AN ORDINANCE ' AUTHOTuZING J THE ISSUANCE -OR $25,000. SEWER system: BONDS OF THE TOWN Of C SYLVA,xNORTH CAROLINA Be it ordained by the Board ofCom. .vuui-'i V ' V mi,sioners of the;Town of Sylva Mlul.dUlu irucKs ana leams tnai Section i. That in pursuance of "the re expected to work a day, the provisions of The Municipal Finance ' time has been changed to Novem- Act (Chapter 130 01 xne r u duc j-aws 01 v TQI7 of North Carolina, as amended), negotiable bonds of the Town of Sylva, to ba known as Sewer System Bonds j1 are hereby authorized to be issued in an aragate principal amount not ex ceedhrg TVENTY-FIVE T H O.U S AND DOLLARS, for necessary .ex penses of said' Town, to-wit, for - tfie purpose of paying for the construction of a Sewer System for f uruishingSew. erae to Town of Sylva and its citizens. Sec. 2. A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest o the bonds hereby authorized shall be annually lpvied and collected. 1 ,v ' -. Sec. 3. The following matters: ase. hereby determined and declared pur suant to the requirements, of sefction 17 of the Municipal Finance Act. (a) A statement of the, debt of the Town of Sylva has been made and filed with the Town Clerk pursuant to The Municipal Finance Act v and is open to public inspection. - . - x (b) The average assessed valuation pf property subject to taxation by the Town of Sylva for the three fiscal years in which taxes were last . levied, as shown by said statement, is $638,842; (c) The amount of - the net debt- of the town of Sylva outstanding, author- ized, or to be authorized, as shbwn by said statement, is $40,000. sec. 4. This ordinance shall be pub- lished once in each of fqur successive wf,ks lterM s fint1a?l-fnfequir" ed by The Municipal fcinance Act. Sec 1. This ordinance shall take, ef- feet thirty days after its ; -first publica- for its submission to the voters is filed under The Municipal Finance Acr, and in such event it snail take effect when apSSved by the voters of the Town of Sylva at an election as proyibed in said ACt. ; j. , - tu wotr nr-Mr, was nassfid on me 29m day of October, agxg, and was mist PH3HiJAw- intaofL LlltlZ its first publication. " . ' ' A;-yvwl4?u i-,;'''''-rthese. Town of Sylva, North Carolina. - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE ;.OF $75,000 ' ' ' WATER BONDS QFTHE TOWN OF SYLVA, ' NORTH CAKULiiN A i I rse n oraainea ny tue ayaiuui m- missioners of the Town of Sylva. becuon 1. That in pursuance of the tf S rSK 041917 ot JSortu Carolina as amended),, effitttfom the County Superintendent by authorized to, be issued in an ag gregate principal amount not exceedingly . j-nirpn fnr rpntwnl pfnrp bEVENTV-FiVii THOUSAND DUU- mav be taKen tor-, renewal Deiore LAKS, for necessary expenses of. saidUhe Unje Unlit ends. town, to-wit. tor the purpose ot paying tne construction of a water system tor furnishing water to town and its cit izens. . '. Seg, . A tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds hereby I authorised shalj be' annually levied and collected. ' .. , - v , Sec. 3. The following' , matters ar herebv determined and declared pu? suant tja the requirements of section 17 of the Municinal Finance Act; Ja) A statement of tne debtgf, the kUto th, TClerk rsuantKo m Municipal Finance Act, and is oyn pi bylva nas Deen raaue auu open-to public inspection , ; ' : stFerigthening tle nerves. Garret's (b) The average assessed valuation Blood Purjfter Tonjc s as efec ! Property subject to taxation by the . fi a reme(Jy as can be used, and riKL'0"? nubu lo&ra wcio last ivT"t , hon!hv ampnt is Sfi.i8.842: ic) the arnpunV pf th'flet -debt of the town of Sylva 9utstanding? authrg? Wed orj to be autborized, as ; shown y I4 statement, is 40,000. r : SnAi This prdjauce shall be pub', iished pnee iu eagl of , Jgur sugcesvesi weeks jafter its na! passage, a requir - 4 by Tbe Municipal Finance Act. " ffjfe.7.9!! .Sf feet tbirty days after jt 'firt publica twn, unless in the meantimf a JeUtioh for itslsubmission to the voters