FUND AVA1LADLETDR H I GH 7 A Y CON STRUCTION IN STATE Raleigh, March a "Rufus is the name of North Carolina? new road law whereoy ;zs,ouu,yuu lsavauanie fox North Carolina- roads, the "Rums- system is the work ef ;the conference committee . of bouse and senate which took a bill introduced, as the Pharr-Matthews . 'measure but was freely amended by the" senate : " . ; ' : -" ; . Pharr and Matthews fought' the agreement bitterly but on roll Jcall ' went down 57, to 31. The new - bill rarainssubstantiaUyv all the Pharr Matthews features but yields" the p)i its of county initiative and county tilAmt to state highway commis- . .. .."7 . i ,y 'sion control. . . "Rufus" is the compliment to Gov ernor Rnfe Dauhton who fused the warring elements and got the fi nal Vote which made the bill law. Its, Baal .passage restorea a piece roai 1 almost aamcks of chloroform tonight. . To show it the house tonight unani mously voted to buy the executive mansion "an autdmobite.Messre Herring and Turner of the minority made fine speeches in support of it and were applauded The minority won a Dig victory ,m me evening session.- ' . MSOUIB AMERICA : i NASHVILLE. TENN..- MAR. 12. Three Brazilian youths., about 19 'years old each," arrived, here today alter a monlb's Jbetr native land in BraiafortnepuTpos of learning American publishing 'methods, so that - they can return had setup 'a, Methodist publishing plaut in. their own country. The boys are Pedro; Tosetti, Tito Backer aad Jiro Waitenbari none of whom know any English. They - will-start from the bottom in the big printing plant of the Southern Methomsr niblishing House ana, uitet 'spending a year in Nashville, will orobablv go . elsewhere for a y ea'f s vocational training. The plan is to send them back to Drazil able to' handle th? entire pub- i?i"a?e"ncrof Jyiethodisrtctivities ia that landTThe Methodist there ex pectto publish a vast amount of ed uoational literature lA connection with their church work. They are so; plaunini to send fifteen new missibnaries . there and .jo develop tmrly-five native teacheis for the tatf.paroclwal schools to be set up After the financial campaign for $35,0Q0,0OQ: has-been concluded. , ! fhe leader of the Brazilian trio is Tito Becker. Heis the son of Dr. J. L Becker, who is presiding-elder of te,BelloHorizonto District, and a professor o .the Methio&sf Seminary iiUhsame district All three lads expreMed'themselves a? greatly im- iiresseu1 with the '. magnitude of '',. . - . , '. . - Arnexica.' y ' -V " v - - - NORTON pnday. . morning,. March 9, ati30 6ocljLeoard Norton and oenna umara,were unnea iu iuui- ninony The- ceremony was pern formed at the. home of the. bride!s pifents; the writer; officiating. The bride ia the daughter of Mr. arTd'MrS: James Dillard of Webster. The groom is the son of. Mr. and MrsTJrfft Nort n o Norton. , Af:er the ceremony a'deliclous and boun tiful breakfast was served to a host of relatives and friends who were present 1 Soon after breakfast the bride... and. groom, 'accompaied by Mt, SWiUie iiinehart arid Miss Alice totster of the bxider departed for Norton where their future home STUDENTS DlLLAliD STATE-V lUE ROAt) is7 i :M act to provide for. thereon. struction and maintenance of a sys- wi o.w.e jiigQ ways ana : jtov en able the State tou1rean bafe fitf-federaiid therefb&a other tpqse -The : General AssexaHy'tortn rpjttiada enact . ":. , -, -Section4. :That for the purDdse system of JSate ' highways And Dost roads, the funds collected by , tfte State as & license -"tai on autohio- uuc moior cars, motocycies,: motor trucks, or omerveWdefiomlwhich the' State toes - now " or jnayr' here-aftei- collecf cense. ta; shall; after the expense of .collecting, hs uecu aeooctea as nerein provided, be paid 'to the State Treasurer and by him kept es a special fund to be known as thState Highway Fund;1 for