wilson. President ef the United States j n ,r' thp dnvernor of the several States, the Board of Com mission ?rs of. the District of Coium-1 bia, and all members of Local, Boards and ag-nts thereof appoint pfl imder the provisions of, said .act of Congress approved May 18. 1917, to perform certain duties in the. ex ecution of the foregoing law., which duties will be communicate to' thern. directly in the regulations prescno i' i - -r . . ', . .' . '' ' . , . rr " " -; .. . .. ; . . . - ! . Tired of 5avn jT'W H. . You don't know ' ' - t 9 vHat it 5 to be 'liMS' $1.5u THE YEAR INi ADVANCE D1LLSB0R0 "OVER THE WIN RED GROSS DRIVE ed under the of 'said . Public Resolutions. And I do further proclaim and give notice to every person, subject to registration in the several States, and in the District of Columbia, in accordance with the above law, that the time and place o? such regis tration shall be between 7 a. m. and p. m. on the 5th day of June. 1918, at the office of . the Loca) Board having jurisdictian of the area wherein he permanently rj! sides,jor a4 such other place as sha$ be designatedhy public; notice hy such Local Board. All male persons, either citizens of the United States or residing in the several States, or in the District of Columbia, who have, since the 5th day of June. 1917, and on or before the 5th day of June, 1918, attained their twenty-first bifrhday are required to register in accord ance with above law and the regu lations prescribed thereunder: Pro vided, however, That the following persons are hereby exempted from registration: Officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the National Guard and Naval Militia while in the service of the United States, and 'officers in the Officers' Reserve Corps and enlisted men in the' En listed Reserve Corps while in active service. A day for registration in the Ter ritories of Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico will be named in a later pro clamation. As' required by the regulations. every Local Board having jurisdic- ion in a city of 30,000 population or over win pruuipny tauoc mayor thereof to be notified of the place or places designated for regis tration; every Local Board ' having jurisdiction in a county, parish, or similar unit will promptly cause the clerk thereof to be notified of the place or places designated for registration, and every Locah Board having jurisdiction in a State or Territory, the area of which is div ided into divisions for the adminis tration of the act approved May 18, 1917, will promptly cause the clerks of the townships within its division to' be notified of the place or places designated for registration. And I do call upon every mayor, county clerk, or township clerk re ceiving such notification to have a list of ; said places of registration posted, and do charge, him with the duty of having all persons making inquiry informed of the place or place's at whicb they . may" register. ' Anv rson. who. on account of sickness, will be unable to present himself for registration ? may apply on orvDeiore uw uay vi ioau at tbe office bl any tocal Bparcl for instructions as to how he may reg ister by agent. Any person who expects to be absent on the day designated for registration from the jurisdiction of the board in which he permanent ly resides may register by mail, but jiis iegistration card must reach the Local Board having jurisdiction of area wherein he permanently re sides by the day herein named for registration. . Any such person should apply as soon as practicable at tofeeof a Local Boa id for juistlSffons as"t6owTie 'Say reg ister by mail. Any person who has no perma nent residence must register at the place designated for registration by tjie Local Board having jurisdiction of the area wherein he may be on the day herein named for registra tion. Any person who, on account of absence at sea, or on account of absence without the territorial lim its of the United States, may. be unabh to comply with the regula tions pertaining to absentees, shall, vithin five days after reaching the first United States port, register with, his proper Local Board or as provided in the regulations for other absentees. In witnest whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affix ed. Done in the District of Colum bia this twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighteen and of the independ- . ence of the United States of America, the one hundred and-forty-second. seal WOODROW WILSON. "By the President: " Robert Lansing, Secretary of State. w. s. s. fifVES HER LAST DOL - LAR TO REO GROSS. That was a pathetic- scene when Irs. Letty Shook, a gray haired old lady, walked into Red Cross head quarters Honday morning and told . J, Dills, Chm., that she only had one dollar, but she wanted to do SQrifething for the Red Cross because she bad a son in France who was wounded and she wanted to jdo all sb0 pould for the great organization that is caring for her boy while in a foreign land. ; w. s. 8.