is filed r:: ;1"!.,':! ,.!"" Proved hv th vWftrs of tii Town; of uuvu cvcui ti : auau iao cucbi . nuw. SyWlat an eRction 'as provided in $w Act - Th rj1rirLtbeS Z3 I9I9. Anjl action ororoceedines" question- lng the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first pubUcation. : ' ! T. O. WILSON, Clerk, Town of Sylva, North Carolina. J i ' : : : . - .V ---. fj (1 H f RflAII 11 AY UUUil llUlUU .Uil NOVEMBER 11TB On account of .the Road Trustees not, getting ready for a day's work J " ' ' - fn. II i.1 J l- 1 . f 1 oer 14tfl. They are getting out a lot of rock and gravel and will bed the road With rock and surface with gravel and cinedrs and make what we do permanent. Lets all be on hand with our teams , and shovels and put in one good day. Bring a bas ket of dinner and letsNput in a full day. CJullowhee will work Monday November 11th. IMPORTANT iO TEACHERS x Raleigh, N. C. November 4th. 1919. To City and County Superintendents. Gentlemen: Since the work of this office on the budget will not be completed before the first of De cember, the Board of Examiners has decided to credit Reading Circle Work on Lsiper andRapeer towards reijewal 0f elementary certifi- ' . . - . ,mn ' . , cates expiring in 1919. provided this work is done in accordance with Section 37 B 4 and provided v . . , further tnat these reports, properly made out, are on file in this office not later than December 1st. If you have teachers who desire - , , , - to secure credit on one or both of these subjects arfd who were not lnK1r mmVlAl-A tKa eHiilir nf tYa w u slv -"v same by the October Examinational x . l-'Uiius luc.gicciicyaiy meTfeiS . far & Examiners of your district and arrange for your teachers to secure credits. But this extension 01 iiuic iur . icucwai ur uwuuuaica applies, only to this year. Yours very sincerely, E. C. Brooks, State Superintendent Public Instruc- tion. v, 1R , tpnphpr hnlHind ati t. rjacn teacner noiamg an elementary certificate expiring in 191.9lWhose case is covered by the second paragraph above will please imniediateiy 0 that necessary steps DO IT NOW, Truly yours, Robt. L. Madison; Co. Supt.- y. - " Henderson ville N- C. Garrsn Medicine Co., . Hendersonville, N. C. v Gentlemepi l ean; fP(Jor8 and reeoininend Garren's Blood Purifier and - Tonic ,frflr ncind th mpHininP fnr inHidPS- tion and nervousness. Ietieve that the purpose of improving the digestion, .removing biliousness, and for improving the appetite I have I a J l'j. never found axem6dy to equal it. Very respectfully, 1; JI,.sfWN-, SYLVA PHARMACY, SYLVA, HOLMES BRYSON, DJLLSBOROJ R. J. ROANE & CO., WHITTIER 1 R. G. . SNYDER. WILLP1: Jf FISHER ADDIE. GEO Cr SNYDER BEJTA." ' r '&M. TELLS HOW HE WAS HELPED w b. . ... .TrP Mfimv newwln nrer Mich, says he was troubled with Kidney ana Diauer irouoie ior iwo , . , . ,,- ytari and used seyeralliods: pf 1 medicjne without, ay bnefltt but 1 aches adins :an(J' stoppel s 1 e e n disturbing bladdee ail- ment. They stop backache and rheu matic pains; ease lameness, Sold everywhere. adv. ' a M ard SPent laSt Sunday in Ashevijle. , . . )u HELP BUILD IT HIGHERJOIN! i -....- 'v.'t " . 7 ; ; . - T- . . . T! RETURNS FROM FRANCE Captain Grover C. Wilkes' has ar rived from over seas where he has ueenr iot more man a year, serving 1 e : . 1 - as ptain in the ediCors Qf was stationed atBnie Hospital No. W-T. Mn srthft nt whih inH. tution he had charge of the pneu- monia and influenza ward. Before dnind tn Frnfl fWmn WUItpq e",Ma v. "t"--"" was stationea tor some time at Camp Greene, Charlotte. He is a son of, Mr. and Mrs,S, P, Wildes of this town. Gould Not Even Rdise Up In Bed Hastings Tells "of Daughter's Won- I derful Recovery. Through The Use of Tanlac. Mv-jdau5hter's recover'v through the use of Tanlac was 0 wonderful that I can't help rejoicing over it," said J. C. Hastings, a well-known farmer, living at Alief, Tex. 