FKOHDAVIDUDILIARD aO',"S RECOaHEKDA- UOAiS Tti GENERAL Of 1919 WMiWvWWP- 1919.-. ' ' It was Sept. 29th; the stars 5 were shining everywhere tmd the boys were on the job to 0ve Uie tialser's j uoya u : mat oay. iae roadar were ASSEMBLY LETTER FROM v. : . , - illlpS? the front. Oii Septem- fftWP1 WG tr:6d the Sf- Miheil Ualft& lt was aining when we went novrthetop and there vas a rain bow across the sfcv a h;0 ; $1.50 TtfE INADVANCE .X. J American. VVeatfdloweJffiTrrrnbo; T filled with tra a ' whole lot For two 30TIJ DIViSJON TO BitHINflENBUafi W QAVQ U fffn omo nuu in LlilL paper of theirjown i4 .FreT!iey itatfi d .m a n y ther things ys we drove the Boche back leaking our. objective each da v visions for the b sun up I Was standing at m moll chiire gun, when onejoftfo lf to begininafew ininutesandlsf to' the Verdiin reWW.f iuvuw w wv ui5uu. ; i wa i ust i & mi tucorDOTBie in i r r h noiuci. iucj,c , uttyc uccjiwi, wuere we neioed no jnmp "wm n; cuu 01 April fc unving. we were in sunnnr ldSt w me ciose, ot hostilities. The flia frnnt , . i . I AT . . ' . ' " k "UUL companies, as we Aws points out that at least the NLSFRpiiTHE CAPITAL The ifoTlowing'news notes- taken from the News and Observer, will be of much interest to the readers of the Journal: ' ' ' " Probably po : man at the CapitoF waicning ine run to: tegin4-we '.ue'; .feaiy fn J:i a.Lu$ wojners;aayff andiidren oayi boy& called it rfun" to get after the of Nations 881 Bnd aripiw o&e ir,.no on A Fnj:;:: "fltrtft aSWir.S neyferhad an v inning till aabW. andj x x uud uuu. tuu Liicui. niiiiuiii liner iv nujuianr: iHiivpnn Bnitnnr. i : r Iondoni Jan. 8- American troops were the first to break the Hind burg line, according to The Daily kn W men of Newsin its cbmrneut todav on thJ lue acatfi tn:in R. 0. Self, who has oeen principal clerk of the Senate ivi Aieen yearsr JNot only does Self kao w them but he Slso knows their first names. He has the law- r . wmuiug i , - - . --r-e- MV , y ins someinms oi tne did or tne exu that sounded like; thunder, and 4s I cniw born out of wedlock with, ibe; jHence in the war, with the resal t , turned, just opposite to the bank I niaintenance and education of such tht fathers all oyer theUnitedStatWJ i This is my first offense," replied Senator 0. B. Coward, of Webster. . ' ' , nhiW f n :t.. u-. ll . : . I at wnfrhind'ihA mit nnw fnr !aJ hit me. I sure thanked Onti hat, kt-k ... ' . y wnen asRed if he 'had ?, aU oxx yiauc Vuxymg OUT . DOyS O f,ir v5rtrf m. Tw. . "W l" X HSn8llSe -t4e 3Uth been tO the GeneVai AsaprnKli' k.: Twn Aii;nrf 4ki .i l . an f thanhM i.n4 u i -7 iwmiuiwii as accu luicrest 3 -t--"6 iiuui muse snens. MnrtK n u .1 .. . " """ u?" open field the first mention of a break through J making acWnery9f the Senate : V iurw a oar contained in the field mare e crossing an MJhe spied us and 1? nent into our midcf ckMo f'wV falling: .'evetvWhK A v P was p the course of his descrip- UJt . : - w,. , SsA vi was Aiiiea wicn- . ""j0 wwa uu oepiem- , &ek feet of me and not a piece ber 29, in which he wrote: "North -ever. lwas teUmhe other boys ?s 11 lQecima nad b . I T iS vJNortn garolina, South Carolina forp Hp i o f w' ' " 1 J . 