. v. ,.. v. - 1 - w- r m -' - - -; . , -. r. i v-:; voCivriaT4 ! : .-''.:";;'..- -"j t. x " " " 1 rry y. , , . . i A P00M1SE H j ve you deemed your, V. S'S. pledge? The timejl'sbort in which to buy yqur-sfampi v v?Jc-; I earnesUy Jirge-e very .ope "Who pledged to bay girickly asHpos Mble, for the Government is expect ing every one to buy alj that they j romise. ,;The Government's finan rial requirements have never been more pressing thanjiow. Our troops must be paid and cared for until they have fully accomplished their purpose ffQdturned home. It is m itime for, us to retex. O.ir county has pledged 90 ner cent of its assignment of W. S. Let's buy 100 per. cent. A great many s re buying more than they .pledged. 'ill you? , . Our States' record is perfect in every phase of. the war except the .S. S .Let's make the step from QJ per cent to 100 per cent. Respectfully, v E. I. Watson, Director of W. S. S. for Jackson Cb Walter Frizzelt,' who is in the liuvy, stationed at Fensacola, Ptat is spending a furlough with home isIks at Webster. , ' -' R. L. Sahdidge, of Bryson City was a business visitor here Thurs day. ; ' , ' . "V : '- - Frederick Moore arrived Tuesday j.Ogiit, from Chapel JJill, to spend 1 e Christmas holidays with his 1 other here. , i UT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY. DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this' .flip, enclose with 3c to Foley & Co., i m Sheffield Ave., Chicago,, III iiing your name and address early, You will receive in return j , . trial dsW6smMsg?Mi&M Lraey and Tor Compound, for .ughs, colds and croup, Joley Kid- 1 ty Pills n Catfiartic Tab les. For sate Sy SyfcaHiarmacy. Ftite oFNditk okaa, -' iOisoQ County. r ... ' . ,OTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OK . PROPERTY. virtue ofclhe power of sale con- taiiied in a ecUSSfSdf tx exe cuted to the undecsignd trasteeioai-iiie a r -1 c 1 -s -'m. "' - . j-Jr Jiu U4LV fi nifni I iittt ifT -inn iit'nn i i . e Mining Coropaayirt2fa!;- c, to secare an indebtedncte uof -live housand ($5,000.00) pjbllars tr. JU. 1 a.un. def ault havine been made in the T " . . . ' '.-1 . w ment of the said note and indeed-i . . 1 r j -rJ 'r'Li-f'I ;-iid according to said Deed of Tjriist; which is registered in the office of the Agister of Deeds of Jackson County, iv. C in Book 07, page 378 et sei, in Record t Deeds of Trust, and the uudersi&ned trustee having been request fed by the holder of the indebtednses 1 note secured by said Deed of Trust usell the property v cony eyed in said Deed of Trust to satisfy said debt. Now, tberefore, by vjria'e.of tihe.'pov tr vested in the uhrwsned tSsJjby the terms and power of sale ia said lighest bidder fox cash at public auc tijn at the fron Court-house doof in the Town of Sif L';CiioHna; ciweeu ine pours - Ql f v .wutiu imaaay and one o cloct on. Mon: iy the 43rd day. . qt .December 19, for the purpose of paying th indebted i.ess therein secured and the; , cost and expense of sale the f ollowing "described real estate: . : AU that' certain, tract 'of lad- lying s.nd feeing in Jackson County a tract of about one hundre4 acre it th: siteof kax is known as RubyCity, including tbe Cowndum. Redocin 01 and ad itit buildings -sitatted at the- foot of gar Loaf Moontaln and described' in a certain deed of conveyance executed. vy the Highland Forest Companyjo 1. L. Coucil and andf EJons,. on tiie 27th day of January , vtxa,: n4 re corded in the office of .the Register of &ds gi Jacison County, State pf Carona, jn Sqo, page hi st seq, t9 whi?U feffiriBSv18 S'efey u"ade for a complete descriptW tt Hillands; alspltfl ..tCliflerjl, rights oQed by the parties jot the, firs): part in a tract of land containing jthree tbousaad cres; adjoining' the hundred acre ract, & above tnentioned. s r' This the 2d day of .Nov. x 1 . w. Mix Tyjtstw ; fest .. .... . " ....?..... ..rf.V...N I I.it::S?fS I V,, "' itHMVuniniYn i i ii v.w.ws,-x.,-,...vrjffl..,X;..l TtWftiilrflYiTi'7iininii.lBWlll'--i ' ii Nl i '""" " Vmfn mi i in ,i "l .ii.u wix'p.ikivj 'w.v If J. MILLER DIES AT WEST ASHEVILLE , ' W. J. Miller, of West Asheville, diid vesterdav afternoon at the Mission hospital from pneumonia . TT . 