IF IMS, SICK! TAKE NO CALOMEL I "Dodson's Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn't Upset You? Don't Lose a Day's Work? Read Guarantee You're bilious! Tour liver Is slug fish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head Is dull, your tongue Is coated ; breath Bad ; stomach sour and bowels constipate*}. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver, which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dy namite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night. Your druggist or dealer sells Child's tongue showi if bilious, constipated you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal money-back guarantee that each spoon ful ^111 clean your sluggish liver bet ter than a dose of nasty calomel and that It won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. YouH know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bow els regular. You will feel like work ing; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give It to your children. MOTHER, CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" Even Cross, Feverish, Sick Children Love its Taste and it Never Fails to Empty Little Bowels A teaspoonfnl of "California Fig fiyrup" now will quickly start liver and bowel action and in a few hours you have a well, playful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Fig Syrup" because it never fails to work the sour bile and constipation poison right out of the niRES COLDS - LAGHIMPE i/t 24- Hauurs in J /feyS ? (ASCABA^QUININL ? Standard cold remedy world over. Demand box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait and signature. At Alt Druggists ? 30 Cents 1101) LIVER REGULATOR Large Can 25 f White and Black not Colors. Pure white and darkness are not colors, but white and black objects are commonly spoken of as colored, although the former reflects and the latter absorbs all the rays of light without separating them into colors, properly so callod. little stomach and bowels without cramping or overacting. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup," which j has directions for babies and Children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say ''California." Refuse any imitation. Cause and Effect. The teacher was angry when Thomas appeared tpn minutes late for school] oue morning, "Why are you late, Tommy?" lie said sharply. > . j "I'tease, sir." replied the sinner, "it was late wlion 1 started from home." I "Then why didn't you start from home earlieij?" "Please, sir, il was too late to start early." Infections or Inflammations of the Eyea, whether from external or internal causes, are promptly healed by the use of Roman Eye BaUam at night upon retiring. Adv. Be Glad for the Fields. Be thankful to the fields, though summer's sweets lie dead. It was their fleece that clothed you; their green blades brought you bread. ? Frank L. Stanton. ) Luxury is apt to transform pleas ures into burdens. SAY "BAYER" when you buy. ? Insist 1 Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Toothache Rheumatism Neuritis . Lumbago Neuralgia Pain, Pairt Accept only "Bayer*1 package which contains proper direction*. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets ? Also bottles of 24 and 100 ? Druggists. Aafiita U tfe* tnta nut of Btyar ManafMtora of MonoMoUcMMMtor of MioylicMtt. Makes Old Waists Like New Putnam Fadeless Dyes? dyes or tints as you wish Christianity vs. Religion ' - By REV. GEORGE E. GUILLE Bxtenalon - Department. Moody Bible Institute. Chicago. >7 TEXT-Ab ye have therefore re^i Ijjjj Christ Jesus the Lord . ? ? "? , any spoil you through philosophy. 2:6-8. Today thousands of men are mis taking the religion of Christendom for Christianity, not knowing that they are as far1' apart ns heaven and the bottomless P I *? "Religion" is the term frequently used to designate Christianity and the experiences of the Christian. This is easily un derstood among Christian people, hut in many parts of the world it would not be under stood at all. Just as "the Jews' re ligion" was an apostasy from Judaism, so Is the religion of Christendom an apostasy from Christianity. Christianity Is Christ. Of the d vine revolution that sets It forth ue is the -enter and its cons nt theme. His at'.niug death Is the loon, latum upon which It rests, and He. now til ing all heaven with His glory. Is its one object. By His Spirit alone, though working through human in strumentality. can It be pn^ted. It is supernatural, and the Christian Is a supernatural being. His fa rests upon a supernatural t elatloi. and is constantly fed and ministered to by that revelation. He is super naturally begotten of God In the pow er, of the Holy Spirit. Ho Is sujier naturally indwelt by God in the per son of the Holy Spirit. He shall one day be supernaturully transported to heaven. By God, who alone has found a remedy fcr human sin and who knows how to deal with it, the Chris tian Is redeemed. Justified, born again, "made nigh by Ihe blood of Christ," made "accepted in the Be loved," "made the righteousness of God in Him," and thus "made meet to be a partaker of the saints in light." None but God can accomplish this. Of all this, religion knows nothing. or the religion of Christendom Satan is the author. "The god ft this age" is one of his manj tities1^ In Scripture. Ai?d this title repeals the sphere of his activities as being not morals hut religion. By corrupting the truth of Christianity through "the wisdom of his world." and by imitat ing the things of Christ lie has devel oped this monstrous system called Christendom, with its ten iliojsaml dis cordant voice.