tne construction and mainte- nance of a system of State Jiigh- ways,.wbich shli be onstucted so as to - form a system of modern highwaysacceptable to the tlnited States government, connectirtf bv the most practicable routes the va rious county seats and other princi pal towns of eVery county, in the State ... ,. ; r Sec. 2. That all convicts, either State or county, Yhjat can be arrang ed for by agreement with the State prison Board or between the various county authorities and State High way Commission as the case may be, may be worked on this, system of State nigh ways, and on the pro duction of material for said high ways. The care and discipline of such prisoners shall be as provided by the prfson laws of the State Sec. 3. The location, construction and maintenance of the highways this act are to be dbermined upon and the work done by the State Highway Commission, and all sup veys, plans, specifications and es timates shall be' made "by said high way commission. Whenever 5 any one, or more, of . the counties -of the State shall agree to furnish one-fourth the cost of the construc tion of that portion of - Um State highway system- "contemplated" by this' act c which wdl ' be. in or run through such county or counties, preference ' shall be given - by the Stat 3 Highway Commission in .be ginning the construction of the high way or highways in or running through such1 county or xouh&Si and .whenever, .any . county shall notify the State Highway Commit sion that it will aud is prepared to furnish one-fourth the Cost of" con st ruction vof that .portion -of the State highway ay stem which will be in or run through such ccunty or counties, it shall be the duty of the State High way Commission to proceed to such countypr counties as early as practicable and deter mine upon the location of the high- way or highways; in or" running through such county or counties which will be a part of the State highway system and make the nec- essary surveys, p'ans, specincations and estimates and proceed with.the construction of the iighwayor high ways -as soon as the necessary fundVare available, the one-fourth to be paid by such county or coun ties to be held by the road author ties subject to the order of the State Highway commission, to be;paid as the work progresses, tJiider ' this arrangement, one-jourth the cost will be.paid by the cotttyor countlesonetfourth fVbni the State highway fund, and - one-half -from the Federal aid (unaV In construct in the hidhwav or highways, the State,Higbway, Coiiissiofi may maker ud ehtercontracts for such construction -with any county or roimris of the State, or with con- tractors, or have the work done wmcn are juce consiritcteaiiy tne tw JoriAJt es xepresteo . l State HighwayXornmijJon under units imd mcc ot eraobiliw .under its. super vision, endeaoring to have the same done i ascheaply as possible, The? said construction work and labor shall be tinder the direct supervision of the State High-' wajr Cotiraii spectioa and approval Af the Secre- tatyof Atfricuhufc ofthe OnitW States or his authorizid teresenW - 1 - tiv?s, ahd in. accordance .with?; MB ecause know tiiAj- a,..!-- ;;B"ttnat:tnev 'neined tft ennntsiipn laws ww-auM:iuiwuj,uauc suant tothe Federal aid. law. The State Higay Cornmission may in its discretion from time' to time apply for and Secure Federal aid apJ make pay ments on said con struction as the same progresses in the probata part of the value if the labor and material which have been actually put such contraction m jbompliance with said plans snedfications. The State Hitfhwav Commission .shall cooperate wit the counties in obtaining material and labor tone used ;on any pro iect under, the provisions of tWi J act (Continued next 'week)' lEMOBlJZATION 30TQ : WASmNGTON, D. C, March. tlJ The war department today announ ced the demobilization points of practically all the units of the 30th division. Of the sixteen organization mentioned Jn, 4hd announcement .POINTS fOR ANNOUNCED ihereare seven North Carolina uiits.augraented by units of the 117th in-l The informariun oriinallv came .i du:h a ;. wli vu. w . TZ ; , outline of the tentative, schedule of demobilization. In each! organization mentioned thert are' from twenty 1 fibh follow: ;r '. 