1- J L. I following influenza, ne naa Deeni ill ten days, Mr. Miller was for merly a resident of . VVhittier and had beep living in West Ashevie about two yeaas. ; He is survived by seven children as fallows: Mrs. Early Anderson of Hayesville,; ftobt. R. Miller, Miss tbls Millar; Locke C. Miller m J. Miller, JrM and Hubert mUr of West Asheville; three brothers Vance Miller and John Miiler of Whittier; James Miller of Waynesville; three sisters, Mrs. E. T. Moody, of Whittier; Mrs. Carey Allison, of Barkers Greek, and Mrs, Belie Htyps of. Gastonia. - Mr. Miller was a Mason and a Woodman. r. The funerrl services will be conducted at West Asheville ceni.eteryedriesday afternoon at 2:30: o'clock by Rev. E. W. Fox; Masons Vill-have charge of the in tef ment ceremonies. Asheville Cit-' izen. . ilBJBtfilEETING. s ' - v, - ' "On account of the rain a nd bad roads very few attended the road meeting at the court house here last Saturliajr, bt those whQ were pres ent Were-vtry much in favor of Ibetter.TOads. Several talks were made andluggestians offered as to the best planswhereby to obtain the ioney and build the roads. ltlL Dl LL u.i DOLLAR CAMPAIGN The million dollar campaign is progressing Very wel!, Many of the churches are about over the top and the work in this county in en couraging at this time. Webster was the first church to dat tnpir nuntfl I. fl Hnwan twoa v V r " j ' "uyu iiuuieuiaieiy 01 any slacker the church manager, and he select- ''deserter, or any one within the ed a strong committee to helD him. and the task was easy; each church can do the same Mr, W. T. Crisp, who is the mana ger at 2ion Hill, says he thinks he he can get his quota. The individ ual canyas is hfc? plan. This is a to way, Prof, Jf C, Ingram and Hey. Floyd Powell were at BaUam Sunday, They had a fine day, and a few of the brethren will stand for the amount asked of that church, Sylva will get their part without any trouble, and will go away over the top. Scotts Creek will make the. drive in a few days, They a ways do the big thing. Mr. T, C. Bryson is the the church manager. The good news from Speedwell church is that they will go their al lotment. Mr. Z. V. Watsan is the efficient church manager, and he knows how to bo big things. Mr. Geo. W, Sutton will go to Old Savannah next Sunday. Of course he will bring good results from his old home. Mr. Tom Gribble is booked to go to Barkers Creek, Sunday. The good people ol that section will do their part. Prof. Ingram has agreed to go to East Fork net Suaday; Mr. Ingram has a fine speech on Christian E iu catjon. Tae people will uq niss it, but will do tnemselves creiit by goW their part. Let every church manager , send in report at once. We haye till Januiry 1st to get our part of the million. We can if we will. W.N.Ccoc s s,pij - Vv - ' - IBS?! ' f s; liWiMIIUf SLACKERS TOTED Mr. S. G. Young, Special Employee of the Department of Justice, Ashe- fville, earnestly requests the good. u:in 1 u 1. , . J I (MrYoun wishes it understood that thetevis no possible way for any one outside of the Government Agents o knqw anything of any information 'that may be given him. It is the duty of every good and loyal citizen to notify the Govern ment of any'violation bf the draft law, and anyone giving Mr. Young any information whatever will be protected in every possible way. In reporting those whom you be lieve failed to register, please secure ail proof possible, by consulting records, take receipts, and inter view those who live Dear the party suspect. After doing this, mail your information to the DEPARrMENT 0FwJU,mCE, ASHEVILLE, N. C; BOX747.: Scroop Dewitt Hooker, of Dills boro, who is in the Navy, is at home for .the holiday. PAIN KEPT HIM AWAKE NIGHTS J. XW. Peck,Coraopo!is, Pa., writesf "I suffered terrible pain: unable tj he dom a mm. Wed three dif- Z I r, , r. g- began taking Foley Kidney Pills; improvement m my condition is1 reany wonderfu." Use Fo,ey f nev Pi Is for kiinpvfl KlaifAi.t.,KiA' , - ; ! "vuMic a Ae,, oyaIeby I fin 4"h I a n .ra m 1 ABUU LITTLE CHILD BUBNEf n "i6 Mk, son of r. and Mrs. Dan Shock, county aid u ixoper, sustained a very pair- Lorenza Bryson, county aid ful burn last Thuisdav afrpmnnn I t mr u ' y T nruuc out piaymfi with sftVmi iKtie Doys. ,rThe little fellows decid ed they would smoke and Mack rolled up a piece of paper, one of the boys stuck a rr atch to it and when it began to bl&ze Mack threw the paper down, but it lodged on - ' WM WUVvft nis clothing setting it on fire. It is very probable, that his little icr. .Annie doe, saved his life catching him. throwing him to ground and -rolling. him in thi by the thereby stopping the flames, b3fore ottier assistance reached him. is improving very rapidly. i EOT Statement of the Condition Man- agement, Circulation, etc.. remiirpH by the Act of Congress