- v AMERICAN FORCES IE With theu American Array on the Sedan ront, Nov. 11, 2 P.M.-On the. enareAmerican front from the Mosell to the region of Sedan .there was artillery activity in the morn ing, all, the batteries preparing for tlie final salvos. , . At many batteries the artillerists joined hands, forming a long line as the Lanyard of the final shot. There wa a few seconds of silence as the shells shot through the heavy ' mist. Then the gunners cheered. American flags were raised by the soldiers over their dugouts, guns i: nd at the Various headquarters. Northeast of the Verdun the American-infantry began to ad vance at 9.o'clock this morning af ter artillery preparation, in the di rection of Ornes. The German artillery responded fiercely, but the machine gun resist since was tubbprn. Nevertheless the Americans made progress. The Americans had received orders to hold the positions ' reached ; by 11 o'clock and at those points they be an to dig in, marking the advanced jyositions of the American line when ceased. .-' v Along the American front the eleventh hour was like awaiting the arrival of a new year. The gunners continued to fire, counting the shells as the time ap proached. The. infantry were ad vancing, glancing at their watches. Then men holding at other places organized tit .ptipnsj to make thesyMSfcme. ' vg? ;i - STS. 'V There will be a 1 call meeting cf the church manager of each church to plan for the million dollar cam paign, which is being carried on in luis state:' ,.he -TucSaseigee Asso d uionis to raise $3000.00 of the uiillion. The following men will meet at Sylva Baptist church Nov. 19, 1918, next Tuesday, at 1 0 p. m. BL L. Hyatt,: Whittier, Qualla church; Kansas Howell, Whittier, Shoal Creek church; Price Ashe, Wilmot, Wilmot church; Thomas Jones. Barkers Creek, Barkers Creek church; H.R. Snyder Dillsboro, Dills- boro chifrch; T. B. Queen, Dillsboro, L cust Field' church; L. C. Estes, Greens'Creek, Savannah church; W. T. Deitz, Greens Creek, East Fork church; N. P. Jones, Gay, Zion Hill chinch; L D. Cowan, Webster, Web ster church; R. N. Deitz, Greens Creek, Little Savannah church; J. M. Watson CulIowhee.Oullowheechurch Z. V. Watson, Speedwell, Speed well church; J. H. Miller, Bessie, Yel low Mountain church; T. L. Jamison, Glenville, Hamburg church; John A. Hooper, Tuckaseigee, " Tuckaseigee church; Hayes Hooper, Big Ridge, Big Ridge church; Jf. L. Lovedahl, C j warts, John's Cieek church; W. F. Cook, Rich Mountain, Balsam Grove church:, A. C. Oueen. Wolf Mountain, Wolf Creek church; L. H, Grawford.Tuckaseigee, Cedar church J H. Mathis, Argirra, Sols Creek church; C. C. Cowan, Sylva, -Sylva church. T. C. Bfystfri, Beta, Scotts Greek church; & Clayton, Addie, Buff Creek churchr Rastis Blahtbn, Addie, Ochre Hill church; O. S. Dil rd,;Willets, Mt. Pleasant church; 1. B. Queen, Balsam, Blsam church. " It is very important that all of tlie above named nersons" meet with te Central Committeje on the date Stated above, ."-We shall expect you. M biggest tging we have ever un dertaken is just before us ana a Unanimous etfortf is necessary j to ornphsh it. please come, win out fail. ; - W.N. CooK,Chm. -BROWifrSec, RECEIVE! NEWS WITH REJOICING NOT TOPT1 t - .- 1 '" 1 1 r-1 - 1 ' . . - : : - ... --- .' .v. . IN READS THE TERf.18 OF ARHISTICE BEFORE CONGRESS Washington. Nov. 11. The terms of the armistice with Germany were read by President Wilson at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Assembled ia the hall .of the housed where 19 months ago sena tors and representatives heard the president ask for the declaration of war, they today heard him speak the words which herald the coming of peace. The strictly militnry terms of the armistice are embraced in eleven specifications which include the evacuation ofall