Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bcll-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 254 AND 75* PACKAGES EVERYWHERE ?ELP~YMSEif ~~ SET WELL FAST IF you have been ill, and it seema as if you never would get your strength back, you need the won derful strengthening and rebuilding qualities of Gude's Pepto-Mangan. It has helped thousands of invalids and convalescents to get back their strength, put on firm flesh, eat well, deep well, feel well and BE well! Your druggist has Gude's Pepto Mangan ? liquid or tablets, as you pre fer. Gude's Pepto-Mangan Tonic and. Blood Enricher* L Stops Lameness from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar troubles and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good results are lasting. Docs not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 In pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $230 a bottle delivered. Hone Book 9 A free. W. F. YOUNG, he.. 310 Tenple St, SpriagSeM, Hut. GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND quickly relieves the distress log paroxysms. Used for 55 years and result of loug experience In treatment of throat ar?l lung diseases by Dr. J. U. Guild. FREE TRIAL BOX, Treatise on Asthma, its causes, treatment, etc., sent upon request. 25c. and #1.00 at druggists. 3. H. OUILD CO., RUPERT, VT. VITO Unrivaled for Dandruff, Eczema . Falling Ilair. Skin and Scalp Diseases. Not a quack nostrum, but a Baltimore PHYSI CIAN'S PRESCRIPTION. Odorless, grease less, no alcohol. Half-pint bottle 60c postpaid. TIIK VITO CO. F. O. Box ?95 Baltimore, Md. Cuticura Soap ? The Safety Razor ? Shaving Soap Cntkors Soap shaves without mag. Everywhere 28c. ELIXIR BAI1EK A GOOD TONIC And Drltw Malaria Oat of the System. "Your 'Babck' acts like magic; I have given It to numerous people In my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria and fever. I recommend It to those who are sufferers and in need of a good tonic."? Rev. S. Szymanowski. St. Stephen's church Perth Amboy, N. J. Elixir Babek, all druggists or by Parcel Post, prepaid, from Kloczewskl & Co., Washington, D. C. Woes of Foreign Travel. Jesse Lasky, the movie magnate, was talking about the woes of post war foreign travel. "In Paris the other day," he said, "I met an American In the bar of one of the hotels de lu*e. ? " 'It is costing me here in this hotel,' the American said, as he forked out about $2 for a glass of beer ? 'well, it Is costing me here just 8,000 francs s week.' "'But your quarters,' said I. 'Very spnclsus, eh?', " 'Quarters?' he grunted. 'You mean eighths.' " Viking Queen's Tomb, What Is believed to be the tomb of a Viking queen has been unearthed In southern Norway. The burial chamber was found supplied with a complete equipment for that future life anticipated by northern pagan Ism, Including a furnished kitchen, beds and looms. Stearns' Electric Paste Is recornlxed as the guaranteed exterminator for Rats, Mice, Ants, Cockroaches and Waterboys. Don't waste time try In* to kill these pests with powders, liquids or any experimental preparations. Ready for Use? Bettor than Traps a-oz. box, 860 15-01. box, tLSO SOLO EVERYWHERE MOLD? Sli Color K?ionr will brio* Wk ori?nja color THE CITY DOG "I'm a dog and I live In the city. Tm a nice dog, too, a good-sized Airedale chap.' "I'm treated so well, and when ray family can they take me out in the country so I can have long runs, and In the summer they go to the country. "If It were not for the family .1 wouldn't care so much for the city, for city life is hard on a flog. "St ! 1 1, I am treated so well. Some city dogs It It Fun, Too." aren't treated \ well at all. Gra cious, it makes me mad when I see the way some of them are treated. "They're not even allowed the full length of their leashes, but they're held so close and made to walk just so. i I'd like to see the people who hold those leashes do as they expect the dogs to do. "Some of them strike the dogs if . they pull on their leashes at all. "They make the dogs cowed and ! wretched. Oh, how wrong, how dreadfully wrong it Is. "The people who do such things j should be made to spend all their | lives that way, in little bits of apart- j raents and then taken out for little ; bits of walks and struck if they don't ! act ? well? almost as though they weren't alive ! "It makes my family angry, too, and they often speak to people they see treating their dogs in this fashion. "'It is terrible,' they say to these j people, 'that you can have a dog at j your mercy like that. You should be | at the mercy of someone who would ' treat you as you're treating that dog, and then you would know what that dog suffers and how miserable Is his life.' "Oh, yes, my family speak to people who do not treat their animals well. Sometimes the people get very angry, but my family do not mind. "And sometimes the people are ashamed. And l'iu glad when they are ashamed, for then I hope they will improve and see things in a different light. , "But I mustn't talk on this subject, for it makes me sad. "I started in to tell you something i of my life and of what I see in the j city. "Well, outside the second story win dow ? we live on the second story or second lloor, or whatever you want to call it? there is quite a wide ledge. "There 011 the suuny days the1 fam ily put a pillow for nie, and I put my head and front paws out of the win dow upon the pillow. "I cannot full, and the greater part of me is inside the room. But there I get the loveliest sunshine and I see all the excitements. The neighbors say they like to watch me. "I put my head down on my paws and I look up the street for awhile und then I look down the street. "I look in front of me and I look about me, just as I've seen people do who look out of windows, and it la fun, too. "I so enjoy the sights. Yes, a city dog does see plenty of sights. Some times a Are engine or two or three dash along. "Everything makes room for them! And I see dogs on the street and I see pigeons llylng about and walk ing, too, along the street ? right In the middle of the road. "They're very quick about always