- i r 7 - r !NEW SERIES VOL. I NO. 9 V SYLVA, N. . a. X)EO;il919 - r r r : j 50 PER GENT GROSS PROFIT IS ALLOWED SECOND LYCEUM NUMBERxDECEMBEU 23 Merchants must mark selling price on each article; Will require rigid enforcement of regulations au thorized under Lever Act. A! gross retail profit not to, exceed 50 per cent on the invoice, cost has been annouced by Henry A: Page. State Fair Price Commissioner, as a reasonable margin of gain to mer chants in North Carolina, the regu lation to go into effect next Monday, December 15. The announcement was made in an address before the Merchants' Association in Wilson -Tuesday night, and brings to an end the 1 controversy that arosef some weeks ago between the Commissioner end the merchants of the State uu i - The! regulations follows: J"Xhe practice f having differ ent prices for different people wil be considered a violation of the Ant: there must be one fair price to everybody. 24-"To offer for : sale any mer charidise that does not bear the sell ing price in plain figures, provided the form of such merchandise al lows space for marking same, will be considered a violation of the act. 3-L"A maximum margin of 50 per. cent on invoice cost is allowed on men's clothing furnishings, hats, r and all shoes. To charge more than 50 per cent is indictable under the net. 1 This is not to be constued to mean that all merchandise as class ed above should bear 50 The second number of the Pied mont Lyceum Course the Amp hion j Trio, will appear at the Auditorium j Tuesday evening December, 23. The ; trio, a soprano, tenor and baritone voice, is a most unusual one and their entertainment promises to be a treat for music lovers, as well as others, of Sylva. The Piedmont Lyceum Bureau says of this trio: "In the Amphion Trio We have three artists. Each person of the trio is one of experi ence and ability. They' are not am ateurs. Mr. Foote was lor a number of years the recognized artist of the DeKoven Male Quartet, and in re cent years Mr. Pell also sang with this company, while Miss Ellis has for several years charmed the people of Chicago with her splendid dramatic soprano voice. They pre sent not only vocal trios, duets and solos, but also a variety of other pleasing features, including a play let entirledf College Days." It is to be hoped that the people of Sylva wiil take advantage of the splendid attractions offered in this Lyceum Course. 'AycockSchool IiftprpVnfent Day,' Friday, December 19 " Patrons of every school In tecaunty. asked to meet to work and plan for school improvement "A . Nickel Apiece From Every Pupil" for the Ay eocK Monument, Both bur State Superintendent;of&hools and the-County Superintendent are anxious to have every school in the county, both rural dnd urhaqHwhite and blacky observe "Aycock School Improvement Day' next Friday, December 19, as required by law. I f" " On that day the patrons and friends of every school are. expected to meet at the school house and discuss-r better still, provide such of the following fourteen improvements as are most needed: ' 1. Lengthening the school. . . Getting an additional teacher l v Getting better school buildings. ; CONFEDERATE PEN SIONERS RECEIVE IL-iS CHECK X! VDlTTIEifii - Mrditor your paper I warv Jyoif fci? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Paintjng the building. " Improving school grounda he community to read and ft IS COMMUNITY INTEREST By J. C. Brammer. pr fit. since, if be found a merchant j adhering to this rule to escape the clutches of the law, it would be counted against him. i i 00 PER CENT FOR WOMEN, 4 "A maximum margin of 60 pr cent on invoice cost is allowed on all women's ready-to-wear. To charge more than 60 per cent is to violate the amended Le ver Act. "Fnll rpnlar.ement value will V not be allowed,., but the merchant wil be expected to average cost of clofhing, shoes, etc., in determining new and advanced prices. (Mr. Pae explained this by saying that a serge suit purchased last spririgat $20 might cost the merchant $40 if put-chased today. This would not justify the merchant in marking a regular percentage of profit . on the $40 suit and then bring the' price of the suits carried over up tb; this level.) 