luvaded territories, the withdrawal of the German troops from the lett bank of the Rhine and the surrender of all sup plies of war. The terms also provide for the abandonment by Germany of the treaties of Bucharest and Brest- Litovsk. ' The naval terms provide for the .surrender of one hundred and sixty submarines, fifty destroyers, six battle cruisers, ten battleships, eight light cruisers and other miscellan eous ships. . - All alii-d. vessels in German hands are to be Surrendered and Germany is to notify neutrals -that there is free trade at once on the seas with the allied countries. Amon i the financial terms in cluded are restitution for daifiage done by the German armies; restitu tion, of the cash taken from the national bank of Belgium and re turn pfvgwiti: ;aken?;ffom Russia and ama. :. v - ;JUie surrenderor Jouiffis,:inair tie, and hal( light artillery; 3flp)0 ma chine guns. 3,000 .flame throwers and 2,000 ait planes. ' .; 7 . . The surrender . of 5,000 locomo- tives, 50.000 wagons, 10,00 motor lorries, this railways Alsace-Lorraine for use by the allies and stores of Coal and iron also are included. The immediate repatriation of all allied and American prisoners with out reciporcal action by the allies also is included. yv. 8. 8 - DOUBLE MURDER AT AQUONE A terrible tragedy occured at Aquone in this county, Sunday af ternoon about 5 o'clock. Merrell Angel, son of T. T. Angel, was out automobile ridit g with a woman by the name of Miss, Grant; when a young man by the name of Jerry Dalton stepped out in the road in front of Angel car and , requested the girl to get out of the car and go withhini. The woman got out of the" car and started away when Dalton took a pistol and shot An gel twice.. He then turned and nrea at the girl hitting her in the head, both were killed instantly. Dakon was placed under arrest by citizens of that place and brought to Frank lin Sunday night m Angel's car and placed in jail. The coroner and jury left Monday morning for the scene to hold the-inquest. We have no particulars at this time of the kill ing, but it seems a case of jealousy, over the wbman.-Franklin Press.. Saturday afternoon while playing ball Luther Tallent, son of Jule Tal lent, let a bat slip out of his hand hitting Bird Tallent, son of Dorcas Tallent," on the head, which resulted in the death of the fey in a few houfs. Franklin Press. - ' LOST between Sylv, and . CuV lriwhAA nWhliia silk dress. and one mi? uvt brown Ciady'scoj Finder please return to Sylva Pharmacy:, and re ceive reward, mis I . . ' -. 7 - r t r " .. .. .. . . ,' i.i i i 'SiW Ti V f -lv y:':- ' ' ' V ; I htar SpangledHanner m triumph shall wave, O'er the land o home of the braved' . : ; .llfliiiEiJfli The neysoriefiigmngol ipwa joy.. ae ceieoraiion s - t- ' iw , t - . n astheriewswft Co. were blown and all the At six o'clock Monday, ev town near Hill's tore and paraded and Webster. A ong the rout large,;ckeejtlhcr along the road. ' , . i-;:--'--ry'. The main feature of the parade which the colored brass band rbde. On leturning to toWn te Kaiser was burned in effigy in the middle of MainvSti , , - NOTICE. A call meeting of the Boarl. of County Commissioners for Jacksbh County is hereby colled to meet on I the 25th day of November, 19$, to transact snch business as may legal ly come before it. " f H. R. Queen, Chairman. , s. 8.- .j HOW A SALESMAN SUFERED R, J. Porter, Sterling, Cal., writes: .1 suffered with a painful, weak back. As a traveling salesman H had to stoop frequently to pick up. my grips, arid the pain when ;! straightened up was avful. I jw.as induced to try Fpley Kidney -Pillti Relief was immediate. . Say. , they are great." Prompt and tonic. Sylva Pharmacy. 4 adv, '4 -W. S. S. