VOL. IV NO. 7 " "BILL AND V0PJ1 Kaiser Bill died. His beloved fr id, Herr Von Hindenburg, labor i, : under a mistaken idea, thought hr te tu of c d P SI: as of th ,vent to rieaven, wneu as a mai of course he went to hell. "Kul "had established (not) a means communication, whereby they ;d communicate with their ten hear ted loved ones who had d to the beyond. Von de- ui to have a talk with "Bill' jd central to give him the office ;aint Peter. She did. "Helios is "saint Peter?" "Yes," was the vser. "Well" said Von, 1 wish ar. - Ik with mine old friend. Kaiser to V helm. borry, dui you nave th wrong number," was the re sp iise. Whereupon central gave V- a the proper connection. The w v3 being so hot the fuse blew out. B; Ais time Von was getting very ir jh worried, and in a very stern ai.- commanding voice asked cen tr i to give hime the ."trouble de p;. i :nent." She did. vHel!or is this the rrouble department?" Von ask ed "Yes, this is the 105th Field S ;ial Battalion, Dan Tompkins at . i tnir.il th phone was tne answer. wen, tl.l is Von Hindenburg speaking to yc What's the matter with the w cs? I fail to get connection with ir ne friend, Herr Wilhelm." "O, I si ,"Dan replied." You want hell.We ai now busy working on your wires, ai. ; will give you the proper con nation at once." "Gude by Gud by, I seem to have the wrong de pf-:ment." 1 L.ets not forget that our boys are new within the danger zone. Let3s ey rvbody do every thing-we caiiJtQ ai i encouragement. They have tli Huns on the run, and they are to win this war just as sure a: die Kaiser made a mistake in w ijing it and what's more, they ai not going to be much longer f! ',,t it ,. ith best wishes to all, I am Respectfully, R. M. DrLLARD. w. s. s. fa STATE COLLEGE Dr. Riddick has not' filled up the college quota for Plattsburg. Under a rent order the college can send f 'y-five of its students and two t :hers. .eases Men who go- receive all j and army pay for the ! W AT I t'i.,p. Students of the college ' v !io wish to go should write or tel-1 c;"-aph the college at once. The i i il day for reporting at camp is 1 :ust 10th. ooine of the State papers have ra giving figures as ta "the num t : of men which tie different c -leges have in the service of our country. State College has 952 i n who are known to be in the service. The papers give only 700. at figure is probably about fight ) i' the number of State College i i who are overseas arid on . the V ay. College will re-open on Septem- - M The catalogue calendar says 5 Member 4th. This postponement 1 is been made necessary on ac- unt of the presence of soldiers jn iU college dormitories, and shops, ui on account of the absence of 15 of the students at - Plattsburg arracks. . ' "' . '"'"r Five or six special practical , war b urses will be announced by the ollege in a few days. There will a course in mechanic arts; ; a --urse in automobiles, a course in 'ectric wiring, and perhaps a tU;Irse in road-making. W. S. S. X: Miss Ruth Cook left Monday for Asheville, where she will spend . a ;w days, and then go to Spartan urg, S. C. Ibr ar mm d m stand? It has been asked so many times what qaiised thisreat war and there have been as many answers as the different minds could muster up. As; Ada-ii sinned we all in Adam died "and rin and Satan havp hwn ot work; in the hearts of men ever - siniice; a::d from that, dry until now, when the devil would get such a hold on a man that ruled a nation until he thought like Paul, when he was on his way to Damascus, that all. pre - wrong except himself and all must bow down to his rule; then you: Will see a disconted people and hey will fight .and lie for their rights and liberty s. my answer would be: the devil is the whole cause of this grert war, ; s he was the first ever to raie war far we are told in God's Word' uiathe raised war in heaven; then he was bound and cast into the j)it that burns forever, and he should be loosed on earth for a season. Now. I think he has been loosed in the form of the Kais erjpf Germany, for he began making preparation over forty years ago, that he might bring war and trouble and bring the world under his hellish rule and terror; so he gathered to gether his allies and swooped down on little, weak Belgium and begun his cruel work by killing the men, ill-treating (he innocent girls and murdering ths children, until France could stand it no longer. Nation after nation saw the great yci;e arid burden he was trying to place upon the world until we, ii::e the other nations, could - stand it no longer. Then, our great President, with his heart uplifted to God. in -praye us lemug iu luegruciiis oi momers and the cries of babes that the cruel Kaiser, by his U-boats, had sent to the bottom of the briny deep; with their hearts bleeding in sorrow they answered our great Woodrow Wil son "We ar ready to stand at your back until we hear no