1 --,v? - wAdwir 1' W; taeydjdm courtship days After r, company got shot upbadly T ' . " aroima tore. He-is a farmer by occupation about it when old Jerry begun firing wedlock, the only difference being h JhoUi ifl ;A nf :tHat dav: some wpFp 1 Tennessee and District of Colum- and would finfi it i A... a machine gun right over ibv mk m wmmri Pia) American division. Maior fipn. 1; u ' t , : " - l - . - . r I "..wr, wvis, uuu usiviw nwv , . i . . - vui, uc oiaicU, lO atteno a mpptind vuc v iuc uwjra oam .lou naa oec-l :. i ; . iue uBiguuor icys wnai son asm 10 :ivv'i oycuuiug uve aays on tnel uaving, tDroKen of the General As'semhl A ki ict get uuwu , aaa you oet l sure r .wvcui :perpeiuauon oi 9hw t.ucis -r-vi-uancic was psu.uic ueep., aeienses - ot- the Hnwpvpr fco ri k. , -.. ' . . ... -.. J wYi, rdaHW: " V r: where mostof thft mm du Hi.anu., ; e aowever. would be willing to do uiu i uuwu ana wsj quick, weu, r? - : " : fi4mKfl;n, .w L.r", mu.k uue, siormea jjelim- that if neceWarv :u.An i 1 1' , . - : i 4 ---v-... ; - . - . ivrw woiuK iu csueu uoies nair tnii ' j- -? ' . . . , ' uic wnen om spariuer 93U Came around neajmr ruate seizea xwuroy. un their wisdom nfHn ; I l - -1 r j' r. : '. i : " I n ari fi,;H x leic tne tn American divisinn V, usr irum ma son uaa recenuyr iae i "u"u5 iu iveep you warm . letter was' written at a Red Cross biira wet rain coat and it raining New York'- Major-General O'JBry- appropriatiioal hospital where Oda is convalescing ?U e time- Who wouldent get an met vith very heavy infilading Of Chapter 2441 - ; - : r1 1 otuuu 11 an wnue we were a maenme gun nre but pressed on American Red Cross, Nov. 24, 1916. re irontDut vvften we back the with great gallantry as far as Jouy Dear Dad: v V"?u V. wore on me. wherft a hlttpr r iisn ui.t iieiieve me I havp hoon thm ' f?iu ixy ouu wmts yuu a lew lines r ' w w fnr being as this is to be your Christ- ; m lw uaine qere Dut cvciy juau was on w jop.. c r: u ui or wax- from his " son Oda recently.-The I and nothing to keep you warm man of us was missing when it was y3 ucense. y through.: Just as th sun was 5. To increase beginning to peep up I heard on i of nnder amendment of Qhapte the first guns fire .that -meant that pblic Mws of 1917, from $10,009 the North Carbtina boys were to fol-1 t0 $5MW, providing r every cfiiid Ijw the barragein an hour and then wilh the faciIity to aawimeiital or we started for the Hindenburg line Physical defects correctai and were given command not to 6 make theSqc Months hurry and fire, fiiipid fire of the School Law operative in every guns. W sUp5aU around our county of the State. .: uns andlust in ;a "fewJ minutes I 7- To provide j for, .compulsory; lookeovMtjo school.attean diuing the ri ou bosinoer term and make &i&Mj&ij&. o f death and evervthind in RHAirihWAr f o,i til : vww TU1 "u 1 o li i W aUE1 -'iJ!?w Metterl am: goiog to tell you a few wherer WeS etdn, Z Z of my experiences .while in France m;iia k;,, . idJ. :CZ.7Zl ZL' :rT.r uuliU Wbenthey transferred us out of ..... w j .wu uuw i u& vuj 9 nvtviuil OUIWl IC41AI. present time. struggle took place possession of the village. The - r ' . m a-an A. 4- X 11M I I IIIIII I III! r T T-r-v.l. S. J f . mas letter 1 aui seiuug wen last now. wu tuc wiwie noui. oi tne I am still at the hosDital but et- h;ttnave told you about all the Second American corps was severe timt better everv dav. Thev savlauuui nope tais unds and in tfemncourt. Nourov. GHIp , is :;- . Ivnnwpll Hot ma n 5aKWa1-:-j .....I mat we are going to be smpped K ; , . ajyuuc.puig you mont Farm and a number of other back tothe States from here, but . U1C luuluer yara m wiieve me I Inmnta amid tha lntriiofi .f dont know when my time wm. i' w rK Ien Afiet whi?a nf thpHlhdp;kv,.H i- TT - ii" , - v . , , , I hrtTv'nnHiAPeftnn ai.Aloi the nmdenburg line, strong bod. &Aiti-;.nr .x tutZI i tim so weak I can iiardlv .write