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORrtf -MONEY . v Don't miss this. Cut Out this li enclose witlfSc to Foley & Co. 28:$botf8Q ifcyffveaiabel from a Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., wrlrihg your name and address clearly You will receive in return a trial package -containing Foley's Hdney and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills and Folev Cathartic Tablets. Sylva Pharmacy. adv. - W. S. Sr i ' ; TrtAT TERRIBLE BACKACHE Irs. G. Hyde, Homestead, Michv wrftesi MI had ta.t terrible back ache and tired out feeling, scarcely j hle to do my wgrk, but find by using Foley Kidney- Pills that I soon feel like a . new -Woman," Fole , Kidney Pills help the kidneys throw out potsons that cau backache, rheumatic nais and aching joints, : the. free and th e was received ; hf? ; wltfe, v ten. Xrfrw-..'1r nhMlli apiaa$ end ? of throj9ghj9WA$xt tO Dillsboro lined up Wpaitheler$ufir0 a scaffold ; UARilAT NOT HCtED 100,000 I -Watapgiton 'Nov "ill Officials here Estimate that the total casual ties of the American expeditionary forcesin;tbeW8r will not exceed 100,000, including the men killed in action, died of wounds, disease and accidents and the missing who never will be accounted for Some of those who have been missing probably, will be aecbjitf prispnert rer ietufMn ;!Ger- A MX Seetbe local 2l4heMdays4 examinitig and epatfeg Oiristmas ; Ateie jeai boxes ye'(tit nothing rikeniuTAW expected tge Jbs $sest isf getting fou had better get the box "iead y at once Crowii Prince Frederick WilUam, tif'Cjaia'oy;;'iyi..''dbfl and killed Monday morpin by German sol diers, when trying to cros the Dutch frontier, acrlih4 to Amsterdam disnatQhes, to the ijondon mes and Post ' " .V v . ' Soy Xetfero Nay;:jb 0rcM!Wp; toihis mo; v..vwujut ui ouar js nere vgn4lalvf?3; .: Si . W.V. Dorcsy, of4ryiCity, was in the city tiB?iy4:tBa budnesa thecil5tiC2, - M LOCAL BOARD DIS CONTINUES SENDING QUESTIONNAIRES In view nf the Armistice recently signed, the local board has been or dered to discontinue the mailing of questionnaires to men above thirty six years of age,t but to proceed to mail questionaifes to all men eigh teen years of age. s y The Board is ordered to complete the physical examihationsf all First Clas3 men from 18 to 25 years of age. A number of questionnaires to men above 36 years were mailed before receiving the government's order vto discontinue. The records, which will eventually be sent4 to Washington, will show the question naires mailed. In order to avoid the appearance of a record" default, it is suggested that all who ' have received questionnaires fill "up the same and return tnem to the Board as promptly as convenient. The War Department has made a re quest that all persons, who can write, fill up their pwn question naires. Experience has shown that the man who fills up his own ques tionnaire, does itlmore carefully. i W. 3. 8. NO IET UP IN THE CONSERVATION dvemher 5.,J918'Trhe increase eUthly allotment of-sugar capitajnusl oakeriaa meaning hatbef conservation! bf 'food stuffs is not now fully as important as it was at the height of the food shortage," declared County Food, Administra tor, E. Ei' 5rown. J Mr. -'Brown continued: . . "While the suar situation has improved, largely due to jthe splen did aid of the American housewifei In reducing consumption, and also by ther availability of the domestic cane and beet sugar, the needs for greater exports in other lines ( is no ssi marked. The United States must increase the food exports by one:half from a harvest no larger than last year's. The prominent ' )art which the American woman has played in conserving sugar is best understood by a comparison of our consump tion of sugar during the past' four months with the consumption for a similar period - in normal times: Normal consumption, of sugar for months of July, August, Sepjtembar and