more cries and groans in the migh-y deep and the world has her liberty mid the people are free." After due consid eration and much study and prayer and long forbearance, our country called and our noble boys answered: "Here am I; send me!" and our noble sons begun to rally around the flag pole of the old stars and stripes. Many of our boys are in the strug gle until she shall come fluttering in the air to her native land with her stripes brighL and her stars glit- tering and our boys, with a smile on their faces, shouting: "We never let her go do wn in defeat, nor drag in the dusf. no, neither did she get wet in the sea." Then, a a she enters our harbors she will fl itter in the air and say, in whispering tones to our mothers: "Glory to God; honor to vour sons: peace on earth and liberty to the world." On which side are you? The dev il's for war, or God's, for liberty and peace? We, who stay at home are allied with one or the other; now how are you going to show which side you are on? Are you going to show our boys you are allied with them; by buying Liberty Bonds and ; War Savings Stamps and helping the Red Cross, or are going to show that you are allied with the Kaiser by keeping your money in banks or loaned out at big interest to some private trust, and not doing any thing except standing around talk ing hard times, riding -around in an automobile and stabbing your boys in the back? Let us as'k ourselves; where do I stand? J J. S. Leopard. Cateechee, S. C, Mrs. D. E. Brysori went to Way nsville vesterday for a visit with relatives. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Grind staff, of Franklin, a daughter;. SYLVA, N. XX, THE SIMULTANEOUS REVIVAL MEETINGS Most of the meetings will start Sunday morning arid the others will start Monday night. The preachers and churches have responded nobly and nearly all the churches will be included in the simultaneous movement. I want to request that thje preachers make a daily report to us, so that we can report the meetings to all the church es each day. Just write me a post card, stating the number of services held, number of profession arid the number that have been added to the church. We will do our best to keep the work before you. Following are the names of the churches and the preachers who will work together: Floyd E. Dendy at Cashiers Valley L. H, Crawford " Hamburg, L. Owen W. F. Cook at Wolf Mtn. J. L. Young at Sols Creek R. N. Deitz " Tuckaseigee J. C. Massengale at Balsam Grove R. L. Cook Johns Cieek Big Ridge IV. T. Potts T. F. Arrington Speedweir Cullowhee J. A. Snow B. N. Rogers Yoder Davis Balsam Mt. Pleasant Buff Creek John Hoglen Western Parker W. R. Bradshaw Ochre Hill Scotts Creek A. L. Beck, W. E. Long at East Fork A. C. Queen at New Savannah J. T. Carson, R. W. Green, Savannah" A. C. Bryson Jesse Holden W. N. Cook at Qualia Zion Hill WilmpU J. S. Stanbery illsboro smuaeerr fcTSavlsIW. Anthony at locust Field M. A. Norman at Cedar A. S. Solesbee " Webster We still hon to be able to secure preachers for Sylva, Little Savan nah and Yellow Mountain. Shoal Creek and Barkers Creek have just had their meetings. Now. lust this last word: let me hear from you every day, if possible during the campaign. W. N. Cook. w. s. s. ENTFRTA1MIENT AT BETA AUGUST 3RD An entertainment will be given by the Woman's Missionary Society at the Beta Graded School building, Saturday night, Aug. 3rd at 8;45, The program is as follows: Song and Prayer Quartet, by the Beta Quartet. Recitation, Miss Naomi Sherrill. Quartet, Mixed Voices, Recitation, Miss Myrtle Reed. Play (The Third Degree.) Six Feast Supper (Six cents each table.) Admission 10 and 15 cents. The proceeds will go for. the lighting of the church. The public is invited. t w. s. s. ALLEGED DESERTERS G1YE UP Two alleged deserters of Canada township notified Sheriff Cole a few days ago if he would meet them at a Certain place, they would report to him; which he did, and they re ported at the time and plate desig nated. They are McKiuley Owen and Deansoa.Wood, They left the army iii April and had not returned They left this week for camp. . w. s. s.- PREPARE FOR THE HOT WAVE The hot sun is doubly dangerous if tliprfi vis a mass of undigested food' bli the stomach. Foley Cathar - tic Tablets give ; prompt - and sure . . riiAf Thev aet gentlv but do their iwxiv - " work thoroughly. They cleanse the bowels3weeten the stomach and benefit the liver: For indigestion, biliousness, bad )i5reathfcblpiting. gas. For sale by Sylva Pharmacy adv. JULY 26 1918, JACKSON COUNTY'S RECORD AT STAKE (Editorial) Jackson Cbunty's record is again at stake. Next week beginning Mon day August 5th and continuing t h r o ugh Saturday Aug ust 1.0th; the people of this county win again be given an opportunity Ml... to say to the Government whether or not they can be counted on to help win the . war. narticularlv through