* and with Sts numerous cults .masquerading in a Christian dress. -In many of t'i->se a Christ of some sort may be found, hut in none the Christ of God. the Christ of the cross, the Christ of the open grave and glorious exaltation. It is the "Ideal," to which religionists strive, by various means, to attain. It is this human attainment, by fleshly means, that fits them for eternal bliss. Christ and His finished work for sinners be ins set aside as unnecessary or im pertinent. Thus religion ministers to the flesh and nourishes its vanity and pride, building "P its devotees in self rlghteousnes.i and a false security. In Christianity, on the other hand. God presents the Lord Jesus Christ as the only and all-sufficient Savior who be comes not alone the Christian's pat tern but his power to "walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing." Religion prates of "the universal fatherhood of God and the consequent brotherhood of man," but Holy Scrip ture declares that the "children of the flesh are not the children of God," and that the only brotherhood recot* nized by God is that of believing, re generated sinners who are united by the Holy Spirit's baptism to Christ and to each othei'. Religion exhorts men to character building; not only fixing Its own standard but proposing the various rneftiods of attainment. Christianity shows man the sin of h5s nature and divinely empowers him against It by the Holy Spirit, teaching him that not by his own struggling but by yielding his life to God the Spirit of God shall produce In him "the fruit of the Spirit" and thus form the character that Is so pleasing to Him. Religion makes much of rites and ccremonies and by outward forms It largely expresses itself. Christianity, In Its outward expression. is,^he life of (jurist Himself lived out in the Christian who finds his power for this In fellowship with Him, needing no pictures or other externals, for He finds Him made real to His heart through the Spirit's ministry in the Word of God. If the Satan of Scripture In con trast with that mythical monster of Christendom were recognized. It would be seen that whatever form mere re ligion assumes, however high Its Ideals or ornate Its ritual, the con trast between It and our holy Chris tianity is, in the last analysis, Satan vs. Christ. The Love of God. To the man who has learned the se cret of the love of God in Christ, death has only the uncertainty of a glorious adventure.? Selected. Counting the Years. We do not count a man's years un til he has nothing else tc count.? Emerson. ?(PROVED UNIFORM OTHUUTIONAL Sunday5chool ' Lesson ' By REV. P. B. FITZ WATER, a D.. Teacher of English Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyright. IB?! Wottrn N?wapas?r Union LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 4 THE GRACE OF GRATITUDE LESSON TEXT? Luke 17:11-19. GOLDEN TEXT? Enter Into His gates with thanksgiving, and Into His courts with praise; be thankful unto him, and >less His name.? Psalm 100:1 REFERENCE MATERIAL? I Chron. 9:10-5; Psalm 116:1-14; Matt 18:21-35; Phil. 4:6-7. PRIMARY TOPIC? A Man Who Was Thankful. JUNIOR TOPIC ? Remembering to Thank Ood. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -l..e Grace of Gratitude. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ^DULT TOPIC -Cultivating the Habit of Gratitude. Jesus Is now on His Way to Jerusa lem where He will be Offered up for the sins of the people. It was fitting [hat He should {rass through the coun try of the Samaritans, for He was the Savior of all men. On this occasion He came In touch with a colony of ten lepers, and His healing of them ex hibits the condition of human nature and the workings of His divine grace. I. Their Awful Affliction (v. 12). They were lepers. Leprosy is a con tagious disease which rots off the members of the body and eventuates In death. It may be unnoticed In the blood of the person for years. It Is of such a foul nature that the one thus afflicted Is cast out from society. This segregation was in accordance with the Mosaic law (Lev. 13:46). It was a kind of Naaman quarantine measure. Leprosy has always been regarded as a type of sin, even at times visited upon people for some sin. Examples, the leprosy of Gehazl (H Kings 5) ; Miriam (Num. 12) ; Uz Eiah (II Kings 15:5). Sin has come Into the world and flows fr^m generation to generation through the racial stream, so that all are sinners (Rom. 5:12). Though sin may be hidden. It eventually breaks out and destroys the body. Evidences of this are seen on every hand. There is no need of Bible proof of its reality. II. Their Cry for Merey (v. 13). They were in great need. No hu man help was available. Thej^ had somehow heard how Jesus had healed some lepers. Where there is real heal ing if Is bound to be noised about. Thla aroused faith in them. by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Rom. 10:17). "Faith cometh As He came cry unto Him i their way they called fcjr mercy. It is the privilege of all s|nner& to call upon Jesus Ciirist for mercy. Salva tion from the