v ies. oi-ine -enemy? hem out .with I wilf close now as it is getting great otistina fmiay. hours, waiKingon oyet and 1 was letting 8. To . make $65 montblvrthe tne old bermansvfcave it with my minimum salary for teachers hob machine gun, with about 75 more ing First Grade Certificates. Helping with their guns. Then our 9, To make sanitary closets conv ooys began to come back Out of the pulsory for the owner of property lines, cringing witn tnem autos and on which a closet is located within 15 German captives; some of them three hundred feet of a dwelling. vere wounded, of course., I "was all 10. To provide toilet facilities on the time looking over at our boys or near the Capitol grounds for both fiamg forward, until at last they sexes, white and colored. oroKemrougb. My officer said we 11. To establish asphalt or we going to a dugout and fix to go macadamize highways on the basis on lurtner up and do more bring, of - payment of one half costs bv inat just suited me and l started. Federal Government, one fourth i ne Huns began to shell the trenches by the county, and one fourth bv I was in and I picked up a little the abutting property owner, allow- faster. When I got to the place ing counties to avail themselves of where I was going my ofl&cer said Federal aid as they may desire. Xj flit.' . - 1 . I - - we wouia nave to ciean up our guns 12. To apply the principle of and I started to clean roine. Just the short ballot to all State admin- Qboutithe time I got started they istrative offices, whoso election by 1 . . . . . . 1 - - again ano 1 just Kept on the people is not required by the cieanmg and studied y wbere I was Constitution. oing, tor 1 knew that we would do 13. To conduct the administra them ja job and we did. I got my tion of the State Prison from the gun and sat down again in the State - Farm. trench and there came a bomb that 14; To convert the State Prison like to have covered jme up. I had Building mto a Hospital. just about gotten straight when 15. To ratify the amendment to uiey pegan bre again- and 1 said to the Federal Constitution making it my buddie "This won't do". By that unlawful to manufacture or sell in time that old machine gun of mine toxicating liquors, got right behind them , again and 16. To pass an Ouster Law. my buddie and I cleaned up things 7; To amend the State Pri- fiwhile, believe me! Then things mary Law further limiting tpend- l)egan to die down. Then we liad itures of , candidates and use of go further and I would have my money in primary elections r and mn ready for him this time. I make finding of canvassing board ever saw him for this reason:, he final. - " was a coward. And this was the 18. To revise the State's system ay I got through the Hindenburg 0t taxation, including actual valua- j tion and lower rate and to provide As; I am one of the old Co, A., for a budget system of State fi- 115th M. G. Bn., 1 will always re- nabce. . member the 29th day of September 19. ' To, compel counties .hjch nd the bovs of the mmnanv . nnd , b..hi . -..7 . ic uoyc iwucu .vuiua tor roaa con Answer soon jib. W.tb love to all, ODA and dont forget the AIN XE?r HIM A WAK E NIQHTS J. W. Peck, Coraopo!is, Pa.i Writes: "I suffered terrible' pain; unable tj lie down at night. Tried three dif- icicm .uociors. inree weeks- a poinfts of resistance were gradually overcome either by the support troops of the American di visions or by the Fifth and Third Australians divisions; . ... the bid outfit I was transferred to the forty-second division, 167 