the War Savings Campaign. This is the second time that the Government has asked this county to declare itself in regard to this work, to say whether or not it would pledge itself to raise its quota of War Savings Stamps during the year. It asked that this.be done by subscribing its entire quota in pledges, which was the ' purpose of the War Savings drive of the week ipf June 23-28. As a result of the first War Sav ings drive this county pledged only 54 per cent of its quota,, This means that 46 per cent is yet to be pledged. This is the task of next week. The county's entire quota of War Sav ings Stamps amounts to $285,960.00 or an average of $20 for every in dividual in the county. Knowing as we do the size of the task that is before us next week, our first duty is to set ourselves about to do it. Nothing should come before this call of the Govern ment. Our private and personal interests can be, and should be, set aside until we have redeemed our county frorn the unfavor able position it now holds in this work, and place it on record as 100 per cent patriotic. This will- call for sacrifice on the part of our citizens but' we will be a poor lot if we are not able to make at this period of our country's struggle whatever sacrifice and service is necessary to save ner righteous cause. We beiieve that this county's re cord a3 a result of next week's War Savings drive will come clear and clean. We believe that by Satur day night, August 10, Jackson Coun ty can boast with pride that her people are 10U per cent patriotic, that they are in to help win the war. and that their answer to their Government is that they can be counted on always to do their part in def euding the flag and fighting or freedom and justice. w. s. s. FARMERS' AND WOMEN'S INSTITUTES In co-operation with the State Department of Agriculture, the Ex periment Station, and the Farmers' Institute Committee of Jacksoni County, at Qualla Graded v School, nilgUSl 1U. lUUllJllig OGOOlUAl win open at 10 o'clock new time. AX., 1 a Mnrnmrf onoomn ..,511 Soil Fertility, Food and Feed Crops, Live Stock, Marketing, etc., by F. D. Weaver, of' Buncombe County, W. W. Shay, of Haywood County, the County Agent and oth ers. The Women's Institute will be conducted by representatives of the Home Demonstration Work, to which women are invited to come and join in the discussion on Home Conveniences, Food Conservation, War-time Recipes, and other things pertaining to the Home. Wherever practical, demonstrations, in Can ning, instructions in Grading, Pack ing and Sterilizing Fruits and Vege tables will be given. Bring pencil and note book! Bring lunch and ! came prepared to spend the day. 1 A Question Box. will be opened j and questions answered in a Round- T 1 1 TV i . i iauie visuussjoii m-iue airernoon. W. A. Graham, Commissioner of Agriculture. ; T. B. Parker, ; Director of Farmers' Institutes. Miss Mary Feimster, County Home Demonstration Agent. "BUT ONE WAY TO PEACE, AND ' " THAT IS THE WAY TO BERLIN ' "Editor Manufacturers' Record:My opinion is that ecaimot consider any terms of peace whatsoever with the German Goyernment as now constituted. Germany . must be licked and the Hohenzollerns kicked off the throne before we dn. even talk of peace without outraging our self-respect. . The German military ring must be broken and so shattered that it can never be reunited. Those who have been responsible for the' rape of Belgium and France; those who have been responsible for the hei nous outrages upon the civilian pop ulations overridden by Germany; those who have been responsible for torpedoing' passenger vessels and hospital ships, and for dropping aerial bombs on shore hosDitals hose who have been responsible or the killing and maiming of wo men and children in London and Paris with aerial bombs; those who lave been responsible for breaking he most sacred treaties and obli gationshave placed themselves beyond the pale and cannot and must not be bargained with in any peace arrangement. Those militaristic bandits of the breed of Attilla who cold bloodedly prepared to plunder the world and enslave mankind, and to that ne farious end planned to violate every human obligation and attribute of duty, mercy and decency, and are not nt to place tneir names to a peace compact beside those of the heroes who shall, . with sacrifice of blood and treasure, save the world Anyone proposing peace with Germany before Kaiserism shall have been crushed out of existence should either be .interned or be placed in an insane asylum for medical treatment. There is but one way to peace, and that is the way to Berlin, It will be a long., hard, expensive and bloody road, but it is the only road, and when we shall have arrived at the end of that road we shall have only a sub jugated, suppliant, Kamrad-calling populace to deal with, and the terms which we shall then make will not be