most a>vful sins will surely come to all who! in sincerity. III. Bidden to Go to the Priest* (v. 14). Before the lepers were healed they were to show; themselves to the priests, according to the Mosaic law (Lev. 14:1-32). As they went in faith they were healed. While God goes be fore in the work of salvation, yet He demands of the sinner faith. Faith is th's cause of His action. Activity on the sinner's part Is necessary so that God's grace can flow iijto him. Faith expresses itself in action. By this means the divine power and human need are united. The only faith need ed is for the sinner to realize the heal ing power of Christ, and as this is acted upon there Is the consequent In crease which results in complete sal vation. Cleansing is realized through obedience. IV. The Gratitude of the One (vr. 15, 16). Perceiving that he was healed of his leprosy, the Samaritan turned back and with a loud voice glorified God. He even fell down on his face and gave thanks. The one least expected to show gratitude for tfnls great mercy was the one who sincerely expressed It. V. The Gratitude of the Nine (w. 17-19). Presumably they were Jews. The very ones who should have been most grateful did not show any apprecia tion. They were content to get much from Christ without giving Him any thing. He expects those who experi ence His salvation to jgive Him their love and gratitude. The Lord Is hurt when, saved sinners go ofT with the blessing of salvation as though they had stolen it. Many t&ke ail they can get from Christ and give nothing in re turn. Ail the blessings of civilization are ours through Christ, yet how few thank Him for them. The proportion of those who are ungrateful for the blessings which Christ brought is per haps nine to one. The fact that grati tude was expressed by a Samaritan shows how often we { are shamed by the devotion of those less favored than ourselves. Finding God. If we cannot find God In your house and mine, upon the roadside or the margin of the sea; In the bursting seed or opening flower; in the day duty or night mualnfc ? I do not think we should discern Him any more upon the grass of Eden, or beneath the moonlight of Gethsemane. ? J. Mar j tinea u. Victory Over Sin. It U not by understanding God, bat by trusting Him, that pver sin. ? Anon. we have victory To Fruit Cake Lovers Now you can buy a fruit cake of the kind that you would make at home? and save home baking. ?a rich, fruity, luscious cake that doesn't crumble and dry out. ? tender, almost juicy cake with that rare flavor of the raisins and the spice that makes you like fruit cake. ?a cake that you'll be glad to serve to friends ?? a prize fruit cake, in fact the most delidoua yon have ever known. ? ? ? ? These plump, tender, juicy, thin-skinned raisins are ideal for cake. Taste the cake you get and see. You'll enjoy fruit cake more often when you can secure such good cake rtady-madt. Mail coupon for free book of tested recipes suggesting scores of other luscious raisin foods. Just ask your bake shop or confectioner for it ?the cake that's made with Sun-Maid Raisins ? / San-Maid Raisin Growers S C*-oftTMtivt OrisuiiMtie* Comfruiui 14,000 Grovtr Utmhtrt Dept. N-540-J0, Fresno, California Bint Path* it j CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT I San-Maid Raisin Growers, Dept. N-S40-30, Fresno, California. Please send me copy of your free book, | "Recipes with Raisins." | Name j Street r Cmr State AllenVI? Range THE name"cyHlen"on a new range represents 25 years' experience in building good ranges. To-day, daughters buy cAU en Ranges because they have seen their cooking qualities proven by long years of service in their mothers' kitchens. Write for our illustrated cata- ' log and name of dealer near you. ?Allen Manufacturing Company NASHVILLE X ? >: TENNESSEE Had Nothing but Mon?y. He (Indignantly) ? "You married me for my money !" She (sweetly) ? "Well, | dear, what else had you?" Important to Mothors Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOIIIA, that famous old remedv for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Tenth Class Matter. "Did you get any mail this morn ing?" "No, It was a letter from my congressman." ? New York gftn. Add Stomach, Heartburn and Nausea quickly disappear with the use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill*. Send (or trial box to 172 Pearl St., New Tork. Advertisement Advice for the Middle-Aged. Advice to men past fifty : Live as If you expected to be on earth for thirty years and, with all your plans, be prepared to go tomorrow. . .1 . ? I'lUmiillMIIMIH.IMlllWT'lhlll I -? l.-Lii'l-i ? ""'I 1111 | cigarettes IRCINIA BURLEY 15 for 10 iiHiinioiM iNiiii i iiiimiii i" ii'f Pedigreed "Htroncheart" Police Poppies, W C.O.D. on approval. Ton can't buy a better dog for protection. Airedale pops, 930. Strong heart Kennels, R.F.D., New Brunswick, N. J. DrKI NG'S NewDis JV6w~daeck.it\ AW-nostrils aore from blowing throat rough and scratchy? chett tight and oppressive with conges tion and coughing ? what discom fort! Thm ? cool, head-clearing relief following the first dose of Dr. King's New Dilfcoreryl How ef fective ? this dependable 50-year old remedy. Grandma will tell you it U a sate coagrh ?y rap lor every member of the family. Your dnaW baa it.

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