1 14th Machine j Gun Battalidn, Tennessee, Fort Oglethorpe. v th; Infantry, Tennessee, Fort Oethorpe. -1 18th Infantry, South Carolina, Camp Jackson. . 1 10th Infantry, North Carolina, Camp Jackson. ' ;. 120th Infantry, North Carolina, fCamp Jackson. 113thv Machine Gun Battalion, Tennessee; Fort Oglethorpe J 105th Engineers,. North Carolina, Uamp Jackson. 105th Field Signal Battalion, Ten- nesseeFort ChJlethorpe, . . - , 105th Supply Train, North Caro- Una, Camp Jackson. " ' 105th ftain Headquarters and Militnrv Pniinp n a r n J I nn Jrop Jackson.. ' Jr ; - : f -105th Sanitary frain; olina, Camp Jackson. 113th Field Artillery, North Car: olina, Camp Jackson. 114th Field Artillery, Tennessee, Fjort Oglethorpe . 115th Field Artillery, Tennessee, Fort Oglethorpe. 105th'Ammunition Train, South Carolina, Camp Jackson. 115 Machine Gun Battalion, North ina,Camp Jackson' i DEATH OF URS. ELLE FULLBR1GHT. Mrs. EHen Fullbrightwife of Mr. T. P. FuUbright, died at her home near Webster March 8th. Mrs. FuUbright had been sick about eightiears with tuberculosis. She was a daugb- terof Mr. and Mrs.;Lafayette Cowan, and leaves a husband and six chil- dren Mrs. FuUbright was a good chris- tiari wdmari andbad Nen a mem- betfbt the Webster Baptist church for a number ; of years. She was sions, classified by the British high wilhng to die and told her friends as follows: 34th division, a. erage; nottorieveWher. - , ,20th division, very good; 24th divi Ufii Long Sion, Very good; 21st division, aver graveyard Sunday afternoon in the age; 21st reserve division, average; preseace of a large congregation. 38th division, very good; 119th di Rev. W. N. Cook conducing the Vision, average; 121st division, aver- k foetal services. 10 HAVE GOOD ROADS Senator O. B. Coward, of Webster, and Representative J. N. Wilson, of "f ;Jn Ralegh Wednesd?y - Tneyboth a smile ? t.- " -----v-r as th county was. in need of, especi- ally the Road laws. First the enacts m?nheSta;e;Wide which law is to meet the require ments.of the Federal road law, and so alaw fox the several counties o the state so that they majeure tenssary funi8 to meet both the Federal aid and the State aid, Which iS One fourth Of- the COSt Of the construction of the roads in the veral 0unties that may take ad I I v?ut8e OI tnc reaerai ana state l81 Sone-of the counties are requir- nom eiecaons ana vote Donas jrune arpar oi me counties county Commissioners are authonzed to Issue anise!! bonds without an elec-1 uoii, a na our enacor ana Kepre- tentative saw fit to have this county eomeunder the latter provision. DISTORT OF OPERA- TIOS OF THE 30TH PUBLISHEC BY RED CROSS Continued from last week. Thft SOth Hi vision thpftflt-h hridoHo I tnMv atiaeA ooir K!, i: 'A B.eA JTtJ w. in., oepiemoer on a front of three thousand yards, cap- tured the entire Hindenburg system JACKSON of that sector and advanced farthsrlbein over the II American corns rtijKSafcauimeliti rth&Gerraan troans theraiTf. and thk ihecities of BeUicourti Nauroy, iqueval. Carriers, Etricourt, Guil- gins Fermand Ferme de Riqueval advancing four thousand two hun- dred yards, defeating two enemy di- visions of average quality (the 75th essrve division and the 185th divi- sion), taking as prisoners forty-seven officers an 1 1.434 men. On Optober land 2 the 30th divi- sion was reUeved by the 5th Aus- aliaa'livisiaa aal oijjI to biitt area with division headauarters a I Herbecourt. The division scarcely reached this area when it