>1 >? Weed Strwgftj |aweoMtkt?oaiti,MU|uA|Ma rhaldiseaaeeof ?MK 1 ,lU>f elreu}?Uon, throw out U? ^ [tWWi tone np tbe Der%M i Oghttho?u?n*^^m^^ Uonofwttnti^^mTj Tbeni ? WlU bHt^ HlW, ron. , IT ?< ,i gulatea the clirn my afl halinflammatton. It baOdaap the by ed to property do tiMir work. Thousands testify to its rthm ?< after protracted ridoaa, an attack of Grip or 8pani*hla The fdaal medicine in the 1 house for every day ilk. ?Oto CVCTYWHM WHAT U MEANS TO BE "RUN DOW A "RUN DOWN" feeling is a dan ger signal. If you neglect it, you are leaving the door wid? open to dangerous diseases. ttuild yourself up to health and strength with Gude's Pepto-Mangan, It will purify and enrich your blood, tone up your nervous system, and help you eat well, sleep well and feel well. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is a time-tried tonic, recommended by physicians for over 30 years. At your druggist liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude's Pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood Enricher \ SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful h is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking LATH HOP'S HAARLEM OIL The world's standard remedy for kidntjt liver, bladder end uric acid troubles. Famous sinM 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Look for the name Gold Medal oa every box and accept no imitation PISO'S for CquyhizhQjlds COUGH? T ry Piso's? aston ishingly quick re lief. Aayrupunlike all othera? pleaa ant ? does not up Bet atomach ? no opiatea. 35c and 60c everywhere. SOLD BO YEARS A FINE GENERAL TONIC !Y0U cant cut out A Bog Sparta mr bat yoa can clean them off | i promptly with and yoa work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove the hair. $2.50 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you writ*. Book 4 A free. W. F. TOUNC, lac.. 31* W' St. SvriatftU. Mm. RELIEF FROM BRONCHIAL COUGH Mr. John D. Bear, Clearbrook, Va. Dear Sir: ? I am writing you in re gard to a bottle of your Emulsion. As I cannot set It here in Pennsyl vania and not knowing the price, will you please send me a bottle and bill for same and I will send you a check by return mail. Certainly will appreciate it If you ! will do this as I have nad this dread ful cough now for over a week. Hoping to hear from you by return ' mail, I am, a well-satisfied user of your Emulsion. Mrs. K. L. Messick, Harrisburg, Pa Coughs, colds, lung trouble and gen eral run-down condition yield to the wonderful healing powers of Bear's Emulsion. If you feel run down or have a cough, get a bottle of this splendid tonic, for sale by leading drupplsts, $1.25 a bottle. Me Each Paid tor Sketches and Description* Of handy device* that will save time, labor. H. II. Ketchiftn. 1848 a 18th. Sprtngfleld. I1L SEND NO MONEY SMIlions frost-proof cabbage plant*, leading varieties, shipped C. O. D. $1.26 thoa< ?and, mall or express, charges collect. . K- U POWELL. OMEOA. OA. RRGAL WYANDOTTE8, BUTTERCUPS Foundation stock, hatching egg*. MT. RYDAL FARM, AMHERST, VA. Agent* to SeU Oar Marble and Granite Monument* in yonr own territory. Good com. mission. Moore Monument Co.. Sterling. Ilk, SORE EYES rnHor Mqu I ck 1 r * ^1 tfco at OUR COMIC SECTION A Yearly Event \ J : ! . e?5 *ae oar t A FROM 94 POUNDS SHE GOES T0 132 Mrs. Gross Praises Tanlao for Overcoming Stomaoh Trouble ?Says Results Are Priceless. "Before I took Tanlac I only weighed ninety-four pounds and scarcely had strength to sweep the floor; bat now I weigh one hundred and thirty-two and am as heslthy and happy as can be." This remarkable statement was made, recently, by Mrs. Mabel Gross, 1187 Aldrich St, N., Min neapolis, Minn. "For nearly two years I had been in a seriously weakened condition and i suffered nearly all the^tlme from ! headache and backache. My nerves j were beyond my control and I was terribly dizzy. I couldn't half sleep , and my stomach was so ont of order that even the sight of food nauseated me. "The benefits I have received from Tanlac are priceless. I am now a per fectly well woman and my friends often speak of how healthy I look. Health is worth everything, and that I Is what Tanlac has meant to me." I Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- ; ; gists. Over 85 million bottles sold. ? i Advertisement Enormous Cost of the World War. ' An estimate made In behalf of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace shows that the cost of the World war exceeded $335,000,000,000. This amount Is equal to the combined wealth of the United States, France and Great Britain when the war began. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Bed Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that so many products that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reagoD is plain? the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative vaTue almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says, "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roof) is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills al most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by parcel post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamton, N. Y., and enclose teir-cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. ? Advertisement. Why Bee Favors Blue. It Is believed that the bee's taste for blue flowers arises from the fact that blue is the color of the most advanced flowers. To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, if any, with Cuticura Oint ment, (hen bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. ? Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little* Cuticura Taicum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each. ? Advertise nVLrt. r- ?????????? Cash Transaction. Rub ? Dobbs married an heiress. Dub ? For better or worse? Rub ? For more or less ! ? Life. Guard Against "Fin" With Musterole Influenza, Grippe and Pneumonia usually start with a add. The moment you get those warning aches, get busy with good old Musterole. Musterole is a counter-irritant that relieves congestion (which is what a cold really is) and stimulates circulation. It has all the good qualities of the old-fashioned mustard plaster without the blister. Just rub it on with your finger-tips. First you will feel a warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pores, then a soothing, cooling sensation and quick relief. Have Musterole handy for emergency use. It may prevent serious illness. 35c and 65c, in jars and tubes. Better than a mtutard platter Expert at It. "Jfcck has such a clever way of flat tering one." "Did he tell you you were beauti ful r "That wouldn't have been clever; he told me he was scared to death lest some movie manager should see me." ? Boston Evening Transcript. look to Your Eyes Beautiful Eyes, like fine Bcocoamdad bv All Dnesbta. 1 WOMAN SO ILL COULD NOT WORK Gibed Strength, Weight and Now Doing Own Work, by Taking Ljdb L Rattan'* Vegetable Compond Marion, Ind.? ' "I waa an run-down, narvoua and bant over. I could hardly drag around, let alone do my work. I read aom* letters in the papers telling what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound had done for others and 1 thought I would try it Then a man told my husband about his wife and what good it had done her and wanted him to have me try it I took one bottle and could aee what it did for me in a week'a time, and when I had taken three bottles I had gained both in strength and weight and was doing my own work. 1 took it before my last baby waa born and it helped me so much. 1 sure am glad to recommend the Vegetable Compound to any woman who suffers from female ail ments, for I know by experience what it can do. I have used Lvdia E. Pink ham's Sanative Wash, also the Liver Pills, too, and think them fine."? Mrs. Wm. Eldridge, 620 E. Grant Street, Marion, Indiana. A record of nearly fifty years aervica should convince you of the merit of Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound. There are scores of reasons why "Vaseline" Petroleufti Jelly should be accounted a household mainstay. A few of them are burns, sores, blisters, cuts. It comes in bottles? at all drug gists and general store*. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. IOkhMiiWI Scale Street New Ysrfc Vaseline Reg U.S. Rit Off PETROLEUM JELLY Kvitf" VauHni" Prtducih rmmmsndtd Mt/whmw buaua tf Its abtsluU furity *nd tfKtivtntu "Cutting teeth is made easy" MRS. WINS LOW'S . SYRUP The Infanta' and Children' e Regulator At all druggists Non-Narcotic, Non-Alcoholic Oakland, Nebr., Feb. 28, 1920 Anglo- American Drug Co., Gentlemen : I am more than glad to tell vou of the experience and result' obtained from your wonderful Baby Medicine. Our second baby is now seven month* old and has never given us a moment's trouble. The first and only thing she has ever taken was Mrs. Winslow'a Syrup. She has four teeth and is a - ways smiling and playing. Cutting teeth it made easy by the use of Mrs. Winslow's Syrup. Most sincerely, (Name on requetl) ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO. 218-217 Foltoo S treat. N?w York Gen. SilUnt Afftn fj .- Harold F. Ritch it A Co. , Ine. Now York, Toronto, London, Sydney CHENEYS EXPECTORANT /\~! , IJH . ? Instant Relief GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND quickly relieve* the distress ing paroxysms. Used for 66 years and resul* of long experience In treatment of throat and Inn* diseases by DrJH Guild. FBHTfUAL BOX, Treatise on Asthma, Its canst*. treatment, etc.. seat upon request Mo and li.0( at druggists J H GUILD CO. KUPXBT, VT, Skin Troubles | ? Soothed ? ? With Cuticural Sm?2Sc, 25 mi 50c, Tel