'For two years," he continued, she was sick with stomach trouble j 1 , j 1 & , nnH npnrnlfiia anH hpr snffprinds were something awful. Most every- thind-sha ate would dive her trnnhle. and mauy a time she would wake up in the ni$tf in so much distress tnat Slie COUMn t SpeaK Of eyen raise nerseit up in oea. tsy morn ing she would be so weak and worn out that she would be hardly able to g,et up at all. In fact sfye had, to spen4 moat qf time 'm bed and was forced i:a give" up. her house work, andl was afraid she would never get well. . . I read in the DaDer3 about a I fjnpnfl nf mine who han bnp.n rHev- Ud by. taking Tancso the medi cin e f 0 r, m y da u'g h- ter and now she is li .e a different person Instead a lying in bed hveak and miserable, she is the first one ur in th mornings pnd is now well and itroneaough to take up her. house, work agan. She never I it - ft . 1 l 1 ft eoiim'a oi suriermg iiKe sne mq r - I have so1 . , n - rs .-i.rv,- faim in it that4 never exBeet t0 be vvUout it the hoiase." v - AM arugists sen amac. to Whom It M.VlIcern Notice. is hereby given that an-s plicatiop will be made tQ th Gov ernor to pardon Bob Brarplett con victed at October Term.- 191 of Jackson Super ior Court- ' This November 3rd 19ia . ' CHARLOTTE BRAMLETT. " ' ' I -II . . t- RESIDENCE OF . tWCOXBURNS GuHofieeit totally destroyed by fire last Wed- nesday morning. The fire is said to have originated byr sparks falling on the roof. - .- -i HALLOWEEN PAHTY r A number of the young - people of Sylvaand OiiUboro rao?tt heart ily enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Margaret Bfrc'iau.m at her home near Diil boro, Monday evening, when she entertained with a Hair, loveen party. Tha house was decor- jated with jajx-q iaatsrns and black ,cats, wit :hes and autUinn-. le ives ! and they j was a spa3k peeping 1 from aim Jot every corner. The host ess and her sister, Mrs. J. Ramsey Buchanan presided "at the punch bowl in.'the re33p:ioa hall. Appro priate games were played.and music hv thp fnnno Ir-sdips nresfinT en- 1 ,. , , . . ' .;ia un livened ma evening, while the gypsyxp mnaed uie nu.ure tu uie ! fortune h uat is. A course of salad j and sandwiches wre served. A number of young people from, Sylva motored down. . - THIS WQMAN EX)LND BELIEF Men and women suffering from kidney and bladder trouble -will be .11 ad to read how one woman found rjiief. Mrs. G.. Hyde Homestead, Mich., writes; "V had that terrible backache fnd tred ,t o,ut jfeeling scarcely able tQ do my work. Foley Ridnev Pills made me feel like a new person. v . Sold eyery where adv. D0N,T DISREGARD A COLD A, neglected cold maj? develop into mqst sefiow sickness, The in fluenza and pneumonia that; swept rthecountry a year ago were preced ed by an epidenio of colds. Foley's Honey and Tar will check acold if taken in time, Itlossons phlegm, and mucous, clears au piassages,.' eases hoargerests, stops tickling tbjoat. everywhere. adv. . BETA GRADED SCHOOL ' The ' following students were neither absent nor tardy during thei month of October. " ; ; Ninth Grade Grady Crawford ROLL ' Uiarlea Eiisley, To;n Gribble. ' Eighth Grade Jehnings Bryson, Lei Cook, Harry Ensley, Bessie Snyder.--' . " ; ; - Seventh GradePerigirm Robin- i, Ethel- Bumgarner , Lela -Bell Sixth Grade Sadie Parris ,Leona Mills, Clifton Fisher, Eugene Fisher, Ina Clayton, Glen Ashe, Stoakes Sherrill. Roy Smith, Elsie Wiggins. Fifth Grade Charlie Bumgarner, Lee Crawfordi Hal-Easley, Lincoln Essley, Willie Jisher, Perry Parris, Roy Watson, Annie Lue Buchanan, Irene Davis, Kathleen Kitchen, Lucy Kitchen,' Leonore Snyder, H3ttie Grace Sherrill, Effie'Wiggins. Fourth Grade Loy Bryson Gra- son Cope, Sherlie Ensley, Frank Fisher, Alfred Smith, Carl Smith' Lucy Crawford, Nonie V. Harris.