was march d back and took over tha front line fa e same sector from the 2nd Au- straUan division near Montbrehain on the night of 4th and 5th. hr ANCOURTPRtSMONT BUSIGNY I , ttcvmtotv y a ity a wni'iMv .ft mm w w t - n ftfoher8.9.10 an 11. theSOth division attacked each day, advanc- ing 17,500 yards, and capturihg le d'petitGambresis, Becquigny Mon, Sarasin, le Trou Aux Soldats- BusiUny. GloViettei le Vert Donjon. Escaufourt, le RondPont, Vaux-An- nigny, v aucc uu, .a & . Trll Uiankl In l-i mA Aft an . I St ajuplet St ; Be-", Male. we lo3t officers and Geftevfe. half of Montbreham. Bran; our mea prisoaers: for-couft.Prem3nt.Vauxle-Petre,Bran i. .-- B. ,000 mn coucourt, Fraicourtrenne, Bois Mi - rand, butry r erme, ia oaouere . t-. 1 r L I . 1 : DeCqUlgneilc rciuic, uvio uc mar maisbn, malraabon Ferme, Bois de Busigny, Bois iErmitage, Bois Proy-J arti lmberfayt and Du Guet Fassia- luxFermes, taking prisoners fbrty- fiveofiScers ind l,88men. The 59th bngade beganhis attacK on uctoDer Sand captured alt taeir objectives, including Premont and Branconrt. During this operation from October 8. toll the 30th division encounter- ed uait3 from fourteen German divi lege; 167th sharpshooting section. very good; 204th divisionaverage; 208tb di vision, average; . 3rd pavai division, vary goo 1; i5th reserve di vision, average u ' 4 C V The 30th division, was: relieved by the 27th -division on Ostober ll and 12, but returned on October 16 took over a part of the same tine t th, ho.m1 th ..h. blIfof the sector temporarily held. I. a.. . ; - launched on October 17, ia and 19 Dy me jjtn. ine next ; attacs was against the 22ist division, average; . sion, very, good, advancing nine L;flnri vor.w Atnrind officers and 413 men, and tin towns of Molaillf St Martin Riviere. Ribeau ville, Ecaiilon, Mazinghein and Rib- eauville Ferme : rw.n m.h nf thA fidhtind frnm Of!toher 8 tn 1 1 flnH fpnm 17 tn m difficulties of the terrain were very greattWiththe countrygreatly brok. en Dy. 8maU patches of woods, and yillageSt with UQ'even terrain and 03Ca8ional large. towns admirably L , m-hin0dn Hrw of which the eyery advantage. TheLa Selle river with hUh Kanta waa ninat Li,,, T u aik ties the advance 'continued, often without artillery support, and was made possible only by the determi nation of the men- and the skillful use of all arms combined with clever utilization of the diversified terrain. The 3rd German naval division of the crack . German divisions was hastily thrown in in an attempt to stop the advance. The division was then withdrawn to the Heilly training area, near A miens fhr rAnlarpmpnta nnH a well earned rest; division headquarters aiuuemeu, iwo weens laier, wueu orders for an immediate return to the front were expected daily, the armistice with Germany was signed November 11, 1918. The Jghtiug f with which It had b33a Ot since its arrival ia France, and transferred to the American E. F, m tae Mans area, where the first units pf the 30th division- arrived ad division headquarters gr eat number of luns and supplies cap- tured, which were left for the sal- opened at Ballon on November 21, During the abve operations the Uuvance was so rapid and thetroops withdrawn so soon, there was no op- PPrtumty to gather up and salvage a eat number of guns and supplies captured which were left for the sal- va88 troops ot tne r ourui Dnusn army. Upon a partial check by the units of the division, it is known that at least seven-two 8eld artillery pieces, tWinty-s'uc trench mortars, 426 machine ga is, and 1,792 rifles I Were caotured in addition to the great m osa of m aterial. This repre sents but a pjrei jn of the captures In manylnstances field guns taken from tne Germans were turned over to the supporting artillery, and used by them upon the retreating enemy. Total number of prisoners captur I . . t. . . Wpmhpp Qctobet 