mAOON OFFICERS make ** Bia LIQUOR HAUL franklin Press April 13. ? Last Tuesday night local officers received fl tip that a fleet of whiskey laden fars wore headed this way from Rabun County, Georgia, supposedly carrying a cargo of liquid joy to Asheville. Armed with search war rants, Sheriff Alex Moore and City Marshall, R. M. Coffey stationed themselves at the iron bridge across (he Little Tennessee river at Frank lin. Along about ten o'clock the first ear, a sevefi-passenger Buick, camc along, hitting the hig spots toward Asheville. Upon being halted by the oflieers, eleven ten gallon kegs of liquor were found neatly packed in the rear of the car. The officers took possession of the car and con tents, and the two men occupants of the front seat were lodged in the county jail. Returning to the bridge with the confiscated car, the officers waited for sonio time for the rest of the party, but they failed to show up for several hours. Becoming suspicious that perhaps the ocoupants of the other cars had been tipped off in some way that the officers were looking tor them, Sheriff Moore and his party headed out the Georgia road to see if they could find ef?y trace of the balance of the party. A few miles out, near the Morrison School, they mot the first car, and while they were searching it and putting the occupants under arrest the headlights of two other cars were seen approaching at a rapid speed. The drivers of these ear?, as soon as they saw that the front car had b^en halted, tuitied aroivid j;nd beat it back up the road, taking to side roads as they came to them. Sheriff Moore stated that he followed these cars, but before he eould over take any of them, he began to meet them coming baek, one at a tinu-. A search failed to reveal any liquor in any of them, but he held the oc cupants, and following the tracks to where they had turned around, he found sevt|t mfcre t*fe*gaMorra of liquor that had Keen thrown out into the bashes. All told, six men and one woman were taken in custody and brought to the conntv jail, while one other woman occnpant of one of the cars made good her escape. Two Buick seven -passenger touring car's, one Dodce touring, and a brand new Hupp Roadster were taken, and are now in the hands of the officers. NEW COPPER MINE TO BE OPENED ON EAGLE CREEK Brys'lh City Times, April 13. ? It is reported that tho Mont Vale Lumber Company with a plant at Fontana and Main 0 cc3 in Philadelphia, hare discovered a rich copper mine on their holdings on Eagle Creek in' this county and that they have al ready started prelirr'i r.ry operation.' toward the development of the in dustrv. A small force of workmen with hand drills are at work and it is stated that they have driven a shaft seven feet into the vein and the deposit shows to be exceedingly rich and that the copper is of splcn did qnality. This outcropping is n different locality from the famous wfcMi ftera bM bee* so much litiga ? . > r u number oi years and goes H prove that when the forei-tP o! Swain county have been deauded of their luxuriant growth of timber. val uable sits of mineral will be found under the surfaee of these mountains onee so rieh in hardwoods that will add materially to the wealt? of the natural resources of our ooun ty. The development of this new in 1 dostry will be watched with deep in terest and hailed with delight. o democrats name TOWN TICKET The democrats will have a full town ticket in the field in the munici pal election to be held the first Mon day in May, instead of following the usual rule of agreeing upon a mixed ticket, it was decided at a democratic mass meeting at the Masonic hall, Monday