getting out of the way of anything that comes along. "Then I can see into the house across the way. There Is a little blind boy In that house, and he has inaqy pet canaries. "The canaries come out of the cage on the sunny days ? In fact whenever they want to, It would appear ? and the window Is closed so no harm can come to them. "And they perch on the boy's shoulders and on his head and on his fingers. Thej all seem to 'Be such; good friends. And sometimes I've seen the boy playing a musical Instrument and I could tell by look ing that they were all having a concert. "Sometimes I see children, and I can tell they are standing on their tiptoes by the way they're taller then than at other times. And they see extra things that way. "It seems a nice idea to be able to get on the tips of the toes and see extra sights. Tiptoes or the tips of toes almost make up to children, I should think, for not having four legs ! > "These are some of the thoughts of this city dog! I hope you will my way ftometlmes so that I may see you. I so love to see children." "Such Good Friend#." A 1,1 THAT Eases Quickly When You Apply a Little Musterole > And Musterole won't Mister like the old-fashioned mustard . plaster. Just spread it on with yotjr fingers. It penetrates to the sore spot with a gentle tingle, loosens the congestion and draws out the soreness and pain. Musterole is a dean, white ointment made with o3 of mustard. It fe fine for quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleu risy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chest. Keep it handy for instant use. 35c and 65c, jars and tubes; hospital size, $3.00. Better than a muttard pla*tmr , ' One Live Topic. They were thrown into each other's j society in a country house, without common interests or the least attrac tion for each other. Finally, after casting about for a fertile subject of conversation, only to fail in every attempt, he said, des perately: "Will you marry me?" She considered long and deeply. "I think I'll say yes," she replied at last. "It will give us so much more to talk about while we're here." ? Los Angeles Times. CORNS ??????? V-v Lift Off with Fingers "Freozonp" on an aching corn, instant ly that ^>rn stops hurting, then short ly you Tift it right off with Angers. Truly I , Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a fotv cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal luses, without soreness or irritation. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication t^iat the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking LATHROP'S MUM* ii - _ HAARLEM OIL m The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes, all druggists. Guaranteed as represented Look for thf name Cold Modal on wmj box and acctpt no imitation Vaseline fegusmoo: CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JELLY No skin break too small for notice. Be very wary of cuts, scratches and skin abrasions, no matter how slight. "Vaseline" Carbol ated Petroleum Jelly ? applied at once ? lessens the possibility of infection. It comes in bottles ? at all druggist* and general stores. ? CHESEBROUGH MFG. COMPANY (Consolidated) State St. New York Every "Vaseline" product h recon t m ended everywhere because of its abso lute purity and effectiveness. Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? TUt? RHHJMACIDK to tmwt* I)mmh tatdrlTtttopolMifioBttoiyUML At All Dragjctats .?* Jas. B*3y k Son, WkoleuW DutriWti Bal timer*. Md. ?(PROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL ' SundaySchool ' Lesson ' i (By REV. P. B. KITZWATER, D. D? Teacher of English Bible fo the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyrlirht, 1923. Western Newspaper Union. LESSON FOR APRIL 15 JOSEPH, THE PRESERVER OF HIS PEOPLE LESSON TEXT? Genesis GOLDEN TEXT? Honor thy fath?* and thy mother, that thydaysmaybe long upon the land which the Lord thy God glveth thee. ? Exodus 2012 REFERENCE MATERIAL ? Joshua 24:32; Psalm 105:16-22; Hebrews 11.11 ^PRIMARY TOPIC ? Joseph Forgiving JUNIOR TOPIC ? Joseph, tho Forgiv 'Dfl4TERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC? Joseph as Son aneen cleared of debris. Brickwork believed to go back beyond 1G00 has been found, and It Is believed that the two mash tubs bearing the lettering "D.D.," now on view in the vaults of Devonshire house, were brought from the original brew ery. ? London Mall. Bird Well Named. We are told that Pliny named the ptarmigan Lagopus owing, it is thought, to the close resemblance of the bird's feet to the feet of the hare ; the legs being thickly covered with short feathers right to the very claws. This thick, warm clothing of the legs, increased in winter, is in direct adap tation to the need of a bird, most of whose life is spent on mountain snow field or cold plains. What to Eat and Why A Natural Supply of Vitamin The word "Vitamin" is new, but the thing itself is as old as the human race. It is the energizing, vitalizing, growth - producing ele ment in the rlfht food. Its ab sence is a serious fault of the wrong food. When the food is right, there ia no need to go to the drug store for Vitamin. Grape-Nuts, the famous ready to-eat cereal, supplies the natural Vitamin from the wheat, and a fur ther supply Is included ip the cream or milk with which Grape-Nats is eaten. Grape-Nuts is delightfully crisp and appetizing, with a flavor whicn happily supgegtp thg wholesome, health-building goodness which the food contains. Phosphorus and iron, u wall as Vitamin, with a bran content to stimulate intestinal action, are supplied by Grape-Nuts. Many of our modern, "refined" foods lack these vitally ^necessary elements. Grape-Nuts digests easily and is assimilated quickly, and is splen didly nourishing and energizing. Youll find better health and fit ness, in the natural way, with Grape-Nuts as a regular part of your diet. There's genuine economy in Grape-Nuts ? many servings of this exceptionally nourishing food to the package. At your grocer's ? ready to serve. , Grape-Nuts ? the Body Builder. "There's a' Season.* Made by Postum Cereal Co* Inc* Battle Creek, Michigan,