2Q. Ninety.eight om. 1 imW ;nnlllHiid siidhtlv wound- 1 x - , -a a- and g . h(1 gassed) TO SOLDIERS AND SAILORS DISCHARGED A Revenue Act approved Febru ary 24, 1919 authorized a bonus of sixty dollars ($60.00) to all per sons serving in the Military or Nav d forces honorably discharged since April 6, 1917. If . a soldier or sailor has died since April 6, 1917, while in the service or after discharge therefrom, iiis heirs are not entitled to the b aus. . . " Apply to your nearest Red Cross secretary for information as to how to apply for same or to W. J. Mor ris, Sec'y A. R. C, or W, P. McGuire, Sec'y Civ. Relief at Sylva, N, C. SERGT. LrZE tOGDILL lES Lej Cogdill, the son of Johii Co.. dill, of Addie. died two or three days ago at Camp Hancock, Ga and was. buried at Old Field Cemetery, at Beta, Wednesday evening. : vice of his country forme PasVsev-' an. muui uas oeea in tne ser enu montns, volunteenntf . m rthe man of fine qualities;" and it was recognized by his superior officer? as will be seen from ibis promotions, v He is surviyed by a host of rela tives in this county who mount their loss. ' THE B1LERPLACE SOLO Mr. JF. Freeze, the local agent of the Southern, has purchased the Miner place. Mr. Miller has reserved a lot, just to the right of the house he now occupies, on which to build a residence for himself. Mr. Miller sold everything oh the place, tools, livestock and feedstuff. and will vacate about the first 0f the month. . Mr. Freeze vpl move in as early thereafter as; possible and Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Bess will oc cupy the Gray house where Mr. - Freeze now lives. - v The Miller place is' one of the most desirable pieces bf property about town, and is well stocked with fruits of all kinds and varieties. GREEN'S CREEK We Jiave been having some fine weather lately. The farmers have begun their work. . Misses Mandy Chastain and Min nie West of Tuckaseigee jyererthe guestsjor Miss:AnniexiIaii;ujg fcs has een at wbr fcT coss tisi' Mr. J. T, Elmore of Cowee wsih seen on our streets Sunday. 4 Misses Octie Buchanan and Ludy Half-were the guests of Miss Bel va tiagle Sunday. - We' are glad to hear that - MlS3 Lorena McMahan is improving af ter being confined to her room for "several days with appendicitisv; Miss Lula Morgan has -returned home after spending some time with her brother at Franklin. Mr. Robt. Cabe came home from Sunburst and is confined to his room with the Hflu Miss VivianAshe Is visiting her sister, Miss Gay, , who is teaching school near Bryson City, ' Miss Fanny Brooks of Barkers Creek. is visiting her sister Mrs, Kelly Bradley. . ' J Mrs. Harlie Shepherd was the guest, Sunday, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HalL Mr. Harvie Cagle who is wor)dng at Caney Fork, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Cagle On the 3rd day of March the death angel visited the home "of Mr. arid Mrs. Wesley Allison and carried away their darling boy at the age of 3 years and 7 months.x What has become of all the Jou, nal writers? Wish some of them would write Sunflower. JOHNiPARRiHOOUlLB R. . DUlshas purchased the John : A. Parris place and moved" in and Mr. Parris has. bought a lot from Di; D. IX Hooper, in the . west eni of town, j ust opposite Dr. Hooper's res-'i; idence and will build there in the near future. Mr. Parris now occu-, pies the residence on the Graded k INCAflP School property.. The consideration C -in neither transaction is mentioned. ; DEATH OF HH. FRANK FilZZELt Mr, Frank Frizzell died at lis home near Webster last Sunday vi morning and was buried at Love'a ; Chapel Monday evening. - Mi Mr, Frizzell was about 37 yearf ; old and lived with his mother. He . was a strong man and wes only tie) a few weeks. . - -"vs V -t. ..?:"" 14 m-SlKh. 3 r, t' will be. J. J. Wop.

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