evening. After the decision was reached to put a ticket in the hold, the following ticket w^ nn?" wated by the meeting: W. R. Sherrill, Mayor, D. M. Hall, R. C. Allison, H. K. Buchanan, C. L. Allison and A. W. Ccj>e, aldermen. At the time this is written, the re publicans had taken no action, but it is thought thatthey, also will aomt Bite a J$ Mfe ~vrgn PLANS ON TOOT FOR NEW HOTEL It i& definitely been {nnou^iced that plans for the erection o fa neW , and modern hotel in Sylva have ma tured to the extent that sufficient capital has been assured for the pro ject, if a small amount of stock can be sold to the citizenship of the town. Those backing the proposed hotel state that they are not anxious to make the investment if private in dividuals intend to erect a modem hotel, but that f no individuals are going to do so, that they will put up the major portion of the capital nec essary to assure Sylva a new hotel of the most modern type. With the burning of the Com mercial Hotel, last week, the necessity for a hotel for Sylva has become imperative, and there is no doubt that a modern hotel, backed by the citizenship of Sylva would prove to be a great asset to the town and to the county. o SPRING MUSIC FESTIVAL STARTS WEDNESDAY The annual Spring music festival bfcgins next Wednesday evening, and concludes Saturday evening. The festival is imder direction of the Piedmont Lyceum Circuit, and in cludes four exceptionally good pro grams, beginning Wednesday evening with Vierr's Hawaiian Singers ami Players, a feature that will doubtless please all music lovers. On Thursday cve'ning The Toolcv Comic Opera Company will present the .Japanese Opera "The Mikado". Friday The Kendree Concert Company, a trio of artists, will present a broad rcpei toiro including Violin, Vocal, Piano and Bag-pipe ducts, solos anil!en seinble number. The fourth eveninr Saturday, the Galgano Duo Company will entertain with the harp, guitar, readings and harpologues. The dates are April 25 to 28. Season tickets are now on sale. ? i o DAILY BUS LINE * ? -v-v , ^ TO ASHEVILLE The Jackson County Bus Line has purchased two Hudson touring cars, and has inaugrated daily schedules from Cullowhee, Sylva and Dillsboro to Asheville and return, which will doubtless prove of great value to the people of Jackson County, having business in Asheville and intermedi ate points, and wishing to make con nections with Southern railway trains out of Asheville, to points, South, East and West. PAINTING UP "They shall be arrayed in white". \To tl)oSo tv -tyIs refer to s"methi;ng entirely different. But what else Uu i.v iv liwmgly express what id in mind! Here i" the circumstance: When von are in t!>e most attractive part of SvJvi and vour attention is attracted by the newly-painted house just wuth of the Methodist Church, take notice that that house is a parsonage where a very happvMethodist preach er's family resides. Yes, verily it is a parsonage, : I id a preacher lives there. If he should appear a little "'ic^tv walking about remember 'there's a reason'. That is the fact that shows, but there is a story back of it. Mr. Ford King decidcd that a dingy wcathcy beaten house was no place for a preacher to live, r.nd said to the ladies "Get some paint and I'll put >n". Mrs. M. Buchanan and Mrs. Carrie 'McKee sr. id "We'll get the paint". Afid the kind-heart ed folks who popped, looked and loosened know how thev got the paiht. And the preacher's family had nothing to d< know how they got the paint. An-' but smile while the whole houso was getting white right over their head But they ask that it be made pub' V through this note that they feel the church has done a beautiful and ""ery much neededi thing. They want it said that they tliank every one who gave time, labor or motney to dress the parsonage in white. ? Tt should have been said in tb?