infan try. They were men from Alabama and a mighty good bunch too, altho there aren't very many of them left About two weeks after I was asigned to them we started for the front. We were the first division to 7Z, "iST-i " TSa Ta imProve-ment in my condition is wriUngvyour n am e and address it for 101 days and had a good really wonderful Use Foley Kid- clearly, . You will receive in! return Hma than, hanni.n if r. ..:- m..m.j. i- :. , 7 a Z Si HU,B; pey Pills for kidneys, bladder trouble 3 mal Pack e containing Foley laius auu cpr this out it isVwbjTk ' DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Sc to Foley Co., began taking Foley Kidney PillsH 2835 Shefiieid Ave., Chicago ,111. ag, and I managed to Sylva Pharraa(: fld of it all. I forgot to sector and nothing but night patrojing get my share of it all. I forgot tell you that Herb Neider, King and France were transferred to the di vision, after we landed on the front backache, rheumatism. For sale by WAS RESTLESS AT NIGHT. Sufferers fsom kidney trouble ex- Guy Fauiconer was in it too. I dont perience backache, rheumatic pains, Honey a nd Tar Compound.-for Qoughs, colds and crqup, F bley; Kid ney Pills and FolGapjjmtab-' lets. For sale bv S viva Pharmacv Problems of taxation claimed the attention of many legislators yes terday, as they lingered in hotel lobbies or walked the streets in the cool, crisp air. The report, ef the State Tax Commission, published in tie morning papers, vwas read with more thanusual interest, as mem bers pfjijbeGeneral Assembly prac ticaliput exceptiofii agree that thisifleiil&ftrust be carefully stud- 'i -; , ft-; iea an considered at this -session -Jl... R.0..Self, principal clerk "of the Senate has completed the organiza tion of his oncen has everything : - id smooth -running order. Daniel;: W. Terry, of Richmond county, is ; journal clerk and W. J. Jenkino. of iacon is calendar clerk, with Leroy ; Martin,, of Yadkin, as assistants :-' t - Stenographers for the Senate are Misses Margaret Neely, of Forsythe, , Mary Walker, of Iredell, Mary Fran ces Boweni of Wayne and Grace" Lee, of Haywood county." ' - : are. . TO WARD OFF ILLNESS. : know where the rest of the boys aches in ioints and mnsrip cw.l "tf njg uain.i ana otner torturous afH n- lazv. have "rhe hlnps" hoAnhao W - I I . WSW UVUUyUVOt All Frnm thn T winA fnn ... I -J ..v, . C tat Trili. -rt -1-1 ' I. . : . . ' -". - .. : w., uHioius uuui c h wiuua. yv . ivuc, k. r , u. z, tJox V. palpitation, biliousness, bad breath 1 m . -m . ni : - '. . . I .. - " were sent, to tne uiampagne iront. snorters, Ala., writes: ."I used Folev Uas. constioation or indirfpsHhn vnn After eauAnnl irlkn f k.J UM.: j fv.'Jn... r:n t . ... - . . " g.nai Uifiui9 w udiu rnwug niuucy ruis as 1 was so restless will teel. .better in the morning, if wunneavy packs we averaged twen- overnight with Pains in the small you take a Folev Catharti Tahlpf ty-five miles a bight for three of my back and side. Thev did m'p tonight f h; i For sale by Sylva Phar- adv. 't I,,--... -'"' : mghts m succession. .When the! good. Boche started their drive on the flf- macy. teenth of s July we were ready to hold them. We had been living out , YV U'UU A u 1 . in the open since July 4, digging Wm Barney, San Antonio, Texas, trenches at night and yetting what writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar has sleep we, could in the' day time. At been worth .tin nn hnttu t 0 laoclock onthe night of the four- I had fthe flu.' fnlfnwpd hv nn., u .