-' . - ' ft - -' --. , . '-" . -T .-.. ' . , ' ' . ' . - ' r VOL. IV N0;7 ; 1 .f:-:'- " - - - . . - . i 1 ; T; -- - ' 1 -: s : i - It Pulled Me Out of T6uble,vvSaysV Farmer: Brantley Cava Hft ThfiiiKt H Wsi AH Tn But Tanlac Has BrmidKt Raak Health . and- He's Gained 301 Pounds. . v v 8 S )i - ; - j .', 6v- , i' ?.. l- ciontj oeueve i wouidiave, ever rotten well aeain if it liadn'tlfeeen for Tanlac,' declares F. Brantley, a well-known farmer oaR. E. DCflut of uiiiled me out of trouble ail right and I weigh thirty l&undsoreth before I started taking it. - I puuea me uowu sui was soweaK iu loe i - back and knees I could hardly get about. JLotsor umes l was so ran- down Icouldn t get out of bed .without r u ' r .uij x -u my wif e .helping me u, I colndn t eat a thine that didn't sour on my stomach and give me no end of misery. 1 got so I didn't want to eat a bite and had no strength to go on at all," and rkept losing stxengm ail me ume. ' "A inena ttuu me auoui lan ac auui . . . ...... 1 , n i i I T o-nt a hntt e arftl fae?an it. I hadn't iuiishea the first bottle before I began ' to pick up and I've been - on the : mend ever since. toon i got so l coma nara-i ly wait for breikfast I was so hungry, "yPTPg. mg Deuer man i xxavr ill many a aay. The factis Tanlac has done wonders for t . - 1 1 anlac is now sold inSyiva exclusive-1 , - lv by the Sylva Pharmacy; m Erastus by M. L. Coggins and in Glenvllle by I i . i V .t; : m LUl lruo uut ii 10 wurvin - wm trt -VTfW 'Trrr ' TITATflTT I MUJN&rn' - ;;- DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this sliD. enclose with 5c: to: Foley & Co., I 2835 Sheffieldr Ave. ' Chicago,. I1L, - 3!-'- ; " I writing your name and address ciearly. You will receive in return lit a trial package containing Foley's Honey an4i JfePI311 OI coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid- uey Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab- lets. For sale by Sylva Pharmacy, adv. NOTICE.. State of North Carolina, Jackson County. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF PROPERTY. Bv virtue of the rower of sale con tained in a certain Deed of Trust exe cuted to the undersigned trustee on the 2oth day of April, 1916, .by the Abras- i.o Mining Company, Waynesyille, in. C, to secure an indebtedness of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars to W. L. ivann, aeiauu navmg oeeu uiauc m mc payment of the said note and indebtea- ne; secured by said Deed oh Trust, and according to said Desd of Trust, vaich is registered in ih6 offic.of the Register of Deeds of Jackson . County, in. k.., m cook 07, page 370 ci &cy, iu t .. e r, j om Record of Deeds of Trust, and the ton family, 01 Calypso and the $10.-undersknedtrusteehavingbeenrequest- 000 gift of Hon. J. F, Alexander, Ol ed by the holder of the indebtednses and note secured by said Deed of :TrustJnat are oversubscribing their allot- losell the property conveyed .to aidH- Deed of Trust to satisfy said debt. Now, therefore, by virtue of the pow er vested in the undersigned trustee by the terms and power of sale in said Deed of Trust I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auc tion at the front Court-house dOorin the Town of Sylva, North Carolina, between the hours of twelve 'clock midday and one o'clock E.' M. on Mon day, the 23rd day ' of J)ecember, 1918, for the Diirnose of caving tne indebted ness therein; secured, and the cost and expense of sale 'theopiJb real estate: liW flf 1 All that certain tract of M. nd being in Jackson Ctyttact ot about one hundred acres at the . site pt w hat is known as Ruby.City, including the Corandum Redudi -Millrind ad-- jacent building situated at the foot ot sing glder at $200 for the year. Sugar Loaf Mountato andescfU)ed to ju-galary was apportioned, in vari iciiM .mlfl thfi twentv- ly the Highland ForestCompany to 1. Lv