6 "These regulations are effec tive December 15, and rmg" 9hant who wilfully excedsftie above margins of profit or violates above regulations will be subject to indictment and trial before Federal judge and jury; Willits club is growing stronger and stronger. They are well prepar ed to write on: " What I Have Learn- per cent I ed About geern and Legumes" Qualla Graded School has named its club, "Qualla Betterment." What club will better this - name? You Who do not think there is anything in a name lgtuj lose out because t name did carry; any inspiration. View Point Greens' Creek has increasd to 90 Agricultural Pupils. They have $80.00 worth of gas lights. Her attendance at night meeting was 2U0. The dehate oh the subject, "The Deportation of the Colored Race" was won by two ladies over two bright boys. Hurrah for the ladies! Webster had the best debate of the season on "Should the U. S. in- WoriFQnrf rhf Rrvfsnn and Frank I ttd-VS? . i i?vci , Henderson are ioing to make them- SeU 1 n' iiquai v ' r selves felt in Inter Collegiate De-! bates. The Journal was good.' The That Is What-Mrs. Mary Cope Says Getting a school library; r - Getting a traveling library. Getting sanitary drinking fountains or individual drinking cups. f- 9. Getting pictures for th school. . 10. Arranging for a. schoofSann in 1920.1 11. Arranging for a school air. 12. Arranging for a course p lectures, muic, etc., for the entire community ?t' 13. leaching illiterates m thi write. 14. Getting boys and girls interested in club work. Another purpose of "Aycock School Improvement Day to raise money to complete the monument to Charles Brant ley Aycock, North Carolina's beloved "Educational Governor," soon to be erected in RaleigrSeHreralr thousand dollars have already been raised, and work on . the monument will soon begin. An average of "A Nickel Apiece From Every Pupil" is the hope of State Supefintenderit Brooks, and pupils are asked to carry their contributions to school next Thurs day or Friday morning. If anjparent feels unable tb send a nickel apiece, let him send a penny apiece; and others who feel disposed may send dimes or quarters. But the hope is to have every child in North Carolina feel that he has, had a part, even if only a penny gift, in the erection of a beautiful memorial to a great man. In after lie when a boy or girl of today goes to Raleigh and sees the Beautiful Aycock memorial, he will be glad to think, "I gave at; dime toward it," and even if he never goes to Raleigh he wili'be a better tt ii&Ql one? who so;lo ved and ' served the school children of It is hoped that no school in the county will fail to ob . serve "Aycock School Improvement Day" next Friday. if on account of lack of time some of the sohpols cajnaot arrange to celebrate this important occasion on December Y9, 1 urge that the first or second .Friday in -JajquarbQl used for this worthy purpose. Let every r.choQv evejcy,1 nnfmn onrl owprt; nnnil tnlfp nart and lft all nnfrihntASlftV-. ''( the monument fund. --t; -s?tS?. Respectfully yours, v r -v ROBERT L. MADI70N, Co, Supt, haprjenings from,.pIiv.et;XfeOIivct The semirannual. or Christmas onto rr. nfnron 1 nA community club . met at : Olivet ... . school house Dec. 6 9 A.-M; 1 song, widows of veterans have been re- K i, k.. rr tr . - ceived from the state treasuernd grayer, by Presideribgef talis . are being mailed out t&Laiol- by E. Camnbelfoii ediirattnirtaT. . t - . . . 7 JV auoii arid tother' things of interest to ' the farmers 4 tallss byunty Agent r J. , J, Brammer oo" ' corS and po: atcabSm . izinefpresidentlw Ur 7 James M, Gray Districtanar at at Asheville in regard t6fretaining. Mr. Brammei1 another yjear. The motion caifiedJand-Uie oteiwss -unanimous in mvor ofMr. Bram mer. Adjourned la mtDecl 2fc I think it can well.be said that Mr. Brammer is like unto a little spark that kindleth a great fire. For by his untiring efforts hehas kind led n great interest in both young tdiers by the Clerk of the v court; Henson.The size of the checks ; are ; not as large as here-to-fore, as the last G eneral Assembly increased all third and fourth class pensions to $'60 a year to be paid in Decem ber and June-one half the total am ount at each payment instead of paying only $45 once a year, in Dec ember as has hither-to been the custom. There is a total of 152 confederate pensioners in the county of which 87 are 2 soldiers and 65 are widows of men who served the South during the war between the State. There . 