of AndiiQt 24, 1912, of The Jackson County Journal, published weekly at Sylva, in. U, for October 1918. State of North Carolina County of Jackson Before me, a Notarv Pnhlin in 14 and for the State and county afore : j &cim. personally appeared E. F. Brown, who having ! e m dulv sworn according to law, deposes and says mat he is ttie manager of the Jack son County Journal and that the folio wiiig is, to the besto'f his know Iegdf and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption' recu iei by fhe Act of August 9j lyi.wbodie jaecanSPoftt aMw& arni"r6bitWi 'ntarat n . , , . -- I the reverse side of tHjsOTmJfowiC 1- That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are; Publisher. E.X Brown, Sylva N, C. Editor, u " Managing Editor M w Business Mgr. , " 2. That the owners- are: C, C. Cowan, M. D. Cowan, B. C. Grindstaff; SyJva. N. C. .4 Asheville, N. C. S. C. Cogdiil, Sylva, N. C Sylva, N. C CLAlilson,- J, M, Worley, Wilmot. N. Cr E. E, Brown Sylva, N.C 3. That the known bondholders, mortagees and other security hold ers owning 1 per cent or more of bonds, mortgages; or other securities arer None E, E. BROWN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of December, 1912 M. D. COWAN. (My commission expires April -12 1919. Seal ANNUAL STATEMENT W. L. Hensbn', postage, etc. 6.21 J. R. Long, servicers to Board 51.51 J. N. Bumgarner, county aid 10.74 Edwards & Broughton, supplies for Reg. office ' 1.00 Jackson Couny Bank, borrow ed money . 4000.00 J. W. Ktener, postage a00 Lillie M. Davis, road damage 50,00 C. C. Higdon, Savannah S. L. claim, Mrs, J. D. Zachary, M " M W. C. Buchanan " V N. B. Cabe, Savannah S. L claim e Mitchell Cabe, Savannah S. L claim A- Nnroian, v:ork on S. L. 1.81 6.82 .83 1.04 fence 15.00 uarK fainter, county xaid - 2.00 Mrs. Javan Parkeri un M M- M- Buchanan, county aid 3C0 Samantha Brool und S iao c v-'dl-Z: tzi " " . . . "Cltc Kas. Mrg. Co. claim 1250 act Jacksoa.cSunty B2. Cofl-t2Sa0& $1.50 THE YEAR INlDVAN ! JacksAu County Bank, bor- rowed money 4000.00 Douglas Monteith. " Estes Hoyle J. A Gibson Melissa Lewis " Mrs. Nathan Long " Haseltine Mathis, " Dan Shook " John Monteith Charity Jennings " Haseltine Mathis " Bill Reed Jas. S, Farley 44 Nelson Parris M. M. Buchanan " Mrs. Nsthan Long " J. A. Gibson Mrs. John Cope Andy Hall " He R. L. Garrett Jack Wood Douglas Monteith " Mrs. P. W. Mitchell " Clark Painter JohrPool " Estes Hoyle C. G. Cunniugham " Samantha Brooks ' Jchn C. Bryson Tom Ashe Narcis Prince " Wm. Brooks Mrs. Mary Deitz " Viney Wood ' " Elbert Coward, salary and supplies for Co. Home 65.41 Mrs. Javan Parker county aid 2.00 Melissa Lewis 2.00 Martha Carroll " 4.00 Pollie Barnes ; " M 2.00 J. N. McMahari u " 3.00 - 1 Jfthn fL Rrvcrin A.OWl'V Charity Jennings 10.D9 Viney; Wood 30CT 3,00 2.00 3.00 2.U0 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 250 6.00 Joan Wiggins - Geo. W. Green Caroline Coleman Pollie Barnes Mrs. P. W. Mitchell John Pool Mrs. John Cope JackWood Nelson Faifris Bill Reed Totn Ashe John Monteith Wm. Brooks Mrs. Baxter Owen 4.00 3.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 3.00 95.70 3.25 9.16 25.09 M Mrs. Mary Deitz Andy HaU R. L. Garrett Agnes Green M Elbert Coward, salary and supplies for Co. Home Chas, Stiles, refuud on 1917 taxes . XM. McClung, county's part of salary Nov. 17 J. M. McClung, county'spart of salary Jan. '18 Sylva Supply Co stove for C. S, a office J. W. Keener, postage Jackson Co. Journal, public 2.00 42.90 taso ... 475 2.5 2a50 . a75 7.60 4.3) Lotice State Hospital, expense of John Ionian, eta State IosiL;0iQii ad vonced C. M Frady : ERKmg.fefioai 1917 taxes. - i.'!V.ik.-: r-..- , : R E.; Moody, feeding prison er?, etc , ' ' ; f. H. Gie)D, refund tm 1917 taxes ; a Tatlent, work on Cs& lights Edwirds & Bronghteo, sup plies, for iyofflcr" W. C. Cagle, locM Tpsttat 4 birba and de iths Roy Cowan, local refiistiar deaths and births - R- 0. SnyfikJoxsal registrar dethai and births Ei, a Latham local fcgrtsafc - deatlis and buths . ; J ua vwm? auu oirin4. 'V -1 3.00 aoo zoo 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 mo 3.00 600 10.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 3.C0 4.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.C0 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 ' 2.(0 3.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 - i 1. 1 1 r-r - 1 ' v . . -1,1- i -4 4 - - 14 ; - . .. t .. . . - - -. . . is1' yd 1 . 1 -..

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