October was approximately 400.Q00 pounds per month; r 1,)00, 000 pounds for the four mopth. Following the appeal for sugar cpn- servation there was saved approx- iinately 300,000 pounds during that period of this year. Seventy per cent of the sugar consumed in the United States is used in the home. Last spring, when we had only 20,000,000 bushels of wheat for ex- ,port above our normal requirements. the American people made sacrifices by saving that enabled us to send 180,000.000 additional bushels of wheat besides the ndrmal exporta ble surplus. Of this the housewife alone saved , a total of 13,000,000 barrels of -41ourt6r a saving equiva lent to approximately 24 pounds of flour for every man,; woman and child in the United States. - The same loyal spirit of sacrifice has beeeh shown in the sugar con- Wryation program and it is xwnfi-j denyy felt by the ,Food Adminis- tration that the American, people - rwill give renewed devotion to the food program which calls for a greater saving on all foo4 commool- WeC - I OF FOOD IAY SCHOOLS TO mm The Sunday schools will reope& in Sylva Sunday morning ar;thts usual hour. There will bi',;8t$jr' school at both churches and Breach ing at the Methodist church by titer SUN RMEN pastor, Rev. J A. Cooker at 11 ' 1 o'clock. . , ' J Below we publish a procla -1 by Governor Bickett: ' ' 'M 4lToday our hearts leap-. Mflj- our eyes shine with qur lips are full of pra1serS& in his heaven. All is riilMibf world.' r ' r- "For many weeks our chuche$ have been closed. On next Sunday' they w'-ll be opened again; therefore, I devoutly urge that everyeih&6 be one of prayer and thanksvng; . Let all the people assemble in iir places of wonlup;aad-lift':Up':fB-hearts in jraise of the Lord pf Hosts for his mighty deHyerdnce and fer prayer that in our day ofH tritrm He will keep us just ano gentle still." . Dr. Nichols, County Health Offi- ; cer, states that the influenza has died down now un;il nthere is uo danger of the disease 'spreading again. . 1ERS) ATTENTION FAR! The war is overand hs wilfVbe , in greater j$;AJ.'t all people wUl Mi.jSj".'1 the same, and all devaz no W: onermq omt vew vouni,. Giltsitor sale, ?cairraHi of blood outOfjtver'lsi:!!. of Tennessee and :Kemucfyf; a few to ofer; JojlrSe served. The sire of these htspS be made to weii from 8 to 9himi dred pounds. . , v Yours for more and belter hogs, R. R. HSHER, Addl AGED CITIZEN , Mr. "Dock" Bry son died lursay morning at the horned of '4as ,sod; James, Brysoh, of Cufldwhee. He had been in bad health; for some., time. ;Mr. ftryson was one opdi. oldest mea in this' county.f being nearly eighty years oldV ; He'ight in the civil war. Mr. Bryson ielaves a large number . of relatives and friends to mourn them loss, ??' : " -w. s:-8. f -' -v C0AL1ID STILL ON Washington, Nov. 13. Signing of the armistice with'GermaLy will not affect the. status of the fuel -adtnis tration, Fuel Administrator Garfielci announcea tpmgat" rriotrc . was given by Dr. Garfield that thTnles and regulations and super visioh uT the federal administration npw iii force will continue until the sliht of the peace treaty. w. s. 3 FOR SALTenaciesof : Ihnd, six-:oom House, Baru,'ind gool Spring. ..Located at Fous , of River ip Jackson Couaty. tor further: inf' formation see or' write Alberf Price, Tuckaseigee, .;C, 1 '"i 3ts W. S' 6 ' .' TX)NT INVITE A COLD OR.P.. If you feel Vuffe - np.Vloaied. bilious, languid et havet sick ftai ache; sour stomach, coated tongue. M31010 by slowed np digestion, a Foley ' Cathartic Tablet - wkl give prompt relief. It & a gentle, wholesome thoroughly cleansing physic that leaves no bad aiter-efffSL Sylva Phajtaac, v tdn . mm : . ' -1 ". 'XK 't:y: .... - . . - - f ..Ij.'..' V4-: v. - wrrV , -.-: -' - - t 4.

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