4 and old of ; our community alonii are soldiers who are totally disabled agricultural and other progressive and draw $10 each month, one who lines, Mr.-Brammer reminds me of draws $50 twice a year, and 78 who Abraham Lincoln because! he is receive $30 semi-anuaily, 65 widows a great thinker and never speaks draw $30 in December and $30 in - nn r w , . . . , evil of any one. , June, and 1 whose semi-annual - - -. , check is for $50. The total amount , A. Jfljvf 1 oyu orwatany of confederation pensions whrcVthe community might well be proud of. state p ays m this county;is t?9310 1 rrof, McHan with his able assist a year- ants have the confidenpft" nf thi : With the Christmas check from patrons of the school . ' the state goes the full-hearted love o5f. - m: ' and wishes for a happy" holiday ceot large. Th-pogress; of season from the entire people of the tn children is all that could ,he r State to those who are left with us wished for. This with, the fact that J; of the brave' defenders of our ideals we havein Prof. Madison one of the and our Scate in '61 to '65. best Co. Superintendari8 in the State is bound to- make ; Olivet school become one of the best in the State. - ' - sfox m fen, ed a nie st0:ic of in our. vuua wiiH uie uice line oi WATER BONDS SO J r ' - Lookinjifesfatlationqf .i;an. e!x!leht supply , waterrand -a nmisneifssRi $75,000 of vater aiisd $Z5,UUU sewerage ma se carnea txv Mr. . H. Reagan hn'&nds at rto - December 1.5., The I makeitnnaeaassirv to Ieavedlivh maiicauthbrizing the 'issuing td shop: Everything seems to, mm 1 JLh-w - o.k: lhe Progressive spirit. MUSIC RECITAL AT CUILOWU recitations and music held us spell bound. -The 'record of club members Oli vet. 46; Qualla Betterment, 5"2; View Point, 66; Willits. 19; Tuckasiegee, 17 Webster, Dillsboro, Johns' Creek and Wolf Creek clubs have not fully i completed their reports. - Everything increasing rapidly, centiy. About Tanlac -Her Troubles Are Ended TO BOYS AND GIRLS PLANN1NCT0 ENTER HIGH SCHOfl Have you considered entering 111 till lliy OCYtUl-i .nvr J " - have never seen the equal of Tan-' mas holidays for.half a year's pre lac," said Mrs. Mary C. Cope, of 274 N. Hicks St., Los Angeles, Cal. re- Get on the band wagon and let us all live or die together. Tlie F. II Term of the ;'eckue : Institute e.iaie The music department of the Ciil- Nnrmnl and Industrial School i Vjf II 111 V A M. Ill w niidpr thp dirfinrioil of Mrs. F:- L. Wells gave a splendid piograrri.;l.att . ijlODday evening Dec. l5iht JVie a'ljk' ... dience was large and appreViative: An tho mimhprs of the TDrotami . A. Ill CllV ilUlH vtv , A .were much applauded, the chorus numbers being especially- well re ceived. The names of those who r fii e ' rt&tii j u us, mokpartinthecuorusare:Sop been mule, all' of Misses Blanche Duckett, Margaret which bespeak lor tne uesi ieui4 'jizfAA''u rminy snring. in the histblv. of the institution.- A Merry m all the old students and'awaiung your return, J. O. FlJLLB RIGHT, Tpfl'phft'r of S. S. and 'bibio Depart- A. v ment. Sylva Col to a close tday .(yhiirslav). The Hill ii quae iOneiy ao-.v. but on Jan. 3ih t -c snaie j siudeac body siuupnts, ;a n d we patiently, a n d iSli?vv?Sif. that UiV. Candler. Elizabeth Candler, Luther, Olivette Luther, Julia ' .Ba lard. Rachel vDavis, Ruth McG ISallie Reynolds, E'izdbeth .McUarrv Freida Fincher; AltQS, Lola Sthl waii f.nfv Ki'i-knatrick. Es her Rog- ers, Mabel. Jamison, Jessie Ha! Tenors, lessr3. F- B Mann, Ernest Crawl jtd, Ead CrawfoiJ.Orvi' e fer reli'D. E. Worley; Bass3S, Messrs Wayne Wells, Willis Kirk Patrick,. John Flintom, W; B. Cornwell, Mance Cagle, Jr., W, M. Henson, FOR SALE Jap-o-nee Liniment 1 .r t A ViAniiXT W. R, Ponder s L.iver auu iuuuW "During the past six years," continued, "I had so much trouo with mv stomach that T could a't j eat any thing without bloating up with gas, and feeling miseraole afterwards. I was so nervous and rundown that I could ...rurdiy