- - Mrs,. R. R. Fisher f Addie was here Wednesday. ( tJV,JE. Crawford of Cullowhee was iniiylya last-week and subscribed foflie Journal. One of the busiest weeks ever Spent ty the peopje of Dillsboro was the one that has just-passed, begin ning May 20th and ending May 27th. Every man woman and child has been glad to do his part and Dillsboro . has gone "Over the Top'' The Red Cross War Fund Drive has met with success everywhere but in no city, town o village has more interest been shown or more en thusiasm beenaroused. Thursday night an ice cream supper was given and the proceeds were one hundred and twenty sev en dollars. A cake which- brought $70.60, was given to the prettiest girl. All day Saturday the ladies serv ed lunches on the streets. Attrac tive young women, dressed in the Red Cross cotume, met the trains with trays of good things to eat. Lunch was not served in 'the homes that day but everybody had a cup of coffee, a sandwich and a piece of pie at the Red Cross counter. At the end of the day one hundred and ten dollars were in the hands of our treasurer. Monday morning at t ten o'clock, every car in town, beautifully dec orated, left the dep )t, drove through Sylva, Beta, Addie and Webster distributing circulars which adver tised a rally to" be held that night. Hon Felix E. Alley, of Waynes ville, delivered a patriotic address and told -of the wonderful work be4 ing done by the Red Oross every- where and especially for our boys "over there." Miss Dorothy Moore and RalpL Jarrett were the soloists of the even ing. One of the' most attractive features was the music furnished by our colored band. They ave been organized just a short time, but their music would have done credit to a veteian band. Several selec tions were given by Mr. Biddix and Mrs. C. A. Bumgarner on the violin and banjo. The school house lawn was bril liantly lighted and ice-cream, cake, lemonade, candy and watermelons were sold. Everybody took a chance at the lavalier, the, clock, the ten pound box of home-made candies and the pig, donated by Mr. Frank I. Watson. The merrymaking lasted until everything was disposed ,of and our treasury was one hundred dollars greater. ; ; Dillsboro was assessed four hun dred dollars, but through the untir ing efforts of her people anil the generosity of her citizens, whose subscriptions varied from ten cents to one hundred dollars, she has gone "over the top" at least three hun dred and twenty-five dollars more than ber quot w. s. s. . ALBERT PAINTER DEAD Albeit Painter, who hid been in bad health for several months, died at his home at Cullowhee, last Tues day and was buried Wednesday afternoon at that place. Reys. Har ris and Teagus conducted the ser vices. He is survived by his wife and one little child, and a large number of relatives. w. s. s. Mrs. Candace Brown of Cullowhee passed through Sylva Thursday, en route to Ashe ville, where she will spend several days with her daugh ter, Mrs. E. F." Green. Th re are now eighteen register ed Shorthorn hulls in this count". Miss Rebekah Cathey and . niece, Miss Otelia CatKey,: spent a few days last week jn. Bryson City, ' 'FINE CATTLE SOLD AT SYLVA. The Short Horn' cattle sale here Wednesday was a great success, the average price paid being $22. Of the twenty-five cattle offered for. sale.-seventeen of them were bid in by Jackson county men. Below we give a list of the pur chasers and the amount paid: No. 5, Jackson County, price $475 No. 22, T. L. Gwyn, Canton " 50 No. 23, Chas. Teague Franklin price. 235 No. 20 B. P. Ho weir Waynes villa price , 500 No. 2 W. R. Moody Erastus price 250 No. 17 A. B. Dills Sylva price, 255 No 51 Vi auovsu x ClgU5UU vljrUC Price . 300 No. 13 Hayes Hooper. Glenvilie Price 34o No. 16 Whip Smart Franklin price 215 No. 18 Dr. Teague Whittier price 230 No. 19 Dr. Long, Lake Junaluska Price Knft No. 4 Robt. Raby, Whittier price 350 iNo. 6 Mrs. Davis Zachary, East LaPorte, price 100 No. 1 Frank Holden. Gleilville, price , as No. 6 Ben Dillard, Sylva, price 150 No. 25 T. L. Teague, Canton price 30Q No. 14 Ralph Hunter, East La Porte, price 5$) No. 8 W. F. Holden, Glenvilie, price 134 No. 11 F. L. Owen, Whittier, price 145 No. 15 D. U. Owen WKifHW ' No, 7 W. R. Moody, Erastus, price 150 No. 10 C. C. Oowan, Sylva price 125 No. 9 W. R. Moody, Erastus, price 150 No. 24 C. C. Cowan, Sylva, price 210 Mr. Frank Harding, secretary American Short Horn Association, CoL Seale of Alabama, field aent of the Short Horn Association; CoL j.1 . m, mcKss, me auctioneers ot ivansas City; Mr. F.I. Derby, a prominent Short Horn breeder of Alabama' Dr. Martin and Dr.. Legg, prominent Short Horn breeders of Huntsvillcv Ala. Mr. R. S. Curtis of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Messrs. T. L. Gwyn and F. T. Peden of Springdale, Haywood Co. also assisted at the sale. After the sale Mr. Gwyn, who had worked up this, sale for the State Department and the Shorthorn Association and also others who were connected with thp mnvpmpnt nmoon .kv selves as being very much gratified at the result and were especially, pieased that all thj cattle remained in Jackson an adjoining counties.. After thj sale the white Bull that was bid off for 510.00 by .B. P. Howell and T. L. Gwyn was re sold to Mr. Marcellus Buchanan for the same price. -w. s. s.- rO THE RED CROSS WORKERS AND PEOPLE OF JACKSON CO. The Second Red Cross War Fand drive is practically closed. The (!nnntv, has dnno "nuap-,. tkA' o--""-" luc-iuj;. xMmost every township reports in excess of the quota placed on it. The result is gratifying. I wish to thank the people of the entire coun ty for their assistance in this grand work. The result of this Drive is credited firjt to the workers and then to the entire people of the countjr. A detailed report' will ap pear in next week's issue of the Journal as we have not the final report from all sections at handnnd cannot announce this.week; A. J. Dills Chm. 2nd War Fund ;Drive Jacksoq County. : v ' . ,