Coucil and Nannie Jones, - on the 27th dy dfjaary, : ?9i4. , re- eprded torthe oe of " the . Register of Deeds of Jacksoij , County, &tate 01 S.'KS mafffrfnra .rtmnifite descriotion othe eaid lands; ako all . tfce . mineral rilits. owned by the partie ot the nm pax? m gpirjng talks made during tne con a tract of land containing three thousand fsronf.A wft nresume that all went acres', adjoining the hundred acce. tract, as above mentioned. This the 226. day of Nov. 1918. ; F. W. MtiXER, Trustee. Mr. B. a Dalton and family mov-, from IoUaJl&tve fi 1 r 1 M i-1 f i g ) 1 e .1 1 1 r v 1 111 izry " v--r ---f . iti-iuh vim uftiir - . ,WS.liDHS(0OL 1 emn. uec lUThe best an- UM1 IorJDoisiievism is an educate ed Cimstian MtizenshiD."' declared - . r-j . .. or T- TAT 'Dinlrn.-- l a o j . uivvvi, taoi uuuuay ftf tArnw: ?W . 2 - luasa mceimg m vnariotte m tae interest Qf the Mil- lionftliollaf nv.Tr, fx, v tl8t Schools of. theState. said. fdnnraid v. k- .iv uauumaiucu uiiiuc Anarcay and achcim walk hand: in hand. T wnn; thp nipn nf moanc f-n ix tiiia i. r j u et tnis. coalfii: Liwbe down either , , - . , - , the es or fhe schools, and yur property vii'l beco ne to you a liability mstea.l oi asset. " In Russia totiuy the na&d fact that a mfln ownd nmnprfv molro Mm o . f-f tx . e , " wm-. Referring to the MUlion Dollar Campaign, the Governor said, "This muiion aoilars will mean much- to thft StatA nf Nnrth f!rnlin. onrl T do nottod how I could at this . . "mc ocl vc l"c oldlc UCJ--cr y iirind the.nennle to rnnnd tn this call in the same spirit of generosity "O o XT X " - - -" an(J self-deniaKthat has character- j ,niMliaP in nn0ni itvu Luvii cixiov.i tv tYwjf appeal made for tlx? winning of the war." 41m inere is no room nor reason, tne boveror averred, lor enmity between the . State and, Church school It would be the acme of unwisdom for the State to under " - . take the work of tlw church schools. would be the height of folly for the churches to assume the obliga tiott taQril the ;dpfe: two systems supplement each other and both are vital necessities to a well ordered, well balanced civiliza tion. Training in the three R's read ing, 'riling and 'rithmetlc, is well, but the fourth R of Righteousness must be added to make a fine and firm foumlaUon for a prosperous and happy State." On account of the influenza sit uation in Greensboio, uie tJaptist State Convention, which W8S 10 have met there December 6 4, has - . . beQ DOStDoned till 'January 14-17, and thg timelimit for compleiing the . , T5':,. " SCnoolS nas Deen extenatu 10 mai time. - Tne campaign is going at a good gait now. The munificent gift iast week 0f $25,000 by the Alblit- Forest City, and the many churches t .h en a dreat impetus to the movement. Walter M. Gilmore, PubliciLj' Director. DISTRICT CONFERENCE The Methodist church had as her guests, last Monday, tne pastors and district stewards of the Waynes- -a a m ville District. The good ladies 01 ui'e church treated their visitors to W lnnnh and coffee, in the base- mpntnf the 'church, iust prior to rf iucu uiTOuu5, The Conference fixed the salary an(i traveling expenses of the Pre- uu - . four-tnarges 01 me district. ; It was decided to. distribute tne oenevolences of the district among rh ... a Der centage basis of Varies assessed for their :pasto,s last year, There were quite a number,of in- Awvuwt 9 . ; Mr - away well pleased with the meet ing and the lecepUon given them, for the body- went on record favor ing Sylva as a ' meetitg place for next year. - ; : TO 11 Sylva will be glad to have them. TARE YODfl PAST IN THE HOME SERY1CE PROMISED OUR SOLDIERS ! A Message to the People' of Our Rural Districts 7 Our soldiers, freed: from the peet vf service overseas, are still spend weary months in camp. In the, depressing waiting they will Ipse heart more easily than before when things : go