rest or sleep at night and siinply felt miserable all the tim-. "I had reaiabvi: T i ilac helping i t others and d32id3.Ut .ry it myseii and it has c;.:v il proved to be the right thin for me. I have taken only four bjitles so far and am feeling n'w j'.I ilready as I ever did. My slj;n i is in fine condition and I can eat and enjoy my meals ana that tired nervous feeling . has all lei" t ma too. I sleep like a child eyery onrl fppl strong and' well all llJgU.1 ' o the time. I am glad to recommend Tanlac and hope my experience i.;;fK it will panfi other surfers to try it." All druggists sell Tanlac. paration in high school subjects? If so, have you been hesitating on ac count oi tne cost ot sucn orenara-s tion? There is no need of delayii4PiYa- N. C, Dec. lo, IB' ), in? Hoard ot commissioners most the thing that you desire cuse of objections thit can be be re- WANTED To buy second.: hand son $1600 v'as,cc The Set-bid "of THicker-Robin- hy ; giving 'a.pre'miurn Cof ng the highest bid made for-fhe water and sewr. John N. Lambert SPEEDWELL moved. We wish to call attention, to the act that every boy and girl desirous of attending high school is offered free of charge the very best train ing that we can give, ' To boys and girls wishing to enter for the spring term, who are "Willing to work during odd hours for their board, a limited . number of boarding houses' and nri vate houses will be i by S: open. If you are interested, -you should write immediately or apply in person to W. E Bird principal of the SylyaHigh School; or to Supt R. L.v Madison, Sylva, N. C. The spring term open January 5th erage system have beenediT w t0 state tnat the75 Mmioa ny.momas a:; voxjr, engineer... frtim 4 - V -and'the work wUl begin soon ,as Pf aT Campaign is m full blast m ppsoibie.H?is hoped tha.t theiwork Speedwell and is sure going to raise can be completed by the middle of her quota. Speedwell is rather slow the summer. ' V V,. : sometimes, but always " sure and j he water shed is one of th? best ithat is what counts. When we re- m tms country, tne water coming , u u. u... from Black ?Rocs r Lid the-.. .high: ' ' moantains surrounding it, and will orphan children in the Thomasville in3ure an adequate supply of the Orphanage to be cared for, why this best freestone water. " V alone should stir us to action, to say The miuiites of the meeting - for- nothing of the other great purposes J')w: - ..V.'-si .in" this'drive. Hope every church will respond to, this call, in a way . " - . . : ' . Vi thit. will r-nnnt Anv momhr Aftho caiiea to otae oy me Mayor witn " iLftm& mtts present. . Dan urch though he be as poor as a Tmri&inV in-jnr p," 7' .vd.er F church mouse can give 10 cents a N. N;,'Lbah, ;.iiter; Cfaade Af6ii"aQ:d 10; Wii-son Comaiis ' It was moved .bV.-VT:.- O Wilson r w- p- Shook, 2ts FOR SALE--12. acres ofthe Bum- garner land, liiuijmg' the falls. This is one of the most desirable sites for ahouse, on accdttnt of the beautifurfalls..AlsQ 1 acres of landbetwefen Davikan RUvGarrett-SylYa: X: streets monthwhich is $1.20 a year or $6, in five years; and on a membership Of 50 members would amount $300. We 'don't .need the money so much. dill ; ecuii uy u.i uni-usij vJl : . ' . th bid'fr r ,,,k..rRmii a'tf 4, something this year,--for next -n med tW mav be. dead, and when aed cnscn in' i 13 vim. $im iu ;HU lucy aic UCdU lw a iOU8 indv December ! r2il. Afterlme- ...... - -i'--. T"i l . it-: . as folio vs v y ' ; hard at work, trying to combat the C. Z. CandieF,-Aye, TV' N: McLeaji nn cost of hving. and keep on the; Aye, G30. Pdinvexi Aye, Ciaaie Al lison, Aye, T, O.Wilsaa, Aye. Tne vote being uaanimaus. Laere being no further .hufmess the board ad journed good side of the' tax - collector. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Bryson a boy. . . Born v Mr. and Mrs. . Qariahd Ashe a girl. vV .. ' V . :; Royal Seago. went oyer the top in T. 0. Wilson. Secretary. : ' -' France, he went overthe'bptt We are"eqaested .. to '. announce Uoitedr$tat-wnj.liel that a play wiil be given by Beta Rhoda Bryson Wer4.pined tomtit Graded. Schopl, - Tuesday, eyenin Deci;23, at.-00 o'clockl Admissibii lanaoentsC' , v H iiLthe holy bonds of:wedlock-fevy days ago. i . - j- I. -