(UuwiB; ucgau to mrow monia. which left me weak with a over one 01 tne neaviest bombard- persistent couh. The rmidh hnrio ments of the war. We beat it to the on. ' Some one cdvised Foleyi Hop trenches to get what protection we ey and far. I have mmnlPteN, rp couldSome of the boys were unlucky covered and do not cough at' all.' but they died cheerfully. It vas For sale at Sylva Pharmacy,' adv. our first exnerience under henw fire arid believe me we sure held "up Until further notice the appoint- fine. Tne. Boche came over at 5 mentsv for the Webster-Cullowhee o'clock, but we held them with the circuit will be as follows: First SijnV rrench Blue Devils at our side. day- Cullowhee 11 a. m.; Love's From the Champagne we were Cnapel 3:30 P m- Second Sunday sent tivetand cleansing .physic that acts without inconvenience, griping or nausea' For '.-sale;; at Sylva Phar macy. ' adv. .. ' , -;: POISONOUS WASTE. CAUSES . : SICKNESS. When the kidneys are w.ell they, filter waste matter from the -bipod. When,.sluggish or overworked, the kidneys fail to clean the the roll call vote on the ratifica- tion of .the Dry Amendment asked for by J. Frank Ray, of Macon, who voed for ratification, was: 93 'for and 10 against. RECEIVES WOQOES SHOES Ralph Buchanan received a pair of wooden shoes from his brother Segt. M. Buchanan Jr; who is With the lOoth Field Signal Battalion. These are children's shoes and are wora by the poirer class in Franca The shoes are oa display in the show window at "M. H. MnfrU 1 Sons' store: UTTLE CHILD DIES .'If- mm The .little eighteen months o!d cliild of Mr. and Mrs. Noah' C6gln3 blood, and nf th;s ..w ai,a o , i. nAieA m,K0fn!ujx. .-v,. ..-ouuuuay morn- andmuscles to cause ' aches, pains S!L i,? God for protecting not more than 5 per f cent of the river capturiml -vuiuuBu an tuis. 1 nope to see amount of- Bonds for construction, all Of you around old Svlva again I . on v :.4.u-t . some day. Love to on and all: ' Corp. David H. Dillard 20. To authorize a new building for the State Department of Agri- cultura and soreness. Foley Kidney: Pills strengthen, act quickly "and relie ve kidney, and bladder trouble For sale by Sylva Pharmacy -ad T. jrlfe:KKOWS WHEREOF HE f;: :-- speaks: T 'f TTorrvor Aid To to Chateau Thierry. You have Isboro; 11:15 a. in, Weslevanyio probably read about how we push- 3:30 P- Webster, 730 pni.Third .Foleys ffoney arid' absolutelV ed the famous Prussian g"ards fif- Sunday. Cullowhee. 1 1, a. m.; Loye's ! th.W nnh r'Aw - across the Ourcq Chapel 3.30 p. m.; Dillsboro,. 7;30 1 ket. I know whereof T Wv. capturing a number of towns. P- m- fourth Sunday, Webster, 11 ! intrd it in mv A,;7 V It was there; live .iolfQ.P- m- Jse ' edy acts. quickly relief fs mvvw yu iUlgiCUUUU IU CiaWl IU , V Au Itl J t to. We went back of thelihesand body welcome to all services : : got a six toy v rest. Then westarted - : John Cline, Pastor.- permanent."; Good for colds, coughs, croup, ' Contains, no opiates. ' For l?ale by Sylva Pharmacy:1 adv. ing'aoo.ut sixvo'clock and was buried that afternoon.; Rev. J. A. Cooke of the : Methodist church J conducted the funeral service. Interment was tnade in the Keener cemetery. Membranp.nna prnun at net K. 'c ,1 I. - - I.-H. Powell and J.: W: Keener have bought the Ai B Dills, proper ty just between tho railroad and f the creekand aire making a.' lot of j repairs on the buildings ' Hafrison.Frizzell, of Webst.erwas' inthe tiity -Thursday on business, F, H. Evatis of this place called - in and renewed his subscription to v the Journal, . , , " x- V