wrong at home. Red Cross Service to their families, must continue we are pledged it shall js long . as families : are ; de prived of the support of soldier's presence . " Our tak is peculiarly heavy be-; cause of the large rural districts our. chapters cover. The worried soldier with a letter telling of sick ness or trouble at home must often wait' days until a Home Service worker can make a visit to a dis tant place, and write back that medicine or other relief has been given. Bad'whether conditions will soon make almost impassable roads in many places. v We want to make plain to all people the opportunity Red Cross provides for kind neighborly inter- j est in soldiers' families; how every patriotic person can be a link in the chain of service we give our en-, listed men, A distress call may- come to your Home Service worker, at any time in reference to a sol dier's family who live near you. You can become an active instead of an admiring member of this de partment of Red Cross. Telephone or write your Red Cross chapter that you are willing to visit a sol- dier's family at once if need arises Jjpvour"; immeiate'aorjj;: If your chapter has no Home Ser vice find out" why not, and get oth ers to help yon push the inquiry until your community takes its I proper part in the pledge that the soldiers family shall not suffer dur ing his absence. Inform yourself also as to what benefits Home Ser vice can help secure the returning, especially the wounded, soldier. Your neighbor may come back and not know. The rimy depends on Home Service to instruct returning men about keeping up insurance, compensation, re-education and fit ting back into industry. It is your.patriotic and neighborly : duty to get in touch , with your Home Service section. For further information address Joseph C. Lc gan, director civilian relief, South ern division, American Red Cross, Healey building, Atlanta, Ga. RS. KEENER DIES Mrs. Florence Keener, wife of Mr. J. D. Keener, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Snyder, died at her home near Franklin N. C, Wednes day, December 4th. She first had influenza which ran into bronchial pneumonia. She was sick only a week. She leaves her husband, father, mother, one brother and two sisters and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. She lived to be 33 years old and lived a Chrittian life 21 years. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. G. H. Keener, died at her home near Franklin four days later, on Sunday morning, December 8th with pneumonia. Franklin, Dec. 10; 1918. PAIN KEPT HIM AWAK NIGHT'S J.Ww Peck, Coraopolis, Pa., writes: "I suffered terrible pain; unable tj lie down at night. Tried three dif ferent doctors. Three weeks ago began taking Foley Kidney Pills; improvement in my cpnitiqn i& really wonderful." Use Foley Kid ney Pills for kidneys, bladder trouble backache, rheumatism,' For sale by Sylva Pharmacy. adv. " G. T. Hampton who has been in Pennsylvania for some time, return ed to Sylva this week. Ufllli IUU 1 I1U ? SUBSCRIPTION? pros-pAll those who have re ffceived jstatements of their subscription ac counts to the Tnnrnal . ; .. tna nave not settled Mem had better call and Settle same at once, for rk-mT I" TV . srr-Z w , M w 1 1 lv iwci ivcii vuu an the time we can, and ill have to place these Recounts in the hands of jjjjir .attorney if they are squared -up at once. o please let us hear in vou at once, so that you will be saved the trouble of having ain attorney collect them. ; Jackson Co. Journal. MB WEAVER IS WORKING i FOR NEW HIGHWAY SYSTEM Washington, Nov. 30. Represen tative Zebulon Weaver is negotiat ing with the United States forest reserve looking to the establishment ofa system of highways linking to gether the government reservations ofWestern North Carolina. The contemplated network of roads wojild establish easy communica tioi between the Macon county lands at the hea of the Cullasaja kivery the. yang'erbuilt boundary, thAlitGhell fessr vai ions and . the A congressional act makes if optional with the forest service whether funds shall be contributed for such purposes. Representative We:;ver will ask for sufficient ap pnjpiiations to establish this chain Oi ui:)taved highways. He has ai re;.. Jy ho!d one eoiiierence witji the forest sen vice and this will be fol lowed up with a series of confer- v elites next week. Hustler. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ' ' TUCKASEIGEE BANK. Sylva, N. C. AT THi! CLOSE OP BUSINESS Aug. 30 th I9I8 RESOURCES .Loans and discounts Overd rats secured unsecured 167489.83 748.8d Banking house Furniture and Fixtures 5021-15 AU other real estate owned ' 2064.94 Demand loans Due from National Banks " 8187.73 Due from State'Banks and Bankers 11667.83 Checks for clearing- 490.80 Cash items . 3225.00 Gold coin - 262.50 Silver coin, deluding all minor coin currency 372.49 Xational Bank notes and other U. S. notes " 1646.00 Total v 101177.52 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 1 10000.00 ."Surplus fund Undivided profits, less current expense and taxes paid 3123.00 Unearned Discount 60.30 Notes and bills reJiscounted Bills Payable 5000.00 Deposits subject. to check 41f43.59 Deniaud certificates of deposits 40594.29 Cashier's checks outstanding- 341.34 Certified Check's Unearned discount Accrued interest due depositors 310.00 Total - 101177.52 State of Noh Carolina, County of Jackson ss: I, Billy Davis, Cashier of the above named back, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. -Billy Davis, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this, 12th day of Oct.. 1918. " - ' M. D. Cowan, Notary Public. Correct Attest. , Joseph JT.Hooker Walter E. Moore Billy Day is Directors. Mrs. Robt. L. Madison 6f Webster, N. C visited her husband. Prof. Madison here last week. The Prof essor is just recovering from a case of influenza. Franklin Press. Mrs. W. A. Custis is visiting her son Henry O. Curtis and family in Sylva, N. C. Franklin Press. YOU UNION MEETING The Jackson Countv Union Meet - ing Vill meet with the Webster Baptist Church, December 27-29. ; FRIDAY : 11 A. M. Introductory Sermon R. L. Cook; alternate, J. T. Carson. J)inner. 1:30 P.M. The Value of Doctrin- - ! al Sermons J. C. lugram. 2:15 P. M The Church's Duty in Receiving Our Soldier Boys Back Home When They Come C. C. Cowan. - 3:15 P. M. Miscellaneous Business Adjournment. , ' SATURDAY 10:00 A. M. Tkbing and Offerings as Taught In' the Bible Pastor of Sylva Church. 10:45 A. M. Appointment of Com mittees by Moderator. 11:00 A. M. How to Enlist Church Members in Our Church Work R. R.Deitz. . Dinner. 1:30 P. M. Christian Education J. C. Ingram. - 2:30 P. M. Grouping of Churches and Forming Pastoral Fields J. L. Owen. 3:30 P.M. The Deacon and his Duty-W: R. Sherrill, W. T. Potts. , - SUNDAY 10:00 A. M. The Use of the Bible in the Sunday : School As the Text Book J. R. Jones, Thomas Gribble. 11 A. M. Sermon, by A. C. Queen. ' 'v Committee. North Carolina, Jackson County. I, JT. Gribble, Register of Deeds and Clerk Ex Officio to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Jackson and State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct list of the names of all persons who have had any account audited against said County of Jackson for the year be ginning December 3rd, 1917, and ending December 2nd, 1918. J. M. Worley jury service, Davis Inquest $1.60 J. H. Reagan services as Fi nance Committee 4.60 C. M. Hughes j ury service, Davis Inquest . 1.60 J.G. Hooper " " " Inquest 1.60 J. P. Bumgarner jury service Davis Inquest 1.70 J. A. Bumgarner jury service Davis Inquest '.j ,1.70 Jackson Co. Journal supplies for C. S. a & Reg. etc. 8.25 Dr. A. A. Nichols services Davis Inquest . 