the terms of bargain, but merely terms imposed by us according to our ideas of justice. Justice will make one inexorable demand on that occasion, and it will be that Germany shall bear the burden of rebuilding and reimburs ing Belgium and the desolate por tions of Northern France in full measure, and Alsace and Lorraine must be restored to France. Whatever terms may be imposed will matter far less. Hudson Maxim " Landing p G N j iilUUU 1 1 liUmi W iYO i 1 W IX f. Fifth Federal Reserve District -w. s. s. STUDENTS WARNED NOT TO BURN MIDNIGHT OIL rpi 1 t 1 : n me suppiy oi Kerosene win. run short next winter and the Govern ment is urging every user to do his part toward making every gallon to do full war duty by giving forth it& full measure of light and heat. Sav ing can he accomplished, it is said. only if care is given lamps, lanterns, heaters,, aud stoves. The director of oil conservation of the United States Fuel Administra tion issues these rules for fuel-oil saving: Keep all lamps and lanterns clean. Let the light out; don't confine it behind smoked and airty chimneys See that burners and wicks of all oil burning devices are clean. Clean burners require less "oil and give Don't allow a lamp, lantern, heat er or stove unburn a minute longer than is necessary, . . Don't light one you can 'do without. .. . Don't use coal oil for clenninff purposes. Hot water will do the! work.-; $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE IWlRTtt '.rJUMII.fMi uuui.il UftUUIillll SUUABAltDTMENT To County Food: Administrators: The allotment of mear fnr North a r o I i n a f o r A n 'a t ' l s 5,518,000 p o u n ds. This is ap-. proximately 2,000,000 pounds less than the allotment for Jiilv. Cer tificates have been issued from this office for practically all of the allot ment and the certificates that wil be issued for August will hecessari- yiiave to be on a reduced basis. Heretofore this office has desired that County Food Administrators should exercise tneir discretion in authorizing wholesalers to sell lim ited quantities jOf sugar to retailers without certificates, the certificates to be surrendered by retailers to the wholesalers later. IT BECOMES NECESSARY NOW TO REQUEST THAT NO SUCH AUTHORIZATION BE GIVEN. Certificates have been issued to every individual or con- . cern in North Carolina who got their r statements into the orhce in nrooer form and within the required period. and if any dealer has not received ' his certificates it is because (1) his statement was not complete insome detail, or (2) because it was not filed by July 15th. Hotels hnnrriind hrmcAQ nr nthoi public eating places may still be granted sugar for a short period ' without certificates, in case of" act ual distress, in the discretion of County Food Administrators, pro vided they filed Statements as re: . quired. EVEN IF THEIR STATE- MENTS WERE NOT IN PROPER FORM. A large niimber of sueh i. m. . A. jl . rr 1 aieiHenus are 111 m&.mnee- oi- pugat m vision ana are oemg vyrors ed out as rapidly as possible and all such users of sugar will be given certificates for their nrooer allot ments just as soon as their state ments can be checked over and OLIOJHLCIICU UUl. It is surprising the number of statements from retailers which came in without addresses or any ndication of where they came from I he number that came in with im portant items overlooked; some even with all the items filled in and sworn statements crossed out. Ob- viously sugar certificates cannot be alloted on any such statement All of these, however, that can be straightened out are being checked over and certificates will be issued - - tr qII rat i i I oro tirlirv r5r- in f-hcAr otata. ments, even in incorrect form, by July 15th, pro vided there is no cir- that the statements were wilfully falsified or that the dealer is not entitled to consideration. w. s. s. i The friends of Mrs. O. A,; Raby ....II a. Win jM A. I A. L A. 1 win ue jiau 10 leaiu mai sne is mi 4':-' orovin after several weeks' illness Mi3ses Hiiteen ana Kutn rTomtt nf RilfTrirr3 qpo vioitind frianrlo i r the city this week. Miss Lavinia Picklesimer, who has been visiting friends in Bryson City, returned home,Tuesday. r . t t r. is snsnding some time here' with relatives and friends. w. s. s. , LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER WRITES' When the kidneys are not work xviius lvjaiy iuu ui oiysuu 'jliy ' ing properly, backache, ; stiff joints rheumatic pains and suffering re sult. George McLain, Turtle Lake V N. D. writes: "I am a locomotive ft- T 1 1 U J J 1 eiifiujcci. i uuu a uau ymu ill my . back , and my bladder- action H was very irregular. I tok -Foley -Kid ney Pills and was relieved in a cour 'f nle of davs1 Sold bv Svlva Phar macy - - auv.: ; s W. S. S. v MONDAy Vsz so xsxjux cnjoc2i& OOHTMJilita -WHXAT - is . - Ttr A.

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