- Third Grade Ottis Morgan, Grace CoOk, Hazel Fisher, SecondGrade Gladys Jones, Lina Morgan, June Clayton, George Parris, Edwin Bcyson, Loy Fisher; Delos Dills, Denver King. First Grade Eunice Fisher Ber tha Morgan, Mary Clayton, Leona Smith, Muriel Snyder, Freda King, Eloise .Crawford, Iter Mae Bumgar- uer, James Gibbs, Clyde Gibbs, Kenhith Reed, Ray Fisher, Roy Fish er, Robert Harris, Joe Parris, Frank Bumgarner. - W: G. Dillard, Principal. WEBSTER GRADED SCHOOL The following students of the W ebster High School were present and on time every day for the school month ending October 24th. First Grade Lucy Buchanan, Lucy Monteith, Evelyn Sherrill, HeK en Cowan, Gertrude Stton, Louise Beck.. " - becond Grade Bessie Beck; Annie L. McConneli, Roxie Buch anan, y : ., ' ' ; 'V-.: . Third GradeRoy Allison Fred Morgan Covia Hoglen. . Fourth Grade -Alvin Monteitb, Claud Rogers Margie Sherrill. Lewis Buchanan, Minnie Ful bright, Jennie Ruth Brysorii Bas, -Brown. . ' , Fifth Grade Louise Buchanan, Glen Davis. 1 . Seventh GradeDan Cowan. . Eighth Grade Isabella Allison, Nellie Wild, Robert Sherrill, Eleventh Grade Edna Davis. John 0. Wood, Principal. SH2RRIL.L 8c HARWOOD AlTDBNEY AT LAW Oftlco In Pharmacy Bldg $1.5D THE YEAR IN ADVANCE LIEUT. VOODARD v HAS ; BET0RNE1 The former members of the 105th Field Signal Bn. as well as theotheirt friends of Lieut. Fred H: Woddard will be glad to learn that he, has riyed from France, and was in"Sylva this week looking up his old friends. Lieut Woodard enlisted in the Radio Company N. C. N G. at Sylva at the time of its organization in 1917 and after arriving at Camp Sevier was commissioned first lieu tenant, in which capacity he went to France and served in , alL the campaigns of the 30th Division with va. t.f iuo rieia aignai en. Alter the cessation of hostilities and upon, the arrival of the Bn. at the embark ation center at Le Mans, he was transferred to the Signal , Office v at Le Mans. Later he was detached foS special services with the Food Com mission under Mn Hoover with, headquarters at Constantinople. Lieut. Woodard has received his discharge from the army but has been iven a specil appointment with the Shipping Board, and expect after a brief visit at home, to return to France. COMMUNITY INTEREST; By J. p. Brammer Last Thursday, Oct. 30, Greens' -. Creek School paid high -respect to 1 Prof. Madison and County Agfent by pitting like ladies and gentlemen while we spokeolext 7Thur. .wee. Kov. I3?anlAgricultural Class will be started there. The Agricultural Class will be call ed for lack of better names: Webster Agricultural Missionary Class; Shoal Creek Agricultural Mis- sionary Class; Olivet Agricultural .vlis3ioaary Class; Greens' Creek Agr icultural Mis3ioaarv Cla33; Johas' CreekAgricultural Missionary Class; Dillsboro- Agricultural Missionary ClassjTuckaseiges iri3altUiMl Mis sionary Class; Willets Agricultural . Missionary Class; time every two weeks. Everybody interested in selection of seed corn, legumes,feeds and feed ing, etc.are jirged to take this course in agriculture. Let every organization get inter ested in lime spreaders. They cost. Chicago $3395. Every organization should have one. . Let every boy and girl be ready to join the agricultural duos which shall be organized on a much better footing than ever before. Ask county agent about this work. You may get a start in life thru this. The county agent wants to help you lay off plots and help you all he can. Let every one who has corn, learn from the classes just how to select corn from the field. Ask the classes about this, if " anyone should not know, report to the principal and he t will see that you - get the desired knowledge. , f Now is the time to plan for big things next year. Let me urge every citizen to get behind the Jackson County Journal by subscribingfor it You see how many in other countiesire subscrib ing et Jackson go dver the top. Do you know that by co-operating thru'the county paper we are start ing something which will lead to a county "phone system, water -works in every home, electric lights in many: townships and; every home painted, since paint is cheaper hari Iumberr and beautiful in every way, . Watch the paper for : these pro- Igressive; movements and - otner things which you may rget thru Jackson 3ounty JournaL; ; - - f. v 'I

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