* Journal last week, but was overlook ???} that the Methodist congregation Ji Sylva at tfteir meeting Sunday, April 8th by a rising vote expressed their admiration for the work of the fire eompany in combatting the flames at Sylva 's recent fire. . By the same vote they expressed their sympathies for those who were losoi'a VIRTUE IS ITS OWN REWARD ?' \ i?s i, BEOODY BIDDY CAUSES LOSS OF EGOS Raleigh, N". C. April 26. ? " A hen is always i?n a laying condition when she goos broody and if this con dition is broken up at oace she will almost immediately go back to lay ing. If she is allowed to remain on the nest for several days, however, the ovary and oviduct will gradually recede to a dormant condition and several weeks of production by this htyi will be lost at a time when eggs are most needed. One should begin breaking up the broody condition at onee by placing the hen in a specially constructed broody eoop, says Dr. B, F. Kaupp, in chargo of poultry In vestigations for the Stato College and Experiment Station. Dr. Kaupp states that a good broody eoop can be made from laths Blatted on all sides including the bot tom. This eoop can either be placed on legs or hung from a tree. By placing the hen in such a coop jusr as soon as she begins to cluck, and remain on the jnest, and by watering and feeding her grain and laying masli, Dr. Kaupp finds that she will start to lay again within three or four days. She can than be returned ! to the la j ling house. , ! Dr. Kaupp advises that as soon as ; the hen is placed in the broody coon, 1 she should be fed at once so as to have a chance to absorb the yolks that are developing in the ovary. By having the bottom of the coop slat ted the hen cannot hover and soon gives up the tendency to broodi.ness. If the hen is left on the nest or if she is not fed properly she will re absorb the eggs which are already developed so that the care, water ing and feeding must be done right. Throwing the hen off the nest, dip ping her in cold water, or not feed ing her, is abuse only and will not broak her up, says Dr. Kaupp. This will often cause trouble. With the assistance of the broody coop and plenty of feed, the hen begins to lay even before she is removed from the coop. A financial loss will thus be saved. BALSAM : i \ ? > Several of our people have been hun rw.tly in the wood and log ging business. Mr. E. M. Smathere badly hurt near East La Porte. M - ' .v ud Hyatt and Mr. Rick Coward wore hurt by logs rolling r- ; r ?'(?< ? :. However, all are improv F ie Zaehary,ofCanton was >? J::\!sr?nr. last week. Mr. ,snd Mrs. E. W. Kent, of New P rt, R. I., who wintered in Port range. Fla., arrived in Baltam Fri day of last week and are occupying their eottage here. ' i Smathers ?r>d little Mvrtle, Fr^at the wer>\- end ? in Willets. Mf ndav seemed to be rioving day in Balsam. Mr. W. S. Dills and family moved to Asheville where he will have charge of Dr. Briggs' farm. Mrs. Mary Henry moved tr Willets. Mrs. John Moore and family moved firm Dark Ridge to Bal^m. Mr. J. B. Queen has moved the p-stofficc. Postmaster for the office here to fill ; the vacancy caused by the death oil W. B. Farwell, Post Master. Mrs. j D. T. Knight, who was Mr. Farwell 's assistant, has had charge of the office. A civil servicc examination, to supply the vacancy here, was held in Waynesville February, 17th at which only' two applicants appeared. Mrs. D. T. Knight and C. R. Jones, Jr. Both passed the examination