15,00 Dr, D. D. Hooper service Sani- itary Bd. " 4.00 Sutton. & Stillweft Retainer Fee 50.00 Dr. D. Hooper water rents 1 yr. 60.00 W. H. Hoy le jury service Davis Inquest 1.60 J. R. Dillard Coroner fee Davis- Inquest 5.0Q Edwards & Broughton supplies for C. S. C. ; 69.50 W. L. Henson cost R. M. Kel ler vs. Jackson Co. 98.85 W. L. Henson cost Sou. Ry. Co. vs. Jackson Co. 4.05 Jackson Co? rldw. Co. Fertilizer Co, Home, etc. . , 40.70 W. E. Moore judgment, R. M, Keller vs. Jackson Co, - 277.70 W. 'E. Moore' judgment Sou. Ry, Co, ys Jackgou Co. 490.78 Sylva Supply Co. cement, nails, etc. 73.60 L, P. Allen road damage 100.00 D, A. Bumgarner Co. aid in grading Sapphire hill 125.00 Dillsbor6& Sylva El. Light: , Co. lights for C. H. and jail 10.20 P. E. Moody jail fees, feeding . : : prisoners,, etc 7920 J. B. Bryson, cattle for 'Co. v Home . 100.00 Chas. Price,cattie for Co. Home 60.0Q1 V. L. Henson issuing lunatic papers a74 aoo r A. A. Nichols ex. J. T. Collins Elbert Coward cattle bought - for Co. Home' 25.50 J. R, Long bal on 1917 tax books 500.00 " " " services as cl'k to Bd 5ai0 Dillard Hooper services to Bd 13.60 H. R. Queen services to Bd. T. C. Ledbetter difference in mule Co, Farm G. W. Green County aid Wm. Brooks " Charity Jennings County aid Vinev Wood Narcis Prince " " Dan Shook J. N. McMahan " Pollie Barnes M " R. L. Garrett " " Elbert Coward salary &, sup. Co. Home C.G. Cunningham County aid Lorenza Bryson Caroline Coleman " " John Monteith Florence Long Mrs. P. W. Mitchell " Clark Painter u " Mrs. Ja van Parker " " Martha Carroll " " M. M.Buchanan Bill Reed Tom Ashe Douglas Monteith John PooJ Mrs. John Cope Jack Wood , Nelson Parris Saseltine Maths Estes Hoyle J. A. Gibspn Melissa Lewis Mrs. Nathan Long Samantha Brooks Jas, S. Farley Rhoda Green A. C. Queen work on bridge T.F.Buchanan'4 " 27.50 28.70 Better Roads Mfg. Co. T. Beams, for Caney Fork bridge ( 264.00 Jackson Co. Bank A. L. Green- burg Iron Co. note 943.45 J. R. Btyson Savannah S. L. claim R. G. Buchanan Savannah S. L. claim W. F. Bryson Savannah S. L claim J. M. McClung County '8 part ol salary 6.81 1.32 1.32 25.00 P. E. Moody feeding prisoners, etc. " 667 Wilson Bros casket for "Pa- melia Wilson 2500 Wilson Bros. County's part on - blpoi hounds . 32.50. C H. Daniels plumbing at C.H. 13.06 Jackson Co. Hdw. Co. supplies for Dem. Office -. ;. , . 45Q M. Buchanan & Son stove for Dem. Office 7X0 E. E. Brown printing annual statement 8500 Dillsboro & Sylva El. Light Co, ' ' lUhts for C. H. and jail Mrs. Baxter Owen county aid H. R. Queen services t& Board DUlard Hooper " " -u Caroline Coleman county aid WiilCabe " i; m M. H, Morris jury -service Harris Clay Co. County's part on bridge repairs Continued next week. 5.90 3.00 aso 7:60 3.U0 torn laio 4S79 r How's This? . . We offer One Hundred DoSte TtewaM for any case of Catarrh flhat: cannot 3 cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. " Hall's Catarrh Medicine ha been, taken by catarrh sufferer for the past tltfrty-. five years, and has become known Sr the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. RalPs Catarrh. Medicine acts thrur the Blood on the Mucoui surfaces,- ewxlUnar the Pol- i.'son from the Blood audi heallnj( the di - I'easi fl Bortlons. - . ; w -.v "i , ' ? M tertycoi Kavejtaketr HaTTs Catarrh L Medicine, for,,, vHMtast yoit wJ5T Aee. . ereat imprcvemesntr4 ijr tyoin' ; general healtK? Star, taktefr Stairs CaUrrh'Medi-. cine at oc aa pet ttd of eatarrh. Bead i for testimonials, free. m Cizv:& "X, gSj- ... I:- 1- 4.00 17.80 ao-oo ' J 2.00 400 10.00 aoo aoo aoo 3.00 2.00 2.00 88.5 2.00 2.00 V 3.00 . 5.00 r 3.00 2.00 2.00 y 2.00 4.00, ' s ' 3.00. ' 4.00 2:50 f 2.00 :i aoo 3.00 - aoo zoo 2.D0 zoo- .rt 100 2.00 5.00 aoo . ; , 15.00 1 , N. afuidin?cs: f 5" A

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