but Mrs. Knight made highest grade. No. postmaster has yet been appointed. Mrs.Lettie Reed has returned from Hazelwood, where she wa is mder treatement of several Doctors. VV? are glad to say she seems to be im .prbving. , ;. I? Master Francis Jones accompian ed his father, Rev. Otho J. Jones, of Sylva to Balsam Sunday after noon. BARKER'S GREEK Mrs. T. S. Nations has been very . fll with flu A very interesting sermon was I preached at the Baptist Chm? h Sunday by Rev. Mr. Cook. Mrs. S. C. Allison called on Mr. W. W. Jc:nes Saturday afternoon. Mis. James Sitton visited relatives I here Thursday. Mrs. James Pangle and little son, J. C. Called at Mre^D. 6. Sutton's Saturday. Mr. Claude Jones made a business trip to Sylva Saturday. Mr. Lawrence Gates has moved to the Revis saw mill to take chargc of the lodging camps. Mr. General Jones made a business trip to Sylva Wednesday. We are glad to say Mrs. W. W. Jones and Mrs. R. M. Fisher are improving after serious illnesses of pneumonia. Mrs. L. B. Nations and Mrs. Bes sie Henson were the guests of Mi's. Joe Brooks, Monday. Mr. Johnson Thomas has returned to his work on Alarka, after spending a week with home folks. Mr. Charlie Brooks made a bus iness trip to Whittier Wednesday. Mr. T. C. Jnnes, of BiyBon City, visited his daughter, Mis. Lee Bradley, Friday. Mr. Tom Segle, of Wilmot ' spent the week end with his son. ! Mr. Jno. Davis is ill with flu. Mr. and Mr#. John Brown, of Dix Creek made a brief stay here Sun day. . Mr. Hyman Sutton went to Dills, boro, Saturday, shopping. Miss Selma Jones made a trip to Dix Creek, Saturday. Mr. Dewey Green passed through onr section Si>nday. Misses Gladys and Maire Fisher left Wednesday for Tennessee where they will spend the summer. Mi's. Etta Bradley and daughters, Helen and Naomi called at Mrs. Johnson Thomas' Friday. Miss Birdell Sutton was the guest of Miss Myrtle Thomas, Thursday. Miss Bessie Brooks went to Wil mot Tuesday, shopping. Mr. Lee Bradley made a busViess trip to Dillsboro, Sunday. Misses Nell and Myrtle Thomas and Bessie Brooks were the guests of Miss Leona Dills Wednesday. | 4 ft* Thomas home, Sunday. Mr. Joe Sutton from Dillsboro. visited relatives at this place Sim day. Mrs. Joe Messer and little da* ? 'li ter, Pauline, were the guests of .M rs. Johnson Thomas Sunday. Mi*. J. C. Jones, of VVhittier,v was the guest of Mr. General Jones, Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sution call ed at Mr. J. C. Pangle's, Sitndax afternoon. , "?* ? 0 WILMOT Two interesting scfiiuons were preached Sunday by Rev.M?L.GarreLi of Bryson City. Misses Annie and Maggie Work*;, went to Sylva Monday, .shopping. . ,? Mr. Dewey Greeii, of Barker'. Creek was in town Monday. Mr. and Mi's. Henry Raby and little grand son, Lawrence called at Mrs. Rebecca Parker's Sunday after noon. Miss Lucy Ward was in town Monday, shopping. I Mr. and Mrs. Billie Nation dined nt Mr. Tom Farley's Sunday. Misses Cleo Brown and Nellie Nations went to Barker's Creek Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Geoi^ge Ensley, Inez and Robert Ward passed throuim here Sunday in a new Ford. Mr. and Mra. S. A. Ashe, of Whit tier attended services hero Sunday afternoon. ' Mrs. J. T. Revis went to Whittici Wednesday, shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Raby, Boss!. Farl y and little son, Willard went ear riding Sunday. Airs. Baxter Lewis, of Whittle; spent Friday night with Mr.- Job.. Lewis. Mrs. Bedford Bradley and ckihire visited, at Mrs. Roy Sntlieii:yiv', Sunday ril'ieruoon. Rev. .-Jr. Brindle dined at -M . Nath Buni"4. nier's Sunday. Mr. Jo!m Lewis made a bnsiiK' trip to Sylva Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Me:;ser atte::d cd services here Sunday. Mrs. Manly Gibsru visited her son Fred Gibson, Monday. Eveiy one renic rber, Sunday t!:< twenty-second. Re-.. Thad Watsoi will preach at the Ba >;:sf Church. Rev. J. R. Church. < f Qualla, i holding a revival at the t. II. Chine Every one is invited to come and t?ke part. \ Mr. Ellis Patterson is spr;,-: few da}s with home folks. Mrs. Walter Rogers, of Canton 1 spending a few days here with lie husband. JENKINS STARTS MEET ING AT HAZEL WOJDI. Shuford Jenkins will conduct :: series of meetings at Hazelwood, he ginning Sunday, April 22. Mr. Jen kins is well remembered here, having, conducted a series of meetings Sylva, last fall, that stirred the en tire town and county. <> The world over, the most enlight encd and progressive agriculture' districts are found where livesioe!. provides one of the chief sources or ? DAVID KEENER DIES SHOAL CREEK NEWS Mr. II. Keener u:rl'i to the home of his father, Mr: K. S. Keener on Satur day a flemoUi. Funeral services wert hold in tli<> Methodist Church, con ducted by lie v. J.R. Church and Prof. .1. !U (ii )li>. mi Sunday afternoon, and his. In dy laid to rest in the cemetery Shoal Creek. He wns qui* imiasirious, honest, truthful and it; ?. ? ':i. Beside.* his parentc h* leave# .Ciree brothers, three sisters^ a host ?f relatives and friends who mourn I):' cause he has been taken | . i:. A !;? rvov ;1 attended the fun vv . ? . : r lhe Visitors, were Mr. A. I. !::r ;?nd family of Bryson I .. i id Mrs. R. .T. Roane, Mr. V.. Varner, Mr. a'nd Mrs. I>. ii. ; -i.ji, Airs. .1. (!. Varner, M.n at:d McHan, Mr. and \l . ( Uusilies, Mr. Glenn Stal . 'i li-js. Barrett, Mr. < and '.1 . "i. Zachary, of Whittier, 1! r. and Ju*s. A, 1). Parker, Mr. Loral ar.ii Mr. 1). U. Owen of Mi*. ( . T. (S'noper made a business i r:j? .i A lieVille, Wednesday. . . . I;, llaltie left Thursday for I.e.- Ai. ? ' Calif. ' . P. Bird, of Sylva callcd at M i . A. Bird's Wednesday. ir. 1 Mrs. Perce McLaughlin i> ? v. ? . end at Mr. K. liov, etl L.'he House is spending a ?Vv -i . i\ii Mrs. ('. M. Hughes at H " ? * ' . n. i Iloyle and Miss 'lire.* llni." vi:dted ::t Mr. S. M. Cri V- V. . ? i' v. i 1 V|?. J. 1?. Church and Mr.-. ' W'i'rrins dined at Mr. W. .T. Tuntins Sunday. Mr.V^I. Miches visited Mr. J. O. Terrell Sunday. Mr. !!. (J. Bird andjtfiv Arley Mc ( !i. e. i ; Sylva in. tared to Shoal Cre; -: Sunday afternoon. 'ir. Bir-I of i Jry soil CiLv visit -ed relames Tuesday. Mr. Je.ij-jlli Kuslev, of Beta, has hee ; ii; .di,: ? a lev." days with his daiHiUr' M :si Freeman. - visited tchool T!t:n ? ?? .Mi*. I \v,*ry 'Iri.sley spent Wednes day I with Mr. Claude Hughes. Mr. and 'Mi's. .1. E. Iloyle spent the v . . uid( with Mr. 11. I*. Queen, at Sylva. i ' Sir:';* Mathews called at Iter. W. \. Anthony's Thursday. Air. and Mrs. Olus Howell spent tin* wi- , end at Mr. A. C. Hojde's. Mis.-; Maud Cooper spent Sundaji^__ nhl i with Misses Gertrude and Ruth 1 *iT -i * ronton. Mis. Wiii. and Mrs. Rufus Oxjfier spent Tm day with Mrs. Troy Tur- k pin. Mr . ! . (iibson r.nd Miss Nor* Wrrd ted at Mr. 1>. L. Oxner's Fue-vluy. O RHODES TO BUILD Business house . :!. al'ndes hns begun tearing r! . t .!? ?? i ? fiiU* of Co lf'/e, & y > * ? i : fanner of Nash (bounty insd* ? ('r-.',r I:! i ye;>r on a rented V . . .' } Miev iii Sampson County ? C tO i:: *l(! S i'ij" < XtTU'li' f;l wo; *cf ,\s ? ill! bidding cr p it is eve; U-t ! a:.?! it lakes good pa? t?!ie ft,-/ c::i tb', ? i ' ;p and hogs. o jl;;':." tirovi- ion for a good aerea ? t" ?lin,!ier ' 'giirres advise; Colic/# and Department of Agriculture workers. More fertile soils will re suit. _